wget: command not found in Jenkins Pipeline - jenkins

in my Mac, wget command working. How to fix this issue?
Error Message
line 1: wget: command not found
Full Pipeline Script
node('master') {
def home = sh(script: "echo $ANDROID_HOME",returnStdout: true).trim()
def SDKPath = "$home/Android/sdk"
stage("Preparing SDK"){
// Check SDK Downloaded
def isSDKDownloaded = sh(script: "test -e sdk-tools-linux-4333796.zip && echo true || echo false",returnStdout: true).trim()
if(isSDKDownloaded == "false"){
// Download SDK
sh "wget 'https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-linux-4333796.zip'"
// Check if SDK is Extracted
def isExtracted = sh(script: "test -e $SDKPath/tools && echo true || echo false",returnStdout: true).trim()
if(isExtracted == "false"){
sh "mkdir -p $SDKPath"
//Unzip SDK
sh "unzip sdk-tools-linux-4333796.zip -d $SDKPath"
// Install SDK Tools
sh "yes | $SDKPath/tools/bin/sdkmanager 'build-tools;28.0.3' 'platform-tools' 'platforms;android-27'"
sh "ls $SDKPath/licenses"
// See installed And Available SDK
sh "$SDKPath/tools/bin/sdkmanager --list"
// Accept All SDK Licences
sh "yes | $SDKPath/tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses"
def selectedBranch = SELECTED_RELEASE_BRANCH
stage('Checkout') {
git branch: selectedBranch, url: 'git#gitlab.com:o-apps/demo.git'
// Remove Existing local properties
sh 'rm local.properties ||:'
// Write sdk.dir Path into local properties file
sh "echo 'sdk.dir=$SDKPath' >> local.properties"
stage('Setup Tools') {
withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'android_keystore', variable: 'KEYFILE')]) {
sh "cp \$KEYFILE app/key.jks"
stage('Build Release APK') {
sh "./gradlew clean assembleRelease"
stage('Upload to Play Store') {
androidApkUpload googleCredentialsId: 'key', apkFilesPattern: '**/*-release.apk', trackName: 'alpha'
stage('Cleanup Credential') {
sh "rm app/key.jks"

This is probably due to the $PATH environment variable which is different between your user and the user running Jenkins. Your user may be altering its $PATH by expanding it in the shell resource file (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc).
Not to worry, you can use the full path.
To find out the full path to wget, run this on the machine that runs the pipeline (the one labelled master):
% which wget
(Your path may naturally be different.)
Now use the full path:
// Download SDK
sh "/usr/local/bin/wget 'https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-linux-4333796.zip'"


Jenkins - How is it possible that bat console works inside the sshagent plugin but the sh console does not?

Does anybody know why:
sshagent(credentials: ['jenk'])
sh "git remote show …" //This does not work !
bat "git remote show …" //This works ??
The 'jenk' credentials are managed via Jenkins->credentials->System->global credentials
Sorry forgot the error msg:
Host key verification failed
fatal: Could not read from remote repository
Jenkins was configured using CYGWIN_NT-6.3-WOW (i686 Cygwin) for the sh commands.
After all this commands cleared everything:
if (isUnix())
echo "Jenkins runs on Linux"
echo "Jenkins runs on Windows"
echo "show shell kernel version (uname -a) : "
def res = sh (script: "uname -a", returnStdout: true)
echo "${res}" //=>CYGWIN_NT-6.3-WOW...
res2 = sh (script: "ls -al ~/.ssh", returnStdout: true)
echo "${res2}"
So the solution to the problem above is therefore adding the ssh-keys to cygwin
If you need your credentials you could do this:

Jenkins pipeline doesn't copy files generated in previous stage

I am setting up a Jenkins pipeline to deploy a PHP application. The application is using composer, so I am running composer install -o in the script to ensure that all dependencies are there. The test setup also ensures that the vendor/autoload.php is generated (it's in the phpunit.xml bootstrap config)
My scripts are based on https://modess.io/jenkins-php/ and http://jenkins-php.org/
My issue is that the vendor folder is not included, and the generated config.inc.php is not included.
The Jenkins log shows that my deployment line sh "cp -rp ${SOURCE_DIR}/* ${DEPLOY_DIR}" is being expanded into cp -rp src/globals.template.inc.php src/index.php src/phpinfo.php /usr/nasShare/htdocs/sometest which is not including the mentioned files. (in fact those are the only files in the src directory in SCM. Looking in the working directory on the jenkins server, the files are generated... )
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
stages {
stage ('Testing'){
steps {
echo "Running ant clean"
sh 'ant clean'
echo "running composer"
sh "composer install -o -d ${SOURCE_DIR}"
echo ""
sh 'ant quick-build'
stage ('Staging'){
steps {
echo "Building config file"
script {
def inptext = readFile file: "${SOURCE_DIR}/${TEMPLATE_FILE}"
inptext = inptext.replaceAll(~/¤GIT_BRANCH¤/, "${GIT_BRANCH_NAME}")
inptext = inptext.replaceAll(~/¤GIT_COMMIT¤/, "${sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%h'").trim()}")
inptext = inptext.replaceAll(~/¤GIT_TAG¤/, "${sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git -C . describe --tags").trim()}")
writeFile file: "${SOURCE_DIR}/${CONFIG_FILE}", text: inptext
stage ('Remote Deploy'){
agent any
environment name: 'DEPLOY_TYPE', value: 'remote'
steps {
echo "Deploying via SSH on ${SSH_SERVER_NAME}:${DEPLOY_DIR}"
//TODO: rename backup file
//TODO: delete backup on success
stage ('Local Deploy'){
agent any
environment name: 'DEPLOY_TYPE', value: 'local'
steps {
echo "Deploying to ${DEPLOY_DIR} "
//TODO: backup existing files
sh "rm -R ${DEPLOY_DIR}/*"
sh "cp -rp ${SOURCE_DIR}/* ${DEPLOY_DIR}"
I found the error of my way. Adding ${WORKSPACE}/ to my SOURCE_DIR variable solved it. now all the expected files are being copied.
Working environment from jenkinsfile
environment {

execute commands on remote host in a Jenkinsfile

i am trying to ssh into a remote host and then execute certain commands on the remote host's shell. Following is my pipeline code.
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
// comment added
MAINTAINER_EMAIL = 'jenkins#email.com'
stages {
stage('clone repository') {
steps {
// cloning repo
checkout scm
stage('Build Image') {
steps {
script {
sshagent(credentials : ['jenkins-pem']) {
sh "echo pwd"
sh 'ssh -t -t ubuntu#xx.xxx.xx.xx -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
sh "echo pwd"
sh 'sudo -i -u root'
sh 'cd /opt/docker/web'
sh 'echo pwd'
But upon running this job it executes sh 'ssh -t -t ubuntu#xx.xxx.xx.xx -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' successfully but it stops there and does not execute any further commands. I want to execute the commands that are written after ssh command inside the remote host's shell. any help is appreciated.
I would try something like this:
sshagent(credentials : ['jenkins-pem']) {
sh "echo pwd"
sh 'ssh -t -t ubuntu#xx.xxx.xx.xx -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "echo pwd && sudo -i -u root && cd /opt/docker/web && echo pwd"'
I resolve this issue
sh """ssh -tt login#host << EOF
your command
steps {
script {
sh """
sudo ssh -i /path/path/keyname.pem username#serverip << EOF
sudo bash /opt/filename.sh
exit 0
<< EOF
There is a better way to run commands on remote using SSH. I know this is late answer but I just explored this thing so would like to share and this will help others to resolve this problem easily.
I just found this link helpful on how to run multiple commands on remote using SSH. Also we can run multiple commands conditionally as mentioned in above blog.
By going through it, I found the syntax:
ssh username#hostname "command1; command2;commandN"
Now, how to run command inside remote hots using SSH in Jenkins pipeline?
Here is the solution:
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
define your command in variable
remoteCommands =
"""java --version;
java --version;
java --version """
stages {
stage('Login to remote host') {
steps {
sshagent(['ubnt-creds']) {
Provide variable as argument in ssh command
sh 'ssh -tt username#hostanem $remoteCommands'
Firstly and optionally, you can define a variable that holds all commands separated by ;(semicolon) and then pass it as parameter in command.
Another way, you can also pass your commands directly to ssh command as
sh "ssh -tt username#hostanem 'command1;command2;commandN'"
I have used it in my code and it's working great!
see the output here
Happy Learning :)

