FreeRTOS stack size after TaskCreate - task

I'm working on a trace module which has to monitor FreeRTOS tasks heap in order to detect stack overflows. I am wondering whether it is possible to get a task stack size after its creation. Can I get access to this information through the API or is it stored in some internal structure?

The task stack size is not stored, but can be calculated from the pxStack and pxEndOfStack members of the task control block. I would imagine the easiest way of detecting a stack overflow would be to use the built in stack overflow checking though.enter link description here


Change Stack size in Contiki

Is there a way to programmatically change the stack size in Contiki?
I know on Linux systems I'm able to call:
ulimit -s SIZE
But I'm currently using Contiki as a flashed binary, and don't really have access to a traditional terminal. I've tried executing the command from C using system() and popen() calls to no avail.
Perhaps there's a CFLAG or LDFLAG I can leverage? Or modifying something in the makefile?
FYI I'm flashing the binary to a Texas Instruments cc2650, which has a 32 bit processor.
CC2650 does not have a MPU (Memory Protection Unit), which implies that no one checks for the boundaries of the stack region during runtime, which in turn implies that there is no way to "reserve" stack in the same sense that stack memory is reserved on Linux.
Essentially, if you keep allocating new things on stack, the stack will keep to grow even after it reaches other memory regions - usually the .data region, which contains dynamically allocated memory, if any, and static/global variables. The growth of stack will corrupt the memory in those other regions in a way that you might even fail to notice, leading to hard-to-find bugs.
There are a couple of things to do. One is to reserve bigger stack memory during compile time. This will not limit the stack region, but will limit the extent of the data region. To do that, change the CC2650 linker script in cpu/cc26xx-cc13xx/cc26xx.ld:
_Min_Stack_Size = 0x100; /* 256 bytes by default for the stack */
The other thing is to use Contiki-NG recent revisions, which have built-in stackoverflow checks. There is still no way to change the stack region size during runtime, but you will get an error if stack overflow happens.

What is in the stack?

I'm trying to understand what is stored in the stack in optix.
As I understand it, we set the stack size per context, and one stack is attached to each thread in the ray generation program.
When a ray is launched, the thread carries with it the stack, which stores the ray's payload.
I thought that, when we do a recursive ray-tracer for example, the stack overflow would occur because there would be too many payloads to keep in the memory. But right now, I have a program with a radiance ray that has a payload of float + 3 uint, and a shadow ray with only a float, and there is only one bounce. However, my stack needs to be bigger that 1024 to avoid a stack overflow. Surely, this is way more that just my two payloads.
So I wonder, what else is in the stack?
(I mean in general, not in my particular case. What is stored in the stack except the ray(s) payload(s) (if they are)? For example, do we also store information about the hits? about the scene tree? Do we keep track of which program called the current ray?)
Thanks for your help!
Answered on the NVIDIA board here
Detlef Roettger wrote
"The stack is also used to save and restore live variables around
function calls (e.g. rtTrace or callable programs). That's the
background for one of the performance advice in the OptiX Programming
Guide which starts with Try to minimize live state across calls to
rtTrace in programs."
More info on this at ยง3.1.3 - Global State in the OptiX Programming guide.
Remember that OptiX programs are full blown CUDA kernels combined together. Stack memory is therefore also used for ordinary execution needs (the amount is likely to vary even between CUDA versions).

Memory collision in Stacks

So I understand what a stack overflow is, when memory collides (and the title of this website) but what I do not understand is why new entries to the stack are in a decremental memory address. Why are they not in a random memory address, would it not make more sense so that memory collision is not an issue? I am guessing there is some sort of optimizing reason behind that?
** EDIT **
What I did not realize is a stack is given x amount of address space. Makes sense now but brings me to a follow-up question. Can I explicitly state how much memory I want to allocate to a stack?
"Memory collides" would better suit the term of "buffer overflow", where you write outside of the predestined space, but where it is likely to be within a different allocated memory block.
A stack overflow is not about writing outside of one's memory allocation into another memory allocation. It's just about writing outside of one's stack memory allocation. Most likely outside of the stack there's a guard memory page, that is not allocated for anything and which causes a fault on a read or write attempt.
And assigning a random address for each value pushed on the stack makes it hard to find data on the stack (and it's not a stack anymore). When the compiler or programmer knows that subsequent elements occupy subsequent addresses, then it's easy to compute those addresses just from the base pointer of the stack frame.
The answer to this question is probably complex, but basically stack operations are considered to be very primitive functions that the processor does as part of normal execution of code. (Saving return addresses and other stuff.)
So where do you put the memory management code? Where do you track the allocated addresses or add code to allocate new addresses? There really isn't anywhere to do this as these are basic operations performed by the processor itself.
Similar to the memory that holds the code itself, the stack is assumed to be setup before the code runs (and pointed to by the stack register). There really isn't any place to add complex memory management to stack memory. And so, yes, if not enough memory was provided, the stack will overflow.
Stack overflow is when you have used up all available stack space. The space available for the stack is, in most cases just an arbitrary limit chosen by the system designers. It is possible to alter this, but on modern systems, it's not really an issue - code that needs several megabytes of stack, unless the system is REALLY huge, is probably not correctly designed.
The stack grows towards zero from "custom" - it has to go in a defined direction or it would be very hard to follow what is going on, and lower adddress is just as good as higher address. It used to be that stack and heap grew towards each other, which would allow code that uses a lot of stack and not so much heap to work in the same amount of memory as something that uses a smaller amount of stack and a larger amount of heap. But these days, there is typically enough memory (space) that the heap can be defined to be somewhere completely separate from the stack. Instead the stack overflow is detected by having a region of "reserved" memory just at the top of the stack that is not usable - so the OS gets a "trap" for using memory that isn't available, and the application can be killed.

What is Stack Randomization and how does it prevent buffer overflow attack?

I read from a book that Buffer Overflow might be used as a way to inject exploit code which will attack a system. And Stack Randomization is one of those effective ways to prevent such attacks.
I can't understand what is Stack Randomization and how it prevents those attack?
Instead of Stack Randomization the technique to defeat (or make more difficult) stack or buffer overflows is called Address space layout randomization (ASLR). The theory behind this is to attempt to randomize where items are in memory to make the task of injecting malicious code more difficult. Some buffer overflow and stack overflow attacks depend on knowing where items are located in memory to be able to inject code that can make valid memory references.
The difficulty in all this is that even with such mechanisms in place it may still be possible to inject self contained code that can make valid relative memory references when running allowing malicious code to execute.
Checkout this posting on stackoverflow which contains links to more information on buffer overflows.

How to check the current state of thread stack

i have a probably stack overflow in my application (off course, only in release mode...), and would like to add some protection/investigation code to it.
i am looking for a windows API to tell me the current state of a thread stack (i..e, the total size and used size).
anyone ?
The total size of the stack will be the size of the stack you asked for when you created the thread ( or linked the program if it's the main thread ).
There are some preliminary references to getting the stack size for a thread pool in Windows 7 on MSDN ( QueryThreadpoolStackInformation ).
As an approximation, you can compare the address of a local variable with the address of another local variable further down the stack to get a measure of the amount us. I believe that how a program running in windows chooses to lay its local variables out in the virtual memory space windows allocates to a thread is up to the implementation of that language's runtime, rather than something that Windows really knows about; instead you get an exception when you attempt to access an address just below the memory allocated for the stack.
The other alternative to complicating your code with a check whether the stack has reached a limit is to add an exception handler for EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW, which will get called by the OS when it checks that the stack has reached its limit. There's an example here.
