OAuth2 with Hash query string, Imgur API - oauth-2.0

I'm updating my desktop app, an Imgur client, for the upcoming deprecation of code/pin auth methods, by using a local web server to catch the redirect_url from the browser after the user authorizes access to the app. So I launch the URL in the browser, the user accepts, then Imgur redirects to
but the browser cuts the URL at # so all the variables are missing, and my app only receives "state=auth"
from Imgur's API docs:
The response_type Parameter token: This authorization flow will
directly return the access_token and refresh_token via the redirect
URL you specified during registration, in the form of hash query
string parameters. Example:
The code and pin response types have been deprecated and will soon no
longer be supported.
Imgur returns an access token to your application if the user grants
your application the permissions it requested. The access token is
returned to your application in the fragment as part of the
access_token parameter. Since a fragment (the part of the URL after
the #) is not sent to the server, client side javascript must parse
the fragment and extract the value of the access_token parameter.
Clearly they haven't thought this through for desktop applications, or am I missing something?

Imgur stuff looks non standard, since response_type=token is a basic version of the implicit flow, which used to be the solution for single page pps.
These days all UI based flows should use Authorization Code Flow (PKCE) and response_type=code.
Since your app is acting as a (loopback) web server it will not receive the hash fragment parameters, which are only available to JavaScript code running in a browser.
One option that would enable you to get the full URL would be to login via the system browser and to use a Private URI Scheme to call back to the app.
The above link is a visual blog post to explain how this works, in case it is of interest.


OIDC Azure AD token?

I am trying to configure a third party web application to use Azure AD as the OIDC provider. The authentication works fine, however I am looking for some claims and not able to find an ID or Access Token. Here is the flow as I am seeing it
Call to the login page of the web application. This gets a 302 redirect to the Microsoft OAuth endpoint as below
The URL is https://login.microsoftonline.com/-tenantid-/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id=-clientid-&redirect_uri=-encodedCallbackURI-&response_type=code&scope=openid+email+profile&state=123 This does a 302 to below URL
Next call is to https://login.microsoftonline.com/-tenantid-/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id=-clientid-&redirect_uri=-encodedCallbackURI-&response_type=code&scope=openid+email+profile&state=123&**sso_nonce=O.eyJ0eXAiOiJK......**&client-request-id=-guid-&mscrid=-guid- This returns a 200
Next is the redirect back to the hosted web application indicated in teh callback - https://webApplicationURL/callback?code=0.AQ4Ayjxg80......&state=123&session_state=5b7c2e43-9eab-4bb1-9f24-d020f144d30d
At this point, the user has successfully been authenticated. However, I would like to find the ID or Access Token received.
The sso_nonce(in #3) is in a JWT format but has no claims.
The code(in #4) doesn't have any of the claims either and doesnt really seem to be a JWT token format.
So where is the ID Token or Access Token that I can use to decode and see what claims are getting passed (or not)?
Thanks in advance,
To get tokens while calling login page of the web application, you can execute the below request in browser by including response_type as id_token+token:
client_id=da5daf42-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx04a52 //your AppID
&response_type=id_token+token //Required
&redirect_uri=https://jwt.ms //your Redirect URL
Make sure to enable tokens for your web application before executing the above request like below:
Go to Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations -> Your App -> Authentication -> Enable tokens -> Save
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the below results:
When I executed the above-mentioned request in the browser, it asked me to sign in like below:
After successful sign-in, it took me to the redirect URL with tokens in the address bar like below:
When you copy-paste the above in Notepad or any, you can find both access_token and id_token like this:
I got the claims successfully when I decoded the token like below:
OpenID Connect (OIDC) | Microsoft Docs

OAuth 2.0: why is the access token or temporary code placed in the in the URL fragment (after the #) instead of in the query string?

