Schedule Jenkins job using Jenkins Rest API - jenkins

I have a Jenkins job which is scheduled for a specific time. I want to modify that timing programmatically.
I tried to modify the build by installing Schedule Build plugin and modify it using http://jenkins_url/job/jobname/build?delay=3344sec. But this will put the job in quiet period which holds the java thread. I'm looking to modify the Schedule entry without putting it to quiet period.

You can use the Build Triggers -> Build periodically job configuration option. Use that to specify the exact time for starting a new build.
If you need to change that time, use the Jenkins REST API to...
programmatically retrieve the job configuration in XML format, then
modify the scheduling time in that configuration (see below)
re-post the new job configuration
In bash, this can be done with a one-liner (using curl and sed) to modify the XML section below (the example schedules a run for noon, Feb 29):
<spec>00 12 29 02 * </spec>
as a plus you wouldn't depend on any supplementary plugins
caveat: you cannot specify a year in the schedule -- so if you need to schedule builds more than one year in advance then you need some magic on top.

I can't get it to work, but the source code for the plugin references a "schedule" url action and a "date" param.
I tried something like:
Which it didn't reject but I can't see a build.
below is the source code of the action performed when the button is pressed to schedule:
var newRequest = function() {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
return new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var sumbitScheduleRequest = function(absoluteUrl, quietPeriodInSeconds, isJobParameterized){
// if job has parameters, redirect to build page, so user can set parameters
window.location = absoluteUrl + "build?delay=" + quietPeriodInSeconds + "sec";
// if job has NO parameters, submit build directly
var csrfCrumb;
var csrfRequest = newRequest();
csrfRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (csrfRequest.readyState === 4) {
if (csrfRequest.status === 200 || csrfRequest.status === 201) {
csrfCrumb = JSON.parse(csrfRequest.responseText);
} else {
// csrf might be deactivated
// do the actual submit
var xmlhttp = newRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState === 4) {
if (xmlhttp.status === 200 || xmlhttp.status === 201) {
window.location = absoluteUrl;
return false;
} else {
window.location = absoluteUrl;
return false;
};"POST", absoluteUrl + "build?delay=" + quietPeriodInSeconds + "sec", true);
if (csrfCrumb) {
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader(csrfCrumb.crumbRequestField, csrfCrumb.crumb)
};'GET', rootURL + '/crumbIssuer/api/json', false);


How can I find out if current Jenkins build is first run of the day from trigger

I have Jenkins jobs that trigger twice a day and I would like to know if the current build is the first cron trigger of the day or not and do some action.
My cron job is as below
triggers {
// regression --> 3:00GMT, 14:00GMT
cron("00 3 * * 1-5 \n 00 14 * * 1-5")
Can I set some boolean param in my Jenkins file to check if it's the first trigger of the day?
The simplest option would be to check the build history. If the previous build was executed on the previous day, then the current build is the first build of the day. The logic must be defined in the executed job configurations.
The currentBuild object is an instance of the class which provides all necessary information.
steps {
echo "The first build of the day started by trigger: ${isFirstBuildOfDayStartedByTrigger(currentBuild)}"
// ...
boolean isFirstBuildOfDayStartedByTrigger(currentBuild) {
if (isStartedByTrigger(currentBuild)) {
return false
def today = toLocalDate(currentBuild.startTimeInMillis)
def build = currentBuild.previousBuild
while(build != null) {
if (toLocalDate(build.startTimeInMillis).isBefore(today)) {
return true
if (isStartedByTrigger(build)) {
return false
build = build.previousBuild
return true
LocalDate toLocalDate(long millis) {
return Instant.ofEpochMilli(millis).atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDate()
boolean isStartedByTrigger(build) {
// TODO: use build.buildCauses or build.getBuildCauses('cause.class.Name')
// to analyze if the job was started by trigger
return true // or false
You have to figure out which build cause is added when the job is started by trigger.
If you just want to find the first build of the day executed by anything or anyone, then the code is much simpler:
steps {
echo "The first build of the day: ${isFirstBuildOfDay(currentBuild)}"
boolean isFirstBuildOfDay(currentBuild) {
def today = toLocalDate(currentBuild.startTimeInMillis)
def previousBuild = currentBuild.previousBuild
return previousBuild == null || toLocalDate(previousBuild.startTimeInMillis).isBefore(today)
LocalDate toLocalDate(long millis) {
return Instant.ofEpochMilli(millis).atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDate()
I used the new date API which I think is not whitelisted, so you have to put that code to the Jenkins library or approve the used method signatures.
Found the answer, it's simple but working fine for me.
First I am checking if this is a scheduled job or not and the current hour is less than 5 (scheduled job runs before 5)
def isItFirstScheduledJob = (params.JOB_IS_SCHEDULED && new Date().getHours() < 5) ? true : false

