Understanding Generative Adversarial Networks - machine-learning

I implemented the proposed GAN Model from the Paper Edge-Connect (https://github.com/knazeri/edge-connect) in Keras and did some trainings on the KITTI dataset. Now I am trying to figure out what's going on inside my model and therefore I have a few questions.
1. Initial Training (100 Epochs, 500 batches/epoch, 10 Samples/Batch)
At first I trained the model as proposed in the paper (incuding style-, perceptual-, L1- and adversarial loss)
At first sight, the model converges to nice results:
This is the output of the generator(left) for the masked input(right)
Most of the graphs from the tensorboard look quite good as well:
(These are all values from the GAN-Model, containing the total loss of the generator(GENERATOR_Loss), different losses based on the generated image (L1, perc, style) as well as the adversarial loss (DISCRIMINATOR_loss)
When closely looking at the discriminator, things look different. The adversarial loss of the discriminiator for the generated images steadly increases.
The loss while training the discriminator (50/50 fake/real examples) doesn't change at all:
![] (https://i.stack.imgur.com/o5jCA.png)
And when looking at the histogram of activations of the output of the discriminator it always outputs values around 0.5.
Coming to my questions/conclusions where I would appreciate your feedback:
So I assume now, that my model learned a lot but nothing from the discriminator, right? The results are all based on the losses other
than the adversarial loss?
It seems that the Discriminator could not keep up with the generator generating better images. I think the discriminators activations should somehow early move to two peaks at around 0 (fake labels) and 1 (real lables) and stay there?
I know that my final goal is that the discriminator outputs 0.5 probability for real as well as fake... but what does it mean when this happens right from the beginning and doesn't change during training?
Did I stop training too early? Could the discriminator catch up (since the output of the generator doesn't change much anymore) and eliminate the last tiny faults of the generator?
2. Thus I started a second training, this time only using the adversarial loss in the generator! (~16 Epochs, 500 batches/epoch, 10 Samples/Batch)
This time the discriminator seems to be able to differentiate between real and fake after a while.
(prob_real is the mean probability assigned to real images and vice versa)
The histogram of activations looks good as well:
But somehow after around 4k Samples things start to change and at around 7k it diverges...
Also all samples from the generator look like this:
Coming to my second part of questions/conclusions:
Should I pretrain the discriminator so it gets a head start? I guess it needs to somehow be able to differentiate between real and fake (outputting large probabilites for real and vice versa) so the generator can learn usefull things from it? Should I train the discriminator multiple times while training the generator one step for the same reason?
What happend in the second training? Was the learn rate for the discriminator too high? (Opt: ADAM, lr=1.0E-3)
Many hints on the internet for training GANs aim for increasing the difficulty of the discriminators job (Label noise/label flipping, instance noise, label smoothing etc). Here I think the discriminator rather needs to be boosted? (-> I also trained the Disc without changing the generator and it converges nicely)

If discriminator outputs 0.5 probability directly in the beginning of the network it means that the weights of the discriminator are not being updated and it plays no role in training, which further indicates it is not able to differentiate between real and fake image coming from the generator. To solve this issue try to add Gaussian noise as an input to the discriminator or do label smoothing which are very simple and effective techniques.
In answer to your this question, that The results are all based on the losses other than the adversarial loss , the trick that can be used is try to train the network first on all the losses except the adversarial loss and then fine tune on the adversarial losses, hope it helps.
For the second part of your questions, the generated images seem to face the problem of mode collpase where they tend to learn color, degradation from 1 image and pass the same to the other images , try to solve it out by either decreasing the batch size or using unrolled gans,


Generator and discriminator loss curves are exact mirror images

I am currently training a GAN using Pytorch to produce histopathology data for my research. I am using BCE criterion for both Generator and Discriminator. The network is able to produce good quality images but the loss curves are bit mysterious for me.
The generator and discriminator loss curves look like exact mirror images. See the attached tensor-board snip. Can someone tell me why this is happening?
Edit 1: Both generator and discriminator loss curves should show convergence, right?
Thanks a lot in advance!
The training curve you produce is somehow standard when training a GAN. The Generator and Discriminator are going to converge. If you plot the Gen Loss and Dis Loss together, you'll find out adversarial property. In fact, most of the time, validating the model by looking at the generated image is an efficient way.
Here are some of my works for your reference.

