How to take two path variable in Twisted framework? - url

I would like to have two path variables. The url pattern looks like this:
where path_var_1 & path_var_2 are dynamic. I can take one as instructed here but how can I get two or more?

One idiomatic way to consume multiple path segments with Twisted Web's resource abstraction (upon which the txThings resource abstraction appears to be built) is to have more than one resource. Resources corresponding to earlier parts of the path gather up state and pass it along to resources corresponding to later parts of the path.
For example
from twisted.web.resource import Resource
class Root(Resource):
def getChild(self, name, request):
return FirstSegment(name)
class FirstSegment(Resource):
def __init__(self, first):
self.first = first
def getChild(self, name, request):
return SecondSegment(self.first, name)
class SecondSegment(Resource):
def __init__(self, first, second):
self.first = first
self.second = second
def render_GET(self, request):
return "Handling {first}/{second}".format(
root = Root()
site = Site(root)
Another option is to use "leaf" resources which stop traversal even if there are more path segments in the request:
from twisted.web.resource import Resource
class HandleItAll(Resource):
isLeaf = True
def render_GET(self, request):
return "Handling {path}".format(path="/".join(request.postpath))
root = HandleItAll()
site = Site(root)


My code using user_data_dir does not work and it gives an error saying 'self' is not defined. Can someone explain to me why?

The following is a snippet of my code. When I tried running this, the error states that 'self' is not defined. I copied this code online because I don't really know how to use the function user_data_dir. I know that it works (I'm using Windows to write this) with just store = JsonStore('user.json') but I've been reading that using the function user_data_dir would be useful because it is a general function that creates a writeable path for various systems. Would be great if someone could help explain this!
from import JsonStore
from os.path import join
data_dir = getattr(self, 'user_data_dir')
store = JsonStore(join(data_dir,'user.json'))
class Welcome(Screen):
data_dir = getattr(self, 'user_data_dir')
When you copied this line, it was somewhere inside some class's function:
class Some:
def func(self):
data_dir = getattr(self, 'user_data_dir')
Method located inside class in Python receives self as first parameter.
But not every object has user_data_dir attribute: as inclement noticed above it's App objects attribute. You should do something like:
class MyApp(App):
def build(self):
data_dir = getattr(self, 'user_data_dir')
store = JsonStore(join(data_dir,'user.json'))
# ...
You can store path to json file inside app class and access to app instance to get this path with App.get_running_app():
class MyApp(App):
#property # see
def storage(self):
return join(self.user_data_dir, 'user.json')
and later in any place you want:
class SomeClass():
def some_func(self):
print('here\'s our storage:', App.get_running_app().storage)

Combina pyramid with jinja2 install_gettext_translations function?

I have a pyramid application that uses a translation factory defined in this way:
from pyramid.i18n import get_localizer, TranslationStringFactory
from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_request
def add_renderer_globals(event):
request = event.get('request')
if request is None:
request = get_current_request()
event['_'] = request.translate
event['localizer'] = request.localizer
tsf = TranslationStringFactory('climmob3')
def add_localizer(event):
request = event.request
localizer = get_localizer(request)
def auto_translate(string):
return localizer.translate(tsf(string))
request.localizer = localizer
request.translate = auto_translate
It works fine, however somewhere else I use jinja2 render() function to render small pieces of reusable code (snippets) as a jinja2 extension:
from jinja2 import Environment
jinjaEnv = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.i18n'])
output = template.render(snippetVars=kw,renderer='snippet')
The problem here is that when I use the '_' translation function in the template code I get:
UndefinedError: 'gettext' is undefined
I saw some posts that maybe I need to use jinjaEnv.install_gettext_translations() but I cannot make it work. I tried:
How can I integrate jinjaEnv.install_gettext_translations() with my pyramid translation factory?
Depending on your exact case, you could use pyramid_jinja2 or get inspiration from it. It creates a GetTextWrapper that makes its way in the options passed when creating the Environment
The wrapper is needed because the localizer will change every request, depending on the user locale.
Or you can pass the gettext and ngettext arguments directly when you render. In you case, it would look something like:
localizer = request.localizer
def gt(message):
return localizer.translate(message, domain='your-domain')
def ngt(singular, plural, n):
return localizer.pluralize(singular, plural, n, domain='your-domain')
output = template.render(

How to selectivelly pretty print Grails responses?