Cannot conditionally remove a directory inside the workspace using basic Jenkins pipeline steps

I am trying to remove the directory junit located in the workspace of my Jenkins job using scripted Pipeline which looks somewhat like this:
node {
stage('Build') {
checkout scm
app = docker.build("...")
stage('Test') {
app.withRun("--name = ${CONTAINER_ID} ...") {
// sh "mkdir -p junit"
// sh "rm -rf junit/"
dir "junit" {
sh "docker exec ${CONTAINER_ID} /bin/bash -c 'source venv/bin/activate && python run.py test -x junit'"
sh "docker cp ${CONTAINER_ID}:/home/foo/junit junit"
junit 'junit/*.xml'
However I am getting the following (red haring?) error, e.g.
hudson.tasks.junit.pipeline.JUnitResultsStep.testResults expects class
java.lang.String but received class
However when I am using the shell steps:
sh "mkdir -p junit"
sh "rm -rf junit/"
It works as expected. What am I doing wrong?
Try to use parentheses:
dir ("junit") {

Building Go app with "vendor" directory on Jenkins with Docker

I'm trying to set up a Jenkins Pipeline to build and deploy my first Go project using a Jenkinsfile and docker.image().inside . I can't figure out how to get go to pick up the dependencies in the vendor/ directory.
When I run the build, I get a bunch of errors:
+ goapp test ./...
src/dao/demo_dao.go:8:2: cannot find package "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go" in any of:
/usr/lib/go_appengine/goroot/src/github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go (from $GOROOT)
/usr/lib/go_appengine/gopath/src/github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go (from $GOPATH)
...why isn't it picking up the Vendor directory?
When I throw in some logging, it seems that after running sh "cd /workspace/src/bitbucket.org/nalbion/go-demo" the next sh command is still in the original ${WORKSPACE} directory. I really like the idea of the Jenkins file, but I can't find any decent documentation for it.
(Edit - there is decent documentation here but dir("/workspace/src/bitbucket.org/nalbion/go-demo") {} doesn't seem to work within docker.image().inside)
My Docker file resembles:
FROM golang:1.6.2
# Google's App Engine Go SDK
RUN wget https://storage.googleapis.com/appengine-sdks/featured/go_appengine_sdk_linux_amd64-1.9.40.zip -q -O go_appengine_sdk.zip && \
unzip -q go_appengine_sdk.zip -d /usr/lib/ && \
rm go_appengine_sdk.zip
ENV PATH /usr/lib/go_appengine:/go/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
ENV GOPATH /usr/lib/go_appengine/gopath
# Add Jenkins user
RUN groupadd -g 132 jenkins && useradd -d "/var/jenkins_home" -u 122 -g 132 -m -s /bin/bash jenkins
And my Jenkinsfile:
node('docker') {
currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS"
try {
stage 'Checkout'
checkout scm
stage 'Build and Test'
env.WORKSPACE = pwd()
"-v ${env.WORKSPACE}:/workspace/src/bitbucket.org/nalbion/go-demo " +
"-e GOPATH=/usr/lib/go_appengine/gopath:/workspace") {
// Debugging
sh 'echo GOPATH: $GOPATH'
sh "ls -al /workspace/src/bitbucket.org/nalbion/go-demo"
sh "cd /workspace/src/bitbucket.org/nalbion/go-demo"
sh "pwd"
sh "go vet ./src/..."
sh "goapp test ./..."
stage 'Deploy to DEV'
docker.image('nalbion/go-web-build').inside {
sh "goapp deploy --application go-demo --version v${v} app.yaml"
timeout(time:5, unit:'DAYS') {
input message:'Approve deployment?', submitter: 'qa'
stage 'Deploy to PROD'
docker.image('nalbion/go-web-build').inside {
sh "goapp deploy --application go-demo --version v${v} app.yaml"
} catch (err) {
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
// send notifications
throw err
I managed to get it working by including the cd in the same sh statement:
.inside("-v ${env.WORKSPACE}:/workspace/src/bitbucket.org/nalbion/go-demo " +
"-e GOPATH=/usr/lib/go_appengine/gopath:/workspace") {
sh """
cd /workspace/src/bitbucket.org/nalbion/go-demo
go vet ./src/...
goapp test ./...
