dyld: Library not loaded Xcode11 - ios

When I tried to install my project on my phone there is an error : "dyld: Library not loaded:" and in the file "dyld`__abort_with_payload:" the thread 1. But on simulator everything is good.
So I tried to remake the same project with test step by step. At the first it's working but when I install pods (because of Firebase) the error appear. (I install the app on 2 devices, and they crashed at the same time. Without update.) (It was working very well there is 4 days.)
I don't know if it's because of my Apple certification iOS or it's about firebase with the update to iOS 13.3.1 ? Or something else ?
I tried many things on different topic.
Someone has resolve this issue ? :D

Looks like you can't use your free development account with frameworks on iOS 13.3.1, user "Valdani" in the Apple Forum got it to work by commenting the use_frameworks! line in the podfile then making a "pod install" and a "pod update"

I solved the issues.
I remplace use_frameworks! by use_modular_headers! in the pod file
Thanks for help


Suddenly not getting any back animations (React Native, React-Navigation)

SOLVED (JULY 27 2022)
I finally solved this myself. I was using use_frameworks! in my Podfile. This was needed for one of the libraries I was using (React Native Firebase 15.x.x). I deleted the use_frameworks! line and downgraded to Firebase 14.x.x which works without. This fixed everything. I'm on RN 0.69.2 and Hermes enabled.
I had a perfectly functioning react-native app. I made some changes and was about to release to production. Right before I do I think, I'll update to react 0.69.1. I started getting a BatchedBundler error where the app wouldn't start in release mode. I spent days trying to fix this, and eventually fixed it by disabling Hermes. No problem, can downgrade the app.
The app now (regardless of wether or not it's Hermes enabled, debug or release, simulator or device), doesn't have back animations. I'm using react-navigation, and createNativeStackNavigator.
If I enable headersShown: true and then use the native back button that appears, I get a regular animation. Otherwise animations look like this: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/21344181/179496474-6fa6c511-49ea-443e-9be7-33a027597716.MP4
I have tried everything at this point, I've downgraded, restored an old version from git. I've deleted the project and started a new Xcode project and still this animation bug persists.
I have no idea what to even do anymore, I've been developing this app for nearly 2 years and this bug seems to have elevated itself above the code, above the cache, above everything. I've cleared cache and deleted node_modules, pods everything you can possibly clear. I've init'd a new react native project copied over the src and then reinstalled all the node modules and pod install but still, same issue. I'm not expecting anyone to know how to fix this at this point, but any advice on how to even begin debugging this would be a huge help. I can't create a repro which sadly makes it so hard to get help.
I can only find one instance where this has ever been a problem for anyone else: https://github.com/software-mansion/react-native-screens/issues/1356 and it was resolved with an update.
Please help.
I finally solved this myself. I was using use_frameworks! in my Podfile. This was needed for one of the libraries I was using (React Native Firebase 15.x.x). I deleted the use_frameworks! line and downgraded to Firebase 14.x.x which works without. This fixed everything. I'm on RN 0.69.2 and Hermes enabled.

Unable to archive project with ResearchKit but successfully works on Simulator and Device

I have an old project which uses ResearchKit to collect survey information. The project used pod (pod 'ResearchKit') and all worked fine. Now when I want to deploy this app to Testflight, Apple rejected my app saying ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView for improved security and reliability. After some research, I came across some solutions suggesting to remove researchkit cocoapod and instead to use the ResearchKit project as follows https://github.com/ResearchKit/ResearchKit/issues/1346 http://blog.shazino.com/articles/dev/researchkit-setup-project/. I followed the steps exactly and was successfully able to run my app on the Simulator and also Real device. The app worked fine as before but when I tried to archive the app it gives an error saying 'ResearchKit/ResearchKit.h' file not found
I checked many solutions but none of them worked for me
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64
The bundle at 'my_app.app/ResearchKit/ResearchKit/Info.plist' does not contain a bundle executable
Not sure if this is a bug in the library or I am doing something wrong, Request you to please help me out
Fixed this using pod
pod 'ResearchKit', :git => 'https://github.com/ResearchKit/ResearchKit.git', :branch => 'master'

Xcode 9 App installation failed, Could not write to the device

I've just updated to Xcode 9 and am getting App installation failed Could not write to the device error popup every other time. I see there are older questions on the subject, but this one is particular to iOS 11 and Xcode 9. I've never had the issue before.
How do I make sure Xcode 9 can install app to device every time?
In my case this issue was caused by using App Store distribution certificate while iPad was connected wirelessly.
Switching to development certificate fixed the issue.
Xcode 9 seems to have many different manifestations of this problem. Some of the other answers address specific problems, but this definitely occurs when there is nothing wrong with your project. These steps always resolve for me (in order from least painful to most painful):
Try running it again. Sometimes it works on the 3rd or 4th time.
Unplug the device and plug it in again.
Restart Xcode.
Clean build folder (not a regular clean - this is cmd+option+shift+K or hold option in the product menu) and then rebuild.
If all else fails, once a full restart fixed it for me. But probable something else was the root cause.
Hopefully Xcode fixes these problems soon...but I'm not hopeful.
In my case, I want to testing watchOS app and I set the debug provisioning profile to release one. I set to automatic and the issue is gone.
The solution that works for Could not write to the device is clicking the run button again after dismissing this error message.
In some cases I get the error App installation failed: unknown error. In this case I need to do a clean before building.
Deleting the app from device also helps.
I had similar issue and got is solved using below steps :
Delete app from device
Disconnect device from system
Restart iPhone device and Xcode
Delete derived data content
Clean your project (Shortcut key : cmd + shift + k)
Rebuild your project
I am facing same issues on my iPad. It was working fine before. But after some time my development version stop working on iPad. I have tried and search on internet but not able to find solutions. I have tried all above cases but no Luck.
At last, I have found solutions. Some developer has changed DATE/TIME settings for my Ipad. Please check date/time because my Provisional profile for apps has expired for the manual date set on iPad.
Hope the following steps will be useful for others,
Check your provisioning profile is valid.
choose the debug profile for signing in target.
Open you scheme under product in menu toolbar or using Cmd + < shortcut.
Choose debug mode for Run in your product scheme.
Tadaa! now you can run the app in your device flawlessly.
Happy coding! :)
I tried all the method , they didn`t work for me .
And I fixed the problem by removing the soft link file made by ln -s
In my case, this issue appears when I added a folder as reference in the project which contains a symlink. Removing the symlink fixed the issue.
Mine occurred when I had not signed in using my itunes developer portal credentials to sign into XCode. When I did it and cleared all derived data, it worked out.
Everyone is solving this problem in a different way. Mine was changing executable name, building the app (throwing the "You don't have permission etc." problem) and changing the executable name back to the original value.
I don't know why but it worked.
I actually had to reboot the system on the Mac, this gets me rid of the problem for a good while, but it eventually comes back. None of the other solutions mentioned here worked for me.
In my case the problem appears while I use manual signing and try to debug the app in Release mode. Although the fastlane builds and uploads fine in this mode fine, direct XCode debugging fails with the error "Could not write to the device". Temp switching to automatic signing mode fixed this issue.
What worked for me:
delete the app from iPhone
clean the code in Xcode
quit Xcode
re-open Xcode, connect my iPhone, and run it again
I got this issue App installation failed - Could not write to the device and I solved it by doing the below steps
Uninstall the app from device.
Clean the project.
Run the project.
It worked for me.
Xcode 9. iOS 11 SDK. Watch SDK 4.x.x - OPEN THE WATCH APP on the iPhone after failed. My Watch tab->(scroll down to the bottom)-> Install your app. Hope this helps. Just need permissions from the "Watch" app.
I had the same question that could be solved by deleting other debug App from my iPhone, then it worked.
When I choose the Automatically manage signing, my problem fixed.Hope my answer can help you.
Sometimes the problem arises when you removing some pod file reference. The only way to solve this in also your pod-file
pod 'KYDrawerController'
pod 'GoogleMaps'
pod 'GooglePlaces'
pod 'Alamofire'
pod 'Firebase'
pod 'Firebase/Messaging'
remove the unwanted file in this place. And also reinstall the pod-file again and open your project it surely works for you.

