Is it possible to create the self-signed ssl certificate which will avoid the "challenge" in the application code? - ios

I have a third-party framework that does some network requests to the URL which I provide to it.
The format of requests is:
Since the schema is https I constantly receive the error message from the third party lib:
The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “” which could put your confidential information at risk.
The server is a Django application started with
python3 runserver_plus --cert-file _my_cert.crt
I've tried a lot of ways to generate and install the self-signed certificate to the simulator and run the server, however, none of them have helped to avoid the error in the third party lib.
The Question
So I'm wondering if this makes sense at all.
Is it possible to generate and install self-signed certificate into iOS simulator which will avoid solving the challenging as is described here:
Please, provide proofs for any kind of answer whether yes or no.

You can get free SSL Certificate from
Just try it once.

For developing/testing purposes, I think the easiest way to go is to use a tunneling service like serveo. Execute the next command on the application server and this will keep the connection open:
ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -R 80:localhost:8000
You can check for more config options on serveo. For example, you could set up a custom domain name like
You also have alternatives like ngrok.


Chilkat Rest - How authorized with certificate

when I try to query a test, freely available, environment, the command below will return the required answer...
lnSuccess = loRest.Connect("", 443, 1, 1)
But how to ask the production environment where certificate verification is required?
Many thanks
You would use the Chilkat Socket object to connect, then use Rest.UseConnection. See
The reason Chilkat did it this way is to avoid needing to add all of the TLS connection related properties to Rest. Instead, you can use the full flexibility of the Socket object to make the connection, then just tell Rest to use the already-established connection.
To make the TLS connection with certificate verification, call Socket.SetSslClientCert, SetSslClientCertPem, or SetSslClientCertPfx (see prior to connecting.

Getting "ECONNREFUSED" error when trying to upload to Wolkenkit Blob Server

I'm currently developing a Wolkenkit application which is run on my local machine.
I want to upload a file from the Wolkenkit app to the blob server (as documented here).
When sending a POST request from the server to, Node.js gives me the error ECONNREFUSED.
I've tested the POST-Request with another program and it works there. Any idea why it doesn't work from the wolkenkit application itself?
The Storing files sample you linked to shows code that is to be run in the browser, not in the backend itself. Of course, both should work, but there are a few minor differences you need to watch out for.
Fixing the host name
First, I suppose that in your case maps to, which is the default for wolkenkit. That means that when you try to connect to this domain from within a Docker container, the container does not try to call out to the blog storage container, but it stays within itself. So, the first thing that needs to be fixed is the host name.
Basically, there are two options for this: You can either setup so that it resolves to the external IP address of your machine. This would work, but is pretty cumbersome. The other option is to directly address the appropriate container that is responsible for blob storage, by its internal name. The internal name is <name-of-your-app>-depot-file. So you need to replace by https://<...>
Fixing the port
Second, the port is wrong. This is because the blob storage service is internally running on port 3000, externally on 3001. So instead of https://<...> you need to use https://<...>
Once you have done this you should not get any more errors like ECONNREFUSED, since now the service can be found.
Fixing SSL issues
Third, since you are now connecting to the blob storage service using a different domain name, the SSL certificate doesn't match any more, since it was issued for As a result, you will get SSL errors when trying to connect.
The simplest way to get around this is to disable any SSL checks (albeit this is also the most insecure way to handle this!). How to do this depends on the HTTP client module you are using. E.g., in request there is an option called strictSSL that you can set to false.
Of course, what you actually should do is to either use a custom certificate which includes this domain name as well, or to write a function that handles the certificate check and accepts the presented one, especially in this case.
If you do all of this, things should work :-)
PS: I am one of the authors of wolkenkit. Thanks a lot for bringing up this issue, and we will take care of this in the future, to make storing blobs easier.

Is there any way to learn more about SSL/TLS for iOS/MacOS development?

