GRIDSOME query pagination - gridsome

I am trying to paginate a query on Gridsome.
query Posts ($page: Int) {
posts: allPost (perPage: 10, page: $page) #paginate {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
The answer I am getting is showing my first 10 posts but it is showing totalPages as 1.
"data": {
"posts": {
"totalCount": 1333,
"pageInfo": {
"totalPages": 1,
"currentPage": 1,
"totalItems": 10,
"isFirst": true,
"isLast": true
What am I missing?

You should open a Github issue about this topic.
Example (7 posts)
Looks like the output is "correct" only by static query:
allPost (perPage: 2, page: 3){
pageInfo {
"data": {
"allPost": {
"pageInfo": {
"totalPages": 4,
"currentPage": 3
"edges": [
"node": {
"title": "Portal"
"node": {
"title": "Dev Landing Page"
page-query I also test this idea - under openGraph playground the value is always 1
If you apply Query Variables the output is correct:
And when you loop throws this collection the output is fine (7 items - 3 per page = 3 pages) + everything works as it should (The pagination numbers and arrows are clickable):
<!-- src/pages/test.vue -->
<li v-for="edge in $page.posts.edges" :key="">
{{ edge.node.title }}
<Pager :info="$page.posts.pageInfo"/>
import { Pager } from 'gridsome'
export default {
components: {
query Posts ($page: Int) {
posts: allPost (perPage: 3, page: $page) #paginate {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {


How to find ids on array who is created facet operator

I have Customer collection on MongoDB. With status field. Which can have the same Id fields.
And I need find first changed value like 'Guest' and push it Id's to specific pipeline named as 'guests'.
And customers with status 'Member' I need push tu another pipeline named as 'members' who Id'd equal Id's from aggregation pipeline 'guests'.
This is done in order to obtain the quantity elements in 'guests' and 'members'.
Its member item:
My aggregation
'$sort': {'self_customer_status_created_at': 1}
"$gte": Time.parse('2017-01-17').beginning_of_month,
"$lte": Time.parse('2017-01-17').end_of_month
"$facet": {
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"data": {
'$first': '$$ROOT'
"$match": {
"data.status": "guest"
}, {
"$group": {
"$push": "$data.self_customer_status_id"
"array": 1,
], "members":
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id", "data": {
'$last': '$$ROOT'
"$match": {
"data.status": "member",
"data.self_customer_status_id": {
"$in": [
}, {
"members": 1,
"guests.array": 1
Instead "guests.array" array? I have error:
Mongo::Error::OperationFailure: $in needs an array (2)
What am I doing wrong?
Sorry my English!
second expression in faced doesnt seen first expression
need delete
"data.self_customer_status_id": {
"$in": {
{"$match": {"data.self_customer_status_id": { "$in": ["guests.array"] } } }
this link paste before $project

Combining results of two tables in mongoid/mongo

Hi guys what would be the best way to combine results of two mongoid queries.
My issue is that I would like to know active users, A user can send a letter and a notification, both are separate table and a user if he sends either the letter or the notification is considered active. What I want to know is how many active users were there per month.
right now what I can think of is doing this
{ '$match': {}.merge(opts) },
{ '$sort': { 'created_at': 1 } },
'$group': {
_id: '$customer_id',
first_notif_sent: {
'$first': {
'day': { '$dayOfMonth': '$created_at' },
'month': { '$month': '$created_at' },
'year': { '$year': '$created_at' }
{ '$match': {}.merge(opts) },
{ '$sort': { 'created_at': 1 } },
'$group': {
_id: '$customer_id',
first_notif_sent: {
'$first': {
'day': { '$dayOfMonth': '$created_at' },
'month': { '$month': '$created_at' },
'year': { '$year': '$created_at' }
What I am looking for is to get the minimum of the dates and then combine the results and get the count. Right now I can get the results and loop over each of them and create a new list. But I wanted to know if there is a way to do it in mongo directly.
For letters
def self.get_active(tenant_id)
map = %{
function() {
emit(this.customer_id, new Date(this.created_at))
reduce = %{
function(key, values) {
return new Date(Math.min.apply(null, values))
where(tenant_id: tenant_id).map_reduce(map, reduce).out(reduce: "#{tenant_id}_letter_notification")
def self.get_active(tenant_id)
map = %{
function() {
emit(this.customer_id, new Date(this.updated_at))
reduce = %{
function(key, values) {
return new Date(Math.min.apply(null, values))
where(tenant_id: tenant_id, transferred: true).map_reduce(map, reduce).out(reduce: "#{tenant_id}_outgoing_letter_standing_order_balance")
This is what I am thinking of going with, one of the reason is that, lookup does not work with my version of mongo.
the customer created a new notification, or a new letter, and I would like to get the first created at of either.
Let's address this first as a foundation. Given examples of document schema as below:
Document schema in Letter collection:
{ _id: <ObjectId>,
customer_id: <integer>,
created_at: <date> }
And, document schema in Notification collection:
{ _id: <ObjectId>,
customer_id: <integer>,
created_at: <date> }
You can utilise aggregation pipeline $lookup to join the two collections. For example using mongo shell :
{"$group":{"_id":"$customer_id", tmp1:{"$max":"$created_at"}}},
latest_notification: {"$max":"$notifications.created_at"}}},
{"$cond":[{"$gt":["$latest_letter", "$latest_notification"]},
], {cursor:{batchSize:100}})
The output of the above aggregation pipeline is a list of customers in sorted order of created_at field from either Letter or Notification. Example output documents:
"customer_id": 0,
"latest_letter": ISODate("2017-12-19T07:00:08.818Z"),
"latest_notification": ISODate("2018-01-26T13:43:56.353Z"),
"latest": ISODate("2018-01-26T13:43:56.353Z")
"customer_id": 4,
"latest_letter": ISODate("2018-01-04T18:55:26.264Z"),
"latest_notification": ISODate("2018-01-25T02:05:19.035Z"),
"latest": ISODate("2018-01-25T02:05:19.035Z")
}, ...
What I want to know is how many active users were there per month
To achieve this, you can just replace the last stage ($sort) of the above aggregation pipeline with $group. For example:
{"$group":{"_id":"$customer_id", tmp1:{$max:"$created_at"}}},
latest_notification: {"$max":"$notifications.created_at"}}},
{"$cond":[{"$gt":["$latest_letter", "$latest_notification"]},
{"$group":{_id:{month:{"$month": "$latest"},
year:{"$year": "$latest"}},
active_users: {"$sum": "$customer_id"}
Where the example output would be as below:
"_id": {
"month": 10,
"year": 2017
"active_users": 9
"_id": {
"month": 1,
"year": 2018
"active_users": 18