I am learning OAuth 2.0.
In both code flow and implicit flow (response_type = code or token). The temporary code or access_token is placed in the URL fragment (after the #) instead of in the query string.
According to this doc: https://developer.okta.com/blog/2018/05/24/what-is-the-oauth2-implicit-grant-type:
If the user approves the request, the authorization server will redirect the browser back
to the redirect_uri specified by the application, adding a token and state to the fragment
part of the URL.
For example, the user will be redirected back to a URL such as:
Note the two major differences between this and the Authorization Code flow: the access token is returned
instead of the temporary code, and both values are returned in the URL fragment (after the #) instead
of in the query string. By doing this, the server ensures that the app will be able to access the value
from the URL, but the browser won’t send the access token in the HTTP request back to the server.
What exactly does it mean by
the server ensures that the app will be able to access the value from the URL, but the browser won’t send the access token in the HTTP request back to the server.
Of course the code/ access_token value is accessible from the URL.
The Auth server builds up the url and put it in location header of the HTTP response, which is sent back to the user's web browser. The web browser then take values from the response, and send new http requests to the application instead of the Auth server. So, of course the user's web browser is not sending HTTP request back to the server.
It has nothing to do with where the access token is placed in the response (from Auth server back to the user's web browser). The web browser simply starts talking to the application again instead of the Auth server.
This explanation just does not make much sense to me.
The code flow returns an authorization code to the browser in the query string. You then make a POST request to swap the code for tokens.
Implicit flow is now deprecated since it can reveal tokens in the browser history or server logs. It dates back to when browsers did not have CORS capabilities to make cross orign POST requests to the Authorization Server.
Data in client side hash fragments does not get sent to servers and the implicit flow used this as a partial mitigation for sensitive data. Eg the zzzz below does not get sent to the web server if you type this in a browser.
If you are new to OAuth and OpenID Connect, start with code flow + PKCE, and understand these messages.
This is often done via a back end component that completes the flow, so that a client secret can be attached (a browser cannot keep secrets). This back end component can then do either of these:
Return access tokens to the browser
Issue secure cookies to the browser
Once done, the front end has a credential with which it can call the main back end (eg APIs), so that the back end knows the user identity.
In 2021 the cookie option is considered more secure, but it also requires a more complex flow. All of the complexity involved originates from the browser being a hostile place to execute code - there are lots of security threats there. Here is some example code that uses cookies:
OAuth calls from an SPA
API calls from an SPA

Session empty after redirect

I've a React JS app, which makes this request to my back-end API. i.e
window.location = "https://my-server.com" + "/gmail/add_account";
cannot set HTTP headers for window.location see this
this server endpoint redirects to Google OAuth page, which returns a response to my redirect_uri.
def add_account
# no auth headers sent here, because front-end has used window.location
gmail_service = GmailService.new
session[:uid] = params["uid"]
redirect_to gmail_service.generate_authorization_url()
def oauth_postback
# session object is {} here
# Since there are no authorization headers, I cannot identify my app's user
# How can I identify my app's user here?
The problem I'm facing is that when the OAuth flow sends the response to my redirect_uri it does not return include any authorization header, due to which I'm unable to identify which user of my app has launched this OAuth flow.
I've tried setting up a session variable in the /gmail/add_account endpoint, which works fine. After this endpoint redirects to the OAuth screen, and the Oauth flow sends a response to my Oauth redirect_uri, there my session object is {}.
How can I implement this flow such that I know which user has launched this OAuth flow?
You have basically two options:
the state parameter
The state parameter is part of the OAuth2 spec (and is supported by Google). It's a random string of characters that you add to the authorization URL (as a query parameter), and will be included when the user is redirected back to your site (as a query parameter). It's used for CSRF protection, and can also be used to identify a user. Be sure that if you use it, it's a one-time value (e.g. a random value that you store in your db, not the user's ID).
sessions with cookies
If the user has previously logged in, you should be able to identify them by their session cookie. It sounds like this is the approach you're currently taking, but the session is getting reset.
It's difficult to debug this without knowing more about your stack/code, but a good first step would be just trying to load your callback URL without the redirection to Google to see the session object is still empty. If so, that would indicate an issue with how you've implemented sessions generally and not something specific to this flow.
As a note, based on the code you've shared, I'm not sure how params["uid"] is getting set if you're doing a redirect without any query parameters or path parameters.
Finally, you may consider using a managed OAuth service for something like this, like Xkit, where I work. If you have a logged in user, you can use Xkit to connect to the user's Gmail account with one line of code, and retrieve their (always refreshed) access tokens anywhere else in your stack (backend, frontend, cloud functions) with one API call.

