Xcode localization: Base concept without redundancy - ios

I am a little confused about the implementation of localization in Xcode. I know that I can provide as many languages as I want by creating the appropriate XY.Iproj folders and inserting the .strings and Localizable.strings files into them. This all happens automatically with Xcode.
Unfortunately I have problems understanding the Base concept. As I understood it so far, the development language is to be used there. In my case this is English, so should I write in the storyboard and XIB files as text directly in English? For example the headline (a label) of the settings page with the content "Settings"?
But why do I have also the .strings file with the translation into English? That would be redundant, because I have already entered English text directly in the Base file and the .strings file contains the same text again.
Or should the storyboard and XIB files only have identifiers like "settings_page_headline" as content for labels? But that's nonsense, because these labels are good for nothing...
Or can I completely delete the .strings for the English translation if I have already inserted the English content in the storyboard and XIB files?
I hope you can enlighten me a bit. Of course I have read the documentation of Apple, there my problem of understanding is not discussed as much as I need to understand it.
Main.storyboard (Base) and Main.strings (English) contain the same content:
Content of the Main.storyboard (Base):
Content of the Main.strings (English):
"tos-eB-aJc.title" = "Send Feedback";
"S56-oM-eis.title" = "Rate this App";

From Apple documentation:
Xcode creates a Base.lproj folder in your project folder and adds to it the resource files you select. Xcode creates a language folder for the development language but only adds resources that need translation to the folder. For example, if you select English as the development language, Xcode inserts the resource file in the Base.lproj project folder but not the en.lproj folder because the resource is already in English.
link: InternationalizingYourUserInterface
As I understand it, this was done to optimize the import of localization files. Also you can not localize some .xib . If you want to understand how, by what logic and in what order the localization files are loading, read this document from Apple: LocalizingYourApp


Strange folder structure when adding language

My app is Base language English.
I have added German, and Xcode generated automatically a folder structure that doesn't correspond to what the documentation says. (cf screenshots from Xcode and Finder).
When I run genstrings, it only generates stuff for the english strings (the german remains empty).
I manually copy then the English strings into the German strings, but Export ignores the German strings in the cliff file
What am I missing?
Two things:
First, the de.lproj folder should be at the same level as the en.lproj folder, not a subdirectory of it. Second, you can choose when exporting to XLIFF if you want to export existing translations or the development language only. You may not be seeing that option since the folder layout is currently incorrect.

When is Base.lproj used?

I am trying to understand Base.lproj but I am not still understanding it. If I create a new simple project with a view controller and Swift+Storyboard in XCode 6 beta 4 I get a Base.lproj folder out of the box containing the storyboard file.
I then add a simpel NSLocalizedString(...) in my view controller for testing purposes. This requires a Localizable.strings file. When I create one should I add it in the Base.lproj or should I add it in a specific language folder?
If I change the Localization native development region key in Info.plist to de for german and I no Localizable.strings file for de in the de.lproj folder it seems to fallback on Base.lproj if Localizable.strings file is found there. However, if I add a Localizable.strings file in the de.lproj folder but don't add the property (key + value) the app fails during runtime. It seems like Base.lproj isn't searched.
I don't understand which language Base is and when it is used? Is it only for Storyboard files?
I was under the impression that base.lproj is used in cases where the current language/ localisation file does not have a property key. For instance if I do have Main_Title = "Title Text"; in base.lproj and absent in en.lproj while the current language is English, I assumed iOS will find it in base.lproj but that is not the case.
Your initial conclusion is correct:
Base is only used when you did not support that language in localizable.strings
The specific language localizable.strings folder is used when device/ app is using that language
If you do not provide support for a specific file/ string key in a language and you have a folder for that language, it will throw run-time warning
In case of storyboard files and xibs if you only have base.lproj folder which contains your views, notwithstanding how many languages you support, it will not fail (this is what I am doing as well).

