Is there a posibility to export a SVF from a DWG in an InventorPlugin - autodesk-designautomation

I am currently triying to use an Inventor Automation to modify a drawing and then export it to the SVF Format for the Viewer. Therefore I used this sample project from an Autodesk developer:
I tried the code for exporting a 3D Drawing as SVF and that works fine. But when I tried to export a 2D drawing (like a DWG) to SVF, the SVF Addin doesn't create a file.
The Problem appears in the Method CreateForgeViewable() in the SampleAutomation Class in the ExtractParamsPlugin Projekt. I think the problem could be the configuration of the options for the Addin... But I couldn't find a Documentation for the SVF Addin.
// Setup SVF options
if (oAddin.get_HasSaveCopyAsOptions(doc, oContext, oOptions))
oOptions.set_Value("GeometryType", 1);
oOptions.set_Value("EnableExpressTranslation", true);
oOptions.set_Value("SVFFileOutputDir", sessionDir);
oOptions.set_Value("ExportFileProperties", false);
oOptions.set_Value("ObfuscateLabels", true);
Is there any parameter, that I should set for exporting a DWG to a SVF? Or is there somewhere a documentation for this Plugin?
I would be really thankfull for a reply.
Best regards

Currently, we only support SVF for 3D from Design Automation of Inventor (DA4I). If you want SVF for 2D DWG you can either go through Model Derivatives, or output to PDF by DA4I and use it in Forge Viewer (by pdf.js), or output DWG from DA4I and then go to Design Automation of AutoCAD (DA4A) to export.

Here is sample how you can use your Bundle to export IDW to PDF
TranslatorAddIn PDFAddIn = (TranslatorAddIn)_inventorApplication.ApplicationAddIns.ItemById["{0AC6FD96-2F4D-42CE-8BE0-8AEA580399E4}"];
if (PDFAddIn != null)
TranslationContext context = _inventorApplication.TransientObjects.CreateTranslationContext();
NameValueMap options = _inventorApplication.TransientObjects.CreateNameValueMap();
if (PDFAddIn.HasSaveCopyAsOptions[doc, context, options])
context.Type = IOMechanismEnum.kFileBrowseIOMechanism;
DataMedium dataMedium = _inventorApplication.TransientObjects.CreateDataMedium();
options.Value["Sheet_Range"] = PrintRangeEnum.kPrintAllSheets;
options.Value["Vector_Resolution"] = 300;
options.Value["All_Color_AS_Black"] = false;
options.Value["Sheets"] = GetSheetOptions(doc);
dataMedium.FileName = exportFileName;
PDFAddIn.SaveCopyAs(doc, context, options, dataMedium);
and then use PDF with Forge Viewer
viewer.loadModel( [pdfUrl], { page: 1 }); // load page 1 by default


How do I save edited PDF file from PDFtron?

I have used PDFTron to update/edit PDF files. I have followed the documentation for opening the PDF file which came from server, but I am not sure how to save the edited PDF file with this SDK (PDFTron).
I have referred below links to save PDF, but did not succeed.
I want to send XFDF file formats to server.
PDFTron saves PDF with annotation automatically after some time interval, but I want it to be saved by save button press. I am stuck on this saving process.
I have below code to import annotation and I don't know how to import this XFDF file and where do to get this XFDF file.
// Import annotations from XFDF to FDF
let fdf_doc: PTFDFDoc = PTFDFDoc.create(fromXFDF: xfdf_filename)
// Optionally read XFDF from a string
let fdf_doc: PTFDFDOc = PTFDFDoc.create(fromXFDF: xfdf_string)
// Merge FDF data into PDF doc
let doc: PTPDFDoc = PTPDFDoc(filepath: filename)
I don't want it to be customisations by myself, I just want it to be saved by me on pressing button.
Below is my query
How do I save the applied annotation on PDF by myself?
Once you've applied changes to the document data you'll probably want to do something with the updated PDF like letting the user download it or sending it back to your server.
If you just want to let the user download the edited file then no extra changes are necessary as pressing the download button will save the modified PDF to the user's computer.
To add a custom save button, here is a code sample.
If you want to get the modified PDF as an ArrayBuffer then you can use the
getFileData function on Document.
For example:
.then(instance => {
const { documentViewer, annotationManager } = instance.Core;
documentViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', async () => {
const doc = documentViewer.getDocument();
const xfdfString = await annotationManager.exportAnnotations();
const options = { xfdfString };
const data = await doc.getFileData(options);
const arr = new Uint8Array(data);
const blob = new Blob([arr], { type: 'application/pdf' });
// upload blob to your server
I have followed the documentation for opening the PDF file which came from server
There are a few ways to do this - could you share which API you are using?
The main point of your question seems to be how to save the PDF via a button press (after you've merged in XFDF annotation data). Is this the case?
You can control where a remote document is shared by implementing the relevant delegate methods, likely specifically
You can then save the document using this method:

Require json file dynamically in react-native (from thousands of files)

I googled so far and tried to find out the solution but not yet.
I know require() works only with static path, so I want alternative ways to solve my problem. I found this answer here but it doesnt make sense for thousands of resources.
Please advise me the best approach to handle such case.
I have thousand of json files that containing app data, and declared all the file path dynamically like below:
export var SRC_PATH = {
bible_version_inv: {
"kjv-ot": "data/bibles/Bible_KJV_OT_%s.txt",
"kjv-nt": "data/bibles/Bible_KJV_NT_%s.txt",
"lct-ot": "data/bibles/Bible_LCT_OT_%s.txt",
"lct-nt": "data/bibles/Bible_LCT_NT_%s.txt",
"leb": "data/bibles/leb_%s.txt",
"net": "data/bibles/net_%s.txt",
"bhs": "data/bibles/bhs_%s.txt",
"n1904": "data/bibles/na_%s.txt",
"esv": "data/bibles/esv_%s.txt",
As you can see, file path contains '%s' and that should be replace with right string depends on what the user selected.
For example if user select the bible (abbreviation: "kjv-ot") and the chapter 1 then the file named "data/bibles/Bible_KJV_OT_01.txt" should be imported.
I'm not good enough in react-native, just wondering if there is other alternative way to handle those thousands of resource files and require only one at a time by dynamically following the user's selection.
Any suggestions please.
Instead of exporting a flat file, you could export a function that took a parameter which would help build out the paths like this:
// fileInclude.js
export const generateSourcePath = (sub) => {
return {
bible_version_inv: {
"kjv-ot": `data/bibles/Bible_KJV_OT_${sub}.txt`
const generation = require('./fileInclude.js');
const myFile = generation.generateSourcePath('mySub');
const requiredFile = require(myFile);
then you would import (or require) this item into your project, execute generateSourcePath('mysub') to get all your paths.

iText is not rendering image in Grails web application

We are trying to send an image as a stream to a method in Grails 2.4.3.
def imgStream
imgStream = servletContext.classLoader.getResourceAsStream("/assets/Logo.jpg")
We call in another service to render the PDF
ByteArrayOutputStream output = licensePlanReportsService.renderLicensingPlanPDF(licensingPlanInstance, internal, imgStream)
We are using com.lowagie.text.Image from iText 2.1.7 and poi 3.9-20121203
if(imgStream) {
Image logo = Image.getInstance(imgStream.getBytes())
logo.scaleAbsolute(128.64, 88.32)
logo.setAbsolutePosition(25, 485)
The image is not rendering for us on our output the PDF report. Does this seem to be the correct way to render the image to the PDF?
This issue was resolved by changing the initial call by using the following code:
imgStream = grailsAttributes.getApplicationContext().getResource("Logo.jpg").getInputStream()
Instead of the initial way
imgStream = servletContext.classLoader.getResourceAsStream("/assets/Logo.jpg")