Test accuracy vs Training time on Weka

From what I know, test accuracy should increase when training time increase(up to some point); but experimenting with weka yielded the opposite. I am wondering if misunderstood someting.
I used diabetes.arff for classification with 70% for training and 30% for testing. I used MultilayerPerceptron classifier and tried training times 100,500,1000,3000,5000.
Here are my results,
Training time Accuracy
100 75.2174 %
500 75.2174 %
1000 74.7826 %
3000 72.6087 %
5000 70.4348 %
10000 68.6957 %
What can be the reason for this? Thank you!
You got a very nice example of overfitting.
Here is the short explanation of what happened:
You model (doesn't matter whether this is multilayer perceptron, decision trees or literally anything else) can fit the training data in two ways.
First one is a generalization - model tries to find patterns and trends and use them to make predictions. The second one is remembering the exact data points from the training dataset.
Imagine the computer vision task: classify images into two categories – humans vs trucks. The good model will find common features that are present in human pictures but not in the trucks pictures (smooth curves, skin-color surfaces). This is a generalization. Such model will be able to handle new pictures pretty well. The bad model, overfitted one, will just remember exact images, exact pixels of the training dataset and will have no idea what to do with new images on the test set.
What can you do to prevent overfitting?
There are few common approaches to deal with overfitting:
Use simpler models. With fewer parameters, it will be difficult for a model to remember the dataset
Use regularization. Constrain the weights of the model and/or use dropout in your perceptron.
Stop the training process. Split your training data once more, so you will have three parts of the data: training, dev, and test. Then train your model using training data only and stop the training when the error on the dev set stopped decreasing.
The good starting point to read about overfitting is Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overfitting

Neural Network gets stuck

I am experimenting with classification using neural networks (I am using tensorflow).
And unfortunately the training of my neural network gets stuck at 42% accuracy.
I have 4 classes, into which I try to classify the data.
And unfortunately, my data set is not well balanced, meaning that:
43% of the data belongs to class 1 (and yes, my network gets stuck predicting only this)
37% to class 2
13% to class 3
7% to class 4
The optimizer I am using is AdamOptimizer and the cost function is tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits.
I was wondering if the reason for my training getting stuck at 42% is really the fact that my data set is not well balanced, or because the nature of the data is really random, and there are really no patterns to be found.
Currently my NN consists of:
input layer
2 convolution layers
7 fully connected layers
output layer
I tried changing this structure of the network, but the result is always the same.
I also tried Support Vector Classification, and the result is pretty much the same, with small variations.
Did somebody else encounter similar problems?
Could anybody please provide me some hints how to get out of this issue?
I will assume that you have already double, triple and quadruple checked that the data going in is matching what you expect.
The question is quite open-ended, and even a topic for research. But there are some things that can help.
In terms of better training, there's two normal ways in which people train neural networks with an unbalanced dataset.
Oversample the examples with lower frequency, such that the proportion of examples for each class that the network sees is equal. e.g. in every batch, enforce that 1/4 of the examples are from class 1, 1/4 from class 2, etc.
Weight the error for misclassifying each class by it's proportion. e.g. incorrectly classifying an example of class 1 is worth 100/43, while incorrectly classifying an example of class 4 is worth 100/7
That being said, if your learning rate is good, neural networks will often eventually (after many hours of just sitting there) jump out of only predicting for one class, but they still rarely end well with a badly skewed dataset.
If you want to know whether or not there are patterns in your data which can be determined, there is a simple way to do that.
Create a new dataset by randomly select elements from all of your classes such that you have an even number of all of them (i.e. if there's 700 examples of class 4, then construct a dataset by randomly selecting 700 examples from every class)
Then you can use all of your techniques on this new dataset.
Although, this paper suggests that even with random labels, it should be able to find some pattern that it understands.
Firstly you should check if your model is overfitting or underfitting, both of which could cause low accuracy. Check the accuracy of both training set and dev set, if accuracy on training set is much higher than dev/test set, the model may be overfiiting, and if accuracy on training set is as low as it on dev/test set, then it could be underfitting.
As for overfiiting, more data or simpler learning structures may work while make your structure more complex and longer training time may solve underfitting problem