I am currently trying to make my own game app to have a secure transmission to my server. Specifically, I am trying to build a SSL/TLS layer over CF connections. There seems a decent support of this in iOS/MacOS ( However, the resource of learning this library is pretty scarce.
By referencing some other posts online and guessing the usage of this secure API, I have built a simple program to (1) create a CFStream to my server and read/write it (2) add SSL Context/IO to this stream and (3) successfully(!?) SSLHandsake.
My server now is just a dummy one created by OpenSSL (like: openssl s_server -key key.pem -cert cert.pem -CAfile CA.pem -accept 44330 -www).
It takes me lots of effort to achieve this step and I am actually stuck to continue the development.
The main problem of mine is the API docuemnt is not helpful. For example, I expect calling the "SSLCopyDistinguishedNames(ctx, names)" on my client will get the list of CA authorized by my server but it turns out returning nothing (e.g., size of names is 0).
Is there any good tutorial or Apple support to know API like this? or any working example? Is there any way I can dump the information on these "SecXXXRef" class, like SecTrustRef?

should I test SSL / HTTPS routes locally in a rails app?

I'm wondering what the best practice is concerning test that certain urls use certain protocols. Do I have to set up an SSL cert locally?
You don't need to set up an SSL cert locally. You can fake an HTTPS request in your tests with something like:
request.env['HTTPS'] = 'on'
If your concern is specifically about HTTPS connections testing, I would suggest setting up your own test CA and issuing certificates for your machine. Then, import the CA certificate into your test clients. This will be far more realistic than tests where you would just bypass the certificate verification.
Avoid certificates issued to IP addresses, give names to your servers. Even if you don't have a DNS server, set the machine names in the hosts files of the client machines.
There are a number of tools that can help you set up a small CA. TinyCA is one of them, for example.

How do I support SSL Client Certificate authentication?

I want to do what myopenid does -- once you've logged, you can click a button that generates you an SSL certificate; the browser then downloads this certificate and stores it. When you later go back to, your browser can use its stored certificate for authentication so you don't ever need a password.
So my questions is what is required to get this working? How do I generate certificates? How do I validate them once they're presented back to me?
My stack is Rails on Apache using Passenger, but I'm not too particular.
These are usually referred to as client side certificates.
I've not actually used it but a modified version of restful-authentication can be found here here that looks like what your after.
I found this via Dr. Nic's post
Depends on the server, but the simplest solution I know of, using Apache:
"When this option is enabled, the Subject Distinguished Name (DN) of the Client X509 Certificate is translated into a HTTP Basic Authorization username. This means that the standard Apache authentication methods can be used for access control. The user name is just the Subject of the Client's X509 Certificate (can be determined by running OpenSSL's openssl x509 command: openssl x509 -noout -subject -in certificate.crt). Note that no password is obtained from the user... "
Not sure about rails, but the usual REMOTE_USER environment variable should be accessible in some way.
If you want to generate certificates, you need to cause the client to generate a key pair, and send you at least the public key. You can do this in Firefox via a Javascript call, it's crypto.generateCRMFRequest. I'm guessing there are browser-specific methods available in other browsers too. But first, you need to figure out how to issue a certificate once you get a public key.
You could script something on the server with OpenSSL, but it has built-in support for CSRs, not the CRMF format Firefox will send you. So you'd need to write some code to convert the CRMF to a CSR, which will require some sort of DER processing capability… I'm just scratching the surface here—operating a CA, even for a toy application, is not trivial.
SSO solutions like OpenId and PKI solutions do overlap, and there is an elegance in PKI. But the devil is in the details, and there are good reasons why this approach has been around a long time but has only taken off in government and military applications.
If you are interested in pursuing this, follow up with some questions specific to the platform you would want to develop your CA service on.
You can generate a certificate in the client's browser using browser-specific code. See this question
You could also generate SSL client certs server-side using OpenSSL in Ruby (see this q). (This will work in any browser without browser-specific code, but your server will have generated the client's private key, which is not ideal for crypto purists.)
Whichever method you use to generate them, you will then need to configure your webserver to require the client certificates. See the Apache docs for an example.
I've been working on a solution to this problem. I wanted to do the same thing and I know lots of other website owners want this feature, with or without a third party provider.
I created the necessary server setup and a firefox plugin to handle the certificate-based authentication. Go to to grab the free firefox plugin. Email me (link on that page) for the server setup as I haven't packaged it yet with a nice installer.
Server setup is Apache2 + OpenSSL + Perl (but you could rewrite the perl scripts in any language)