get handle to current active window in OpenCV

Are there OpenCV equivalents of the GLUT glutGetWindow()/glutSetWindow() functions, which allows the current active window to be identified and switched from your own codes?
Basically, I'd like to able to identify the current active window from a within a mouse callback function registered with all windows, and have it call another processing function with different parameters for each window.
Any help would be appreciated.
There's no function to do that in OpenCV, however, the signature of cvSetMouseCallback() allows you to register one callback per window.
You will have to register individual callbacks to achieve what you need to do.
Here is the complete list of features supported by the HIGHGUI module.
Another (hardcore) alternative is to dive into the native API of the OS you are working with and search for methods that accomplish this. The problem is that this solution is not cross-platform.
Actually, cvGetWindowHandle(const char* windowname) is available up in opencv/highgui/highgui_c.h. This is available up until openCV 4 when this answer was written.
I suggest that you add
#include <opencv/highgui/highgui_c.h>
and use
Include <opencv / highgui / highgui_c.h> could be a solution, but it really won't let you turn to Opencv4 +.
For those of you who are still using Opencv in MFC DialogBox, there is a different solution
FindWindows returns the Parent Window handle, and MFC works with the child window, so you'll need FindWindow and FindWindowEx.
New source code for MFC and Opencv4+
namedWindow(windowname, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
////// This will work on opencv 4.X //////
HWND hParent = (HWND)FindWindow(NULL, windowname.c_str());
HWND hWnd = (HWND)FindWindowEx(hParent, NULL, L"HighGUI class", NULL);
::SetParent(hWnd, GetDlgItem(IDC_PICTURE)->m_hWnd);
::ShowWindow(hParent, SW_HIDE);
CWnd* pWnd = new CWnd();
Maybe you're still in troubles because string to LPCWSTR conversion fails, and hParent returns NULL. There is many ways to convert string to LPCWSTR, but because you are using MFC, try
namedWindow(windowname, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
////// This will work on opencv 4.X //////
CString CstrWindowname =;
HWND hParent = (HWND)FindWindow(NULL, CstrWindowname);
HWND hWnd = (HWND)FindWindowEx(hParent, NULL, L"HighGUI class", NULL);
::SetParent(hWnd, GetDlgItem(IDC_PICTURE)->m_hWnd);
::ShowWindow(hParent, SW_HIDE);
CWnd* pWnd = new CWnd();
The new code should replace this old code
namedWindow(windowname, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
///// OLD version. Used on opencv 3.X on MFC Dialog Box /////
HWND hWnd = (HWND) cvGetWindowHandle(windowname.c_str());
HWND hParent = ::GetParent(hWnd);
::SetParent(hWnd, GetDlgItem(IDC_PICTURE)->m_hWnd);
::ShowWindow(hParent, SW_HIDE);
CWnd* pWnd = new CWnd();
Well, there is no OpenCV API for retreiving focused window, but OS GUI Shell usually provides. Using this approach would be better because mouse callbacks can't detect ALT-TAB and programmatic focusing.
Here's some example code on python for windows that gets the job done:
import ctypes
import cv2
user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
def exists_cv_window(title):
# seems to work on python-opencv version 4.6.0
return cv2.getWindowProperty(title, cv2.WND_PROP_VISIBLE) != 0.0
def get_active_cv_window():
focused_window_handle = user32.GetForegroundWindow()
length = user32.GetWindowTextLengthW(focused_window_handle)
buffer = bytes([0]) * 2 * length
buff_pointer = ctypes.c_char_p(buffer)
user32.GetWindowTextW(window_handle, buff_pointer, length)
active_window_title = buffer.decode('utf-16')
if exists_cv_window(active_window_title):
return active_window_title
# example use case for the function
def main():
im1 = cv2.imread('cookie.png')
im2 = cv2.imread('cat.png')
cv2.imshow('figure 1', im1)
cv2.imshow('figure 2', im2)
while True:
key = cv2.waitKey(10)
if key == 23: # CTRL + W
title = get_active_cv_window()
if title is not None:
# in the example above the ability to target active window allows applying
# CTRL + W shortcut to a specific figure
It's a shame this is not part of OpenCV