Resource files are not displaying in Localization

Only one Resource file is displaying When i'm adding Localizable.strings file for any language. My steps are,
Selected My main app's project file in xcode and found info option is there
in info - Localization - + option
Note: there is only one resource file (InfoPlist.strings) is available to add Language.
3- then Finish, but there is no Localizable.strings file is displaying in xcode but there is InfoPlist.strings file displaying.
But if i do these same steps in sample app which is working fine , I can able to select Multiple resource files And also I can see many Localizable.strings & InfoPlist.strings
in xcode.
Localizable.strings (English)
Localizable.strings (Spanish)
InfoPlist.Strings (English)
InfoPlist.Strings (Spanish)
Can anyone please tell me the solution to add multiple resource files when localizing any language?
If you want to make your app to support multiple languages, then you'll need to add .strings files to your project, make sure that you should name it "Localizable.strings" only, and need to put in particular language folder,
See this question and my answer there,
Localized filename should always be named Localizable.strings, and that file is within the particular language folder, for English, en.lproj and for French fr.lproj like wise.
Localizable.strings file should be inside the Base.lproj folder.

Xcode removing language specific storyboards iOS

A while ago i decided to make my application multilanguage. I ended up using localizable.strings. So a different file for each language with all the translations in it.
In my main storyboard i just use NSLocalizedString(#"example", nil); on all my elements etc.
The problem i have is that i just found out that i somehow ended up with a storyboard for each language. I can fold out my MainStoryboard_iPhone.storyboard and under this it lists the language specific storyboards (MainStoryboard_iPhone.storyboard (English) and MainStoryboard_iPhone.storyboard (Dutch). Since i do not use this because i do everything with the localizable.strings i do not need this language specific storyboards. Over time they also became inconsistent. The english board has all the current changes and the dutch one does not.
My question is:
How can i safely remove these language specific storyboards and just keep using the localizable.strings. I want to end up with only 1 main storyboard (the top level one in the image above). I do not want to ruin my project and i want to be sure that the solution i use is correct.
Thank you!
I had the same issue.
I solved it by selecting "Base internationalization" in the project settings. Next, click the file inspector icon (right pane) for your storyboard file and make sure only Base is checked. Do not check the other languages.
This will fix the issue.
Don't bother with Base internationalization for your localizable.strings file, you can still use your regular translation setup there (ie, English and Dutch).
To "roll back" a localized File. you have to navigate to the folder where your class should be. You see the folder "en.lporj" (and the other languages) and there is the file you need.
Now copy to a save place, remove the multi-language file and in xcode and tell to remove from disk. Copy it again into your folder where you need it and import it in xcode.
Now the settings for the translation are resettet. you should recheck if no links went lost (simple clean build should be enought for this).
I handle only .xib file at the moment, but the procedure should be the same for all files :)
(if not, please let me know :D)

