What is the best way to call different npm scripts from a Dockerfile depending on type of environment (i.e. development or production)?
My current Dockerfile is below:
FROM node:12.15.0-alpine
ARG env
WORKDIR /usr/app
COPY ./ /usr/app
CMD npm run start
Ideally I would either like to be able to run a npm run start:development script, or start:production script.
I have tried a mix of ARG and ENV variables to get the desired effect. However judging from the below closed GitHub issue, they are not available in the correct part of the cycle that I would require.
CMD npm run start:${env}
Primarily I am wondering if there is a preferred methodology that is used to keep everything in one Dockerfile.
I have had some sort of success with the below code, but sometimes it causes my terminal to become unresponsive.
RUN if [ "$env" = "production" ]; then \
npm run start:prod; \
else \
npm run start:dev; \
The Dockerfile is running in a 'build' context, so any variables available are related to the build environment (when you run docker build), not the execution environment. The build process is running only the first time when you build the image.
If you want to use environment variables defined at execution time, you could use a CMD pointing to a container script. Inside this script, all environment variables are available from the initial execution (container start).
COPY ./scripts /script/path
CMD /script/path/test.sh
cd /your/app/path
echo ENV = $ENV
npm run start:$ENV
Also you could review the best practices for Dockerfiles with good examples and use cases
There are a few processes I'm struggling to wrap my brain around when it comes to multi-stage Dockerfile.
Using this as an example, I have a couple questions below it:
# Dockerfile
# Uses multi-stage builds requiring Docker 17.05 or higher
# See https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/multistage-build/
# Creating a python base with shared environment variables
FROM python:3.8.1-slim as python-base
POETRY_HOME="/opt/poetry" \
PYSETUP_PATH="/opt/pysetup" \
# builder-base is used to build dependencies
FROM python-base as builder-base
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
curl \
# Install Poetry - respects $POETRY_VERSION & $POETRY_HOME
RUN curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sdispater/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python
# We copy our Python requirements here to cache them
# and install only runtime deps using poetry
COPY ./poetry.lock ./pyproject.toml ./
RUN poetry install --no-dev # respects
# 'development' stage installs all dev deps and can be used to develop code.
# For example using docker-compose to mount local volume under /app
FROM python-base as development
ENV FASTAPI_ENV=development
# Copying poetry and venv into image
COPY --from=builder-base $POETRY_HOME $POETRY_HOME
COPY --from=builder-base $PYSETUP_PATH $PYSETUP_PATH
# Copying in our entrypoint
COPY ./docker/docker-entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh
RUN chmod +x /docker-entrypoint.sh
# venv already has runtime deps installed we get a quicker install
RUN poetry install
COPY . .
ENTRYPOINT /docker-entrypoint.sh $0 $#
CMD ["uvicorn", "--reload", "--host=", "--port=8000", "main:app"]
# 'lint' stage runs black and isort
# running in check mode means build will fail if any linting errors occur
FROM development AS lint
RUN black --config ./pyproject.toml --check app tests
RUN isort --settings-path ./pyproject.toml --recursive --check-only
CMD ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
# 'test' stage runs our unit tests with pytest and
# coverage. Build will fail if test coverage is under 95%
FROM development AS test
RUN coverage run --rcfile ./pyproject.toml -m pytest ./tests
RUN coverage report --fail-under 95
# 'production' stage uses the clean 'python-base' stage and copyies
# in only our runtime deps that were installed in the 'builder-base'
FROM python-base as production
ENV FASTAPI_ENV=production
COPY --from=builder-base $VENV_PATH $VENV_PATH
COPY ./docker/gunicorn_conf.py /gunicorn_conf.py
COPY ./docker/docker-entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh
RUN chmod +x /docker-entrypoint.sh
COPY ./app /app
ENTRYPOINT /docker-entrypoint.sh $0 $#
CMD [ "gunicorn", "--worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker", "--config /gunicorn_conf.py", "main:app"]
The questions I have:
Are you docker build ... this entire image and then just docker run ... --target=<stage> to run a specific stage (development, test, lint, production, etc.) or are you only building and running the specific stages you need (e.g. docker build ... -t test --target=test && docker run test ...)?
I want to say it isn't the former because you end up with a bloated image with build kits and what not... correct?
When it comes to local Kubernetes development (minikube, skaffold, devspace, etc.) and running unit tests, are you supposed referring to these stages in the Dockerfile (devspace Hooks or something) or using native test tools in the container (e.g. npm test, ./manage.py test, etc.)?
Thanks for clearing this questions up.
To answer from a less DevSpace-y persepctive and a more general Docker-y one (With no disrespect to Lukas!):
Question 1
❌ Are you docker build ... this entire image and then just docker run ... --target= to run a specific stage
You're close in your understanding and managed to outline the approach in your second part of the query:
✅ or are you only building and running the specific stages you need (e.g. docker build ... -t test --target=test && docker run test ...)?