Automate Photoshop to insert text from file

I have a multilanguage website and need automate the process of updating textlayers in psd-files from a csv-source.
I know that there might be glitches in the psp because of changed widths, but anyway it would help a lot to have the text inside the documents.
What are my options?
Murmelschlurmel has a working solution. Here is the link to the Adobe documentation.
The format of the csv-file is not so nice: you need a column for each variable. I would expect a row for each variable.
It works with Umlaut (ä, ö etc)
Another solution is to use com to automate Photoshop. Thats nice if you have a couple of templates (buttons) that need changed text. Here is my script in python that might get you startet.
You need to have an excel file with columns:
TemplateFileName, TargetFileName, TargetFormat, Text
(ie template.psd, button1 , gif , NiceButton) .
The first row of the sheet is not used.
The psp template should only have 1 textlayer and can not have layergroups.
import win32com.client
import xlrd
spreadsheet = xlrd.open_workbook("text_buttons.xls")
sheet = spreadsheet.sheet_by_index(0)
psApp = win32com.client.Dispatch("Photoshop.Application")
jpgSaveOptions = win32com.client.Dispatch("Photoshop.JPEGSaveOptions")
jpgSaveOptions.EmbedColorProfile = True
jpgSaveOptions.FormatOptions = 1
jpgSaveOptions.Matte = 1
jpgSaveOptions.Quality = 1
gifSaveOptions = win32com.client.Dispatch("Photoshop.GIFSaveOptions")
for rowIndex in range(sheet.nrows):
if(rowIndex > 0):
template = sheet.row(rowIndex)[0].value
targetFile = sheet.row(rowIndex)[1].value
targetFileFormat = sheet.row(rowIndex)[2].value
textTranslated = sheet.row(rowIndex)[3].value
psApp.Open(r"D:\Design\Produktion\%s" % template )
doc = psApp.Application.ActiveDocument
for layer in doc.Layers:
if (layer.Kind == 2):
layer.TextItem.Contents = textTranslated
if(targetFileFormat == "gif"):
doc.SaveAs(r"D:\Design\Produktion\de\%s" % targetFile, gifSaveOptions, True, 2)
if(targetFileFormat == "jpg"):
doc.SaveAs(r"D:\Design\Produktion\de\%s" % targetFile, jpgSaveOptions, True, 2)
You can use "Data Driven Design" to do this. There is also a concept of data driven design in computer science, but as far as I can see this is not not related to the use of the word in Photoshop.
Here is how to proceed:
Load your image in Photoshop and define your variables with Image > Variable > Define.
Then convert your csv to a format Photoshop can read. I had the best experiences with tab delimted text.
Finally load the text file in Photoshop with Images > Variables > Data Set and let Photoshop save all iterations.
When I tried this first, I found that the Photoshop help file didn't provide enough details. I searched the Internet for photoshop "data set" and found some good tutorials, e.g. this one from digitaltutors.
It might be little bit off too much, but I have used Adobe AlterCast/Grphics server to handle exactly same issue.
Also if its just Text GIF/JPG image, you can use Python+PIL (Python Imaging Library).
Here is a sample code (works on Windows OS with Arial and Osaka fonts installed.)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import ImageFont, ImageDraw, Image
#font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf", 24)
#font = ImageFont.truetype("futuratm.ttf", 18)
font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 18)
im ="RGB", (365,20), "#fff")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
draw.text((0, 0), "Test Images", font=font, fill="#000")"TestImg_EN.gif", "GIF")
font = ImageFont.truetype("osaka.ttf", 18)
im ="RGB", (365,20), "#fff")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
draw.text((0, 0), u"テストイメージ", font=font, fill="#000")"TestImg_JP.gif", "GIF")
