How do I connect to Exchange Online using OAuth 2.0 in MailKit? - oauth-2.0

I have a web application that sends e-mails to users via Exchange Online (Office365) using MailKit and Basic Authentication. Our company is MS partner and therefor is obligated to turn off Basic Authentication for our services by the end of february 2020.
So, I want to use OAuth 2.0 to connect to Exchange Online, similar to this example. In fact, there might be a solution available according to this answer but I'm unable to find anything about it.
Right now I'm playing around with MS Identity Platform v2.0 but I'm unable to figure out how to do it.
Any help would be appriciated.
I do not want to send mails on behalf of signed-in users but instead there is a single Office365 user account that shall be used to send mails (notifications and so on) to others.
I managed to get a little closer to what I want to do using Microsoft Graph SDK and the Username/Password Provider.
Our user account requires multifactor-authentication and therefor I get an error when using the user's password since I cannot satisfy the second factor. When I'm using an app-password authentication fails because of incorrect password.
I switched to mail relaying for now. But I will update this question if I'll ever find an answer to it.

Using the Microsoft.Identity.Client you can generate a token and pass though then authentication using that.
I spotted the below for IMAP, POP3 and SMTP so adapted for my project to get a working solution. Although the example show the interactive method, where as I am was trying to use the the client credentials flow with an app secret.
MailKit - Using OAuth2 With Exchange (IMAP, POP3 or SMTP)
Microsoft - Authenticate an IMAP, POP or SMTP connection using OAuth
From #hB0 comment
Setting up Service Principles via client credentials grant flow (non-interactive)

My choice would be to look into Microsoft Graph API . It is a single endpoint for all Microsoft services including Email. Email specific endpoints document is here
Microsoft provides SDK in different languages to develop client applications using Graph API.
At a high level you would need to do the following.
i) Register an application in Azure Active Directory. See here
ii) Use the Oauth2 'authorization code grant' flow to get a refresh token . See here
iii) Exchange the refresh token for an access token and use the access token to call Microsoft Graph API.
iv) You also need to store the refresh token , if you have use cases where you application needs to perform actions even if the user is offline. In this case make sure you include scope 'offline' in step ii)

I would suggest looking into DotNetOpenAuth or a similar library and reading their samples. You'll probably need to know the Windows Live URLs to use for this if the DotNetOpenAuth library doesn't have them built-in.
Samples can be found here:

I know this is an old post but with Microsoft progressively rolling modern authentication on all Office 365 tenants. Here's what I cobbled together.
I haven't worked with MFA setups.
I use it to fetch attachments via POP3 from automated mails coming in a mailbox of our tenant, the app runs from a scheduled task so it needs to be able to run without interaction.
First, you need to get the TenantID and ClientID the tenant admin gets when registering an app on the tenant. Credits to #jstedfast for the bootstrap doc to use those informations elegantly.
Then, setup a cache for the authentication token (following this article and the wiki page linked to it).
Then handle the logic whether to use interactive or silent authentication and avoid prompting for sign-in everytime. (straight copy/paste from documentation, but rather than leaving a link that might break...)
I wrapped it all together in a function that I call later to handle the authentication.
private static async Task<AuthenticationResult> GetMSALTokenAsync()
var scopes = new string[] {
var options = new PublicClientApplicationOptions
ClientId = Settings.Default.MSALClientId,
TenantId = Settings.Default.MSALTenantId,
RedirectUri = Settings.Default.MSALRedirectURI
var storageProperties = new StorageCreationPropertiesBuilder(
var publicClientApplication = PublicClientApplicationBuilder
var cacheHelper = await MsalCacheHelper.CreateAsync(storageProperties);
var accounts = await publicClientApplication.GetAccountsAsync();
CancellationTokenSource source = new CancellationTokenSource();
CancellationToken token = source.Token;
AuthenticationResult authToken;
authToken = await publicClientApplication.AcquireTokenSilent(scopes, accounts.First(o => o.Username == Settings.Default.LoginPop)).ExecuteAsync();
return authToken;
catch (MsalUiRequiredException ex) when (ex.ErrorCode == MsalError.InvalidGrantError)
switch (ex.Classification)
case UiRequiredExceptionClassification.None:
case UiRequiredExceptionClassification.MessageOnly:
// You might want to call AcquireTokenInteractive(). Azure AD will show a message
// that explains the condition. AcquireTokenInteractively() will return UserCanceled error
// after the user reads the message and closes the window. The calling application may choose
// to hide features or data that result in message_only if the user is unlikely to benefit
// from the message
authToken = await publicClientApplication.AcquireTokenInteractive(scopes).ExecuteAsync(token);
return authToken;
catch (MsalClientException ex2) when (ex2.ErrorCode == MsalError.AuthenticationCanceledError)
// Do nothing. The user has seen the message
case UiRequiredExceptionClassification.BasicAction:
// Call AcquireTokenInteractive() so that the user can, for instance accept terms
// and conditions
case UiRequiredExceptionClassification.AdditionalAction:
// You might want to call AcquireTokenInteractive() to show a message that explains the remedial action.
// The calling application may choose to hide flows that require additional_action if the user
// is unlikely to complete the remedial action (even if this means a degraded experience)
case UiRequiredExceptionClassification.ConsentRequired:
// Call AcquireTokenInteractive() for user to give consent.
case UiRequiredExceptionClassification.UserPasswordExpired:
// Call AcquireTokenInteractive() so that user can reset their password
case UiRequiredExceptionClassification.PromptNeverFailed:
// You used WithPrompt(Prompt.Never) and this failed
case UiRequiredExceptionClassification.AcquireTokenSilentFailed:
// May be resolved by user interaction during the interactive authentication flow.
authToken = await publicClientApplication.AcquireTokenInteractive(scopes).ExecuteAsync(token);
return authToken;
catch (InvalidOperationException)
authToken = await publicClientApplication.AcquireTokenInteractive(scopes).ExecuteAsync(token);
return authToken;
log.Error("Authentication failed.");
return null;
Then you can just roll on with the actual logic to do your stuff with the Exchange server.
private static async Task PopDownloadAsync()
using (var client = new Pop3Client())
await client.ConnectAsync(Settings.Default.SrvPop, 995, SecureSocketOptions.SslOnConnect);
catch (Pop3CommandException ex)
// do stuff
catch (Pop3ProtocolException ex)
// do stuff
var result = await GetMSALTokenAsync();
if (result != null)
var oauth2 = new SaslMechanismOAuth2(result.Account.Username, result.AccessToken);
await client.AuthenticateAsync(oauth2);
throw new AuthenticationException("Something went wrong during authentication...");
catch (AuthenticationException ex)
// do stuff
catch (Pop3CommandException ex)
// do stuff
catch (Pop3ProtocolException ex)
// do stuff
if (client.Capabilities.HasFlag(Pop3Capabilities.UIDL))
// do stuff
catch (Pop3CommandException ex)
// do stuff
catch (Pop3ProtocolException ex)
// do stuff
if (!client.IsConnected)
catch (Exception e)
// do stuff
if (client.IsConnected)
await client.DisconnectAsync(true);


MSAL.NET redirect loop when using graphApi in MVC & blazor with multiple instances

I have created a blazor component that aims to simplify managing users and group of an enterprise application in my ASP.NET MVC website. When I run the code locally, everything works just fine. However, when I deploy my code on the dev environment (in AKS) the code only works if I run one replica.
When I use multiple instances and I try to access the page that calls my blazor component, the page ends up in a redirect loop, and finally shows the Microsoft login interface with an error mentioning that the login was not valid.
This is how my code looks like:
# program.cs
var initialScopes = builder.Configuration.GetValue<string>("DownstreamApi:Scopes")?.Split(' ');
var cacheOptions = builder.Configuration.GetSection("AzureTableStorageCacheOptions").Get<AzureTableStorageCacheOptions>();
builder.Services.Configure<MsalDistributedTokenCacheAdapterOptions>(options =>
options.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow = TimeSpan.FromHours(24);
builder.Services.AddDistributedAzureTableStorageCache(options =>
options.ConnectionString = cacheOptions.ConnectionString;
options.TableName = cacheOptions.TableName;
options.PartitionKey = cacheOptions.PartitionKey;
options.CreateTableIfNotExists = true;
options.ExpiredItemsDeletionInterval = TimeSpan.FromHours(24);
# The controller that calls the blazor component
[AuthorizeForScopes(Scopes = new[] { "Application.ReadWrite.All", "Directory.Read.All", "Directory.ReadWrite.All" })]
public async Task<IActionResult> UserManagement()
string[] scopes = new string[] { "Application.ReadWrite.All", "Directory.Read.All", "Directory.ReadWrite.All" };
await _tokenAcquisition
catch (Exception ex)
return View();
And this is what happens:
If the page loads, I can see this exception in the pod logs:
What am I doing wrong?
The tenant actually needs to provide admin consent to your web API for the scopes you want to use for replicas for the token taken from cache.
Also when AuthorizeForScopes attribute is specified with scopes ,this needs the exact scopes that is required by that api. MsalUiRequiredException gets thrown in case of incorrect scopes for that api and results in a challenge to user.
This error may also occur even when the acquiretokensilent call will not have a valid cookie anymore for authentication in cache .Please check how acquiretokensilent call works from here in msal net acquire token silently | microsoft docs
When valid scopes are given , please make sure the permissions are granted consent by the admin directly from portal or during user login authentication.
Also as a work around try to use use httpContextAccessor to access
token after authentication .
Reference: c# - Error : No account or login hint was passed to the AcquireTokenSilent call - Stack Overflow
So, the culprit was:
#my controller
await _tokenAcquisition
Which we were using initially to reauthenticate the graph api component when we were using InMemoryCache.
There is no need to get the access token again when using DistributedTokenCache, and actually that was causing the token to get saved / invalidated in an infinite loop.
Also, in my blazor component, I had to do use the consent handler to force a login:
private async Task<ServicePrincipal> GetPrincipal(AzureAdConfiguration addConfiguration)
return await GraphClient.ServicePrincipals[addConfiguration.PrincipalId].Request()
.Select("id,appRoles, appId")
catch (Exception ex)