Unable to install app in simulator Xcode 9 beta

I downloaded Xcode 9 beta recently, and when I tried to run my app in the simulator it is not getting installed. I am getting this error in my Xcode every time I try to run the app.
This app was unable to be installed.
The application used to work in Xcode 8.3.3
Unfortunately, the error message doesn’t explain why the install failed. You can take a look at ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/CoreSimulator.log to see if the rest of the error message is there with more info. If not, you should check out the sim device’s system log:
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode-beta.app # if you haven’t already
xcrun simctl spawn booted log show
You can use --predicate to filter that down a bit.
Late answer but might be that can be useful for others. I just get a project with existing watch-kit and custom keyboard code. After change the identifier i got the same error and i spend 1 day to find out why that happens.
I checked everything of bundle id and all version. then i do global search in xcode with old identifier and i found that following.
Here in both .plist file have old WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier so after i update it with new manually application run again.
XCODE VERSIO: Version 9.0 (9A235)
I ran into this same issue and a quick click on Product > Clean did the trick for me!
If you are using CocoaPods in your project please have a look at this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44533287/221194
Changing the status of the pods subdirectory helped me with my project.
I had a similar issue when installing my App on the IOS simulator (with Xcode 9).
I found the issue (at least for my case), it was due to an unauthorized key (Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description) in the info.plist of the Watch App.
I have moved this key to the info.plist of the WatchKit Extension and now the App installs again.
I hope it will help others people having the same issue.
change deployment target as per requirement.
also check ios version of your device
I had the same issue. Log shows it's an error caused by Google Signin:
FunctionName=-[MobileInstallationHelperService stageItemAtURL:completion:], SourceFileLine=392, NSUnderlyingError=0x7f891e9a1270 {Error Domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain Code=4 "Failed to remove ACL" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to remove ACL, FunctionName=-[MIFileManager _removeACLAtPath:isDir:error:]
However it works on iOS 9 & 10 simulator.
I got same error and I was using Cocoapods in my project and for me help just update pods.
I ran into this issue in Xcode 9.0 beta 5 after renaming a project that contained an iOS and watchOS app. To fix, I recreated the iOS target.
This issue could be triggered by multiple things however if you take a look at the logs at ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/CoreSimulator.log and it states an error that reads :
NSUnderlyingError=0x7fb51c271ee0 Could not hardlink copy /originPath
to /destinationPath
it's possible that your Build number in your Project Target's settings is set to empty.
Go to Project Target > Identity > Build and set a Build number. You'll have to uninstall the the app in the simulator and re-install it before installing updated versions.
Please check the bundle identifier to solve the issue.
I had the same issue on XCode 9.3.1 when I wanted to add google map framework to my project manually.
To fix the problem I remove the google frameworks from Embedded binaries...

