Compute Tangent vector over 2D Points - image-processing

I have computed the contours of an object in an image. Now I have a 2D array, each of element representing X & Y coordinates of a contour point.
Now, I want to compute a tangent vector over each point and angle between them (contour point and tangent vector).
My points are ordered. i.e. p[i+1,] is next to p[i,] and my path is closed. i.e. p[0] is next to p[N-1] (If I consider N points. The image of contour points is attached below.
I have done a lot of search but never find any clue. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks.

The trivial way is :
Tangent[i] = Normalize(Contour[i+1] - Contour[i-1])
You would simply need to take care of boundary conditions if any!


How to find perpendicular lines in polar coordinates?

Say I have the lines shown in the image below, represented in polar coordinate format (rho and theta). These lines are the output of OpenCV's HoughLines function after some post processing. (Sorry I'm not allowed to embed images yet.)
What I want to do is, given any one line, find all of the lines that are perpendicular to that line, as shown in the second image below.
I understand how to do this with Cartesian lines, but I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around what properties of rho and theta the two lines would have to have to be perpendicular, although I understand how polar lines work at least fundamentally. Sorry if this is elementary stuff, but I'm having trouble finding any explanation of this online anywhere. Do I need to first convert the lines to Cartesian coordinates, or is there some simpler way to do this? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
To get perpendicular lines in polar coordinates, you simply take the theta for the first line, and find all lines whose theta = +/- 90° of the first theta.
You have to normalize the angles to be within 0°-360° or some other range, when comparing them.
So if line 1 has a theta line1.Theta
Then the angle to another line is a = (line2.Theta - line1.Theta)
and you want all lines where a is close to -90°, 90°, 270°, -270°, ...
depending on how you normalize your angles

I have a set of N deformed circles made of lines. How to generate similar circle?

I have a set of N deformed circles made of lines. Each circle can have difrent amount of lines defining it. They are deformed in difrent manner but one could see the similarities between them. How to generate a new similar circle having desired lines count K - which ML algorithms it is better to look into?
A circle that pass near of given vertices (in general case, it isn't possible to pass through all vertices) can be estimated with some maths. For example see here
An aproximation can be achieved by:
Get the coordinates of the centroid,
two simple (x,y) average.
The radius can be estimated by the average of the distances from vertices to the centroid.

Find straight line segments in image using OpenCV

Using OpenCV's findContours() I have a list of contours in an image. I'm interested only in the straight lines, so if they are too 'squiggly' they should be rejected. The question is how to evaluate how straight each contour is?
I looked at fitLine(), but there doesn't appear to be a goodness-of-fit measure returned. I could evaluate this myself using the returned line.
I looked at arcLength() with the aim to compare this to the bounding rectangle dimensions, but even for somewhat straight lines, the arc length can be relatively long if the contour points are dense.
I could find the convex hull and compare to the bounding rectangle dimensions, but I'd have to analyze the convexity defects.
Is there a moment that would be useful here?
Find the contours as you are doing now
Find the straight lines in the image using HoughLines()
Compute the overlap between the contours and the straight lines
Take two points (with for instance cv::approxPoly) on your contour and compute their absolute distance. Then go through the contour points between the two points and add up all the distances. If the difference between distance over the contour and the absolute distance is bigger than a certain threshold you can reject it.
The function, findContours() already approximated contours with line segments somehow. Each contour is represented by a list of points around it. For your purpose, simply computing the distances of each pair of consecutive points in the contour would give you all line segment lengths.
Here is an example:
c = cnts[0]
#d is the points in contour c shifted by one with wraparound (numpy.roll)
d = np.roll(c, 1, axis=0)
np.linalg.norm(c - d, axis = -1)

calculate the distance of a contour point to contour at a specific angle

Now I have a set of contour points. I have ray L which starts at Pn and has an angle of ALPHA clockwise to the horizontal axis. I want to calculate the length of line which starts at Pn and ends at the point that ray L intersects with the contour, in this case is one point between Pn-2 and Pn-3. So how can I efficently and fast calculate this length?
No algorithm can solve this in faster than linear time, since the number of intersections may be linear, and so is the size of the output. I can suggest the following algorithm, which is quite convenient and efficient to implement:
transfer the points to a coordinate system x',y' whose center is Pn and x' is parallel to L. (In practice only the y' coordinate needs to be calculated. This requires 2 multiplication and 2 additions per point).
now find all the intersecting segments by searching for adjacent indices where the y' coordinates changes signs.
Calculate the intersection & length only for these segments
You could just compute the intersection of ray L with all line segments consisting of any pair of neighbouring contour points.
Of course you might want to optimize this process by sorting by distance to Pn or whatever. Depending on the countour (concave shape?) there could be multiple intersections, so you have to choose the right one (inner, outer, ...).
Instea of computing the intersection you also could draw the contour and the ray (e.g. using openCV) and find the point of intersection by using logical and.

How to dertmine the DirectionVector of a Line?

I have a programming problem , in the context of a geometric shape recognition(Rectangles, ovals etc).
In this context, if I have a a simple line, from say (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) - made up of a series of points(x-y pairs) -
How would I calculate the DIRECTION VECTOR for this line? I understand the math behind it, but I'm finding the algorithm provided by my client a bit vague. I'm stuck at step 3) of this algorithm.
The following is the algorithm(in English as opposed ot psedocode), exactly as provided by my client.
1) Brake the points that make up a "stroke" or "line" up in to sets of X(where by default X= 20 - we will adjust) points = a PointSet
2) For Each PointSet, find the EndPouint(average of the points at the ends) for the first and last Y points(where by default Y= X/5).
3) Find the DirectionVector of the PointSet= Subtract the CentrePoints
4) For each pair of PointSets, find the AngleChange = the angle between the DirectionVectors of the PointSets.
and so on.......
I am trying to figure out what point (3) means......
Any help would be DEEPLy appreciated folks! THANKS in advance.
If the segment from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) is short, then you can approximate its direction vector simply by: (x2-x1)*i + (y2-y1)*j.
Otherwise, you could use PCA to estimate the direction vector as the principal axis of individual points forming the segment,