The --target option is not present in the docker run command, which can be seen when calling docker run --help.
I want to say it isn't the former because you end up with a bloated image with build kits and what not... correct?
Yes, it's impossible to do it the first way, as when --target is not specified, then only the final stage is incorporated into your image. This is a great benefit as it cuts down the final size of your container, while allowing you to use multiple directives.
Details and Examples
It is a flag that you can pass in at build time so that you can choose which layers to build specifically. It's a pretty helpful directive that can be used in a few different ways. There's a decent blog post here talking about the the new features that came out with multi-stage builds (--target is one of them)
For example, I've had a decent amount of success building projects in CI utilising different stages and targets, the following is pseudo-code, but hopefully the context is applied
# Dockerfile
FROM python as base
FROM base as dependencies
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
FROM dependencies as test
COPY src/ src/
COPY test/ test/
FROM dependencies as publish
COPY src/ src/
CMD ...
A Dockerfile like this would enable you to do something like this in your CI workflow, once again, pseudo-code-esque
docker build . -t my-app:unit-test --target test
docker run my-app:unit-test pyunit ...
docker build . -t my-app:latest
docker push ...
In some scenarios, it can be quite advantageous to have this fine grained control over what gets built when, and it's quite the boon to be able to run those images that comprise of only a few stages without having built the entire app.
The key here, is that there's no expectation that you need to use --target, but it can be used to solve particular problems.
Question 2
When it comes to local Kubernetes development (minikube, skaffold, devspace, etc.) and running unit tests, are you supposed referring to these stages in the Dockerfile (devspace Hooks or something) or using native test tools in the container (e.g. npm test, ./manage.py test, etc.)?
Lukas covers a devspace specific approach very well, but ultimately you can test however you like. Using devspace to make it easier to run (and remember to run) tests certainly sounds like a good idea. Whatever tool you use to enable an easier workflow, will likely still use npm test etc under the hood.
If you wish to call npm test outside of a container that's fine, if you wish to call it in a container, that's also fine. The solution to your problem will always change depending on your landscape. CICD helps to standardise on external factors and provide a uniform means to ensure testing is performed, and deployments are auditable
Hope that helps in any way shape or form 👍
Copying my response to this from Reddit to help others who may look for this on StackOverflow:
DevSpace maintainer here. For my workflow (and the default DevSpace behavior if you set it up with devspace init), image building is being skipped during development because it tends to be the most annoying and time-consuming part of the workflow. Instead, most teams that use DevSpace have a dev image pushed to a registry and build by CI/CD which is then used in devspace.yaml using replacePods.replaceImage as shown here: https://devspace.sh/cli/docs/configuration/development/replace-pods
This means that your manifests or helm charts are being deployed referencing the prod images (as they should be) and then devspace will (after deployment) replace the images of your pods with dev-optimized images that ship all your tooling. Inside these pods, you can then use the terminal to build your application, run tests along with other dependencies running in your cluster etc.
However, typically teams also start using DevSpace in CI/CD after a while and then they add profiles (e.g. prod profile or integration-testing profile etc. - more on https://devspace.sh/cli/docs/configuration/profiles/basics) to their devspace.yaml where they add image building again because they want to build the images in their pipelines using kaniko or docker. For this, you would specify the build target in devspace.yaml as well: https://devspace.sh/cli/docs/configuration/images/docker#target
FWIW regarding 1: I never use docker run --target but I also always use Kubernetes directly over manual docker commands to run any workloads.
I have this Dockerfile
FROM node:14.17.1
RUN mkdir /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
ENV PATH /usr/src/app/node_modules/.bin:$PATH
COPY . /usr/src/app
RUN npm install
RUN npm run build
CMD ["npm", "start"]
But I don't like having to set each environment variable. Is is possible to make all of them available without needing to set one by one?
We need to pay attention to next two items before continue:
As mentioned by #Lukman in comments, TOKEN is not a good item to be stored in image unless you totally for internal use, you decide.
Even we did not specify environment one by one in Dockerfile, we still need to define them in some other place, as program itself can't know what environment you really need.
If you no problem with above, let's go on. Basically, I think define the environment (Here, use ENV1, ENV2 as example) in a script, then source them in container, and let app have ways to access these variables is what you needed.
export ENV1=1
export ENV2=2
#!/usr/bin/env node
var env1 = process.env.ENV1;
var env2 = process.env.ENV2;
source /usr/src/app/env.sh
exec node /usr/src/app/app.js
FROM node:14.17.1
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . /usr/src/app
RUN chmod -R 755 /usr/src/app
CMD ["/usr/src/app/entrypoint.sh"]
$ docker build -t abc:1 .
$ docker run --rm abc:1
We change CMD or ENTRYPOINT in Dockerfile to use customized entrypoint.sh, in this entrypoint.sh, we will first source env.sh which make ENV1 and ENV2 visible to subprocess of entrypoint.sh.
