Lua - including file doesnt work, how can I fix it? - lua

I have a problem with lua include (dofile, loadfile, require). What I want to do is including file to my main lua file.
Main file - stala_2enb_lua.lua
File to include - zmienne_2enb_modyfikacja
I want to have my main file constant and make changes only in second file, where I want to have variables.
Main file
File to include
I tried all ways like on the screen, but I have no output. It behaves like this all including doesnt matter. There is no error and the variables are not included. How can I make it correctly?
I've managed to load a little bit using dofile, but there is an error which I can't understand. I've found a solution, but i can't understand it properly --> --> ctrf +f = Lua Coroutine Yielding/Resuming
Error after loading function using dofile ("/home/epcsim/WTS_2001_WK05/zmienne_2enb_lua.lua")
Thanks in advance for the help!


Lua require error if script is called "table.lua"?

Trying to replicate this simple Lua example (using the improved code in the second post), I encountered the following strange issue:
I copied the code verbatim, but happened to call the first file "table.lua" (instead of "funcs.lua").
The second file was called "main.lua" as in the example.
In my case, whatever I tried, I invariably got the popular error message "attempt to call field 'myfunc' (a nil value)" (as if the require statement had been ignored; but path etc. were all in order).
After two hours of trying and hunting for info, I more or less on a hunch renamed the first file from "table.lua" to "tabble.lua", and then everything promptly worked as expected. Renaming to e.g. "tables.lua" will also work.
Being very new to Lua, I'd still like to understand what exactly went wrong. Initially I thought the reason might be that "table" is a reserved Lua word, but all references I checked do not list it as such.
So what is going on here?
I am using LuaForWindows v5.1.4-46 with the included SciTE editor/IDE (v.1.75).
Thanks for all hints.
The standard libraries math, io, string, …, and table are pre-defined (and pre-loaded) in the Lua interpreter. Because require caches modules by name, saying require "table" will return the standard table library instead of loading your own table module from a file.
A good way to solve the problem is to create a folder and put your library files in there. If the folder is called mylib, then require "mylib.table" will work and load the file.
Alternatively, if you just need to load the file once and do not need the features of require (searching the file in a number of directories, caching loaded libraries), you can use loadfile: Change require "table" to loadfile "./table.lua" () (where ./table.lua should be the full (relative is fine) path to the file.)

Using signature file in script

I like using .fsi signature files to control visibility. However, if I have both Foo.fsi and Foo.fs files in my solution, and #load "Foo.fs" in a script, it doesn't seem like the corresponding signature file gets used. If I do:
#load "Foo.fsi"
#load "Foo.fs"
... then the desired visibility control happens. Is this the recommended way to achieve this, or is there a better way to do it? In a perfect world, one would like to see the signature file automatically loaded, too.
Not a final answer, but a better way.
From reading Expert F# 4.0 one can do
#load "Foo.fsi" "Foo.fs" "Foo.fsx"
All three loads are on one line.
The link to the book is via WolrdCat just put in a zip code and it will show you locations near there where the book can be found.

Lua Sockets Module cpath

I'm trying to use the sockets module in a script and I keep encountering a issue where the script is unable to find socket.core. Is there anyway for me to point to exactly where the core.dll is? I've tried using cpath and I can never seem to get it to work. I just want to be able to say "C:/folder/folder/folder/core.dll"
package.cpath = 'F:/Folder/Foldertwo/Game/agame/Beta/Scripts/libs/socket/?.dll;' .. package.cpath
#EgorSkriptunoff is correct in his comment: socket.lua (which is a lua module) loads socket.core (which is a dynamic library), so you won't be able to load it from folder/core.dll as the default searcher will be looking for socket/core.dll.
If you really want to load it from folder/core.dll, you may try to load it yourself and assign the returned value to package.preload['socket.core']. This way when socket.lua loads the module, it will get the value to return from package.preload key without loading the module.

Can luaL_loadbuffer load multiple files in one call?

I know how to load a Lua file via luaL_loadbuffer. Now I have many Lua files, more than 100. I am thinking about how to speed up the loading process. One way I figured out is: put all files into one, and then load this file using luaL_loadbuffer (I did some tests, but just got syntax error return by luaL_loadbuffer). Does anyone ever use this method? Or is there any other way to speed up the loading?
Expanding on #siffiejoe's comment and this answer to a related SO question, I use Squish to collapse multiple modules into a single .lua file. You can then use luac to compile it into bytecode, if desired.
I replaced Lua with LuaJIT and the loading time reduced to ~6sec. I'm satisfied with this result now.Thanks everybody.

Getting FXAA to work

I am new to HLSL and in all of the tutorials I found there always seems to be a #include "Fxaa3_11.fxh" in each of them. I include this file and then it also makes a reference to another header file #include "Fxaa3_11.h" and as it goes I also include this file into my content pipeline and still gives me an error X1507: failed to open source file:... whichever way I go.
Is there any way to make a clean, single FXAA.fx file without enabling all this mess of external files?
If you want to compile your shader on the fly , you can use this function
Most important part when using includes is to provide a CompilerIncludeHandler ,include resolves are not automatically done for you (which is a good thing).
You override the open method, then read the include path from the parameters and return the content as a string.
If you just want to have if processed in content manager, Easiest way is probably just to copy paste the content of those header files in the main shader file (where the include is), and delete the include statement. Bit ugly but pretty simple.
