gerrit set project access add single user was invalid - gerrit

My gerrit version was v3.0.
I used to add single user in project access in gerrit version v2.15,after i upgrade gerrit version to v3.0, add single user as group was invalid

Check if you have the singleusergroup plugin v3.0 installed in your Gerrit.


Jenkins JIRA plugin: how to remove a version?

In a Jenkins pipeline, I had used jiraEditVersion to change the name of an old project version in JIRA (eg: 100.0.001) to a new version (eg:, where 1234 is a build number), but I found that the old version still existed. Are there any ways to remove the old version programmatically? I have checked the JIRA plugin document but cannot find any (

TFS integration with Octopus Deploy

I am trying to build my packages using TFS, already integrated with octopus server so that the package can be pulled to octopus server afterwards and get deployed automatically.Created a build definition to build db and windows packages. it goes successful for db however stuck in case of windows where it is supposed to create a release for its deployment.Error -:
There was a problem with your request.
- Release '20170808.12' already exists for this project. Please use a different version, or look at using a mask to auto-increment the number.
Error from Octopus server (HTTP 400 BadRequest)
Could anyone please help me on it....
Thanks in advance !!
You are attempting to a create an Octopus Deploy Release with a name which already exists.
You could adjust your version strategy through AssemblyInfo.cs or adjust Octopus Deploy to not use package names for Releases for under Octopus -> Project -> Settings
Please check if the Release '20170808.12' already exists.
According to the description in this article, it should be an Octopus Deploy issue.
Which version of Octopus Deploy do you use? If you are using the old version, just trying update to the latest version.
In addition, you can try to use below Create release options to check if that works:
--ignoreexisting If a release with the version number already
exists, ignore it
--force [Optional] If a project is configured to skip
packages with already-installed versions,
override this setting to force re-deployment
(flag, default false).
Also try to create a release with a specified release number:
octo create-release --project HelloWorld --version 1.0.3 --server http://octopus/ --apiKey API-ABCDEF123456
See creating-releases for more information.

Push Xcode Project to TFS Git repository

Trying to push Xcode project to TFS (Git repository), i created local repository for my project in Xcode, then install Git Credential Manager from GitHub, then trying to connect repository from Xcode by adding remote or connect to git repository, but the error message is "Authentication failed because the authentication credentials were rejected."
Would you please provide me with the correct steps.
Knowing that TFS 2015 & Xcode 8.2
The easiest solution for me was to just add your local repository with command line.
git remote add origin ADRESSOFREPO
Afterwards you can use the version control in Xcode to push and pull
TFS 2017 offers you SSH access. The earlier versions, like 2015, requires to setup SSL and Basic Authentication on the server. I guess that this is not properly configured for you.
The steps to setup SSL are described in details in the docs.
Here you can find what is required to configure Basic Authentication.
A couple of caveats:
username should be entered in domain\user format
do not enable Basic Authentication on the default non-SSL site

Setup Jenkins on VSO with TFS

Has anyone successfully set up VSO & Jenkins & TFS?
Server URL: https://<myproject>
Login name and user password (using alternative credentials)
What domain name did you use? <domain>\username
If I run the tf command in Command Prompt, it succeeds, but Jenkins shows the same command as failing. I'm lost as to how to debug this. I also tried setting cached credentials for TFS, and not caching them. It seems as though Jenkins does not have cached credentials, but my command prompt does? Why would my system have stored credentials for me, but not Jenkins?
Error from Jenkins: TF30063: You are not authorized to access
With the release of version 4.0.0 of the Jenkins Team Foundation Server plugin, Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) from Visual Studio Online (VSO) is now officially supported and both Personal Access Tokens (PAT) & alternate credentials can be used.
See the section User name and password in the wiki page.
This is an answer, but may not be what you want to hear. This used to work for us about a year ago. It required someone to stay logged into with his MSDN credentials on the build server. Then we simply didn't use credentials in the Jenkins TFS plug-in. Then one day, that simply stopped working. We tried alternative credentials, as #MrHinsh suggested, but never got it to work. Eventually we gave up and switched all of our TFS repositories to git (but still hosted on That does work with the alternate credentials, and we have been very pleased since.
You need to configure Jenkins yo use the alternate credentials. It will not work with any other configuration and the credentials are never stored. Every command that you pass must include the same creds.

Add an xcode project in a repository tfs

I'm trying to connect to a repository tfs a written project with xcode 5.
I'm using git-tf and it seems that the configuration in xcode 5 is correct.
The problem that feedback occurs when authentication with the TFS repository.
In xcode 5 open preferences and go in the accounts. I enter the login information with the url and in response I Access denied credentials are incorrect.
What am I doing wrong?
I was encountering the same issues when trying to authenticate in Xcode 5.
Make sure that you enabled Basic Authentication for your user profile for the TFS user account and that you selected "New Team project + GIT" instead of "New Team Project".
You can also try to clone the repository by using Terminal. Type the following command into Terminal and replace XXXXX with your values.
git clone
Then provide your credentials. Terminal will now clone the repository when authentication succeeds and your credentials will be saved to your keychain. Now when you try to authenticate in Xcode it will use the saved keychain credentials and it will (probably) successfully add your TFS repository to Xcode.
I hope this will help you!
for more information
Share your Xcode projects in Visual Studio Online using a Git repository. Or, if your team project uses TFVC instead of Git, you can use the git-tf command line tool to check your files into Visual Studio Online.
Enable alternate credentials
You can’t sign in to Xcode with an account that contains an # character, so you’ll have to enable alternate credentials.
