How do you keep track of deployment ids and builds - devops

Currently I am working in a project where we have 8 instances accross different geographies. We currently use bmc rlm ( ) for deployment automation.
However to keep track of our deployment ids we are using excel.
Starting from Dev environment , to QA environment ( each region has
its own QA and schedule ) and ultimately move to Production.
What I wanted to know was , is there any tool that you use to keep
track of deployments ?
We tried using sharepoint but it is kind of limiting in the features.
We would ideally like a workflow to be created , whereby developers
submit the request with the dev deployment id.
Workflow goes to Release Approver for QA env. Once he/she approves ,
QA testing team gets notified.
Please let us know if anybody else faced this kind of issue and used some tools for the same?

We have recently started public preview of Reliza Hub which aims to solve this problem.
Some of the functionality you are asking (particularly approvals) is not there yet, but it's coming. Tracking functionality and mapping instance to releases is there already.
Currently I'm trying to add documentation as we go, so far Version Increment workflow is documented here. And functionality to send release data to Reliza Hub is documented in our client github.
Would be happy to provide support and discuss incomplete or missing features via our new reddit channel r/Reliza.


How to sign up for Jira?

Is this correct that Jira is installed on one's server or local computer and that's the only way to run it?
If not, how can I run, or connect to, Jira on Atlassian's server?
Namely, at this point I don't want to install anything on my VPS or computer, and instead I want to be able to run Jira in the cloud, the same way I'd sigu up for and then use bitbucket or github. That is, by creating an account. I need Jira for a couple of days only, to test some REST API.
Where does one sign up for Jira? There's no way, is there?
At the current time Atlassian provides a free plan for its Jira cloud service.
See here:

How can I provide different fulfillment URLs for Actions on Google Release?

The documentation at states "To handle release channels in your fulfillment, you should provide different fulfillment URLs (for example, one fulfillment URL for the beta and another URL for the production version of your Action)." However, there are no instructions on how this should be accomplished.
When I created my Actions on Google project, a Firebase project was created to which I upload JavaScript that supports those actions via requests to our backend service. That Firebase project provides the URL used by my Beta release for fulfillment. I now need to create an Alpha project that points to a different Firebase project to which I will upload new versions of support for requests to different versions of our backend service. I do not see a way to accomplish this. Do I need to create an entirely new Actions on Google project that has its own URL for fulfillment or is there some better way to accomplish this task?
I tried creating manually creating a separate Firebase project to host the Alpha code but that did not work. I later learned that when you create a Actions on Google project that it is intimately connected to the Firebase project created for it and cannot be pointed to another.
The problem is all in the configuration space of Actions on Google and Firebase. There is no code to show.
I would expect that some approach similar to that provided by the Alexa Developer Console and the Amazon Lambda Management Console would be available. In that approach, I have Alpha, Beta, and Production versions of the Alexa Skill and each of them points to a different version of the lambda function each of which has an appropriate value to indicate the environment that the lambda function is executing upon. This allows me to allocate requests to the correct backend service (alpha, beta, production).
I don't see a way to accomplish that in the Actions on Google/Firebase world.
If you are using Dialogflow, the Actions on Google release levels have corresponding environments. So you should be able to set a different fulfillment URL for each environment to point at the different project.

free jira cloud test management add on

I was looking around for some time, but couldn' t find a free add-on to manage test cases, test plans et scenarios ect.
Do you know any who is free that can be installed on a Jira cloud solution ? or should i create my own custom Jira project for it, if there is no free one
You could try the TestFLO app - it's available for both Server and Cloud instances of Jira. Not fully free, but at least you've got a free trial :) You can find it on Atlassian Marketplace, just like any app for Jira.

How to pull init configuration and updated code in IOS application from backend server?

I am a new IOS developer. When designing the application, i figured that it will be probably wise to pull most of the configuration from the back-end server upon app init. In addition, i was thinking that instead of constantly upgrading the application (a hassle for users and developers) i might insert some way to update my code also on the system init.
my question - Is this approach do able? common? are there good practices for doing it (or best practices for that matter)?
Thanks a lot!
First welcome to ios programming
It is not a good practice to do so, and as far as I know it's not possible to change the code of your app after it's send to the appstore review team.
Before including your app in the appstore, Apple will create an executable file of your app which's code can't be changed.
You can use a backend service to provide different configuration options, example: you develop a chat on the app, but you want it to be shown when you change some config file on the server, so a web request to your server can be made to determine the content of the file and if has changed you could use a simple .hidden = false to unlock your chat feature
Hope it helps

How to provide saas customer with server snapshot for business continuity concerns

I'm proposing a SaaS solution to a prospective client to avoid the need for local installation and upgrades. The client uploads their input data as needed and downloads the outputs, so data backup and maintenance is not an issue, but continuity of the online software service is a concern for them.
Code escrow would appear to be overkill here and probably of little value. I was wondering is there an option along the lines of providing a snapshot image of a cloud server that includes a working version of the app, and for that to be in the client's possession for use in an emergency where they can no longer access the software.
This would need to be as close to a point and click solution as possible - say a one page document with a few steps that a non web savvy IT person can follow - for starting up the backup server image and being able to use the app. If I were to create a private AWS EBS snapshot / AMI that includes a working version of the application, and they created an AWS account for themselves, might they be able to kick that off easily enough?
Update:the app is on heroku at the moment so hopefully it'd be pretty straightforward to get it running in amazon EC2.
Host their app at any major PAAS providers, such as EngineYard or Heroku. Check their code into a private Github repository that you can assign them as the owner. That way they have access to the source code and can create a new instance quickly using the repository as the source.
I don't see the need to create an entire service mirror for a Rails app, unless there are specific configuration needs that can't be contained in the project or handled through capistrano.