Reusing Inception V3 Conv Neural Net (tensorflow) with 0% accuracy

EDIT1: My code is the same as here, https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/inception/inception. The only difference is that I pack my files into TFRecords and feed it bactch wise. Also, the ratio of Class 0 : Class 1 is 70:30.
I'm currently working on a project in which I'm making use of inception-V3 CNN model to train a classifier. Currently, I am working on a binary classifier (either predict 1 or 0) but, my model only predicts class 0 for everything. While troubleshooting I've found that the probability of prediction is 100% for class 0 all the time. I have verified everything from the input queuing system to the eval and testing, everything seems to be working well too.
Strangely, the loss value reduces in a perfect semi-parabolic fashion which makes me think that the loss has converged to a local minima. Upon testing the script only churns out class 0(with 100% probability) each time. Another thing I've noticed is that the activation across various Conv layers are always constant which could imply that the neurons are just not firing at all.
My question is,
1. Is my model working ? The loss seems to converge but the activation across various layers seems to be stagnant.
2. I am using the training code available from the models section of the tensorflow (https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/inception/inception/inception_train.py)
I am reusing the train, eval and supporting code to train my model with a custom input pipeline created by me (which is also working). Can someone help guide me in the right direction on this?
Ik I am a little late in answering this question 😅
First of all your model didn't learn anything at all. All it did (cleverly 😂) was to predict class 0 for all cases so that it achieves a baseline accuracy of 70% without any effort. (Probably the model was lazy 😪😋) JK. This is a very well known problem in machine learning. This is called as class imbalance problem. Refer this http://machinelearningmastery.com/tactics-to-combat-imbalanced-classes-in-your-machine-learning-dataset/.
Apart from the techniques mentioned there. The one technique that works wonders is using class weights. That is, basically telling the network to be biased towards the weaker class. In your case class weights will be class0:class1 = 3:7. This is a hyperparameter too! But this is a good point to start.
Moreover, you didn't give any info about your dataset size. Whether you are fine tuning or training from scratch. Without them it's hard to speculate. By default I would suggest fine tuning.
Moreover, by loss you mean the training loss or validation loss? Because training loss has literally no info regarding the performance of the model. Moreover, in my opinion both training loss, and validation losses have very little info to derive meaningful insights about the model's performance. Use other metrics like confusion matrix,f1 score, recall, precision etc.
Finally, there is absolutely no single answer to your question. The only way is the hard way - you will learn along with the model 😉. Because I consider training a NN especially a CNN an art. In which, intuition plays a very crucial role coz, most of the times, the least expected changes would give the best results. Anyway that's the fun part of training a NN.
Happy training 💪
P.S: Try using the visualisation tools like gradcam to know whether the model is looking at the correct part of the image for classification. This is very important!

Echo state neural network?

