Add a query result (on any computed value) to a new WIT - tfs

I am creating new WorkItemType and would like to populate parts of the WIT card in the board with computed values, examples include:
Given a start date calculate the duration in weeks since then
Count the number of fields that contain a valid value
I am interested in either a way to include query results in the WIT card, or how to fill a defined field with computed values.
EDIT: Running an on-prem installation of azure-dev ops and using the new process template with an inherited process

You may check Query based boards extension which allows you to visualize the result of work item queries on a board:


Find WorkItems that were assigned and finished in the last 30 days

I would like to see a list of workitems assigned to a particular person. I would also like get information about when those workitems were completed. Is there any column like assigned_date and finished_date that i could use?
I saw [Status]='AssignedTo' but didnt find anything that says when it was assigned and when it was finished
This link provides some info that I am looking for but not everything.
You could use the operator “Was Ever” that searches for a value in a field in the history of Work Items. Such a query will return all Work Items you were/someone assigned to, even if now they are assigned to a different person.
However, there is not any assigned_date and finished_date you could use. Several date and identity fields are set based on workflow states or transitions. You could find all
Date and Iteration Path fields here.
You have to use Revisions - List Rest API to return the list of fully hydrated work item revisions and fetch the work item assigned and finished time. Finally check if they are in the last 30 days.

Multiple response crosstabs/frequencies based on categorical variable in SPSS

I've just started using SPSS after using R for about five years (I'm not happy about it, but you do what your boss tells you). I'm just trying to do a simple count based on a categorical variable.
I have a data set where I know a person's year of birth. I've recoded into a new variable so that I have their generation as a categorical variable, named Generation. I also have a question that allows for multiple responses. I want a frequency of how many times each response was collected.
I've created a multiple response variable (analyze>multiple response > Define variable sets). However, when I go to create crosstabs, the Generation variable isn't an option to select. I've tried googling, but the videos I have watched have the row variables as numeric.
Here is a google sheet that shows what I have and what I'm looking to achieve:
Is it possible to do this?
First of all, to double check, when you say you go to crosstabs, is this Analyze > Multiple Response > Crosstabs (and not Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Crosstabs)?
Second, with multiple response data, you are much better off working with Custom Tables. Start by defining the set with Analyze > Custom Tables > Multiple Response Sets. If you save your data file, those definitions are saved with it (unlike the Mult Response Procedure).
Then you can just use Custom Tables to tabulate mult response data pretty much as if it were a regular variable, but you have more choices about appropriate statistics, tests of significance etc. No need in the CTABLES code to explicitly list the set members.
Try CUSTOM TABLES, although this is an additional add-on modules that you need to have a licence for:
CTABLES /TABLE Generation[c] by (1_a+ 1_b + 1_c)[s][sum f8.0 'Count'].

history attribute in neo4j

I was reading about Time-Based Versioned Graphs and came across the following example:
CREATE (s1:Shop{shop_id:1})
(ss1:ShopState{name:'General Store'})
My question: how do I calculate this date? from:1388534400000,to:9223372036854775807
Those two values are timestamps which in java are the number of milliseconds since the Epoch (1/1/1970) began. The second value is the maximum Long value, the end of Java time, a long way away.
There are ways in all languages for generating these values for specific dates (beware that some will be based on seconds), there is quite a handy list on this site.
If you are not working in any particular programming language and just want to enter queries then you can use an online date converter like this one.
You can also calculate timestamps in Cypher if you are working with dates that relate to Now somehow using the timestamp() function:
CREATE (s1:Shop{shop_id:1})
(ss1:ShopState{name:'General Store'})
IIUC to is just a Long.MAX_VALUE, and from can be a result of either calling timestamp() function via Cypher or setting the property with the value of System.currentTimeMills() via Java API.
Take a look at the example: (Note that you can skip setting and use coalesce when querying instead).

Combine multiple columns containing similar values into one column for use in graph inside Crystal Reports

I have 3 fields, Action1, Action2 and Action3 contained in one report. Each Action field is selected from the same list of values. I would like to graph a count of these values by the value of the field and not field itself. I need one graph and not one graph per Action field. I have tried to combine the field values into an array in the details section, but the report shows the concatenated string values "Action1, Action2, Action3', as a single value in the graph. I tried to graph using "on change of", but it will only allow 2 fields and not 3. Is there a way to count these values regardless of the Action field where they are found?
I have been working with Crystal for years, but can't figure this out for whatever reason.
I was never able to find a solution to this issue inside of Crystal Reports itself. What I ended up doing was creating a stored procedure in SQL to use as the data source. In the stored procedure I basically performed a cross join such that there was only 1 Action returned per record. In CR I then was able to summarize the Action field values.

TFS 2008 Cube Report between two points in time

In TFS 2008, I'd like to be able to create a pivot table/chart to show the difference in a specific field between two given points in time. The reason is we put our initial estimates in at the beginning and then update it to the total number of hours we did against the item when we finish. An obvious answer to this, would be two separate fields, one for initial and one for final, but that isn't how it was set up, so the only way I can pull the data is querying against the history of the work item.
I am up for writing a custom SQL query or updating the cube with a new perspective if necessary, but ideally, I'd like to just pull it together with the TFS cube into excel 2007. I was looking at the Work Item History perspective, but I'm just not seeing anything close enough in there.
The Work Item history in the TFS cube indeed exposes the state of the work item fields over time. You can just select the start and end point in the pivot table connected to the cube datasource as the row or column. On the other axis, select the field you want to display. The values in the table will show the values for the fields in both points in time.
