react native crash when tapping navigation button too fast - ios

I used react navigation 4.0.10 and it's little bit complicated app with nested navigator. Currently it's performing relatively well except that When I try to navigate it very fast, it will crash. The error message is
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'navigation.state')
The structure is
-bottomTapNavigator(Home, Scan; Scan is a stackNavigator)
--ScanNavigator(stackNavigator, parent for ScanScreen and JourneyNavigator[tabNavigator])
---ScanScreen(Real page, initial screen of ScanNavigator, having buttons to navigate(HomeScreen) and navigate(JourneyNavigator))
---JourneyNavigator(TabNavigator, including ScreenTest1 and ScreenTest2; having header with back button navigate(ScanScreen) for both ScreenTest1 and ScreenTest2;)
---ScreenTest1(Real page)
---ScreenTest2(Real page, does not matter in this case)
what I do is tap ScanNavigator[ScanScreen]->ScreenTest1->ScanScreen(tap navigation button quickly here)->HomeScreen
In such case, the app will crash. If i do it with normal pace then it's fine.
Any help or direction is welcome.
I'm 100 percent certain it's something to do with resetOnBlur setting. When it set to false, the issue gone. Help please.


App crashes on return from some share plugins of activityViewController

I've got a TableViewController with static table; one of it's cells houses an UIView named graphArea. The view renders a chart, it's background and an axis line - all inside it's drawRect(). There are also two another views (sunView & markerView), that are made with Interface Builder and used for chart dynamics (moving marker line and point on touch events).
All worked buttery smooth until I've implemented and tried to test a share button, that employs the ordinary activityViewController mechanism.
The magic begins, when one from a couple of share activities, whose share plugin window takes the full screen, is finished (no matter whether sharing succeeded or cancelled). The app crashes.
Discovery using debugger made apparent to me, that the crash happens, because some views, including graphArea, sunView, markerView are nil after return from sharing screen.
Only some of fullscreen share plugins (like preinstalled Mail and Messages, or, in my case, "Download to DropBox" action) lead app to crash. Other fullscreen share plugins do not (tested Telegram, WhatsApp, Skype). No one of those non-fullscreen plugins has ever caused crash (Evernote, Twitter, 2Do etc.).
It looks like graphArea, sunView, markerView are deallocated from memory when "malicious" share plugins take full screen. I haven't figured out, why.
Here's some debug info:
The traceback and assembly of fatalErrorMessage.
The next screenshot shows a part of controller code and properties, that are nil on return from share plugin (gray selection). And yes, they were all non-nil before.
Please, help me! Thank you in advance!
Thank you, Palpatim. My friend also pointed me at the same thing: I've put graphArea.removeFromSuperview() in viewDidDisappear(), and this caused the exception after share plugins, that have .presentationStyle = fullScreen. So at the point, when the app is to show again, there is no more graphArea in on the tableView.

iOS 9 Segue Causes App To Freeze (no crash or error thrown)

