To the Flowground developers: The license of the Flowground SFTP component is specified inconsistently. In the connectors catalog "Apache 2.0" is specified as license ( But in the package.json "BSD-2-Clause" is stated ( I assume that the specification in the package.json is right. Is that correct?
Was a mistake in the Connector-Catalog. Has been fixed to "BSD-2-Clause".
I am currently trying to set up the SpecFlow+ Runner Server by following this instructions: Setting Up The SpecFlow+ Runner Server
I struggle at following point:
"2. Locate the "server" directory in your solution's
\packages\SpecRun.Runner.x.y.z\tools directory (created when you
install the NuGet package). Copy the contents of the “server”
directory to your server."
There is no "server" directory in my solutions \packages\SpecRun.Runner.3.0.337\tools directory. I have installed the Nuget SpecRun.SpecFlow.2-4-0. I also tried it with the newest Nuget SpecRun.SpecFlow.3-0-0 (v3.0.337) with the same outcome.
Isn't the "server" directory located in this Nuget anmore? Where can I find it now?
I also asked the question here:!topic/specrun/YyM7YPc6Rbc
Has been answered here:!topic/specrun/YyM7YPc6Rbc
Quote Andreas Willich:
Because of a bug, we didn't added the SpecFlow+Runner Server files to
the NuGet package. We will fix this as soon as possible and upload new
packages to
How to package and deploy Microsoft Edge Browser Extension to marketplace?
I reference sample package and develop the Edge extension include below files
css folder
js folder
icons folder
And I tested from Edge load extension folder.
But I don't know how to package and deploy to Microsoft marketplace.
Someone can advise me?
Updated (12/19/2016):
Microsoft Edge team has published the packaging documentation.
According to Building, Testing and Deploying a Browser Extension in Microsoft Edge, which is a session in Microsoft Ignite NZ, Microsoft Edge team has worked with Manifoldjs to bring support of generating Edge extension appx package. You could follow the ReadMe of Manifoldjs to generate an appx package for Microsoft Edge extensions.
And as it states in above session, Microsoft Edge isn't accepting public submissions to the store at this time, if you're interested in deploying your extensions to the Windows Store, please consider submitting a request to to be considered for a future update.
If anyone is trying to use manifoldjs or pwabuilder and are having issues, here is a work around.
First, just don't.
manifoldjs -l debug -p edgeextension -m <MANIFEST-LOCATION>.json
Update generated appxmanifest.xml. Values are found in partner center.
Version="" /> <!-- UPDATE IDENTITY -->
<PublisherDisplayName>PUBLISHER-NAME</PublisherDisplayName> <!-- UPDATE PUBLISHER DISPLAY NAME -->
Update logos found in Assets folder.
Run CMD as admin, run command below
ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\makeappx.exe" pack /d "manifest" /p "package\mypackage.appx"
I hope this helps someone.
I'm trying to build a TDS project the TFS hosted server. The project uses the HedgehogDevelopment.TDS package, but when build time comes, a license exception occurs.
I am passing the owner and key information to visual studio in this way:
/p:TDS_Owner="$(TDSOwner)" /p:TDS_Key="$(TDSKey)"
Where the variables are the owner and key. I have verified that the values are correct, yet I still get a license exception, indicating that TDS cannot find these values.
Is there a flaw in how I am giving visual studio these parameters? How can I get a TDS project to build using the HedgehogDevelopment.TDS package?
First, please make sure you have installed TDS on the build server.
You can actually include the License info with a config file by following below steps.
Add this file manually here: xxx(TDSFilesFolder)\HedgehogDevelopment\xxxProject\vx.0
Call the file TDSLicense.config
Save the following (with your license information in) in the file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <license Owner="CompanyName" Key="aaaa-bbb-ccc-dddd" />
If it's a permissions issue with reading the license from the registry - this should sort it out. More detail info you can take a look a this blog.
I am using mqtt as a client to get messagaes from the mqtt broker.
Previously I had 0.2.1 which had a issue in clientId generation (greater than 23 characters would fail)
I saw the fix is done in later versions, so I upgraded to 1.0.1. I downloaded the 1.0.1 jar from the below repository
eclipse repo [/content/repositories/paho-releases/org/eclipse/paho/org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3/1.0.1/]
I get: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attribute
I googled and found solutions to fix the issue. I removed the META-INF and zipped the jar again. It solved my problem for the time being. But this should not be done as I understand.
I had found other fixes which didn't help, such as putting the below configuration in my pom.
Later I ran jarsigner -verify org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3-1.0.1.jar
I got the following:
jar verified.
This jar contains entries whose signer certificate will expire within six months.
The signer certificate expiring in 6 months.
I am not sure if I should be downloading the same jar or not.
Eclipse packages as and puts osgi bundles in their maven repo.
This is how I made it work:
download mqtt jar & pom from eclipse repo
download all its dependencies
unjar the jar
From META-INF/MANIFEST.MF remove all lines apart from first 3
Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-Localization: bundle
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.4
Remove the certificates in META-INF folder
now jar all the unjared files to the same jar name
Upload in your maven repo
I know I am late, but I was able to fix the problem by renaming the .class file which contained all of the MQTT stuff. I had originally named it MQTTListener. The moment I renamed it MQTTCommunicationModule (I know the new name is not great, it was only to verify my suspicion) the error went away.
My guess is I had given the class the same name as a class in the MQTT library which caused the conflict.
TL;DR: The error may be caused by creating a class with the same name as a class in the library.
Could someone please post the maven dependencies needed to run the stardog 2.1.3 client examples? These critical ones keep coming up undefined
import com.complexible.common.openrdf.OpenRdfIO;
import com.complexible.common.protocols.server.Server;
import com.complexible.stardog.Stardog;
Server and Stardog are in the ${STARDOG}\server directory of the distribution; these are not installed by the maven install script because they're server dependencies and normally not needed in a client application. The complete end-to-end examples, because they include both client & server code, require both sets of dependencies.
The OpenRdfIO class no longer exists, you are using out of data code. If you use the version of the example in the distribution, it will have the correct class name.