Grails converters can be configured to pretty print (or not) by default.
I like to use the respond method instead any MarkupBuilder, JsonBuilder or whatever other library that I should handle response format.
respond myObject
The user can query xml, json or hal.
How can I allow the user to query for a pretty print (assuming default is not)
If the user pass a parameter in the url like this:
How can I force the respond to pretty print?
Obs. I saw this question but they all solve the problem statically. I want to change it dinamically on request scope.
Since you want to be able to select the format based on a controller parameter, I think a Grails converter long with render() will be better than using respond(). Here's an example:
import grails.converters.*
class SomeController {
def foos() {
def pretty = params.pretty
def prettyType
def myObject = /* whatever */
if(pretty == 'xml') prettyType = XML
if(pretty == 'json') prettyType = JSON
if(prettyType) render myObject.asType(prettyType)
else render myObject
The URL would be something like: /foos?pretty=xml or /foos?pretty=json.

Spray Routes within Routes

I have an app that is built using
I have a number of routes and at the moment I am repeating some of the routing logic within each route. I want to extract this logic out to a route higher up the chain while keeping each route/endpoint in a logically separate class.
This is an example of what I am currently trying...
def receive = runRoute(v1Routes)
V1Routes.scala (trait extending HttpService with other route traits)
val v1Routes =
pathPrefix("v1") {
authenticate(...) {
myRoutes1 ~ myRoutes2
val myRoutes1 =
pathPrefix("route1") {...}
val myRoutes2 =
pathPrefix("route2") {...}
This compiles fine but the routes from MyRoutes1 and MyRoutes2 don't seem to get added into v1Routes as I would have hoped.
How do I implement this type of routing logic?

Plone 4 : How to customize a method in Archetypes content types?

I have tried, under Plone 4.3.3, to customize a class method of an archetype content type in one of my products.
I have a product bsw.produit_1 with a content type MyContent defined as follows:
class MyContent(base.ATCTContent):
meta_type = "MyContent"
schema = MyContent`
def ma_fonction(self):
return res
I want to modify the code of my function ma_fonction in another product. I have tried using an adapter and following the plone docs, but without success.
The class where I wish to customize the function:
class CustomClass(object):
""" """
def at_post_payment_script(self, obj_transaction):
""" """
# My new code
return res
The configure.zcml where I declared my adapter:
<adapter for="bsw.produit_1.content.mycontent.MyContent"
factory=".customclass.CustomClass" />
In my zcml declaration, I've also tried putting archetypes.schemaextender.interfaces.ISchemaExtender as provides or putting the interface IMyContent for for instead of the class.
None of these worked, every time, the customized code is not executed. Does anybody have a solution for this?
The solution you need depends on what you want to achieve.
But archetypes.schemaextender is the wrong solution.
schemaextender is there to modify the schema, this includes:
fields order
field/widget attributes
setter/getter of a field
new fields
override fields
To implement your own adaptera is definitely the right approach.
First you need to implement a adapter for the default behavior.
Second, you need to adapt the context and the request. The request is important, since that's a way to define a more specific adapter if your other product is installed.
Python code for the default implementation (
from zope.component import adapts
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.interface import implements
class IBehavior(Interface):
def __init__(context, request)
"""Adapts context and request"""
# ... more ...
class DefaultBehavior(object):
adapts(IMyContent, Interface) # IMPORTAN two discriminators
def __init__(self, context, request):
self.context = context
self.request = request
def __call__(self):
# your default implementation goes here.
Register the adapter with zcml:
<adapter factory=".adapter.DefaultBehavior" />
Your now able to call the default adapter in ma_fonction
from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
class MyContent(base.ATCTContent)
def ma_fonction(self):
adapter = getMultiAdapter((self, self.REQUEST), IDefaultBehavior)
return adapter()
Now you can implement a more specific adapter in your other product using a browserlayer. Check documentation, how to register a browserlayer
In your otherpackage you can now register a adapter which implements the same IBehavior interface, but also adapts your browserlayer.
from other.package.interfaces import IOtherPackageLayer
from zope.component import adapts
from zope.interface import implements
class DifferenBehavior(object):
adapts(IMyContent, IOtherPackageLayer) # IMPORTAN adapt the browserlayer not Interface
def __init__(self, context, request):
self.context = context
self.request = request
def __call__(self):
# your different implementation goes here.
Register also with zcml:
<adapter factory=".adapter.DifferenBehavior" />
Your ma_fonctionnow calls the default adapter, if the other package is not installed. And the different adapter if the other package is installed.
The simplest method you can use (although not politically correct!) is monkey-patching.
Take a look at collective.monkeypatcher, you simply need a configuration like that (in your 3rd party product):
Then in your package create also a module with the new method inside:
def new_ma_fonction(self):
# do stuff
return res