Then, we use exec to replace current process as node app.js, so PID1 becomes node app.js now, meanwhile app.js still could get the environment defined in env.sh.
With above, we no need to define variables in Dockerfile one by one, but still our app could get the environment.
Here's a different (easy) way.
Start by making your file. Here I'm choosing to use everything on my this is messy and not recommended. It's a useful bit of code though so I thought I'd add it.
env | sed 's/^/export /' > env.sh
edit it so you only have what you need
vi env.sh
Use the below to import files into the container. Change pwd to whichever folder you want to share. Using this carelessly may result in you sharing to many files*
sudo docker run -it -v `pwd`:`pwd` ubuntu
Assign appropriate file permissions. I'm using 777 which means anyone can read, write, execute - for demonstration purposes. But you only need execute privileges.
Run this command and make sure you add the full stop.
. /LOCATION/env.sh
If you're confused to where your file is just type pwd in the host console.
You can just add those commands where appropriate to your Dockerfile to automate the process. If I recall there is a VOLUME flag for Dockerfile.
Hello I have a problem with manually running deployment.
I use GitlabCI, dockerfile and kubernetes.
FROM python:3.8
RUN mkdir /app
COPY . /app/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD ["python", "main.py", "${flag1}", "${ARG1}", "${flag2}, "${ARG2}"]
i need to run my app with command like this "python3 main.py -g argument1 -c argument2", and every run I need using other arguments. Im using this:
Then my pipeline run bash script who check if variable "${ARG1}" is empty, if is empty, then unset "${FLAG1}". The next step is deploy to kubernetes using standard deployment using gitlabCI.
My idea Is bad because those environment variables aren't passing to Dockerfile. Anybody have some idea? Can't use Dockers build-args because they are don't support "CMD" step.
You are using the array-syntax for the command (CMD), therefore there is no shell that could expand the variables, but the data is directly used for the exec system call.
If you want the variables to be expaned, use
CMD python main.py ${flag1} ${ARG1} ${flag2} ${ARG2}
or replace the command completely in kubernetes pod/replica/deployment definition, optionally with variables replaced.
Additional note: The CMD is executed at runtime of the container, not at build time.
I have a node.js service which stores access policies that is sent to open policy agent service when application starts. Policies can be testes, but to do so they need to be run in open policy agent environment which is not a part of my service. Is there a way to run these tests when building my node.js service docker image? So the image won't be build unless all the tests pass?
So, the dockerfile could look something like this:
FROM openpolicyagent/opa:latest
CMD ["test"]
# somehow check that all tests pass and if not return an error
FROM node:8
# node-related stuff
Instead of putting everything into one project you could maybe create a build pipeline where you build your Node app and the Envoy+OPA proxy separately and then have yet another independent project that contains the access rule tests and uses maybe Cypress. Your build pipeline could then install the new version to the DEV enviromment unconditionally but requires the separate test project to pass until it deploys on STAGE and PROD environments.
You can use RUN statement for desired steps, for example:
FROM <some_base_image>
RUN mkdir /tests
WORKDIR /tests
COPY ./tests .
RUN npm install && npm run build && npm test
RUN mkdir /src
COPY ./src .
RUN npm install && npm run build
CMD npm start
Note: RUN gets executed during building an image while CMD and ENTRYPOINT get executed during launching container from built image.
New to docker so maybe I'm missing something obvious...
I have an app split into a web client and a back end server. The back end is pretty easy to create an image for via a Dockerfile:
COPY source
RUN npm install, npm run build
CMD npm run start
The already-built back end app will then access the environment variables at runtime.
With the web client it's not as simple because webpack needs to have the environment variables before the application is built. This leaves me as far as I'm aware only two options:
Require the user to build their own image from the application source
Build the web client on container run by running npm run build in CMD
Currently I'm doing #2 but both options seem wrong to me. What's the best solution?
FROM node:latest
COPY ./server /app/server
COPY ./web /app/web
WORKDIR /app/web
CMD ["sh", "-c", "npm install && npm run build && cd ../server && npm install && npm run build && npm run start"]
First, it would be a good idea for both the backend server and web client to each have their own Dockerfile/image. Then it would be easy to run them together using something like docker-compose.
The way you are going to want to provide environment variables to the web Dockerfile is by using build arguments. Docker build arguments are available when building the Docker image. You use these by specifying the ARG key in the Dockerfile, or by passing the --build-arg flag to docker build.
Here is an example Dockerfile for your web client based on what you provided:
FROM node:latest
COPY ./web /app/web
WORKDIR /app/web
RUN npm install \
&& npm run build
CMD ["npm", "run", "start"]
The following Dockerfile uses the ARG directive to create a variable with a default value of dev.
The value of NODE_ENV can then be overridden when running docker build.
Like so:
docker build -t <myimage> --build-arg NODE_ENV=production .
Whether you override it or not NODE_ENV will be available to webpack before it is built. This allows you to build a single image, and distribute it to many people without them having to build the web client.
Hopefully this helps you out.