Forwarding an incoming call after task reservation timeout

I am using Twilio Flex to support a call center. I have a TaskRouter workflow set up where Task Reservation Timeout is set to 120 seconds. In its filter, I've created two routing steps. The first one finds matching workers in the main queue and has a timeout of 120 seconds. After 120 seconds, it should move to Call Forward Queue. In the call forward queue, no workers exist (target worker expression: 1==2). I'm catching all these events with a "trEventListener" function. Once a task is moved into the Call Forward queue, I call the "callForward" function which uses twiml.dial() to connect the call to an external number. I also change this task's status to "canceled" with a custom reason so I can track it in flex insights. I am using the guide in this link to form my logic:
Call forwarding is working fine but according to Flex insights, there are some calls that get handled after 120 seconds (between 120 - 300 seconds). Ideally, these should be forwarded as well. There is also no error logged for me to track down why this is happening to only a handful of calls.
Furthermore, in some cases, when I try to change the task status to cancel with my custom reason, it spits out the following error: Cannot cancel task because it is not pending or reserved. In other cases, it works fine. It's again hard to figure out why it's selectively working and not consistent in its behavior.
Here is the function code.
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
const client = context.getTwilioClient();
let task = '';
let workspace = '';
console.log(`__[trEventStream]__: Event recieved of type: ${event.EventType}`);
// setup an empty success response
let response = new Twilio.Response();
// switch on the event type
switch(event.EventType) {
case 'task-queue.entered':
// ignore events that are not entering the 'Call Forward' TaskQueue
if (event.TaskQueueName !== 'Call Forward') {
console.log(`__[trEventStream]__: Entered ${event.TaskQueueName} queue - no forwarding required!`);
return callback(null, response);
console.log(`__[trEventStream]__: entered ${event.TaskQueueName} queue - forwarding call!`);
task = event.TaskSid;
workspace = event.WorkspaceSid;
const ta = JSON.parse(event.TaskAttributes);
const callSid = ta.call_sid;
let url = `https://${context.DOMAIN_NAME}/forwardCall`;
// redirect call to forwardCall function
method: 'POST',
url: encodeURI(url),
}).then(() => {
console.log(`__[trEventStream]__: [SUCCESS] ~> Task with id ${task} forwarded to external DID`);
// change task status to canceled so it doesn't appear in flex or show up as a pending task
assignmentStatus: 'canceled',
reason: 'Call forwarded'
.then(task => {
console.log(`__[trEventStream]__: [SUCCESS] ~> Task canceled`);
return callback(null, response);
}).catch(err => {
console.log(`__[trEventStream]__: [ERROR] ~> Task not marked complete: `, err);
// doesn't warrant reponse 500 since call still forwarded :)
return callback(null, response);
}).catch(err => {
console.log(`__[trEventStream]__: [ERROR] ~> Task failed to forward to external DID: `, err);
return callback(err, response);
return callback(null, response);
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
console.log(`forwarding call`);
// set-up the variables that this Function will use to forward a phone call using TwiML
// REQUIRED - you must set this
let phoneNumber = event.PhoneNumber || context.NUMBER;
let callerId = event.CallerId || null;
let timeout = event.Timeout || null;
let allowedCallers = event.allowedCallers || [];
let allowedThrough = true;
if (allowedCallers.length > 0) {
if (allowedCallers.indexOf(event.From) === -1) {
allowedThrough = false;
// generate the TwiML to tell Twilio how to forward this call
let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
let dialParams = {};
if (callerId) {
dialParams.callerId = callerId;
if (timeout) {
dialParams.timeout = timeout;
if (allowedThrough) {
twiml.dial(dialParams, phoneNumber); // making call :)
else {
twiml.say('Sorry, you are calling from a restricted number. Good bye.');
// return the TwiML
callback(null, twiml);
Any kind of help and/or guidance will be appreciated.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you redirect a call from a task, its task is cancelled with the reason "redirected" so you don't need to cancel it yourself.
Your code was failing to update the task occasionally because of a race condition between your code and the task getting cancelled by Twilio.

