Run dart script outside of a project folder - dart

I am trying to replace python with dart as a scripting language for my tools. I can create a python file anywhere, import global packages and run it but I can't seem to get this working with dart. Do I always need a pubspec.yaml file to run a dart script?
This is the script I am trying to run:
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
main(List<String> args) async{
var res = await http.get('');
This is the error I am getting:
Error: Could not resolve the package 'http' in 'package:http/http.dart'.
test2.dart:1:8: Error: Not found: 'package:http/http.dart'
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
test2.dart:4:19: Error: Method not found: 'get'.
var res = await http.get('');

No, you don't need a pubspec.yaml file to run a program, but it does need to somehow be able to resolve all the imports.
The pubspec.yaml file is used for obtaining the packages (from, a git repository, etc.) but not for finding the packages at runtime. The pub program reads the pubspec.yaml file and downloads the packages mentioned in it, and maintains a packages specification file indicating where each package resolves to. By default the packages specification is in a file called .packages in the same directory as the pubspec.yaml file. The Dart runtime normally finds the packages by looking at the .packages package specification file, but there are other ways.
Here are some options:
Put a .packages file in the same directory as the Dart program, or in an ancestor directory.
Use the --packages option to specify the package specification file to use:
dart --packages=/home/username/stuff/mypackagespecfile myprogram.dart
The Dart runtime also has a --package-root option. But I haven't figured out how to make it work.
The import statements use URIs, so import 'file://...'; can also work in some cases.
Use dart2native to compile the program into an executable.
Note: Dart scripts can also start with a hash-bang line:
#!/usr/bin/env dart
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
main(List<String> args) async{
var res = await http.get('');
Then you can make the program executable and run it without needing to type in the Dart runtime:
$ chmod a+x myprogram.dart
$ ./myprogram.dart


What is the Difference between Dart console-full and console-simple application?

While learning dart I came across to these type of console application, so I just want to know What is the Difference between Dart console-full and console-simple application?
Both templates generate a Dart project with some default files:
But does then also create Dart files which depends on the type of template:
Creates a very basic Dart project with a single Dart file named bin/<project_name>.dart with the content:
void main(List<String> arguments) {
print('Hello world!');
Create a more complete Dart project where we split the code into bin/, lib/, and test/. The description in the auto-generated file does explain the file structure:
A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code
in lib/, and example unit test in test/.
The project makes use of the test package for unit testing so the project will by default include this package in the pubspec.yaml.
Following Dart files is generated to make use of the three directories:
// bin/project_name.dart
import 'package:project_name/project_name.dart' as project_name;
void main(List<String> arguments) {
print('Hello world: ${project_name.calculate()}!');
// lib/project_name.dart
int calculate() {
return 6 * 7;
// test/project_name_test.dart
import 'package:project_name/project_name.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test('calculate', () {
expect(calculate(), 42);

How to fix find error for dart:html in VSCode?

I try to run in VSCode a simple dart program with
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:html';
// import 'package:html/dom.dart';
// import 'package:html/dom_parsing.dart';
// import 'package:html/parser.dart';
void main() async{
var myTable = new TableElement()
// ..setAttribute(name, value);
In Run mode (I use VSCode extension "Code Runner 0.9.9") and in Debug appeared the same error:
Error: Not found: 'dart:html'
import 'dart:html';
I have installed Dart SDK 2.3.1 at Windows10 and not installed Flutter at all.
PATH pointed to Dart SDK bin directory
PATH =D:\Dart\dart-sdk\bin;
*) At project directory I try to add additional directive at pubspec.yaml
name: main
description: Test App sample22
After "pub get" command I'll see that html present but error still persist.
pub get
Resolving dependencies...
+ charcode 1.1.2
+ csslib 0.16.0
+ html 0.14.0+2
+ path 1.6.2
+ source_span 1.5.5
+ term_glyph 1.1.0
Changed 6 dependencies!
*) My next step was to import html parts via "package:html/" (marked as comments in code sample). It is not helped and required class TableElement still unrecognizable.
"main.dart:8:19: Error: Method not found: 'TableElement'."
*) I try to change "launch.json" string from
"program": "bin/main.dart",
"program": "D:/Dart/WRK03t/main.dart",
And rename my code file to "main.dart"
*) Also I try to remove Dart extension from VSCode, restart PC and install it again. it's not helped.
But let me say that when I compile main.dart to js
"dart2js -m -o tst.js main.dart"
Resulted tst.js run correctly within the html page.
Almost the same problem in Request Dart Installation doesnt find dart:html
dart:html is only available in the browser. This is the error you get if you try to run code that uses it on the VM (instead of the browser). This is expected.
If you need to run your code outside of the browser (eg. in the VM as a CLI app or via Fluter) you cannot use dart:html. If you only want to use it in the browser but VS Code is trying to run your code in the VM, you'll need to set up some VS Code tasks/launch configs to run build_runner, similar to the Dart DevTools project:

Nim cannot open 'opencv/highgui'

I'm trying to use this library a wrapper for OpenCV.
After running nimble install opencv
I can see the package in ~/.nimble/pkgs/opencv-0.1.0/
But when attempting to use I get a compile error
Error: cannot open 'opencv/highgui'
import opencv/highgui
const fileName = "g.jpg"
let img_colr = loadImage(fileName, 1)
echo img_colr.width
echo img_colr.height
Not sure what the problem is something to do with Nim import paths?...
Are you compiling with nimble or nim? If the former then make sure you've got requires "opencv" in your .nimble file.

Where to set the path to the protoc to import standards Protocol Buffers

Where need I to set the path to the protoc to get import standards Protocol Buffers (protobuf), like empty.proto and timestamp.proto in Windows and Dart?
When the protoc is ran:
protoc --dart_out=grpc:lib/src/protos/generated -Iprotos
The following error is presented:
google/protobuf/empty.proto: File not found. organization.proto:
Import "google/protobuf/empty.proto" was not found or had errors.
organization.proto:14:27: "google.protobuf.Empty" is not defined.
In IntelliJ Settings on Protobuf Support plugin the path is define where standard protos (*.proto) are:
Additionally this path is define in IntelliJ on Project Structure \ Global Libraries:
The code organization.proto that import google/protobuf/empty.proto to use Empty class :
syntax = "proto3";
package auge.protobuf;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
service OrganizationService {
rpc GetOrganizations (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (OrganizationsResponse) {}
IntelliJ analyzer recognizes the import "google/protobuf/empty.proto" and Empty class on IDEA, but protoc can not find.
The environment is:
SO: Windows 7 x64
protoc: libprotoc 3.6.1
Dart: 2.2.0-edge
Say you have /some/path/to/google/protobuf/empty.proto, you need to pass --proto_path=/some/path/to/ so protoc can locate it.
use two dot before protobuf folder path
<Protobuf Include="..\Proto\protobuf.proto" ProtoRoot="Proto" />

Cannot install material design lite for dart

I cannot seem to install MDL for Dart. My files are very simple.
name: mdl_test
mdl: "^1.0.0"
browser: '^0.10.0'
di: "^3.3.4"
- di
import 'package:mdl/mdl.dart' as mdl;
main() async {
await mdl.componentFactory().run();
I am getting multiple errors. Example: Target of URI does not exist: package:logging/logging.dart - I checked, and logging is downloaded properly.
There are many "Target of URI does not exist" errors as well. It seems that packages in main.dart are imported fine, but packages installed with pub, that import other packages, are not working. Does anyone know why this is, or what the fix is? Thanks.