Xcode 7 - Code coverage data generation failed

When I run my tests I get an error:
Code coverage data generation failed.
Unable to retrieve the profile data files from 'UIDevice'.
On console was printed warning:
Timed out waiting 120 seconds for simulator to boot, current state is 1.
What is the reason?
If you are integrating your project with a 3rd party dynamic framework, you may need to add a path in your build settings. Look for ->Build Settings->"Runpath search paths" and make sure it includes the path to the framework.
I was just seeing this exact issue myself after setting up my a project to use a framework my team has been working on. After updating this specific setting, the problem went away. In my case, the path was identical to one I already had to set for the "Framework search paths" setting.
I solved this problem, just like I solve most of those XCode Problems:
delete your projects files in your DerivedData (Xcode>Preferences>Locations>DerivedData→ to jump there in finder)
(keep alt-Button pressed) Product>Clean Build Folder
Quit XCode
Restart XCode
Remove your app from your device / simulator
Try again.
In case it still doesn't work, use another simulator / device for a few runs. Sooner or later it will work again on the original one again.
If you are using cocoa pods, check this thread on the Cocoapods repository:
This fixed my problem:
Copying #dfleming response:
For some reason, it appears that CocoaPods is not adding the "[CP]
Embed Pods Frameworks" build phase to the UI Tests target when
generating the project workspace.
I manually added this in and the UI Tests were runnable again.
This build phase should run the following script: (Replace
{YourProject} with your project name)
"${SRCROOT}/Pods/Target Support
I experienced exactly the same error and eventually got it working, these are the steps I took.
Tried restarting Xcode and the simulator, after cleaning and deleting the app, that never worked.
Then I restarted the Mac as suggested, but that still didn't work.
Then I chose a new device to test against in the simulator, was previously using 5s and switched to 6, and that worked.
Interestingly, when I switched to the iPhone 6 simulator, it showed the Apple logo with a loading bar, before running the app and working.
When switching back to the 5s simulator it did exactly the same, with the Apple loading bar, which it hadn't done before, and then the 5s worked.
So it looks to be a simulator issue, and switching to a different device worked. Resetting the content and settings may be the solution for a non-working device.
Cocoapods link_with method can cause this issue!
I was getting the exact same error on xcode 7.2 - no number of simulator or device resets seemed to clear it up. After completely rebuilding my UITest targets though things worked fine. After spending a lot of time in a massive git diff of the .pbxproj file I found a solution for my project. Im not sure if it addresses the root cause for everyone who is seeing this error but it definitely clears things up for me.
From the project info below "deployment target", "Configurations" will list all the possible configurations for your application. Expand the configuration you are trying to run and you should see a list of all your targets. In my case cocoapods had automatically added a base configuration for the UITest target:
Set this to none in the dropdown.
Next in the menu to the left select your UITest target then build phases You will need to remove check pods manifest.lock link binary with libraries emebd pods frameworks and copy pods resources.
Finally go to your pod file and check for any mentions of your UITest target or targets. In my case I had been specifying at the top of my podfile:
platform :ios, '8.4'
link_with 'My App', 'My UITesting Target'
pod 'A Pod', '~> 1.0'
Instead the podfile should list specific dependencies for each target:
platform :ios, '8.4'
target 'My App', :exclusive => true do
pod 'A Pod I want to use in my app', '~> 1.0'
Assuming you weren't using any pods in your UITests the target should build again without errors and tests will run!
My understanding of root of this problem is that each UITest target builds two separate bundles, one for the app and one for the UITest controller. Unfortunately cocoapods link_with logic modifies all the specified targets to expect the pods.framework in their bundle. The build phase scripts add the framework to the app bundle but not the UITest controller bundle, so then when you launch your tests that UITest controller bundle appears to be missing frameworks and xcode aborts the installation.
If you were using pods in your UITests you should be able to specify these in the same way:
target 'My UITesting Target', :exclusive => true do
pod 'Another Pod I want only for UITesting', '~> 1.0'
And when you run pod install everything should link up correctly.
This problem can also appears when you use Cocoapods with a framework where some dependencies are missing.
For example if you are using Framework A, and this framework depends of Framework B but in the Podspec of Framework A the dependency is not declared.
One of the reasons this can happen is if the host application that the test target is testing is not linked to the right dependencies. For example, if you have are testing a framework, make sure the host app is linked to those frameworks and also embedded.
My problem was caused by incorrect deployment version of unittest target. Tested App deployment version was 7.0, but the unittest's was not set up correctly automatically. It was set to 10.0, while my simulator's version was 8.4. Change the UT target's deployment version to 8.0 in build settings and then all the problems disappeared.
