Getting SwiftUI bindings right in a custom view - binding

I'm playing around with creating custom views for SwiftUI and am missing something about how bindings work. I have the following code:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State var number: Int = 0
var body: some View {
VStack {
NumberPicker(format: "%02d", max: 20, value: $number)
Text("You picked \(number)")
struct NumberPicker: View {
var format: String = "%d"
var max: Int
#Binding var value: Int
var valueProxy: Binding<String> {
get: { String(format: self.format, self.$value.wrappedValue) },
set: { self.value = Int(String($0))! }
var body: some View {
Picker("", selection: valueProxy) {
ForEach(0..<max) { item in
Text(String(format: self.format, item))
.frame(width: 40, height: 175)
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
ContentView(number: 5)
When I run this (either in the preview or simulator) the view doesn't automatically select 05 at startup as I would expect. Also, manipulating the picker does not update the Text view below it. From what I've read, I feel like this ought to work but maybe I'm missing something obvious? Or am I going about this the wrong way? This is using Xcode 11.3.1

The problem is your Picker's selection value. You should use the #Binding var value: Int instead of valueProxy because value of your NumberPicker view is connected with number of your ContentView. So when you change value you will also change number.
If you want the Picker to start with the number 5, you need to start number with 5 instead of 0.
The code would be like this:
struct ContentView: View {
#State var number: Int = 5
var body: some View {
VStack {
NumberPicker(format: "%02d", max: 20, value: $number)
Text("You picked \(number)")
struct NumberPicker: View {
var format: String = "%d"
var max: Int
#Binding var value: Int
var body: some View {
Picker("", selection: $value) {
ForEach(0..<max) { item in
Text(String(format: self.format, item))
.frame(width: 40, height: 175)


Why is my Swiftui detail view not displaying the data from my tapped list item? [duplicate]

Here is my example, and I can't tell if this is a bug or not. All my cells load correctly, but when I try to bring up the DetailView() as a sheet, the item pased in is always whatevr item is shown first in the grid (in the top left in my case here), NOT the "cell" that was tapped. So, why is the item from ForEach loop correctly populating the cells, but not being passed to the .sheet via the button?
import SwiftUI
let columnCount: Int = 11
let gridSpacing: CGFloat = 1
struct GridView: View {
#State var showingDetail = false
let data = (1...755).map { "\($0)" }
let columns: [GridItem] = Array(repeating: .init(.flexible(), spacing: gridSpacing), count: columnCount)
let colCount: CGFloat = CGFloat(columnCount)
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geo in
ScrollView (showsIndicators: false) {
LazyVGrid(columns: columns, spacing: gridSpacing) {
ForEach(data, id: \.self) { item in
Button(action: {
}) {
GridCell(item: item, size: (geo.size.width - (colCount * gridSpacing)) / colCount)
}.sheet(isPresented: $showingDetail) {
DetailView(item: item)
.padding(.horizontal, gridSpacing)
struct GridCell: View {
let isVault: Bool = false
let item: String
let size: CGFloat
var body: some View {
ZStack {
.font(.system(size: size * 0.55))
.frame(height: size)
struct DetailView: View {
let item: String
var body: some View {
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
What am I missing? Also, scrolling on my iPad pro 11 is a bit jumpy, does anyone esle see the same behaviour?
In such use-case it is more appropriate to use variant of sheet constructed with item, because sheet must be moved out of dynamic content (otherwise you create as many sheets as items in ForEach).
Here is possible solution. Tested with Xcode 12 / iOS 14.
// helper extension because .sheet(item:...) requires item to be Identifiable
extension String: Identifiable {
public var id: String { self }
struct GridView: View {
#State private var selected: String? = nil
let data = (1...755).map { "\($0)" }
let columns: [GridItem] = Array(repeating: .init(.flexible(), spacing: gridSpacing), count: columnCount)
let colCount: CGFloat = CGFloat(columnCount)
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geo in
ScrollView (showsIndicators: false) {
LazyVGrid(columns: columns, spacing: gridSpacing) {
ForEach(data, id: \.self) { item in
Button(action: {
selected = item // store selected item
}) {
GridCell(item: item, size: (geo.size.width - (colCount * gridSpacing)) / colCount)
}.sheet(item: $selected) { item in // activated on selected item
DetailView(item: item)
.padding(.horizontal, gridSpacing)

SwiftUI - Animate View expansion (show / hide)

