I am exporting data from SAP Hybris.
The data I am importing also has semicolons (;).
In the exported data I see the delimiter is ; This is preventing me from splitting the data and do my work. Is there a way to change this delimiter to something else ?
I understand this can be achieved by changing the "csv.fieldseparator" property, but that would affect everywhere and I can't afford that in production.. Any suggestions would be appreciated
Go to backoffice.
Search export.
In the advanced configurations set your new delimiter. By default,
it is semi-colon (;).
[![enter image description here][4]][4][![enter image description here][5]][5]I have a PDF that has tabular data that runs over 50+ pages, i want to extract this table into an excel file using Automation Anywhere. (i am using community version of AA 11.3). I watched videos of the PDF integration command but haven't had any success trying this for tabular data.
Requesting assistance.
I am afraid that your case will be quite challenging... and the main reason for that are the values that contains multiple lines. You can still achieve what you need, and with good performance, but the code itself will not be pretty. You will also be facing challanges with Automation Anywhere, since it does not really provide the right tools to do such a thing and you may need to resort to scripting (VBScripts) or Metabots.
Solution 1
This one will try to use purely text extraction and Regular expressions. Mainly standard functionality, nothing too "dirty".
First you need to realise how do the exported data look like. You can see that you can export to Plain or Structured.
The Plain one is not useful at all as the data is all over the place, without any clear pattern.
The Structured one is much better as the data structure resembles the data from the original document. From looking at the data you can make these observations:
Each row contains 5 columns
All columns are always filled (at least in the visible sample set)
The last two columns can serve as a pattern "anchor" (identifier), because they contain a clear pattern (a number followed by minimum of two spaces followed by a dollar sign and another number)
Rows with data are separated by a blank row
The text columns may contain a multiline value, which will duplicate the rows (this one thing makes it especially tricky)
First wou need to ensure that the Structured data contain only the table, nothing else. You can probably use the Before-After string command for that.
Then you need to check if you can reliably identify the character width of every column. You can try this for yourself if you copy the text into Excel, use the Text to Columns with the Fixed Width option and try to play around with the sliders
The you need to try to find a way how to reliably identify each row and prepare it for the Split command in AA. For that you need to have a delimiter. But since each data row can actually consists of multiple text rows, you need to create a delimiter of your own. I used the Replace function with Regular Expression option and replace a specific pattern for a delimiter (pipe). See here.
Now that you have added a custom delimiter, you can use the Split command to add each row into a list and loop through it.
Because each data row may consists of several rows, you will need to use Split again, this time use the [ENTER] as delimiter. Now you need to loop through each of the text line of a single data line and use the Substring function to extract data based on column width and concatenate them to a single value that you store somewhere else.
All in all, a painful process.
Solution 2
This may not be applicable, but it's worth a try - open the PDF in Microsoft Word. It will give you a warning, ignore it. Word will attempt to open the document and, if you're lucky, it will recognise your table as a table. If it works, it will make the data extraction much easier an you will be able to use Macros/VBA or even simple Copy&Paste. I tried it on a random PDF of my own and it works quite well.
I am working in Swift although perhaps the language is not as relevant, and I am creating a relatively simple CSV file.
I wanted to ask for some recommendations in creating the files, in particular:
Should I wrap each column/value in single or double quotes? Or nothing? I understand if I use quotes I'll need to escape them appropriately in case the text in my file legitimately has those values. Same for \r\n
Is it ok to end each line with \r\n ? Anything specific to Mac vs. Windows I need to think about?
What encoding should I use? I'd like to make sure my csv file can be read by most readers (so on mobile devices, mac, windows, etc.)
Any other recommendations / tips to make sure the quality of my CSV is ideal for most readers?
I have a couple of apps that create CSV files.
Any column value that contains a newline or the field separator must be enclosed in quotes (double quotes is common, single quotes less so).
I end lines with just \n.
You may wish to give the user some options when creating the CSV file. Let them choose the field separator. While the comma is common, a tab is also common. You can also use a semi-colon, space, or other characters. Just be sure to properly quote values that contain the chosen field separator.
Using UTF-8 encoding is arguably the best choice for encoding the file. It lets you support all Unicode characters and just about any tool that supports CSV can handled UTF-8. It avoid any issues with platform specific encodings. But again, depending on the needs of your users, you may wish to give them the choice of encoding.
How can i set CSV delimeter to ";" semicolon in spreadsheetgear component if possible? We want to set it to semicolon because dutch date format includes commas so the separation does not work well in that case.
I searched SO and Google but couldnt come up with any info.
SpreadsheetGear has no APIs to specify the delimiter used for text-based data files, unfortunately. If you need to read in or write out a file that uses some other delimiter, you would likely need to build your own file reader/writer that parses out the desired delimiter from incoming files or saves outgoing files with the desired delimiter.
I maintain a client server DMS written in Delphi/Sql Server.
I would like to allow the users to search a string inside all the documents stored in the db. (files are stored as blob, they are stored as zipped files to save space).
My idea is to index them on "checkin", so as i store a nwe file I extract all the text information in it and put it in a new DB field. So somehow my files table will be:
ID_FILE integer
TEXT_CONTENT text field (nvarchar in sql server)
I would like to support "indexing" of at least most common text-like files, such as:pdf, txt, rtf, doc, docx,pdf, may be adding xls and xlsx, ppt, pptx.
For MS Office files I can use ActiveX since I alerady do it in my application, for txt files i can simply read the file, but for pdf and odt?
Could you suggest the best techinque or even a 3rd party component (not free too) that parses with "no fear" all file types?
searching documents this way would leed to a very slow and inconvenient to use, I'd advice you produce two additional tables instead of TEXT_CONTENT field.
When you parse the text, you should extract valuable words and try to standardise them so that you
- get rid of lower/upper case problems
- get rid of characters that might be used interchangeably.
i.e. in Turkish we have รง character that might be entered as c.
- get rid of verbs that are common in the language you are dealing with.
i.e. "Thing I am looking for", "Thing" "Looking" might be in your interest
- get rid of whatever problem use face.
Each word, that has already an entry in the table should re-use the ID already given in the string_search table.
the records may look like this.
zip_id number
zip_file blob
str_id number
standardized_word text (or any string type with an appropriate secondary index)
zip_id number
str_id number
I hope that I could give you the idea what I am thinking of.
Your major problem is zipping your files before putting them as a blob in your database which makes them unsearchable by the database itself. I would suggest the following.
Don't zip files you put in the database. Disk space is cheap.
You can write a query like this as long as you save the files in a text field.
Select * from MyFileTable Where MyFileData like '%Thing I am looking for%'
This is slow but it will work. This will work because the text in most of those file types is in plain text not binary (though some of the newer file types are now binary)
The other alternative is to use an indexing engine such as Apache Lucene or Apache Solr which will as you put it
parses with "no fear" all file types?
I am working with some click stream data and i would need to give specifications to the vendor regarding a preferred format to be consumed by SSIS.
As its URL data in the text file which column delimiter would you recommend. I was thinking pipe "|" but i realize that pipes can be used within the URL.
I did some testing to specify multiple charecters as delimiter lile |^| but when I am creating a flat file connection there is not option in SSIS. I had type these charecters. But when i went to edit the flat file connection manager it had changed to {|}^{|}. It just made me nervous to the import succeeded.
I just wanted to see if anybody has good ideas as to which would safe column delimiter to use.
Probably tab-delimited would be fairly safe, at least assuming that by "clickstream" you mean a list of URLs or something similar. But in theory any delimiter should be fine as long as the supplier quotes the data appropriately.