Rails & Postgres: Best practice for many boolean relationship entries - ruby-on-rails

I'm looking for input on what's best practice for my problem. In abstract terms, I need to store a lot of relationships and need to prioritise between database size, query speed and “ease of maintenance”. The setup is Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL.
More specific description: Imagine a website that's essentially a searchable database of Products sold by Vendors. Vendors may not ship worldwide, and I want to filter out Products by Vendors who won't ship to a user based on their GeoIP country. To make matters slightly more complex, a Product page can have two different features (let’s call them F1 and F2) that are separately geo-IP-dependent.
Example: A Vendor may want their Product pages to have feature F1 for all countries worldwide except a few e.g. because of embargos; but feature F2 may only be available for countries within e.g. Europe.
Country filters will always be set at the Vendor level.
The “search” function of the website is a basic SQL search in which I want Products to show up if at least one of the features is available for the current user’s country.
The website will allow in the range of 1,000 to 3,000 Vendors (this is a hard limit), and a total of around 10,000 to 50,000 Products. Let's assume that in the beginning, filtering is only relevant to around 100 Vendors.
I had the following ideas and hope that others have feedback on these, or additional approaches:
One relation model CountryVendor with two boolean columns (in which case optionally, a Product could still be shown if the respective country_vendor does not yet exist; i.e. show if !country_vendor&.allow).
Assuming ca. 200 countries, this would imply ca. 2,000 rows in the beginning, and around 600k rows if filters were in place for every one of the 3,000 potential Vendors.
(Theoretically, if non-existence is treatet as true, I could also set up a rake task that removes rows that are false for both features, thus reigning in the table size.)
Two relation models CountryVendorF1 and CountryVendorF2, each with just one boolean column. Not sure if this will effectively be much different, but I imagine it closer to how I think of the UI for setting up the country filters (without going into detail here).
Two JSON columns in the Vendors table that would store true/false for each Country. (Maybe with an ISO code string as the index for simplicity.) There wouldn’t be thousands of new rows, although the DB would still grow in size, but querying might become slow.


Dealing with multiple fact tables concerning related processes in dimensional modeling

I have the following scenario where OLTP sales data is stored in two separate physical tables:
A refund always refers to an existing sale (thus 'negating' it), though the dimensions of these tables are nearly the same (date, sales clerk, store, etc.). The data schema looks something like the following:
sale_id uuid,
transaction_at timestamp with time zone,
store_id uuid,
clerk_id uuid,
clerk_number bigint,
currency character varying(3),
pos_id uuid,
total numeric,
net_total numeric
refund_id uuid,
sale_id uuid, -- referenced sale to void
refunded_at timestamp with time zone,
pos_id uuid,
clerk_id uuid,
clerk_number bigint
I am trying to figure how to model this data for ingstion in a DW. Since I am relatively new to dimensional modeling I have begun reading The Data Warehouse Toolkit, but I am as of now unsure of the best approach to handle this case.
To my mind, these are two separate fact tables describing two different business processes (e.g. making a sale and getting a refund), though due to normalization concerns the refunds table (besides containing most of the same dimensions) is basically a pointer to a row in the sales table (which is fine for OLTP).
Analytical reports down the line would obviously want to look at these in a few ways:
All net sales per dimension (gross sales minus refunds)
All refund amounts per dimension
Other potential business use cases
As is, the first two cases would require joining the fact tables to either subtract the sales amount (case 1) or to get the information on refund amounts (case 2).
The approach that seems to make the most sense for me is something like the following (via some ETL/ELT process):
Load the (gross) sales data into a table in the DW
Load and denormalize refund data into a table in the DW, joining actual sale data so that amounts etc. are located in the fact table
Join either table with common conformed dimensions for further roll-ups and querying
This makes sense to me because:
Both fact tables have all required information from the physical event, and
There is no explicit dependency between the fact tables, and
Common dimensions can be reused
However, in this case, I still would not be able to get the net sales without joining these two tables. This makes me think that there should be a separate net_sale fact table, but this is problematic:
From a business point of view, sales without refunds are the vast majority of events that occur. A net_sale table would copy basically 99% of all sale data.
From a business process point of view, this table would describe an event that does not exist as such (there is no "net sale", only an aggregated view of sales amount per dimension minus refund costs).
Glossing over the third Chapter in The Data Warehouse Toolkit, I do not see this case mentioned explicitly (though there might be some parallels w.r.t. factless fact-tables and derived facts). What kind of approach would work in a case like this?

Unit Price and Discounts - Fact or Dimension Table

I'm working on a datamart for our sales and marketing departments, and I've come across a modeling challenge. Our ERP stores pricing data in a few different ways:
List pricing for each item
A discount percentage from list pricing for a product line, either for groups of customers or for a specific account
A custom price for an item, either for groups of customers or for a specific account
The Pricing department primarily uses this data operationally, not analytically. For example, they generate reports for customers ("What special pricing / discount %s do I have?") and identify which items / item groups need to be changed when they engage in a new pricing strategy.
Pricing changes happen somewhat regularly on a small scale, usually on a customer-by-customer or item-by-item basis. Infrequently, there are large-scale adjustments to list pricing and group pricing (discounts and individual items) in addition to the customer-level discounts.
My head has been in creating one or more fact tables to represent this process. Unfortunately, there's no pre-existing business key for pricing. There's also no specific "transaction date," since the ERP doesn't (accurately) maintain records of when pricing is changed. Essentially, a "pricing event" is going to be a combination of:
Effective date
End date
Item OR product line
(Not required for list price) customer or customer group
A price amount OR discount percentage
A single fact table seems problematic in that I'm going to have to deal with a lot of invalid combinations of dimensions and facts. First, a record will never have both a non-NULL price amount and a non-NULL discount percentage; pricing events are either-or. Second, only certain combinations of dimensions are valid for each fact. For example, a discount percentage will only ever have a product line, not an individual item.
Does it make sense to model pricing as a fact table in the first place? If so, how many tables should I be considering? My intuition is to use at least two, one for the percentages and one for the price amounts, but this still leaves a problem where each record will either have a valid customer group OR a valid customer (or neither, for list prices), since we need to maintain customer-specific pricing separate from any group pricing that customer might have.
You may need to keep them both as attributes and as facts.
The price a certain item was sold for is a fact. When you multiply it by the quantity sold it's actually an additive measure. So, keep it in the fact table. Total discount applied is also additive, I'd keep it. You can later query "how much was discounted in 2019 per customer", which would be much harder to achieve without those facts.
But if you also need to query things like "what's the discount customer X is on", then you should also keep that as an attribute of the customer dimension, and treat it as a type II dimension, so as to keep discount history. If you know when a certain discount was applied, great, if not take the 1st sale as the start date and you won't be too far off.
Maybe the list price can also be kept as an attribute of product or product line in a dimension, but only if they don't change too often; but if most customers get discounts anyway that would be of limited use.

ER Model representing entities not stored in DB and user choice

I'm trying to create a ER diagram of a simple retail chain type database model. You have your customer, the various stores, inventory etc.
My first question is, how to represent a customer placing an order in a store. If the customer is a discount card holder, the company has their name, address etc, so I can have a cardHolder entity connect to item and store with an order relationship. But how do I represent an order being placed by a customer who is not really an entity in the database?
Secondly, how are conditional... stuff represented in ER diagrams, e.g. in a car dealership, a customer may choose one or more optional extra when buying a car. I would think that there is a Car entity with the relevant attributes and the options as a multi-valued attribute, but how do you represent a user picking those options (I.e. order table shows the car ordered, extras chosen and the added cost of extras) in the order relationship?
First, do you really need to model customers as distinct entities, or do you just need order, payment and delivery details? Many retail systems don't track individual customers. If you need to, you can have a customer table with a surrogate key and unique constraints on identifying attributes like SSN or discount card number (even if those attributes are optional). It's generally hard to prevent duplication in customer tables since there's no ideal natural key for people, so consider whether this is really required.
How to model optional extras depends on what they depends on. Some extras might be make or model-specific, e.g. the choice of certain colors or manual/automatic transmission. Extended warranties might be available across the board.
Here's an example of car-specific optional extras:
car (car_id PK, make, model, color, vin, price, ...)
car_extras (extra_id PK, car_id FK, option_name, price)
order (order_id PK, date_time, car_id FK, customer_id FK, payment_id FK, discount)
order_extras (order_id PK/FK, car_id FK, extra_id PK/FK)
I excluded price totals since those can be calculated via aggregate queries.
In my example, order_extras.car_id is redundant, but supports better integrity via the use of composite FK constraints (i.e. (order_id, car_id) references the corresponding columns in order, and (car_id, extra_id) references the corresponding columns in car_optional_extras to prevent invalid extras from being linked to an order).
Here's an ER diagram for the tables above:
First, as per your thought you can definitely have two kinds of customers. Discount card holders whose details are present with the company and new customers whose details aren't available with the company.
There are three possible ways to achieve what you are trying,
1) Have two different order table in the system(which I personally wouldn't suggest)
2) Have a single Order table in the system and getting the details of those who are a discount card holder.
3) Insert a row in the discount card holder table for new/unregistered customers having only one order table in the system.
Having a single order table would make the system standardized and would be more convenient while performing many other operations.
Secondly, to solve your concern, you need to follow normalization. It will reduce the current problem faced and will also make the system redundant free and will make the entities light weighted which will directly impact on the performance when you grow large.
The extra chosen items can be listed in the order against the customer by adding it at the time of generating a bill using foreign key. Dealing with keys will result in fast and robust results instead of storing redundant/repeating details at various places.
By following normalization, the problem can be handled by applying foreign keys wherever you want to refer data to avoid problems or errors.
Preferably NF 4 would be better. Have a look at the following link for getting started with normalization.

Handling lots of COUNT queries for a report

I am putting together a report that shows statistical information about products for a company that owns those products. This report, in the form I need, contains as many as 150 'counts', because we are filling the table with the counts for 12 product types against 15 different statistical categories.
Here's the set up of the models. I'm afraid it's a little complicated!
Company is the entity accessing the report.
Company has many Products through Matchings; and
Product has many Companies through Matchings.
Matching belongs_to Order.
Example report:
___________|_Available/Active/Light Available/Active/Heavy (+12 columns)__
Perishable |
Intangible |
(+10 rows) |
The product types are in the Product table (they run down the left side of the report).
The categories across the top of the report are combinations of three criteria: two from Product and one from Order.
Example - for one cell in the Perishable row, show me how many matchings exist for whom the order type is 'active', the product's weight is 'light' and the product status is 'available'.
On its own the above query is not too bad, but if I keep going like this I'm going to have ~170 queries for this report - both an inelegant and highly impractical solution. Is there a magic ActiveRecord way to deal with this scenario?
You could always create a background job to run regularly and pre-cache the results, or pre-generate the entire report. This would free your users from having to sit and wait for 170 queries to run, and I assume it would be acceptable to have slightly stale results.
As for the elegance and practicality of it, the only magic you could use is SQL. Your object model wasn't built for reporting, don't feel bad about using a tool that was.
There is a statistics gem that does this sort of thing. It does allow you to cache the statistics.
I've used it for lightweight statistics like counts and averages but have never taken benchmarks, which is definitely something you'll want to do if performance is a concern.

Single Inheritance or Polymorphic?

I'm programming a website that allows users to post classified ads with detailed fields for different types of items they are selling. However, I have a question about the best database schema.
The site features many categories (eg. Cars, Computers, Cameras) and each category of ads have their own distinct fields. For example, Cars have attributes such as number of doors, make, model, and horsepower while Computers have attributes such as CPU, RAM, Motherboard Model, etc.
Now since they are all listings, I was thinking of a polymorphic approach, creating a parent LISTINGS table and a different child table for each of the different categories (COMPUTERS, CARS, CAMERAS). Each child table will have a listing_id that will link back to the LISTINGS TABLE. So when a listing is fetched, it would fetch a row from LISTINGS joined by the linked row in the associated child table.
Now, is this schema a good design pattern or are there better ways to do this?
I considered single inheritance but quickly brushed off the thought because the table will get too large too quickly, but then another dilemma came to mind - if the user does a global search on all the listings, then that means I will have to query each child table separately. What happens if I have over 100 different categories, wouldn't it be inefficient?
I also thought of another approach where there is a master table (meta table) that defines the fields in each category and a field table that stores the field values of each listing, but would that go against database normalization?
How would sites like Kijiji do it?
Your database design is fine. No reason to change what you've got. I've seen the search done a few ways. One is to have your search stored procedure join all the tables you need to search across and index the columns to be searched. The second way I've seen it done which worked pretty well was to have a table that is only used for search which gets a copy of whatever fields that need to be searched. Then you would put triggers on those fields and update the search table.
They both have drawbacks but I preferred the first to the second.
You need the following tables.
- Id
- Description
- CategoryId
- ListingId
With this cross reference model you can join all your listings for a given category during search. Then add a little dynamic sql (because it's easier to understand) and build up your query to include the field(s) you want to search against and call execute on your query.
That's it.
This seems to be a little bigger discussion that we can fin in these comment boxes. But, anything we would discuss can be understood by reading the following post.
It is really complete and shows you more than 1 way of doing it with pro's and cons.
Good luck.
I think the design you have chosen will be good for the scenario you just described. Though I'm not sure if the sub class tables should have their own ID. Since a CAR is a Listing, it makes sense that the values are from the same "domain".
In the typical classified ads site, the data for an ad is written once and then is basically read-only. You can exploit this and store the data in a second set of tables that are more optimized for searching in just the way you want the users to search. Also, the search problem only really exists for a "general" search. Once the user picks a certain type of ad, you can switch to the sub class tables in order to do more advanced search (RAM > 4gb, cpu = overpowered).