Is anyone here who is familiar with echo state networks? I created an echo state network in c#. The aim was just to classify inputs into GOOD and NOT GOOD ones. The input is an array of double numbers. I know that maybe for this classification echo state network isn't the best choice, but i have to do it with this method.
My problem is, that after training the network, it cannot generalize. When i run the network with foreign data (not the teaching input), i get only around 50-60% good result.
More details: My echo state network must work like a function approximator. The input of the function is an array of 17 double values, and the output is 0 or 1 (i have to classify the input into bad or good input).
So i have created a network. It contains an input layer with 17 neurons, a reservoir layer, which neron number is adjustable, and output layer containing 1 neuron for the output needed 0 or 1. In a simpler example, no output feedback is used (i tried to use output feedback as well, but nothing changed).
The inner matrix of the reservoir layer is adjustable too. I generate weights between two double values (min, max) with an adjustable sparseness ratio. IF the values are too big, it normlites the matrix to have a spectral radius lower then 1. The reservoir layer can have sigmoid and tanh activaton functions.
The input layer is fully connected to the reservoir layer with random values. So in the training state i run calculate the inner X(n) reservor activations with training data, collecting them into a matrix rowvise. Using the desired output data matrix (which is now a vector with 1 ot 0 values), i calculate the output weigths (from reservoir to output). Reservoir is fully connected to the output. If someone used echo state networks nows what im talking about. I ise pseudo inverse method for this.
The question is, how can i adjust the network so it would generalize better? To hit more than 50-60% of the desired outputs with a foreign dataset (not the training one). If i run the network again with the training dataset, it gives very good reults, 80-90%, but that i want is to generalize better.
I hope someone had this issue too with echo state networks.
If I understand correctly, you have a set of known, classified data that you train on, then you have some unknown data which you subsequently classify. You find that after training, you can reclassify your known data well, but can't do well on the unknown data. This is, I believe, called overfitting - you might want to think about being less stringent with your network, reducing node number, and/or training based on a hidden dataset.
The way people do it is, they have a training set A, a validation set B, and a test set C. You know the correct classification of A and B but not C (because you split up your known data into A and B, and C are the values you want the network to find for you). When training, you only show the network A, but at each iteration, to calculate success you use both A and B. So while training, the network tries to understand a relationship present in both A and B, by looking only at A. Because it can't see the actual input and output values in B, but only knows if its current state describes B accurately or not, this helps reduce overfitting.
Usually people seem to split 4/5 of data into A and 1/5 of it into B, but of course you can try different ratios.
In the end, you finish training, and see what the network will say about your unknown set C.
Sorry for the very general and basic answer, but perhaps it will help describe the problem better.
If your network doesn't generalize that means it's overfitting.
To reduce overfitting on a neural network, there are two ways:
get more training data
decrease the number of neurons
You also might think about the features you are feeding the network. For example, if it is a time series that repeats every week, then one feature is something like the 'day of the week' or the 'hour of the week' or the 'minute of the week'.
Neural networks need lots of data. Lots and lots of examples. Thousands. If you don't have thousands, you should choose a network with just a handful of neurons, or else use something else, like regression, that has fewer parameters, and is therefore less prone to overfitting.
Like the other answers here have suggested, this is a classic case of overfitting: your model performs well on your training data, but it does not generalize well to new test data.
Hugh's answer has a good suggestion, which is to reduce the number of parameters in your model (i.e., by shrinking the size of the reservoir), but I'm not sure whether it would be effective for an ESN, because the problem complexity that an ESN can solve grows proportional to the logarithm of the size of the reservoir. Reducing the size of your model might actually make the model not work as well, though this might be necessary to avoid overfitting for this type of model.
Superbest's solution is to use a validation set to stop training as soon as performance on the validation set stops improving, a technique called early stopping. But, as you noted, because you use offline regression to compute the output weights of your ESN, you cannot use a validation set to determine when to stop updating your model parameters---early stopping only works for online training algorithms.
However, you can use a validation set in another way: to regularize the coefficients of your regression! Here's how it works:
Split your training data into a "training" part (usually 80-90% of the data you have available) and a "validation" part (the remaining 10-20%).
When you compute your regression, instead of using vanilla linear regression, use a regularized technique like ridge regression, lasso regression, or elastic net regression. Use only the "training" part of your dataset for computing the regression.
All of these regularized regression techniques have one or more "hyperparameters" that balance the model fit against its complexity. The "validation" dataset is used to set these parameter values: you can do this using grid search, evolutionary methods, or any other hyperparameter optimization technique. Generally speaking, these methods work by choosing values for the hyperparameters, fitting the model using the "training" dataset, and measuring the fitted model's performance on the "validation" dataset. Repeat N times and choose the model that performs best on the "validation" set.
You can learn more about regularization and regression at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Least_squares#Regularized_versions, or by looking it up in a machine learning or statistics textbook.
Also, read more about cross-validation techniques at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-validation_(statistics).
