xcode ios simulator does not show updated tab bar controller - ios

I am trying to create an ios app that consists of a tab bar controller with three buttons for 3 different pages. However, when I run the program the first few seconds shows it correctly but then it changes to a simple tab bar controller.
on left is my tab bar controller and on the right is shown by the simulator

You've edited the wrong storyboard. You have edited the Launch Screen storyboard. So during launch it shows your 3-tab interface. But then the app starts running and the Main storyboard is used. You didn't edit that one, so we are back to the plain vanilla Tabbed App template.
What you should have done was to edit the Main storyboard.


How to create a custom tab bar in Storyboard for 6 buttons?

I'm working on an app that will have 6 buttons on the bottom tab bar per photo below.
I've been able to successfully build all 6 storyboards and reference them to the main storyboard but I have not been able to find a solution online of how to get 6 buttons to display at once (with the screen increase in iPhone X, Apple is now allowing this per screenshot of Facebook below!).
I was hoping to accomplish this thru Storyboard alone but if not, will i have to then ditch storyboard and create a fully customized tab bar controller or is there another way? Thanks!

app hangs for some time when navigate in different screens

i am working on an app which contains 21 screens at all, when i navigate to other screens, back buttons or other buttons stucks for a little time.
i am using swreavelViewController, if go to other screen via segue, and if click back button it stucks app for a moment.. i have uibuttons and or other items, it stucks the app.
i am not using navigation controller, i go to other screens via segues,

NavigationBar is under the statusbar on iOS 9 and 10

I've been developing an app for the past few months, and I was always testing on my iOS 11 device and simulators. Since we are close to public release, I decided to test the app on iOS 9 and 10 simulators to make sure everything is ok.
To my disapointment, the core element of the app is broken: Its an app that displays a list of articles in tableviews, using a TabBarController. More article categories can be accessed through the side menu. However, when I display a VC form the side menu, for which I create the VC, embed it in a NavigationController and then add it in the TabBarController and make it the selected tab, the NavBar is under the status bar and the tableview's content insets extend under the tabBar, which also breaks my TabBar and creates a whole lot of other problems.
The weird thing is that after navigating to the next VC, the whole statusbar situation is fixed, so I'm guessing something is initially off with the NavBar that gets fixed once a second VC is pushed.
Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this bug? On iOS 11 everything works perfectly, while on iOS 9 and 10 only when a new VC is pushed, the error is fixed. Please note that I'm not using a UITableViewController but a ViewCOntroller with an embeded TableView, since I also need to add othr views at the bottom of my view controller.

Cannot edit the launch screen in main storyboard

I'm very new to XCode and swift. I created a launch image in the launch story board. But, I wanted a customized delay for the launch screen. So, I copy pasted the UIViewController from launch storyboard to the main storyboard and connected it to the first page of my app (which is a table) with a modal segue, created a swift file, connected the UIViewController to the corresponding class and customized the delay for the launch screen.
However the image in the launch screen is not aligned when I run the app. When I edit the picture in the main storyboard, I see no change when I run the app. I realized that I had to make the changes in the launch storyboard. Is there any way to solve this problem?

tab bar controller is not shows the tab buttons after updating xcode

I was developing an application which uses UI TabBar controllers and I have updated my mac Osx and the Xcode to the version 5.1.1. before these updates , my application worked fine.
now when i run the application after the update, my tab buttons (which should be there at the bottom of the simulator) do not show. i did not change anything in my project. just above updates only i did. i checked my storyboard to check whether those tab buttons are there. unfortunately they are not there.. the only thing i can see is like the below
before the update my storyboard looked like the following
now it looks like this
you can see in the tab bar controller there are no tab buttons like the above screenshot..
my application is now like this when it runs...
What's going on?
if you change all the TabBar item's icon than you can see tabBar.