.Net Core API Google authentication JWT create or reuse google token?

Hi I want to have users authenticate using Google and I want my API and also use their Google token to communicate on their behalf with google.
Here is a diagram so far. The ???? is where I'm wondering what should I return the the client.
a) Should I return my own JWT and use it to authenticate all other client request? But then to communicate with google on their behalf I have to store their token which I dont want to
b) Should I return the google token to the client for them to authenticate their requests with it? Do I have a out-of-the-box middleware for authenticating their tokens again with google? Or should I write one myself?
c) Some other option?
Basically I need their google token so I can talk with google API but I dont want to store it on my end and also I dont want the client to need to send my JWT and their google token with each request.
This is my custom google token validator but this is just the validation of the google token when the client sends it with a request.
public class CustomGoogleTokenValidator : ISecurityTokenValidator
private readonly JwtSecurityTokenHandler tokenHandler;
private readonly ILogger logger;
public bool CanValidateToken => true;
public int MaximumTokenSizeInBytes { get; set; } = TokenValidationParameters.DefaultMaximumTokenSizeInBytes;
public CustomGoogleTokenValidator(ILogger logger)
tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
this.logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));
public bool CanReadToken(string securityToken)
return tokenHandler.CanReadToken(securityToken);
public ClaimsPrincipal ValidateToken(string securityToken, TokenValidationParameters validationParameters, out SecurityToken validatedToken)
validatedToken = null;
var payload = GoogleJsonWebSignature.ValidateAsync(securityToken, new GoogleJsonWebSignature.ValidationSettings()).Result;
//payload.Audience == "myclientid";
//payload.Issuer == "" or ""
//payload.ExpirationTimeSeconds > 0;
var claims = new List<Claim>
new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, payload.Name),
new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, payload.Name),
new Claim(JwtRegisteredClaimNames.FamilyName, payload.FamilyName),
new Claim(JwtRegisteredClaimNames.GivenName, payload.GivenName),
new Claim(JwtRegisteredClaimNames.Email, payload.Email),
new Claim(JwtRegisteredClaimNames.Sub, payload.Subject),
new Claim(JwtRegisteredClaimNames.Iss, payload.Issuer),
var principle = new ClaimsPrincipal();
principle.AddIdentity(new ClaimsIdentity(claims));
return principle;
catch (Exception e)
this.logger.Error(e, "Error while creating claims priciple.");
I still don't know if it's appropriate and enought to just send google token to them after I validate it on login. Like below or should I create a new jwt with claims or somethig else?
public async Task<IActionResult> Google([FromBody]GoogleLoginDto loginDto)
var payload = await GoogleJsonWebSignature.ValidateAsync(loginDto.TokenId, new GoogleJsonWebSignature.ValidationSettings());
// TODO Check if user exists if not create new one...
var user = this.GetUsers().FirstOrDefault(u => u.Email == payload.Email);
return Ok(new
token = loginDto.TokenId
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest();
In oauth, there are server roles like client, resource owner, authorization server, resource server. The resource should be protected and grant authorization like figure below:
However, as far as I know, Google doesn't support protecting the customer's resource like web API. You can refer to the scenarios covered from below(OAuth 2.0 Overview). The most scenarios are about how to implement OAuth 2.0 authorization to access Google APIs(resource). It seems that your scenario more likes on-behalf-flow. You may check whether OAuth 2.0 for the service account to see if it fits your scenario.
And for technically, if you trust the Google's authorization server, you can verify the token as the code in your post. However in this scenario, you should verify the signature(JWT token) first ensure that the token was issued from Google, before you verify the claims. Here is an thread about verify AAD token, I answered before you can refer.
To understand concepts about OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework, you can refer to rfc6749. And for the individually identity platform support OAuth, you need to check it on each platform(Microsoft, Google, etc.).