Microsoft Graph API redirect_uri doesn't allow query strings

We're trying to move from the older WindowsLive API to the new Microsoft Graph API. In the process, we're running into difficulty with the required OAuth 2.0 redirect_uri parameter in the app.
According to the Oauth 2.0 RFC, the redirect_uri must be an absolute path but can contain a properly encoded query string.
In our Windows app, we've setup the absolute path - their application tool doesn't allow query strings to be added: https://example.com/index.php
The OAuth request we make uses a redirect_uri with URL Encoding, including query params. This is necessary, we use a CMS (Joomla) that needs to know what should handle the request:
However, the Graph API rejects this with:
"The reply url specified in the request does not match the reply urls configured for the application"
Anyone else run into this or understand why the Graph API doesn't accept query parameters either in the app configuration or on the token requests?
Edit - 5/8 - However, the application setup area does not allow query strings in the redirect_uri setting, which is correct according to the RFC. However, the Graph API isn't respecting this note of the RFC:
The endpoint URI MAY include an "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" formatted (per Appendix B) query component ([RFC3986] Section 3.4), which MUST be retained when adding additional query parameters.
This isn't actually being rejected by Microsoft Graph. Microsoft Graph is simply an API and it doesn't generate or manage access tokens. That process is handled by Azure Active Directory.
The error you're getting is due to your redirect_uri not being configured in your app registration at https://apps.dev.microsoft.com. The URL must explicitly match the URL configured in the registration. From the documentation:
The redirect_uri of your app, where authentication responses can be sent and received by your app. It must exactly match one of the redirect URIs you registered in the portal, except it must be url encoded.
For scenarios where you need to pass data through, you should encode those values in your state parameter. This will be returned to your redirect URI along with the authorization code.
Also note that neither access_type=offline or approval_prompt=auto are valid query parameters:
To retrieve a refresh_token, you add offline to your list of scopes (user.read+offline).
To set the type of prompt the user receives you use the prompt parameter. Valid options are login, none, and consent.

Downloading from Google Docs using an Uri containing access_token

I'm creating a viewer app for Windows Phone 7. The app already handles the OAuth2 stuff and succesfully browses Google Doc's folder structure.
I use Google Documents List API 3. BTW browsing works perfectly without using request headers, instead I append the access_token to the request Uri.
Now the app needs to show files to the user, if possible without downloading them first. This means that I want to set the UI's Image.Source to the Uri of an image, the UI's MediaElement.Source to the Uri of a video and the BackgroundAudioPlayer.Track.Source to the Uri of an audio file. Obviously I can't use request headers in this scenario.
However it seems that simply appending the access_token to the download Uri doesn't work. The UI elements fail with generic error messages, and if I manually try with a web browser (which isn't logged in to Google) it shows an empty screen, a 401 error or it redirects to Google's login page.
Is it possible to download/stream a Google Data entry just by defining the Uri? If yes, what does the Uri need to look like?
Support for authorization using the access_token URL parameter has not been allowed on purpose for security reasons. Basically if a user would be to open a malicious file on a browser (e.g html containing some Javascript would suffice) the malicious code on the file could steal the access token in the URL and send it to a third party bad guy.
To access the file you need to authorize using "Authorization" HTTP header. Simply add an HTTP header to the request which is like:
Authorization: Bearer access_token_here
