I have the following 8-bit word with the checksum added (checksum is the last one)
1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 **1**
I need to check if the word got distorted.
I've checked the crc algorithm on wikipedia and I saw that I need a divisor to divide the word with the checksum added. The problem is that I don't know how to find out what is the divisor and how to get one.
In google sheets, I'm trying to convert a 16-bit signed binary number to its decimal equivalent, but the built in function that does that only takes up to 10 bits. Other solutions to the problem that I've seen don't preserve the signedness.
So far I've tried:
bin2dec on the leftmost 8 bits * 2^8 + bin2dec on the rightmost 8 bits
hex2dec on the result of bin2dec on the leftmost 8 bits concatenated with bin2dec on the rightmost 8 bits
I've also seen a suggestion that multiplies each bit by its power of 2, eliminating bin2dec altogether.
Any suggestions?
You will need to use a custom function
function binary2decimal(bin) {
return parseInt(bin, 2);
Let's assume that your binary number is in cell A2.
First, set the formatting as follows: Format > Number > Plain text.
Then place the following formula in, say, B2:
This formula will process any length binary number, positive or negative, from 1 bit to 16 bits (and, in fact, to a length of 45 or 46 bits).
What this formula does is SPLIT the binary number (without the negative sign if it exists) into its separate bits, one per column; multiply each of those by 2 raised to the power of each element of an equal-sized degressive SEQUENCE that runs from a high of the LEN (i.e., number) of bits down to zero; and finally apply the negative sign conditionally IF one exists.
If you need to process a range where every value is a positive or negative binary number with exactly 16 bits, you can do so. Suppose that your 16-bit binary numbers are in the range A2:A. First, be sure to select all of Column A and set the formatting to "Plain text" as described above. Then place the following array formula into, say, B2 (being sure that B2:B is empty first):
I am reading the book "Artificial Intelligence" by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig (Chapter 18). The following paragraph is from the decision trees context.
For a wide variety of problems, the decision tree format yields a
nice, concise result. But some functions cannot be represented
concisely. For example, the majority function, which returns true if
and only if more than half of the inputs are true, requires an
exponentially large decision tree.
In other words, decision trees are good for some kinds of functions
and bad for others. Is there any kind of representation that is
efficient for all kinds of functions? Unfortunately, the answer is no.
We can show this in a general way. Consider the set of all Boolean
functions on "n" attributes. How many different functions are in this
set? This is just the number of different truth tables that we can
write down, because the function is defined by its truth table.
A truth table over "n" attributes has 2^n rows, one for each
combination of values of the attributes.
We can consider the “answer” column of the table as a 2^n-bit number
that defines the function. That means there are (2^(2^n)) different
functions (and there will be more than that number of trees, since
more than one tree can compute the same function). This is a scary
number. For example, with just the ten Boolean attributes of our
restaurant problem there are 2^1024 or about 10^308 different
functions to choose from.
What does author mean by "answer" column of the table as a 2^n-bit number that defines the function?
How did author derive (2^(2^n)) different functions?
Please elaborate on above question, preferably with simple example, such as n = 3.
Consider a general truth table for a 3-input function, where the result for each triple is also a Boolean (1 or 0), represented by variables i through 'p':
A B C f(a,b,c)
0 0 0 i
0 0 1 j
0 1 0 k
0 1 1 l
1 0 0 m
1 0 1 n
1 1 0 o
1 1 1 p
We can now represent any function on three variables as an 8-bit number, ijklmnop. For instance, and is 00000001; or is 01111111; one_hot (exactly one input True) is 01101000.
For 3 variables, you have 2^3 bits in the "answer", the complete function definition. Since there are 8 bits in the "answer", there are 2^8 possible functions we can define.
Does that outline the field of comprehension for you?