I have been working on this app for months now and from as far back as I can remember I have never had an issue with segues. The code is unchanged in terms of calling performSegueWithIdentifier but since my recent update to Xcode 7 and iOS 9 I have not been able to tack this issue.
I have tried:
Deleting button and creating new button w/ segue link
Using a direct segue from button to view, without the use of performSegueWithIdentifier
Connecting button to new blank viewController
When I press the button, no initial load functions are called on the destination VC (Ex: ViewDidLoad, ViewWillAppear, etc). When I connect it to a blank view, the segue works fine with the same code in place.
Since the code never stops, or breaks, and just seems to "freeze" in place while still running on Xcode I can't seem to even narrow this down to whats causing the issue. I have a similar segue that is also called from another button on the same ViewController that has no issues whatsoever.
Any thoughts on the matter are greatly appreciated!
EDIT: I have narrowed the issue down to the UITextView's causing the problem. Once the Text Views were removed the page loads fine via segue. I wonder what changed between iOS 8 and iOS 9 in terms of UITextView as I will have to remove the text views and completely re add new text views.
So basically the segue was freezing because of the UITextView's I was using in the destinationViewController. The following fixed the issue:
Delete all UITextView's
Add new UITextView's
you must leave the default lorem imposed text and change this programmatically in the viewDidLoad()
This was the fix for me, and from the research I have done on the issue it seems this is a bug in iOS 9 and Xcode 7.
NOTE: Removing the text in the UITextView (or making it longer then ~12 characters) is sufficient to work around it, no need to delete and recreate them. This is fixed in Xcode 7.1.1 and later.
I ran into the same issue and the fixes in this post (Xcode 7 crash: [NSLocalizableString length] 30000) solved the issue for me.
The first is to enable a localisation other than the base for the storyboard (see
The second is to turn off the base localisation (see
I think I have the same problem: I have a UITabelView with cells created from a nib file, when a user tap a cell this method is called:
and when I have the following method prepareForSegue:: the application crashes:
if I delete the line 129 Everything is ok , the method prepareForSegue:: open the right view and the label contactName is shown with its default text.
If I modify the method as follows prepareForSegue:: get exactly what you expect, without having any type of error:
let me know if you also get the same result
Any one who is facing this issue, i solved it by turning off the "Optimize rendering for windows scale" option in Debug of simulator window. I already had tried all of the above answers but could not solve the issue.
In the method in the first viewController where you activate the segue, do you have beginIgnoringInteractionEvents anywhere? If so the screen you segue to will be frozen and will ignore interaction events like you describe. If this is the case you can fix this by adding an endIgnoringInteractionEvents method before your segue method:
self.performSegueWithIdentifier("editItemToMyGearSegue", sender: self)
I realize this is an old topic, but appears to be still relevant. I was facing the same problem in Xcode 9, iOS11. My UITextViews are embedded inside UITableViewCells. Same symptoms as described here. The tricks with default text and placeholders did nothing for me, but I solved it by turning off the scrolling indicators for the text view in the xib. They were on by default, I guess, though unused.
Edit: this is probably an important detail... the views that were hanging all had an image NSTextAttachment in the attributed string of the text view. I think the image was wider than the available table cell content. With scrolling turned off, they appear to downscale.

WatchKit reloadRootControllersWithNames causing error, with pageController or after push/pop

I have a basic watchkit app that loads a page based navigation of 3 interface controllers. This works well, but I'd then like to trigger an action to remove the page-control and essentially revert back to the original InterfaceController that was present when the app first loads.
// load page based control, with 3 views. this works ok
[WKInterfaceController reloadRootControllersWithNames:#[#"pageController1",#"pageController2",#"pageController3"]
// attempt to reload original interface controller, identified by storyboard id
[WKInterfaceController reloadRootControllersWithNames:#[#"myInterfaceController"] contexts:#[#{}]];
The page based navigation remove, the original navigation loads after a short spinner. However it fails to function correctly and original Actions result in this error.
Extension[6766:123665] *********** ERROR
-[SPRemoteInterface _interfaceControllerClientIDForControllerID:] clientIdentifier for interfaceControllerID:(null) not found
Is there a better way to cleanly reload the original InterfaceController?
EDIT, 2/19
It seems there are some other actions that are causing this error too. For instance, if segue to a second InterfaceController and then popController to get back, the error often appears. It is always related to a secondary call to this function.
[WKInterfaceController reloadRootControllersWithNames: contexts:]
EDIT2, 3/18
As previously mentioned, this is reproducible 100% of the time by doing the seguePush, the popController, then attempting to reloadRootControllersWithNames.
If the seguePush/popController is not done beforehand, then the reloadRootControllersWithNames will work fine.
This situation seems to be in addition to the multi->single-multi instance of this bug.
This is actually not a bug because according to Apple:
You cannot combine hierarchical and page-based interface styles. At design time, you must choose the style that best suits your app’s content and design for that style.
So unfortunately, we can't mix Hierarchical and Page-based navigation patterns within the same Watch app.
Just one of many limitations we have to deal with when developing apps for  Watch
This is a bug in WatchKit in Xcode 6.2 Beta 5. Please dupe the following radar on Apple's Bug Reporting System to help raise the priority to get this fixed.
In the meantime, a workaround that I've found can be found on the dev forums. What you can do is add a dummy interface controller to any single interface controller page set so you always have two. This will fix the error until Apple get's the bug fixed (hopefully in Beta 6). Please dupe!
I was able to solve my instance of this problem by not using popController on a pushed view controller. Instead I use a reloadRootControllersWithNames in place of the popController.
How this allows both push and paging, via an example:
Push a view controller
reloadRootControllersWithNames to return to the original controller. (The transition is not quite as animated, but is sufficient)
Create page based view controller.
reloadRootControllersWithNames to return to the original controller
Repeat 1 or 3 as needed.
This eliminates the error at the cost of non-animated popControllers, and allows partial pushing and paging. It would not allow more complex push navigation though.
There may be a better method of navigating to a sub interface controller without a push call, but I'm not aware of it on the watch yet.
None or the answers above worked for me. This problem began when I changed the icon names for the app and the watch app name. I solved it like this:
1) Click on your Watch app Target > Capabilities > make sure app Group
is in ON.
2) Make sure the App Group is selected.
3) Clic on the circled arrow Refresh icon (this will apparently just
refresh this thing if you already had it)
4-Repeat steps 1-3, but for your Watch App EXTENSION target too.
5-Click on the Scheme button (on the right side of the STOP button),
and clic on Edit Schemes.
6-Click Run > Info 7-In executable select your target (Actually it
should already be selecting but opening this window seems to
refresh the option, and wipe the error)
Apparently all these things above are not updated automatically when you change the icon name (Target names) and you have to go to those menus and open them to refresh them manually. Shame on Apple perhaps?

