How to get a list of shared libraries used in the pipeline? - jenkins

I can get all the libraries in Jenkins like this:
but it gives me all the libraries even if they are not used in the current project. I can see in the console log that only one of those libraries was loaded. How to get it's name?
Loading library name_of_the_library

It might not be the answer you were expecting but a simple solution would be to make a variable with the name of your library/ies and println it ?

def inst = Jenkins.getInstance()
def libs = inst.getDescriptor("org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.GlobalLibraries").getLibraries()
for( lib in libs ) {
def lib_path = lib.getRetriever().getScm().getRemote()
But this gives me all the libraries, not only shared ones


Jenkins Shared Library - Importing classes from the /src folder in /vars

I am trying to writing a Jenkins Shared Library for my CI process. I'd like to reference a class that is in the \src folder inside a global function defined in the \vars folder, since it would allow me to put most of the logic in classes instead of in the global functions. I am following the repository structure documented on the official Jenkins documentation:
Jenkins Shared Library structure
Here's a simplified example of what I have:
package com.example
class SrcClass {
def aFunction() {
return "Hello from src folder!"
import com.example.SrcClass
def call(args) {
def sc = new SrcClass()
return sc.aFunction()
#Library('<lib-name>') _
pipeline {
post {
always {
My goal was for the global classes in the /vars folder to act as a sort of public facade and to use it in my Jenkinsfile as a custom step without having to instantiate a class in a script block (making it compatible with declarative pipelines). It all seems pretty straightforward to me, but I am getting this error when running the classFromVars file:
<root>\vars\classFromVars.groovy: 1: unable to resolve class com.example.SrcClass
# line 1, column 1.
import com.example.SrcClass
1 error
I tried running the classFromVars class directly with the groovy CLI locally and on the Jenkins server and I have the same error on both environments. I also tried specifying the classpath when running the /vars script, getting the same error, with the following command:
<root>>groovy -cp <root>\src\com\example vars\classFromVars.groovy
Is what I'm trying to achieve possible? Or should I simply put all of my logic in the /vars class and avoid using the /src folder?
I have found several repositories on GitHub that seem to indicate this is possible, for example this one:, which uses the classes in the /src folder in many of the classes in the /vars folder.
As #Szymon Stepniak pointed out, the -cp parameter in my groovy command was incorrect. It now works locally and on the Jenkins server. I have yet to explain why it wasn't working on the Jenkins server though.
I found that when I wanted to import a class from the shared library I have, to a script step in the /vars I needed to do it like this:
//thanks to '_', the classes are imported automatically.
// MUST have the '#' at the beginning, other wise it will not work.
// when not using "#BRANCH" it will use default branch from git repo.
#Library('my-shared-library#BRANCH') _
// only by calling them you can tell if they exist or not.
def exampleObject = new example.GlobalVars()
// then call methods or attributes from the class.

Does Bazel need external-repo BUILD files to be in $WORKSPACE_ROOT/external?

I made a repository for glfw with this:
load("#bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "new_git_repository")
name = "glfw",
build_file = "BUILD.glfw",
remote = "",
tag = "3.2.1",
I put BUILD.glfw in the WORKSPACE root. When I built, I saw:
no such package '#glfw//': Not a regular file: [snipped/external/BUILD.glfw
I moved BUILD.glfw to external/BUILD.glfw and it seems to work, but I couldn't find documentation about this. The docs about new_git_repository say that build_file " a label relative to the main workspace."; I don't see anything about 'external' there.
This is due to an inconsistent semantical difference between the native and (newer) Skylark versions of new_git_repository. To use the native new_git_repository, comment/remove the load statement:
# load("#bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "new_git_repository")
Assuming that new_git_repository has the same problem that http_archive has, per Bazel issue 6225 you need to refer to the BUILD file for glfw as #//:BUILD.glfw

Defining FOLDER level variables in Jenkins using a shared \vars library

So I'm trying to make define folder level variables by putting them in a groovy file in the \vars directory.
Alas, the documentation is so bad, that it's impossible to figure out how to do that...
Assuming we have to globals G1 and G2, is this how we define them in the groovy file?
static string G1 = "G1"
static string G2 = "G2"
Assuming the Groovy file is called XYZ.Groovy, how do I define it in the folder so its available for the folder's script?
Assuming I get over that, and that that LIBXYZ is the name the folder associates with the stuff in the /vars directory, is it correct to assume that when I call
#Library("LIBXYZ") _
it will make XYZ available?
In that case, is XYZ.G1 the way to access the globals?
thanks, a.
I have a working example here as I was recently curious about this. I agree that the documentation is wretched.
The following is similar to the info in
Prep: note that folder here refers to Jenkins Folders from the CloudBees Folder plugin. It is a way to organize jobs.
Code Layout
The first part to note is src/net/codetojoy/shared/Bar.groovy :
package net.codetojoy.shared
class Bar {
static def G1 = "G1"
static def G2 = "G2"
def id
def emitLog() {
println "TRACER hello from Bar. id: ${id}"
The second part is vars/folderFoo.groovy:
def emitLog(message) {
println "TRACER folderFoo. message: ${message}"
def bar = new net.codetojoy.shared.Bar(id: 5150)
println "TRACER test : " + net.codetojoy.shared.Bar.G1
Edit: To use a static/"global" variable in the vars folder, consider the following vars/Keys.groovy:
class Keys {
static def MY_GLOBAL_VAR3 = "beethoven"
The folderFoo.groovy script can use Keys.MY_GLOBAL_VAR3.
And then usage (in my example: Basic.Folder.Jenkinsfile):
#Library('folderFoo') _
stage "use shared library"
node {
script {
folderFoo.emitLog 'pipeline test!'
Jenkins Setup: Folder
Go to New Item and create a new Folder
configure the folder with a new Pipeline library:
Name is folderFoo
Default version is master
Retrieval Method is Modern SCM
Source Code Management in my example is this repo
Jenkins Setup: Pipeline Job
create a new Pipeline job in the folder created above
though a bit confusing (and self-referential), I create a pipeline job that uses this same this repo
specify the Jenkinsfile Basic.Folder.Jenkinsfile
the job should run and use the library