I have a View that contains a HStack and a DatePicker. When you tap on the HStack, the DatePicker is shown / hidden. I want to animate this action like the animation of Starts and Ends row in iOS Calendar's New Event View.
struct TimePicker: View {
#Binding var startTime: Date
#State private var isDatePickerVisible: Bool = false
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .center) {
HStack {
ListItemView(icon: "start-time",
leadingText: "Start Time",
trailingText: startTime.stringTime())
.onTapGesture {
withAnimation {
Group {
if isDatePickerVisible {
DatePicker("", selection: $startTime, displayedComponents: [.hourAndMinute])
.modifier(AnimatingCellHeight(height: isDatePickerVisible ? 300 : 0))
I have used the following code for animation. It almost works. The only problem is that HStack jumps. And I can not fix it.
struct AnimatingCellHeight: AnimatableModifier {
var height: CGFloat = 0
var animatableData: CGFloat {
get { height }
set { height = newValue }
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
content.frame(height: height)
How to fix this issue? How to animate visibility of the DatePicker?
It's simple, you don't need extra ViewModifier
struct TimePicker: View {
#Binding var startTime: Date
#State private var isDatePickerVisible: Bool = false
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .center) {
HStack {
ListItemView(icon: "start-time"
, leadingText: "Start Time"
, trailingText: startTime.stringTime())
}.onTapGesture {
if isDatePickerVisible {
, selection: $model.startTime
, displayedComponents: [.hourAndMinute]

SwiftUI programmatic navigation from within list

I have a navigation requirement that looks something like this:
Each detail screen can navigation to the next and previous detail screen. At the same time, the "back" button should always go back to the main list (not the previous detail screen).
I'm struggling with how to accomplish this in SwiftUI?
Here is what I have so far:
struct ListView: View {
#State private var currentDetailShown: Int?
#State private var listItems: [Int] = Array(repeating: 0, count: 10)
func goToNext() {
if let idx = self.currentDetailShown {
self.currentDetailShown = min(self.listItems.count - 1, idx + 1)
func goToPrev() {
if let idx = self.currentDetailShown {
self.currentDetailShown = max(0, idx - 1)
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(0..<listItems.count) { index in
NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(goToNext: self.goToNext, goToPrev: self.goToPrev),
tag: index,
selection: self.$currentDetailShown) {
ListItem(score: listItems[index])
.onTapGesture {
self.currentDetailShown = index
What happens with this code is that from the first detail view, it'll move to the to the next detail view and then immediately jump back to the list view.
I feel like I'm overthinking this or missing something obvious...
Instead of navigating to each detail from your list, you can navigate to a detailView that can show each detail individually by using a published variable in an observable object. Here is an example
struct MainView: View{
#EnvironmentObject var viewModel: ViewModel
var body: some View{
ForEach(self.viewModel.details, id:\.self){ detail in
NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(detail: self.viewModel.details.firstIndex(of: detail)!).environmentObject(ViewModel())){
class ViewModel: ObservableObject{
#Published var showingView = 0
#Published var details = ["detail1", "detail2", "detail3", "detail4", "detail5", "detail6"]
struct DetailView: View{
#EnvironmentObject var viewModel: ViewModel
#State var detail: Int
var body: some View{
IndivisualDetailView(title: viewModel.details[detail])
Button(action: {
self.viewModel.showingView -= 1
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "chevron.left")
Button(action: {
self.viewModel.showingView += 1
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "chevron.right")
struct IndivisualDetailView: View{
#State var title: String
var body: some View{