How to schedule an hourly check on a list a bulk 404 URL checker?

I'm trying to set up a Google sheet that checks the response of a list of URLs (around 30) of them. I would like it to be scheduled every hour. It doesn't matter when in the hour the URL responses are checked but it would be preferable it's done every 60 minutes and also works when I'm not accessing the spreadsheet (i.e. offline)
I'm very new to using google sheets script editor so still trying to get to grips with it.
I used the script below. In the script editor I did the following:
Edit > Project Triggers > Add Trigger.
Choose Function > HTTP Response
Even source > Time driven
Select type of time based trigger > hour timer.
function HTTPResponse( uri )
var response_code ;
try {
response_code = UrlFetchApp .fetch( uri ) .getResponseCode() .toString() ;
catch( error ) {
response_code = error .toString() .match( / returned code (\d\d\d)\./ )[1]
finally {
return response_code ;
I expected the above setup to update the URL checks every hour...but they only seem to update when I manually update the cell.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Try this:
function checkUrls( ) {
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.openById('id');//set ss id
var sh=ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');//set sheet name
var urlA=['',''];//u pick em
for(var i=0;i<urlA.length;i++) {
var ts=Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), Session.getScriptTimeZone(), "'yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm:ss");//change format if you wish
var response=UrlFetchApp.fetch(urlA[i]);
Setting up the Timer:
function setupHourlyTimer() {
if(!isTrigger('checkUrls')) {
function isTrigger(funcName){
var r=false;
var allTriggers=ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
for(var i=0;i<allTriggers.length;i++){
return r;

Embeded Watson Virtual Agent chatbot missing response

I've created an html file with embedded Watson Virtual Agent chat bot, code similar below, with WVA strictly using the building core capabilities:
el: 'ibm_chat_root',
baseURL: '',
botID: '',
XIBMClientID: '',
XIBMClientSecret: ''
What I noticed is if I run the WVA in Preview mode, and have input "pay bill", the WVA can come back with two piece response, with first:
Accessing your account information...
and second the make payment:
Your account balance is $42.01 due on 5/17/2017. What would you like to do? (More options coming soon!)
However, if I enter the same in my HTML chatbot, the response only comes back with the first part:
Accessing your account information...
and second part never comes out.
Does anyone else experience the same problem?
The version in the "Preview" mode has some mock "action" handlers setup. Obviously, not every one of you users would owe $42! In the sample code on the github, the mock action handlers are not setup. There are examples on how to subscribe to those action events with handlers here:
As of 5/31/17 you can cover all the built in actions using the code snippet below...
const config = { instance: null };
const getUserProfileVariablesMap = {
'bill_amount': '42.01',
'payment_due_date': (() => {
const currentDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
return `${currentDate.getMonth() + 1}/${currentDate.getDate()}/${currentDate.getFullYear()}`;
'authorized_users': 'Bob Everyman and Jane Doe'
const getUserProfileVariables = (data) => {
const variables = data.message.action.args.variables;
variables.forEach(v => {
const value = getUserProfileVariablesMap[v];
(value) ? config.instance.profile.set(v, value) : config.instance.profile.set(v, '[sample data]');
const success = () => config.instance.sendSilently('success');
const agent = () => config.instance.receive('On your own site you would run code to connect to an agent now.');
const accountSettings = () => config.instance.receive('On your own site you would run code to open the Account Settings page now.');
function registerActions(instance) {
config.instance = instance;
instance.subscribe('action:getUserProfileVariables', getUserProfileVariables);
instance.subscribe('action:updateAddress', success);
instance.subscribe('action:updateUserName', success);
instance.subscribe('action:updatePhoneNumber', success);
instance.subscribe('action:updateEmail', success);
instance.subscribe('action:payBill', success);
instance.subscribe('action:sendPaymentReceipt', success);
instance.subscribe('action:agent', agent);
instance.subscribe('action:openAccountSettingsPage', accountSettings);
window.IBMChatActions = {
registerActions: registerActions
// window.IBMChatActions.registerActions(window.IBMChat);
On the Administrative Preview, you are getting fake code stubs that handle action requests from the agent.
When one of these actions are invoked, the widget will print the "Processing..." message and then invoke all registered subscribers for that action. It is up to these registered subscribers to continue the conversation flow by silently sending "success", "failure", or "cancel" back to the server.
For example, the agent might pass down the "payBill" action. You would want to call your payment gateway, determine if it was successful, and then notify the agent of the result:
IBMChat.init(/* Settings */);
IBMChat.subscribe('action:payBill', function() {
var data = {
amount: IBMChat.profile.get('amount'),
card: {
number: IBMChat.profile.get('cc_number'),
// ... other private card data
$.post('', data)
.done( function() {
.fail( function() {
Actions Documentation