I tried a bunch of these solutions with no luck. I turned off the Code Coverage option in my Scheme's Test section, which suppressed the error but Tests would not run. Then I noticed quite a bit of stuff in NSLog console. Somewhere in there, it mentioned reference to a framework that I was no longer using and trying to load.
I searched the app for it, and Build Settings -> Other Linker Flags was trying to load the framework that wasn't there anymore.
I removed:
-framework 3rd_party_libname
Then tests worked again. This was confusing, but please check for NSLog msgs. I was using XCode 8.3
One or more of your simulators has gotten stuck. The only thing that always works to fix this for me is to reset the simulator content and settings from the Simulator menu.
Note: this will delete all app data from the simulator.
After a long time trying to figure this out, it turned out that I had to create a brand new test target.
Then after rebooting the device the problem no longer resurfaced.
In my case, I had added Swift files to a framework that was (until then) purely Objective-C. The test bundle did not have any Swift code in it.
Once I added a Swift file to the test bundle, Xcode automatically updated some project settings and the error went away.
You should keep the Swift file in the test bundle, even though it may not contain any code. Either Xcode or Cocoapods evidently use the existence of Swift files in the test bundle to determine whether to run the tests in "swift mode".
The root cause is probably the simulator failure. Issues with the simulator are common, especially on first launch.
If the problem occurs even after successful simulator launch and connect, please post the details of the error.
To get the simulator to launch, I often have to cancel the first run (after launching Xcode cleanly), and try re-running a few times.
If this is repeatable, happens on multiple projects, and persists after relaunch and cleaning of the projects, consider submitting a defect to Apple if the Stack Overflow community cannot help.
I had this same problem but it was due to having a test target and renaming the application's target. Make sure you have a valid Host Application set.
Choose the test target on the project page
Under the General tab there should be a Host Application select box
Choose the target you want to test against
I also faced same issue :
Tried following things for different projects :
1.For project where i had some third party frameworks, The problem was that test bundle can't find the framework at runtime. For this update test target's Runpath Search Paths build settings by adding $(PROJECT_DIR)/Frameworks (assuming you keep your frameworks at that location)., It fixed my problem for this project
You can look for it at below location :
Project file -> Test target -> Build Settings -> Runpath Search Paths
In other workspace, When I changed my testing device to some other simulator or change the device itself. it helped.
Restart the xcode or your mac system.
hope it will help u
Carthage users:
This happened to me after I added a new framework to my Cartfile.
I ran carthage update but forgot to drag the .framework file from Finder into the Embedded Binaries section of my app target!
Once I did that, the problem went away.
(Note this is a specific case of the general problem mentioned by #Mustafa above.)
I was having this problem on Xcode 8.3 on Sierra 10.12.4
I opened the Keychain Access application on my Mac
After a few seconds, I got several system pop-ups asking for my password, to grant permissions to Keychain items.
I entered my password into the pop-ups, and then my tests starting working.
Steps that worked in my case
Delete the scheme and clicking Manage Scheme->Auto generate scheme resolved the issue in my case.
Issue was caused by installing the certificate in the simulator and in the keychain
Using Xcode 9.1 with multiple build targets and standard compiler we were working on UI tests and I started seeing this problem. So, you will probably hate me for this answer, and I fully expect it to be downvoted, BUT this actually worked for me: I had to completely remove Xcode and my project from my machine to make this error disappear.
I tried every single suggestion in this thread, some multiple times, tried clearing cache files, deleting derived data, tinkering with build settings, updating podfiles, cleaning, rebuilding after each attempt, cleaning the simulator, manually recreating the simulators in 'manage devices'. After hours and hours of frustration it was still a complete mystery why this machine was failing to build our UI test. It seemed to work fine on other machines and on our CI. In addition to the items in this thread I manually modified the pbxproj file to set all options related to code coverage to "NO".
Finally, I was 1 step away from reformatting the entire machine. I decided to completely remove Xcode following the suggestions here: Stackoverflow: How to completely uninstall Xcode.
Specifically, I trashed our workspace, quit all programs, deleted all of the files listed, cleared content and settings from the simulator, deleted the simulator, turned the machine off for 20 minutes, came back, reinstalled Xcode, cloned the repository, and voila! No error.
Hope that solves the issue for someone. It's the 'nuclear' option, and you should never ever have to do this, but like I said, this is the only thing that worked for me.