SwiftUI Programmatically Select List Item

I have a SwiftUI app with a basic List/Detail structure. A new item is created from
a modal sheet. When I create a new item and save it I want THAT list item to be
selected. As it is, if no item is selected before an add, no item is selected after
an add. If an item is selected before an add, that same item is selected after the
I'll include code for the ContentView, but this is really the simplest example of
struct ContentView: View {
#ObservedObject var resortStore = ResortStore()
#State private var addNewResort = false
#State private var coverDeletedDetail = false
#Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(resortStore.resorts) { resort in
NavigationLink(destination: ResortView(resort: resort)) {
HStack(spacing: 20) {
//bunch of modifiers
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 10) {
//the cell contents
.onDelete { indexSet in
self.removeItems(at: [indexSet.first!])
if UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad {
NavigationLink(destination: WelcomeView(), isActive: self.$coverDeletedDetail) {
.onAppear(perform: self.selectARow)
func removeItems(at offsets: IndexSet) {
resortStore.resorts.remove(atOffsets: offsets)
func selectARow() {
//nothing that I have tried works here
And again - the add item modal is extremely basic:
struct AddNewResort: View {
//bunch of properties
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Add a Resort")
VStack {
TextField("Enter a name", text: $resortName)
//the rest of the fields
.padding(EdgeInsets(top: 20, leading: 30, bottom: 20, trailing: 30))
Button(action: {
let newResort = Resort(id: UUID(), name: self.resortName, country: self.resortCountry, description: self.resortDescription, imageCredit: "Credit", price: Int(self.resortPriceString) ?? 0, size: Int(self.resortSizeString) ?? 0, snowDepth: 20, elevation: 3000, runs: 40, facilities: ["bar", "garage"])
}) {
Text("Save Trip")
.padding(.trailing, 20)
To show the issue - The list with a selection:
The list after a new item created showing the previous selection:
Any guidance would be appreciated. Xcode 11.4
I tried to reconstitute your code as closely as could so that it builds. Here is what I have in the end. We have a list of resorts and when a new resort is saved in the AddNewResort sheet, if we are currently in split view (horizontalSizeClass is regular), we will select the new resort, otherwise just dismiss the sheet.
import SwiftUI
class ResortStore: ObservableObject {
#Published var resorts = [Resort(id: UUID(), name: "Resort 1")]
struct ContentView: View {
#ObservedObject var resortStore = ResortStore()
#State private var addingNewResort = false
#State var selectedResortId: UUID? = nil
var navigationLink: NavigationLink<EmptyView, ResortView>? {
guard let selectedResortId = selectedResortId,
let selectedResort = resortStore.resorts.first(where: {$ == selectedResortId}) else {
return nil
return NavigationLink(
destination: ResortView(resort: selectedResort),
tag: selectedResortId,
selection: $selectedResortId
) {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
ZStack {
List {
ForEach(resortStore.resorts, id: \ { resort in
Button(action: {
self.selectedResortId =
}) {
.listRowBackground(self.selectedResortId == ? Color.gray : Color(UIColor.systemBackground))
.navigationBarItems(trailing: Button("Add Resort") {
self.addingNewResort = true
.sheet(isPresented: $addingNewResort) {
AddNewResort(selectedResortId: self.$selectedResortId)
struct ResortView: View {
let resort: Resort
var body: some View {
Text("Resort View for resort name: \(")
struct AddNewResort: View {
//bunch of properties
#Binding var selectedResortId: UUID?
#State var resortName = ""
#Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode
#Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) var horizontalSizeClass
#EnvironmentObject var resortStore: ResortStore
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Add a Resort")
VStack {
TextField("Enter a name", text: $resortName)
//the rest of the fields
.padding(EdgeInsets(top: 20, leading: 30, bottom: 20, trailing: 30))
Button(action: {
let newResort = Resort(id: UUID(), name: self.resortName)
if self.horizontalSizeClass == .regular {
self.selectedResortId =
}) {
Text("Save Trip")
.padding(.trailing, 20)
struct WelcomeView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Welcome View")
struct Resort {
var id: UUID
var name: String
We need to keep track of the selectedResortId
We create an invisible NavigationLink that will programmatically navigate to the selected resort
We make our list row a Button, so that the user can select a resort by tapping on the row
I started writing a series of articles about navigation in SwiftUI List view, there are a lot of points to consider while implementing programmatic navigation.
Here is the one that describes this solution that I'm suggesting: SwiftUI Navigation in List View: Programmatic Navigation. This solution works at the moment on iOS 13.4.1. SwiftUI is changing rapidly, so we have to keep on checking.
And here is my previous article that explains why a more simple solution of adding a NavigationLink to each List row has some problems at the moment SwiftUI Navigation in List View: Exploring Available Options
Let me know if you have questions, I'd be happy to help where I can.

#Binding properties are not refresh view of Child View in SwiftUI

I'm trying to reusable View and I added it on ContentView
This is my Child View
struct VStackView: View {
#Binding var spacing: Double
#Binding var alignmentIndex: Int
#Binding var elementsCount: Int
private let alignments: [HorizontalAlignment] = [.leading, .center, .trailing]
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: self.alignments[alignmentIndex], spacing: CGFloat(spacing)) {
ForEach(0..<elementsCount) {
Text("\($0)th View")
and This is SuperView
Superview has Controls like Stepper, Slider, Picker that adjust values of VStack (alignment, spacing etc)
and I want to show the result depending on that values. but Child View is not changed
struct LayoutView: View {
private let layout: StackLayout
#State private var spacing = 0.0
#State private var alignmentIndex = 0
#State private var alignment: HorizontalAlignment = .leading
#State private var elementsCount: Int = 0
private let alignmentsString = [".leading", ".center", ".trailing"]
private let minValue = 0.0
private let maxValue = 100.0
init(_ layout: StackLayout) {
self.layout = layout
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
Section(header: Text("Controls")) {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("Spacing: \(Int(spacing))").font(.caption)
HStack {
Slider(value: $spacing, in: minValue...maxValue, step: 1)
Picker("alignment", selection: $alignmentIndex) {
ForEach(0..<self.alignmentsString.count) {
Stepper(value: $elementsCount, in: 0...10) {
Text("Element Count: \(elementsCount)")
VStackView(spacing: $spacing, alignmentIndex: $alignmentIndex, elementsCount: $elementsCount)
.navigationBarTitle(Text(layout.rawValue), displayMode: .inline)
I also search google and they recommend #EnviornmentObject. if that is correct, when to use #Binding property wrapper.
Isn't it two way binding properties?
Simply speaking you can use #Binding, when you want to share data in two places.
#Observable or #environmetobject is to be used, when you want to share your data in multiple views.
Your ForEach Loop in the VStackView generates a problem, because Swiftui does not know how it can identify each of your items uniquely so it does not know how to update them, when values change.
Append your code like this:
ForEach(0..<elementsCount, id: \.self) {
Text("\($0)th View")