How to implement OAuth2 for a single tool, without using it as my application's authorization solution

I currently have a MVC site, in .NET Core, backed by a public API. My users must log in (there are no [Anonymous] controllers), and authentication is already successfully being done using the DotNetCore.Authentication provider. All that is well and good.
What I'm now trying to do (by user request) is implement functionality for a user to read and view their Outlook 365 calendar on a page within my site. It doesn't seem too hard on the surface... all I have to do is have them authenticate through microsoftonline with my registered app, and then -- once they have given approval -- redirect back to my app to view their calendar events that I am now able to pull (probably using Graph).
In principle that seems really easy and straightforward. My confusion comes from not being able to implement authentication for a single controller, and not for the entire site. All of the OAuth2 (or OpenID, or OWIN, or whatever your flavor) examples I can find online -- of which there are countless dozens -- all want to use the authorization to control the User.Identity for the whole site. I don't want to change my sitewide authentication protocol; I don't want to add anything to Startup.cs; I don't want anything to scope outside of the one single controller.
tldr; Is there a way to just call (or facebook, or google, or whatever), and get back a code or token that I can use for that user on that area of the site, and not have it take over the authentication that is already in place for the rest of the site?
For anybody else who is looking for this answer, I've figured out (after much trial and error) how to authenticate for a single user just for a short time, without using middleware that authenticates for the entire application.
public async Task<IActionResult> OfficeRedirectMethod()
Uri loginRedirectUri = new Uri(Url.Action(nameof(OfficeAuthorize), "MyApp", null, Request.Scheme));
var azureADAuthority = #"";
// Generate the parameterized URL for Azure login.
var authContext = GetProviderContext();
Uri authUri = await authContext.GetAuthorizationRequestUrlAsync(_scopes, loginRedirectUri.ToString(), null, null, null, azureADAuthority);
// Redirect the browser to the login page, then come back to the Authorize method below.
return Redirect(authUri.ToString());
public async Task<IActionResult> OfficeAuthorize()
var code = Request.Query["code"].ToString();
// Trade the code for a token.
var authContext = GetProviderContext();
var authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCodeAsync(code, _scopes);
// do whatever with the authResult, here
catch (Exception ex)
return View();
public ConfidentialClientApplication GetContext()
var clientId = "OfficeClientId;
var clientSecret = "OfficeClientSecret";
var loginRedirectUri = new Uri(#"MyRedirectUri");
TokenCache tokenCache = new MSALSessionCache().GetMsalCacheInstance();
return new ConfidentialClientApplication(
new ClientCredential(clientSecret),
I don't know if that will ever be helpful to anybody but me; I just know that it's a problem that doesn't seem to be easily solved by a quick search.

How do I set up an OAuth2RestTemplate with client credentials and automatic token refresh in spring-security-oauth 2.2.1.RELEASE