SignalR and Kendo Ui Scheduler

I'm working in an implementation using SignalR and the Kendo Scheduler. When a new task is created (for exemple), the SchedulerDataSource transport send the connection hub id to the server as an additional parameter:
transport: {
read: { url: global.web_path + 'Home/Tasks' },
update: { url: global.web_path + 'Home/UpdateTask', type: 'PUT', contentType: 'application/json' },
create: { url: global.web_path + 'Home/CreateTask', type: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json' },
destroy: { url: global.web_path + 'Home/DeleteTask', type: 'DELETE', contentType: 'application/json' },
parameterMap: function (options, operation) {
if (operation == "destroy" && options.models) {
return JSON.stringify({ taskId: options.models[0].Id, callerId: $ });
if (operation !== "read" && options.models) {
return JSON.stringify({ tasks: options.models, callerId: $ });
The server do whatever it has to do, and send a notification to every other user, except de caller:
public JsonResult CreateTask(List<ScheduledEvent> tasks, string callerId)
...create task and other stuff
//broadcast the newly created object to everyone except caller
var hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<Notebooks.Hubs.SchedulerHub>();
//return the object to caller
return Json(task);
Once the other clients receive a new task from the hub, it is added to the SchedulerDataSource:
hub.client.updateSchedule = function (scheduledEvent) {
Everything seems to work fine, and it really took me some time to realize this behavior: if a client have the scheduler window open, this window is closed once the schedulerDataSource is updated. This is expected or am I doing something wrong?
Edit: I just realized how old this question is, so you have probably moved on to other things by now, or the pushCreate method may not have existed back then.
I think this may be how it works, but it seems like it should be able to add those events behind the scenes without having to close the edit window. Have you tried the pushCreate method? If that doesn't work, since the add automatically closes the edit dialog, maybe when the events come in, if the dialog is open, you could store the new events, then add them when the user closes the edit dialog.
My answer is now even older ;) but I faced this very same issue today.
First, I'm quite sure this is indeed the expected behavior. You can see in the kendo sources the call of the close editor window method in the transport update and create methods of the scheduler.
Below is what I've done to bypass the issue .
The idea is as simple as to prevent the edit window to close when an appointment modification comes from another hub client.
Server-side : modify the hub methods (example with update method)
public MyAppointmentViewModel Update(MyAppointmentViewModel appointment)
if (!appointmentService.Update(appointment))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Something went wrong");
return appointment;
Here you see we inform every other clients (through PrepareBeforeAddOrUpdate) we're about to update an appintment.
Client-side now (in index.cshtml for instance)
schedulerHub.client.prepareBeforeAddOrUpdateSignal = function(id){ lastModifiedRdvId = id; };
schedulerHub.client.create = function(appointment){ lastModifiedRdvId = 0; }; /* reset the variable for next time */
schedulerHub.client.update = function(appointment){ lastModifiedRdvId = 0; }; /* reset the variable for next time */
function SchedulerEditor()
return $(".k-scheduler-edit-form").data("kendoWindow");
var eventBeforeChanges = null;
var lastModifiedRdvId = 0;
function onEditorClose(e) {
if (eventBeforeChanges != null) {
if (lastModifiedRdvId > 0 && eventBeforeChanges.Id != lastModifiedRdvId)
else {
var editWin = SchedulerEditor(); /* unbind this callback and use default behavior again */
editWin.unbind('close', onEditorClose);
function onEditRdv(e) {
var editWin = SchedulerEditor();
if (editWin != null) /*Bind the close event */
editWin.unbind('close', onEditorClose).bind('close', onEditorClose);
eventBeforeChanges = e.event;
/* continue onEditRdv */
you see here the close event is prevented when the appointment id is not the appointment id beeing updated by the current client.
And fortunately, preventing the close event prevents the annoying behavior of having a sort of ghost appointment after one has been changed by another hub client.
I'm sorry if I'm not clear or if the code isn't clear enough. I can provide more information if necessary.