More detail on an example function
You simply (once you see the pattern) make the eight bits correspond to the entires in the table. For instance, the table for one-hot looks like this:
A B C f(a,b,c)
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0
Reading down the "answer" column, labeled f(a,b,c), you get the 8-bit sequence 01101000. That 8-bit number is sufficient to completely define the function: the rows listing all the combinations of a, b, c are in a fixed (numerical) sequence.
You can write any such function in a template format:
def and(a, b, c):
and_def = '00000001'
index = 4*a + 2*b + 1*c
return and_def[index]
Now, if we generalize this to any 3-input binary function:
def_bin_func(a, b, c, func_def)
return func_def[4*a + 2*b + 1*c]
If you wish, you can further generalize the template for a list of inputs: concatenate the bits and use that integer as the index into the func_def string.
Does that clear it up?
I have been trying to produce a checksum based on a file header and am receiving conflicting results. In the slave devices manual, it states the following to produce the checksum:
"A simple eight-bit calculation is used for the header checksum. The steps required are as follows:
Calculate the sum of the header bytes in a single byte. Alternatively calculate
the sum and then AND the result with FFhex.
The checksum = FFhex - the sum from step 1."
Here, I have created the following code in Lua:
function header_checksum(string)
local sum = 0
for i = 1, #string do
sum = sum + string.byte(i)
local chksum = 255 - (sum & 255)
return chksum
If I send the following (4x byte) string down print(header_checksum("0181B81800")) I get the following result:
241 (string sent as you see it)
0 (each byte is changed to hex and then sent to function)
In the example given, it states that the byte should be AD, which is 173(dec) or \255.
Can someone please tell me what is wrong with what I am doing; either the code written, my approach, or both?
function header_checksum(header)
local sum = -1
for i = 1, #header do
sum = sum - header:byte(i)
return sum % 256
print(header_checksum(string.char(0x01,0x81,0xB8,0x18,0x00))) --> 173
These are my assignments:
Write a program to find the number of address lines in an n Kbytes of memory. Assume that n is always to the power of 2.
Sample input: 2
Sample output: 11
I don't need specific coding help, but I don't know the relation between address lines and memory.
To express in very easy terms, without any bus-multiplexing, the number of bits required to address a memory is the number of lines (address or data) required to access that memory.
Quoting from the Wikipedia article,
a system with a 32-bit address bus can address 232 (4,294,967,296) memory locations.
for a simple example, consider this, you have 3 address lines (A, B, C), so the values which can be formed using 3 bits are
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
Total 8 values. So using ABC, you can access any of those eight values, i.e., you can reach any of those memory addresses.
So, TL;DR, the simple relationship is, with n number of lines, we can represent 2n number of addresses.
An address line usually refers to a physical connection between a CPU/chipset and memory. They specify which address to access in the memory. So the task is to find out how many bits are required to pass the input number as an address.
In your example, the input is 2 kilobytes = 2048 = 2^11, hence the answer 11. If your input is 64 kilobytes, the answer is 16 (65536 = 2^16).
Is there a difference in the implementation of delta row compression between PCLXL and PCL5?
I was using Delta Row compression in PCL5, but when I used the same method in PCLXL, the file is not valid. I checked the output using EscapeE and it says that the image data size is incorrect..
Could anyone point me to some material explaining how delta row compression is implemented in PCLXL?
Hmm, I found this and it is indeed different..
from http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1577259&page=1 user guptadeepak03
Actually I did some research on that too. I found it hard way that there are few differences in the way the formats are in PCL-XL and PCL-5. To quote from the reference manual provided by HP(PCL-XL ver 2.1):
The PCL XL implementation follows the
PCL5 implementation except in the
1) the seed row is
initialized to zeroes and contains the
number of bytes defined by SourceWidth
in the BeginImage operator.
2) the delta row is preceded by a 2-byte byte
count which indicates the number of
bytes to follow for the delta row. The
byte count is expected to be in LSB
MSB order.
3) to repeat the last row, use the 2-byte byte count of 00 00.
Will mark this answered as soon as I can.. Thanks..