How do I create a new compiler profile with Waf?

I've found this very helpful page in the API docs of the Waf build system:
My wscript looks like this:
def options(opt):
def configure(conf):
from waflib.Tools.compiler_c import c_compiler
c_compiler['linux'] = ['mycc']
def build(bld):
bld.program(source='main.c', target='nop')
I've tried creating the file, placing it in waflib/extras and recompiling Waf. However, when I try to configure my project using this new profile, I get the following error:
Setting top to : /home/user/waf/example
Setting out to : /home/user/waf/example/build
Checking for 'mycc' (c compiler) : not found
could not configure a c compiler!
(complete log in /home/user/waf/example/build/config.log)
I've also tried creating waflib/extras/ in the root of my project (the place where Waf is and from where it gets called). No good.
How do I do this?

What is the best way to modify a project configuration from within a plugin?

As I am trying to write a Grails Plugin, I stumbled upon two problems:
how do I modify one of the configuration files like Config.groovy or DataSource.groovy from witin the _install.groovy script? It is easy to append something to those files, but how do I modify it in a clean way? text.replaceAll()? Or should I create a new config file?
how do I get the name of the current application into which the plugin will be installed? I tried to use and appName but both do not work.
Is there maybe somewhere a good tutorial on creating plugins which I haven't found yet?
Here is an example of editing configuration files from scripts/_Install.groovy.
My plugin copies three files to the target directory.
.hgignore is used for version control,
DataSource.groovy replaces the default version, and
SecurityConfig.groovy contains extra settings.
I prefer to edit the application's files as little as possible, especially because I expect to change the security setup a few years down the road. I also need to use properties from a file which is customized for each application server in our system.
Copying the files is easy.
println ('* copying .hgignore ')
ant.copy(file: "${pluginBasedir}/src/samples/.hgignore",
todir: "${basedir}")
println ('* copying SecurityConfig.groovy')
ant.copy(file: "${pluginBasedir}/src/samples/SecurityConfig.groovy",
todir: "${basedir}/grails-app/conf")
println ('* copying DataSource.groovy')
ant.copy(file: "${pluginBasedir}/src/samples/DataSource.groovy",
todir: "${basedir}/grails-app/conf")
The hard part is getting Grails to pick up the new configuration file. To do this, I have to edit the application's grails-app/conf/Config.groovy. I will add two configuration files to be found on the classpath.
println ('* Adding configuration files to grails.config.locations');
// Add configuration files to grails.config.locations.
def newConfigFiles = ["",
// Get the application's Config.groovy file
def cfg = new File("${basedir}/grails-app/conf/Config.groovy");
def cfgText = cfg.text
def appendedText = new StringWriter()
appendedText.println ""
appendedText.println ("// Added by edu-sunyjcc-addons plugin");
// Slurp the configuration so we can look at grails.config.locations.
def config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(cfg.toURL());
// If it isn't defined, create it as a list.
if (config.grails.config.locations.getClass() == groovy.util.ConfigObject) {
appendedText.println('grails.config.locations = []');
} else {
// Don't add configuration files that are already on the list.
newConfigFiles = newConfigFiles.grep {
// Add each surviving location to the list.
newConfigFiles.each {
// The name will have quotes around it...
appendedText.println "grails.config.locations << \"$it\"";
// Write the new configuration code to the end of Config.groovy.
The only problem is adding SecurityConfig.groovy to the classpath. I found that you can do that by creating the following event in the plugin's /scripts/Events.groovy.
eventCompileEnd = {
ant.copy(todir:classesDirPath) {
You might try changing the configuration within the MyNiftyPlugin.groovy file (assuming that your plugin is named my-nifty). I've found that I can change the configuration values within the doWithApplicationContext closure. Here's an example.
def doWithApplicationContext = { applicationContext ->
def config = application.config; = 'http://localhost:8080' = 'pprd'
The values you enter here do show up in the grailsApplication.config variable at run time. If it works for you, it will be a neater solution, because it doesn't require changes to the client project.
I must qualify that with the fact that I wasn't able to get Spring Security to work by this technique. I believe that my plugin (which depends on Spring Security) was loaded after the security was initialized. I decided to add an extra file to the grails-app/conf directory.
For modifying configuration files, you should use ConfigSlurper:
def configParser = new ConfigSlurper(grailsSettings.grailsEnv)
configParser.binding = [userHome: userHome]
def config = configParser.parse(new URL("file:./grails-app/conf/Config.groovy"))
If you need to get application name from script, try:
