Xamarin.Ios does not deploy to iphone-simulator - ios

I have a notebook with windows installed and a virtual machine of MacOs Catalina.
Connecting the Mac to Visual Studio on windows works without a problem but when I want to run the Xamarin.Ios Project the simulator boots and after some seconds the error
"could not launch the app (bundle_name) on the device iOS 13.3 - iPhone 11: The request to open (bundle_name) failed.
Here is the error
The latest version of XCode (11.3.1) and Visualstudio 2019 are both installed on the virtual machine.
Sometimes another error occures on the virtual machine which says that springboard quit unexpected. Don't know if it has something to do with this problem
Here is the error for the springboard error
Does anyone know how to solve this? I looked it up online but I can't find a working solution.

I had same problem. I changed my provisioning profile from distribution to development and it fixed .


Building iOS app with Xamarin and Visual Studio 2019 - Error Wrong Version of Xcode installed when it isnt

I am trying out Xamarin on the Mac. I have an oldish Mac that DID have Xcode 10.1 on it.
I tried to build the iOS app and got the following error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error The Xcode version installed on the Mac (10.1) is not compatible with this version of Visual Studio. This may cause unexpected warnings or errors when building and deploying iOS projects. Please install Xcode '11.3' or visit the documentation to learn more. 0
I upgraded the Mac to Caitlin and upgraded Xcode to 11.3.
I can connect to the Mac and actually can run the iPhone simulator with the app, however, if I run the build, I STILL get the same error, like its not figured out how to update itself?
I have done the 'forget this Mac' and even renamed it on the network in case there was some legacy in a file somewhere.
I have dumped the solution and created a new one from the templates and still get the same error ... hair being torn out...
It might be one of those things that just goes away after a while I don't know. Any ideas?
EDIT * I realised that I wasnt clear. I am running VS2019 on a PC connecting to my Mac.

visual studio 2017 cordova ios debug in local device failed

This is link of the same problem I raised in Visual Studio Developer support portal.
I am trying to debug cordova app in iPhone 5s local device connected to my laptop.
visual studio 2017 cordova 7.0.1 xcode 8.3.1 ios 10.2.1
After build it is failing at deployment.
build successful but failing to deploy to IOS device.
it is bringing up itunes and then shows the app there and device is identified but says error occured continue or not? and fails.
Earlier I deployed and several times debugged directly with local device.
one error result states, version mismatch other says device may not be connected and awake.
I am using ipod 9.3 version ios and another one iphone 5s with 10.2.1 ios.
I am building apache cordova app in visual studio 2017 with macincloud remotebuild.
how to resolve this!? any hint is a big help!!
I am manually deploying but can't debug. now,
i am getting network error at xmlhttprequest in device and but same code working fine in simulator.
when press device button then and i restart app then it is dumping a big error message and showing exitapp though i am not using any of that plugin or code line.
how to debug on device is first priority which may help to resolve rest.
1>Time Elapsed 00:05:02.04 2>------ Deploy started: Project: BlankCordovaApp2, Configuration: Debug iOS ------ 2>Found iTunes version: 2>Uninstalling app ID: COM.appanem.appanem. 2>Successfully installed .ipa file: C:\Users\Ekambarrao\documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\BlankCordovaApp2\BlankCordovaApp2\bin\iOS\Debug\appanem.ipa. 2>Starting idevicedebugserverproxy.exe at port 3000. 2>Cannot find the app installed on the device. Check that the device is connected, awake, and unlocked. 2>Starting ios_webkit_debug_proxy.exe at port 9221. 2>Deployment failed.
Is everybody happily working with this latest releases of Cordova IOS xcode vs 2017 or everybody facing the same problem as I am?
Issue is resolved, I am able to debug after I built my own VM of IOS and then debug but not sure what really resolved this.
What I can make out is,
unlike earlier, (not sure correct or wrong because this I could not do when I was using macincloud),
now the provisional profile need to be tagged to even device for debugging which was earlier sufficient to just list the device uuid in store certificates and profiles section.

Delphi iOS Simulator error message 'Session ended'

I am trying to run iOS Simulator from Delphi having setup the following needed configurations:
I am using mac with Parallel Desktop for my RAD Studio virtual machine.
I am using Delphi 10.1 Berlin.
Already installed an XCode and running.
I have my command line tools.
I have platform assistant and running in my mac.
I already created my connection profile using the IPAddress and port given by PAServer.
Installed SDK for OSX and iOS in the SDK Manager.
I have no problem running my OSX on my Mac.
The only issue I have is my iOS Simulator is not working. Here'sscreenshot of the error message.
I swear I checked the recommended troubleshoot procedures several times but no avail.
I hope someone help me get through with this. I already spent the whole day searching/troubleshooting this connection.
Many thanks and cheers!
There is a Hotfix for 10.1 Berlin called "30680_rad_studio_10.1_berlin_hotfix_11_jan_2017". It should be available for download from your EDN account under "My registered user downloads".
You need to copy the files from this zip archive onto your Mac in the PAServer-18.0 application folder /Applications/PAServer-18.0.app/Contents/MacOS. There is a readme_en.txt with a detailed description.

Launch failed. The app could not be launched on xamarin

I am getting the following error when trying to run Visual Studio/Xamarin built application on the IOS Simulator.
Launch failed. The app 'App2' could not be launched on 'iPhone 7 Plus iOS 10.1'. Please check the logs for more details.
"App2" was created using the Tab Template, and NO code changes after rolling the application.
Windows environment: Windows 10 w/Visual Studio 2015 update 2
Mac environment: IMac Sierra fully patched. XCode 8.1 (what ever is most up to date).
I have connected the mac remote and pc. I can launch the iPhone simulator on the mac from Visual studio on the PC.
I get the error when trying to run "App2". It compiles fine, just won't run on the simulator.
I've searched here, and similar results speak of VS Crashing. Mine doesn't crash, just presents the error. NOTE: There's nothing in any log I can find with details by the way.
Ideas? Thanks!
EDIT: Just loaded up Parallels on the IMac and ran Win 10/VStudio. I get the same error. Again, xamarin remote agent connected and I can start the simulator from the PC, i just can't deploy to it.
After all the research and help from those here it comes down to a bug with the current version of Xamarin. Options are to wait until a new stable build is on the Xamarin site or get builds off of GIT. I'm choosing to wait, as I've not had great luck working with interim builds.
Xamarin that downloads with the new VS 2017 fixes this bug.

Visual Studio Debugger failing to connect to remote Apache Cordova app in iOS simulator

I have been trying to debug an Apache Cordova app with Visual Studio 2015 RC in a Windows 8.1 Virtual Machine. The app is running in an iOS simulator in a MAC OS host using vs-mda-remote (I've tried with different iPhone versions), but the debug always times out. There doesn't seem to be a proper error, only the following:
Starting launch process C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node.exe "C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\vs-tac\emulator.js" --platform ios --action launch --path
"C:\XXXXX\bld\ios\Debug\buildInfo.json" --serverUrl iMac-User.local:3000 --language pt-PT --cliVersion 5.1.1 --deployTarget "iPhone 5"
Timed out connecting debugger to remote Apache Cordova app. See Output window for JavaScript console output.
------ Cordova Tools 5.1.1 already installed.
emulated - Successfully sent to ios Simulator
Emulating app at /Users/user/remote-builds/builds/5689/cordovaApp for target iPhone 5
Asking to debug in remote iOS device for buildNumber 5689 in server iMac-User.local:3000...
Fail to debug remote iOS in order to compile C:\XXXXX\bld\ios\Debug\buildInfo.json to http://iMac-User.local:3000 :
iPhone 5
I have already tried to clean cordova's cache, using vs-mda-remote --secure false and some other suggestions I found online. However, nothing seems to work. It's not the project itself, as a friend of mine is able to debug it. The configuration from his computer seem to be the same as mine.
Any ideas on what might be the problem?
I have found the problem, there must have been something wrong with the installation of Homebrew. So I reinstalled it, and forced install ios-webkit-debug-proxy. This solved my problem and I am now able to debug the app.