I am implementing a client that authenticates with OAuth2 against WSO2 and I have serious trouble refreshing the access token, getting 401 UNAUTHORIZED. While I have already found out, what the Spring OAuth2 code does, I do not know why its behavior was changed in 2.2.1.RELEASE and to me it seems plain wrong. Actually using 2.0.14.RELEASE works.
Before I am going to show to you, what I have done and what I have already found out, let me formulate my question:
How am I supposed to realize an OAuth2 client with automatic token refresh with client credentials instead of user credentials?
So here is, what I have implemented so far. The client configures an OAuth2RestTemplate with ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails with isClientOnly flag true, as there are no user sessions. The client session can successfully be established and an access token and a refresh token are set.
protected OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails resource() {
ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails resource = new ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails() {
public boolean isClientOnly() {
return true;
List<String> scopes = new ArrayList<>(2);
return resource;
public OAuth2RestOperations restTemplate() {
AccessTokenRequest atr = new DefaultAccessTokenRequest();
OAuth2RestTemplate template = new OAuth2RestTemplateWithBasicAuth(resource(), new DefaultOAuth2ClientContext(atr));
List<ClientHttpRequestInterceptor> interceptors = new ArrayList<ClientHttpRequestInterceptor>();
interceptors.add(new LoggingRequestInterceptor());
return template;
So far so good. I have verified that this basically works.
But as soon as the access token expires I frequently run into 401 errors, because the token refresh is not executed. Instead, an ordinary authentication request is carried out, but using the client key and secret instead of user/password. To cut a long story short, I have debugged my way through spring-security-oauth2 into AccessTokenProviderChain#obtainAccessToken and found out, that whether a token refresh request is executed is decided upon in the following bit of code. See on Github
if (resource.isClientOnly() || (auth != null && auth.isAuthenticated())) { // P1
existingToken = request.getExistingToken();
if (existingToken == null && clientTokenServices != null) {
existingToken = clientTokenServices.getAccessToken(resource, auth);
if (existingToken != null) {
if (existingToken.isExpired()) {
if (clientTokenServices != null) {
clientTokenServices.removeAccessToken(resource, auth);
OAuth2RefreshToken refreshToken = existingToken.getRefreshToken();
if (refreshToken != null && !resource.isClientOnly()) { // P2
accessToken = refreshAccessToken(resource, refreshToken, request);
else {
accessToken = existingToken;
As you can see at P1, the block is entered if either an authorized user session exists (auth) or the resource is configured as clientOnly. As I do not have users but I am in a linked service scenario, I have isClientOnly() == true && auth == null. But at P2 the final decision upon actually doing the refresh is contraticted by requiring !isClientOnly(). So this effectively bans refresh requests in client only scenarios.
This was the way to go in versions before 2.2.1 and I have found out, that this seems to be a fix to the following Issue. To me this seems plain wrong.
Furthermore, to me the patch appears to break client functionality to fix an actual server misbehavior. As you can see in the issue discussion, I have already commented the there. But as that issue is closed and the spring-security-oauth2 forum states that discussions should be held here on StackOverflow, I am asking for help here.
Again the question: How should a client application be configured to consume OAuth2 secured services via OAuth2RestTemplate and an access token runtime of an hour and refresh token runtime of lets say two hours.

FOSOAuthServerBundle - generate manually an access token

I have a symfony2 website and a web service secured via oauth using FOSOAuthServerBundle accessible via an iOS app. On the website I use FOSUserBundle and FOSFacebookBundle.
The only thing I miss is giving the possibility to the user to login with facebook on the iOS app and to return him an access_token for my oauth linked to his user account so that he can access my api like other users.
So basically I want to send the user facebookID and facebook_access_token to my webservice, check that the user is correct (token matches my app) and return an authentication token.
QUESTION: is there an easy way to add a "Facebook" grant_type to FOSOAuthServerBundle ?
I know some people have done this seeing these questions:
Design for Facebook authentication in an iOS app that also accesses a secured web service
Get application id from user access token (or verify the source application for a token)
But they do not explain how, they do not seem to use FOSOauthServerBundle and questions are quite old.
I have tried using this bundle:
but this bundle has been downloaded only 9 times before me and is not fully suited to my app (it considers that a Facebook user username equals his facebookId for instance). So I guess what I want to do is re-implement the same kind of thing my own way.
If anyone has already done that our could provide any guidance it would be very much appreciated.
Thank you
To do this, you have to add a Grant Extensions, see the official document "Adding Grant Extensions" :
You can find my FacebookGrantExtension to get a token from a FB access_token :
class FacebookGrantExtension implements GrantExtensionInterface
protected $userManager = null;
protected $facebookSdk = null;
public function __construct(UserManager $userManager, \BaseFacebook $facebookSdk)
$this->userManager = $userManager;
$this->facebookSdk = $facebookSdk;
* #see OAuth2\IOAuth2GrantExtension::checkGrantExtension
public function checkGrantExtension(IOAuth2Client $client, array $inputData, array $authHeaders)
if (!isset($inputData['facebook_access_token'])) {
return false;
try {
// Try to get the user with the facebook token from Open Graph
$fbData = $this->facebookSdk->api('/me');
if (empty($fbData) || !isset($fbData['id'])) {
return false;
// Check if a user match in database with the facebook id
$user = $this->userManager->findUserBy(array(
'facebookId' => $fbData['id']
// If no user found, register a new user and grant token
if (null === $user) {
return false;
// Else, return the access_token for the user
else {
return array(
'data' => $user
} catch(\FacebookApiExceptionion $e) {
return false;
And the config.yml :
class: My\CoreBundle\Oauth\FacebookGrantExtension
userManager: "#fos_user.user_manager"
facebookSdk: "#fos_facebook.api"
- { name: fos_oauth_server.grant_extension, uri: '' }
