How can I create a Trend Line in Amazon QuickSight? - calculation

I need to create a Trend calculation for a dashboard in Amazon QuickSight. Basically I need the same thing that the Trend function in Excel allows.

As of February 2020 QuickSight does not provide an ability to create a trend line. Your best strategy at the moment is to calculate trend line values outside of QuickSight (in your ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipeline) and only use QuickSight to show the line.
We do know that customers need this ability so we are planning to provide this functionality in one of the upcoming releases.


How to forecast a dynamic number of time series in Watson Studio Modeler Flow

In Watson Studio Modeler Flow, how do I forecast time series when the number of series is dynamic?
I have studied tutorials and demos but I have only found methods that require each field's type to be manually specified. This is not feasible when there are hundreds of time series and the exact number of series changes between runs.
I need to be able to run a forecasting job even if the amount of timeseries changes (without going to the modeler to manually select a Type for each series). Since this is a trivial for-loop in Python, I expect that Modeler Flow should have some way to tackle this.
My desired flow (step 2 is the problem):
Import data from an external data source with a Connection.
Create forecasts for each individual series in the data. The number of series may vary between runs. (All the series have the same time values so they could share the time field.)
Export results back to the source system.
Help would be appreciated :)
I asked the technical team about your question. Their reply is: "Currently Modeler requires specific target field names for Time Series. It is not supported to claim “target = all fields”.
The feature is currently not supported, but you can file a suggestion here:

Crunching history data for a Rails application

I have a Rails application which is mainly used to show data to the users through dashboards.
The application is currently running on a PostgreSQL database.
All the history values stored so far are in the form [date,variable,value].
The records can be stored every 5 minutes, and the number of variables I'm tracking is high, aka, millions of records in the history table.
Now I need to do operations in between variables. So let's say I have a variable A and a variable B, I would need:
the value of A/B.
the history of A/B calculated every t (which can be 5 minutes/1 day/1 week).
Currently I am doing everything within the Rails environment, but I know that Ruby isn't a fast language so I'm planning a change.
In the near future I would also need to calculate derivatives and integrals so I was thinking that I might need a dedicated/decoupled services that only does data crunching.
What would be a good tool/language that allows me to do complex math operations on large set of data?
What would be a good tool/language that allows me to do complex math operations on large set of data?
Python and numpy/scipy are what you need! I'm not trying to sell some python to a ruby afficionado, but I can vouch for these packages, they're awesome.
It's close to matlab where you manipulate native vector/matrix data types, using functions that support vectorization. It can use openmp for parallelism, there is also numexpr. It is both very fast and very easy to use, plus the library is enormous, here is an example.
Thanks to peufeu answer, I could find these guys:

How to know if a project has issues in JIRA

I am working in a big company and we are having a lot of JIRA projects, I would like to have a dashboard or a way to know if the projects that exist in JIRA are used, e.g if there are any issues in them (I don't need to see the issues just to have a number).
Can I do it without accessing to the database, do I need a plugin, is there a functional way to get the info? :)
thanks a lot
best regards
Adrien k
You can easily do this with the built-in Two Dimensional Filter Statistics gadget:
first, search for all issues in your JIRA instance. There may be an easier way to do this, but you can certainly use JQL like project=ABC or project != ABC.
save the search as a filter
go to a dashboard, add a new Two Dimensional Filter Statistics gadget. Select your newly-saved filter, select "Project" for one axis, and something small in number (like Issue Type) to the other axis. You'll also need to adjust "Number of Results" to exceed the number of issue types in your system.
save the gadget
Note that the Projects gadget also provides somewhat-similar information with fewer configuration requirements, but as far as I know, it doesn't show the numeric issue totals unless you hover the mouse pointer over the bars.
The company I work for makes a plugin that can do that - Structure
That's an example structure containing all issues in available projects, they are then grouped by project, and there's a column showing the number of sub-items (issues) in each group (project).
You can also add a structure to a dashboard/Confluence page.
On a large JIRA instance it be a bit on the expensive side to use it just for that alone though...

Customizing tfs 2015 capacity planning

Is there a way to customize capacity planning in TFS2015? I would like to set capacity per iteration for the whole team or every single person. Is there a way to accomplish that without setting capacity per day for each user?
There is no way to do this.
You have to add the same value for each team member at the dart of the iteration.
You should be able to script it.

JIRA: Any way to compare summed up estimates for one release to available time?

the customer I'm working for uses JIRA. However since they have a big Enterprise license (~2k users) they will not sign off additional plugins that would only be used by a comparatively small amount of users.
However, we in lead development have to present a few figures that we have to assemble manually at the moment. We are supposed to be able to always tell for one release how many hours are already "booked". (Original) Estimates are added reliably to all issues and everything is assigned to exactly one release. Based on the amount of workers in the team I can calculate the number of hours we have for the next release.
Is there any built-in possibility to do a report for this at any time? I'm a bit lost at the moment since I wonder where I'd store or how I'd calculate the amount of hours.
Note: we're not allowed to buy plugins, but we have coders at our fingertips. :D So a hint on how to script or code this would be appreciated as well.
Thanks a lot!
I think that the easiest approach is to use JIRA REST API to extract the info you need. So this is task for your coders :-).
Please take a look on search method:
I think that you can start with request like