Elasicsearch getting top 5 results from an aggregation with a script

I am trying to get the top 5 products sold, ordered by revenue using elasticsearch in Rails.
Here is my query:
query = {
bool: {
filter: {
bool: {
must: [
{ term: { store_id: } } # Limiting the products by store
aggs = {
by_revenue: {
terms: {
size: 5,
order: {revenue: "desc"}
aggs: {
revenue: {
max: {
script: "doc['price_as_float'].value * doc['quantity'].value"
response = query, aggs: aggs, size: 0)
I get the error could not find the appropriate value context to perform aggregation [by_revenue]
You need to aggregate orders on product reference, then summing the prices * quantity to get the revenues from one product with a nested sum aggregation, not max:
aggs: {
products: {
terms: {
field: "product_ref",
order: { revenues: "desc" },
aggs: {
revenues: {
sum: { script: "doc['price_as_float'].value * doc['quantity'].value" }
Don't use the size option in the terms aggregation, because you're not sure all the orders for your top products are located in the same shard; you should get them from the response instead.

Faceting with Rubberband

I am implementing ElasticSearch in a Ruby-on-Rails 2.3 application with the RubberBand gem. I am trying to return facets but I can't seem to find methods that I can use for this purpose. I've looked through the documentation and source.
Does anyone know if it's possible with rubberband?
This issue might have what you are looking for:
q = {
"query"=> {
"filtered"=> {
"query"=> {
"match_all"=> {}
"filter"=> {
"term"=> {
"client_id"=> "717",
"product_id"=> "1"
"facets"=> {
"shipped_to_state_counts"=> {
"terms"=> {
"field"=> "state",
"size"=> "500"
EDIT: (simpler query, lucene syntax)
NOTE: These are not the same queries, per elasticsearch documentation:
There’s one important distinction to keep in mind. While search
queries restrict both the returned documents and facet counts, search
filters restrict only returned documents — but not facet counts.
q = {
"query"=> {
"query_string"=> {
"query"=> "client_id:717 AND product_id:1"
"facets"=> {
"shipped_to_state_counts"=> {
"terms"=> {
"field"=> "state",
"size"=> "500"
results =
facets = results.facets
"shipped_to_state_counts"=> {
"_type"=> "terms",
"missing"=> 0,
"total"=> 1873274,
"other"=> 0,
"terms"=> [
"term"=> "MO",
"count"=> 187327
"term"=> "FL",
"count"=> 17327

ElasticSearch returns items that are too far away when using a geo_distance filter

When I am searching my ElasticSearch documents using a nested filter -> and -> geo_distance I retrieve documents which are too far away (and I don't want returned.) You can see the query and a screenshot below of the results (raw results on the left and manually filtered results on the right).
Here's another copy of the query:
"PropertySubType":"Single Family"
"City":"Los Angeles"
Adding the option "distance_type" and setting it to "plane" fixed this issue. See "distance_type" here:
