IBM BPM Coach - Disabling button immediately when an empty value is there in Decimal View Text Field - business-process-management

With Plain Text views I am able to do that by writing this code in on input event -
if (potential.trim() == "") {
I don't know what potential means here in BPM but this works for Plain Text Views.
However when I try on change event in Decimal View Text field this doesn't work.
In html inspector console I see -
Potential reference not found.
Is there any Potential like thing available for Decimal Views also?

Judging by the documentation and looking at in on an 8.6 version it seems like 'potential' is an additional parameter available to the Plain Text control.
With that in mind, I don't think there is an equivalent for the Decimal view as it doesn't have an "On input" event available. You could, however, get something close to the same behavior using the "On Change" or "On blur" events of the Decimal view to check the binding value. If it's been set to null you could disable the button.
While that doesn't meet your exact requirement of immediate feedback, it does appear to work quickly enough that even if the user attempts to click the button without "committing" change to the Decimal input (meaning the cursor is still in the Decimal input field and they haven't pressed return) that the change and visibility settings happen first so the button won't execute.


Unable use a TextField at the bottom of the screen in a LazyColumn

I have this code
setContent {
val items = mutableListOf<Int>().apply {
(1..100).forEach { add(it) }
LazyColumn {
items(items) { item ->
TextField("$item", {})
With android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" in my AndroidManifest.xml.
If I click on a TextField at the top of the list, I can enter text fine.
If I click on a TextField near the bottom of the screen, the keyboard appears momentarily, then disappears quickly after, and prevents me from entering text.
How can I enter text when the TextField is at the bottom of the screen? Thanks!
Your keyboard disappears after having appeared for a brief, shiny moment. Here's the reason:
You tap the TextField, it calls it's built-in focus requestor, and requests the focus from the OS by calling appropriate (or inappropriate, who's to say) internal methods, as a result of which, the keyboard pops out (again, built-in mechanism.) and you can type all the more you want... AS LONG AS THE FIELD IS VISIBLE; or in Compose terms, long as the Composable holding the requestor, is in composition.
It should be clear, that once the Composable that owns the focus requestor goes off the screen, it is destroyed (well not every time, there are only certain specific cases when it is destroyed..., but yours is one of them), and when the Composable is destroyed, the focus requestor is destroyed. No focus requestor, no focus owner - the keyboard vanishes.
Now this is really important because you are using a LazyColumn, a lazy Composable, infamous for its merciless slaughtering of the Composables that are no longer visible to the user. HENCE, as long as it is the top (or other "visible") textfield that is in concern, it stays and works as expected. However, the bottom textfield, as the keyboard pops up, goes so much out of the visible bounds, that it gets slaughtered (recycled is the technical term, but what fun is that?), taking away the purpose of the keyboard.
Now, the lazy column, like any criminal, left a clue behind, and didn't notice it, which lead us to catch him red-handed. It is quite interesting, really, to see the column in action.
Now, workarounds include using a column, instead of a lazy column; creating your own lazy column using a custom lazy Composable, and manually handling the heap size for the Composable so the final field doesn't go out of composition.
That's it, you're cured.
Just leaving another answer, since OP didn't verify other purpose of him specifying adjustResize,if whether removing or changing it will be fine, but another solution aside from the mentioned comment about different API version is specifying adjustPan, which worked in my case, either
via AndroidManifest
or programmatically
Same code base but with adjustPan
This issue is fixed in the current alpha version 1.4.0-alpha05

How to implement a special indicator in a single- or multi-line edit control

I've occasionally come across examples of edit controls that have a special indicator to assist the user, like so:
and I'd like to be able to implement similar in my own code.
The screen-scrap is actually from the property editor for the TIBQuery Sql property and isn't quite what I'm after (otherwise I'd just look in the IBX code) because it disappears as soon as the user types anything. There are others where the indicator moves so as to keep its place as the user types something, but doesn't replace the caret, otherwise I'd just do that.
So my question is, how to implement a special indicator of the type I've tried to describe, that can be positioned and turned on/off in code? The simplest thing I could think of would be to somehow temporarily add a special glyph to the edit control's character set, but I have no idea how to do that, nor how to colour it differently than the control's text content.

Entering/Clearing specific UITextfields?

My aim is to have text boxes - a set amount per level for people to guess a hidden word. I don't want the UITextfield to be tapped and then bring up the keyboard, I'd like to have a different button that brings up the keyboard - if that's possible.
If each box is a separate text field how could I go about entering text. When a user types on the standard apple keypad, how could each character be inputted into a certain text field. I'd preferably like the text to show in the box as soon as a key is tapped.
I'm also having trouble clearing certain letters. Say a user mis-spells something and doesn't realise until the keyboard has resigned as first responder, how could I make it so that a user can tap on maybe two boxes if the rest of the word is spelt right and the program clear it?
Is there any way of writing the program so that it inputs text only if the text field is empty? Continuing with the example above they switch two letters, they tap to clear, they then bring up the keypad and the next key then pressed fills the empty boxes. Not allowing the program to input text in a used text field that only contains a single character?
I'm using Cocos2d - I don't know if that makes a difference. I hope you understand what I mean, although I'm rather bad at explaining.
Thank you in advance for your time and any help :).
Instead of having a textbox that you don't want users to edit, why not use a label?
To show the keyboard, you need to have it linked to some UITextField (or similar). You could use an invisible UITextField, and then monitor the input and send the characters to the correspinding labels. Refer to this question.
To check if a textfield has anything in it:
[textField.text length] > 0, but I would use labels instead of textfields.
I dont really understand the other parts of your question.

Keyboard pushes the whole view up in WP7

I have 3 grids:- Header,Body and Footer with Body having textboxes.
I have included the Body inside a scrollviewer so that user can type as much data as he wants in the texboxes of Body.
But when the Keyboard pops up the whole view is pushed at top and I cannot see the Header.
The textboxes have wrapping on and also accepts return.
Can the scrollview move up the text when keyboard pops up?
Thanks and Regards,
Not entirely sure if this will help. How about some XAML?
You could capturing the Focus event of the text box that brings the Keyboard up. In that event you could set the scrollViewer.HorizontalOffset property to some caluclated value to get whatever you want in view.
Edit: HorizontalOffest is only a getter user ScrollToHorizontalOffset instead
You probably can make it scroll up like you want, but it will appear very strange to seasoned users of the WP7 operating system. Expected behavior for text input is exactly what you described, the notion Microsoft (I believe) is trying to hit here is that when you want to type something in, you want to clear everything else out of view, and only focus on the textbox at hand.

read-only Textbox

The form window(chat window) that i am creating for a lan messenger is similar to the one in google talk with two textboxes. What i need to do is to transfer characters typed in the lower textbox(textbox2) to the upper textbox(textbox1 which is read-only) when i click the submit button without showing that textbox1 is read-only because the characters are appearing in grey.please help with code if possible.
Use a label for this instead of a textbox. If the only thing it is doing is display the characters and not a direct edit, you won't lose any functionality and the text would not be greyed out...
If you're going to use a Texbox, set it to Locked. That shouldn't gray the characters out. Otherwise in KeyDown/KeyUp events, set the e.Handled property to true (which will tell the box that you want to handle the input yourself and don't want the message to filter down).
That oughta do it for you.