ios puzzle app crashes after a few rounds

I have an iPhone app, that seems to have memory leaking problem. It's a puzzle game, after a few puzzles, the app crashes on devices.
I'm now trying to use xcode Instruments to detect what's going on. First time to use Instruments.
I noticed a leak bar in the "Leaks" plot, right the time when the view is loaded:
What are these memory leaking objects, detected by xCode Instruments?
. However these leaked objects are small, so I guess my app has other problems.
When my app continues to run, usually for 10+ rounds on an iPad 2, it then crashes. I don't much about Instruments yet, so I watch "All Heap Allocations". At the beginning of first round puzzle, the column "# Overall" is ~70k, it grows slowly between rounds of puzzles. When a new round puzzle comes in, it goes to ~90k, then round by round it reaches ~200k, then crashes.
Before crashes, in the log console I see memory warning and "CONNECTION INTERRUPTED".
I've followed a few things after searching memory leaking, such set NSArray/NSDictionary or mutable ones to nil, as much as possible (although not all of them, since some go between puzzles). I also changed UIImage imageNamed to [UIIMage alloc] initWithContentOfFile.
What else should I look/check to see what causes memory problem? TIA!
I wish I could post some codes that may be the suspect, but I really don't know what part to post. I should've check via Instruments in the course developing, so that I would know what caused the problem.
Regarding other view controllers. I do have others (menu, settings, app-store-rate, etc) and I generated all of them via code. My app doesn't have a storyboard or nib file. When I test crashes, I just click Next Puzzle button, so all other views will not show at all. So, before crash, the only view shown is the main view, with a few button, a few subviews, an animated pictures (but only the first puzzle as introduction). If it helps, here is my app:
If you trying to debug application with Instruments - enable zombie detection mode:
Xcode: Product->Scheme->Edit Scheme
Select Debug scheme
Select Arguments tab bar on the scheme description
In Environments variables add and check NSZombieEnabled variable
Then when you start application under Instruments control, you'll get name of the instance, when your application crashed.

Calling 'forge.topbar.setTitle' sometimes causes spontaneous reset on Android 4.1

I am using forge.setTitle to dynamically change the text of my topbar when my backbone.js application switches views.
Sometimes, doing so causes the Android app to reset on 4.1 Jellybean. I see the splash screen again and my app returns to the default view. I am having trouble pinpointing why.
In backbone.js terms, I am calling this function in my Show block for the given view.
forge.topbar.setTitle("My new view");
It seems to work 'sometimes' which suggests a race condition but I am at a loss as to what could be conflicting.
Has anyone experienced this problem?
I should add that the setTitle function throws its success callback, so no error is detected there.