I deleted the Localizations in Xcode, then I cannot add any Localizations back

I deleted the Localizations of the project from the project's info by mistake. Both the storyboard and the related language were removed.
I got back the storyboard from previous file but when I want to add a new Localization, a window popped out and asked me to "Choose files and reference language to create English localization" and there is no resource file at all.
How can I add back the localizations?
Adding back a localization
When you delete your localizations sometimes you can get that situation where you can't add back any localizations in Xcode. Go to the command-line and create a ISO 639-1 two-letter language abbreviation folder with the lproj extension somewhere within your project.
Create an empty language folder
For example:
Re-add language files to project
In the folder create an empty file called Localizable.strings and add this file to your project. Don't add the .lproj folder, just the contents. Then when you go back into the project file you will see the language under localizations. Now when you have added this, you should see the localization in your project.
No checkbox
If the added file, like a storyboard, doesn't have a checkbox next to it indicating that is part of that language localization you might need to round trip them through another language. To do this add a new language in the project. It should prompt you to copy the existing localized files over to the new language. Then delete the broken localization and re-add it.
My Example
As a specific example, I added the storyboard in the nb.lproj directory to the project. The Norwegian Bokmål appears in the project, but the checkbox for the language in the storyboard inspector won't let me add it. I created nb_NO in the project and it prompted me to copy over the storyboard. Then the storyboard had that checkbox checked. I deleted the 'nb' localization and re-added it. Now everything was the way I wanted it.
I had to solve same problem, and found one solution:
You need to find in finder your *.xcodeproj file and open it as container (ctrl+click on it and you will see it in context menu)
Here you can see project.pbxproj file, open it in Xcode. Its large (but still readable file).
(it will be better to make some copy on save spot, before you start)
Now its the task to add the missing language to this file, and its done.(U can try it on other project with localizations).
There is paragraph you need to add. Search in this file for this /* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */(its paragraph right before localization paragraph which is missing) and add something like this after:
/* Begin PBXVariantGroup section */
27548D921611B0BE008EA1CD /* Localizable.strings */ = {
isa = PBXVariantGroup;
children = (
27548D941611B0BE008EA1CD /* en */,
name = Localizable.strings;
path = ../Code;
sourceTree = "<group>";
/* End PBXVariantGroup section */
You have to do some changes first. Look at the long number 27548D921611B0BE008EA1CD, its ID of the localization file (or some xib file, or other localizable file...), if you dont have any in the procject, just add some Localizable.string file to the project, reopen(or refresh) this project.pbxpro, and find this Localizable.string you should find something like this:
275490591611B0BE008EA1CD /* Localizable.strings in Resources */
and this is it what you need to replace in localization paragraph
also you need to do right settings on path parametr and sourceTree. This twos are readable in fileinspector in xcode.
The "sourceTree" param is Location - mostly its relative to group so sourceTree = "<group>";
The path is path relative from the group to the file (if you dont know, try to make some localization files in different project and look at project.pbxpro, what all this works)
After this you can save project.pbxpro, and you should see in xcode info section "en" localization and you can add more localizations and all other localization stuff.
In xcode 6, do the following:
With the command line, create the following directory/file structure somewhere outside your project directory:
In Xcode, open your project and choose File>Add Files to ProjectName to add the recently created en.lproj directory.
After that, you will see English in the Localizations list.
This is an old topic, but after having this issue, and then trying the solution (and having it not work exactly), I thought I'd give details on what DID work.
Like the original poster, I accidentally deleted all of my localizations and was given no obvious recourse in Xcode-- in the project settings under Info it simply said 'this project has not been localized', and when I clicked on the plus button beneath, a blank list of resource files was presented.
I followed #Cameron's guide but found that language folders with Localizable.strings files were already present in Finder, but weren't being acknowledged by Xcode. I couldn't decide how to proceed, but I happened to see an unrelated comment about adding files to Xcode, so I tried adding the existing en.lproj folder and its Localizable.strings file.
This worked, and the listing for English as the development language appeared under Info as well.
Hopefully this will help anyone who experiences the same problem!
Simply create a Folder "Base.lproj" in finder and paste the Xib you want to localize inside it, and add this folder to your project. Now you can able to add other languages without issue.
I've followed a similar approach of #user2070775 reply.
Firstyl when you delete Storyboard and Launchscreen to use your own creation or code programmatically, on Localization you might get similar following empty screen.
Then firstly you should know the language code for example to use French localization its fr etc
With project folder in the Project Navigator you must add New Group -> {LANGUAGE_CODE}.lproj. And then you should add New File -> Strings File -> Localizable.strings. In the #user2070775 answer, also InfoPlist.strings file has added so I added too for now.
In the Localizable.strings file you can add <KEY> = <VALUE> pairs for string to localizated.
Our pair is "this-is-key" = "and-this-is-value-for-spesific-language-on-localizable-string"; for now.
HINT: In key-value pair, when I did not put the semicolon, the XCode
gives error for this situation.
Until now, the following project scheme, must the result of you have.
Additionally, when you looked at the Project -> Info -> Localizations the French or etc. language must be added like in the following image.
Basically you can get the results of the what've you done
The remaining part can be set from the Simulator. You must change the simulator language, for this answer the correct one is French.
Go to Settings -> General -> Language & Region -> French and run the project again.
