Value Stored to 'sort' is never read.
Below is the Sample Code:
NSString *sortLabel = #"View";
if([MManager sharedInstance].sortBy.count > 0)
for (NSDictionary *sort in [MManager sharedInstance].sortBy) {
if ([[sort objectForKey:#"selected"] intValue] == 1) {
sortLabel = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Sort by: %# ", [sort objectForKey:#"label"]];
for (NSDictionary *sort in [MActions sharedInstance].sorts) {
if ([[sort objectForKey:#"selected"] intValue] == 1) {
sortLabel = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# ", [sort objectForKey:#"label"]];
[self form:#"()" withText:[NSString stringWithString:sortLabel] andButton:self.sBtn];
You are assigning #"dummyValue" to sort but immediately changing it to something else.
Why not declare sort without assigning a value?
NSString *sort;
sort = [NSString stringwithFormat:#"Sorting... %#",anotherXProperty];
sort = [NSString stringwithFormat:#"Sorting... %#",anotherYProperty];
[self someFunctionWithText:sort];
This below code is fired when I press delete button after selecting messages I want to delete in chat room.
- (void)deleteButtonPressed:(id)sender {
if (arrayToDelete.count) {
for (NSString *str in arrayToDelete) {
NSLog(#"msgID --> %#",str);
[self.chatModel.dataSource removeObject:str]; //??? Remove data from the screen
[[FMDBManager sharedInstance] deleteMessageByMessageId:str]; //??? Delete data from database
[arrayToDelete removeAllObjects];
[self.chatTableView reloadData];
This line successfully removes selected messages from the chat room.
[self.chatModel.dataSource removeObject:str]; //??? Remove data from the screen
When I go out the chat room and re-enter, those messages still exist, so I have this line below.
[[FMDBManager sharedInstance] deleteMessageByMessageId:str]; //??? Delete data from database
I think the above line should delete those selected messages from the database but when I re-enter the chat room I still see those messages. Here below are related code to that.
- (void)deleteMessageByMessageId:(NSString *)messageId {
FMDatabase *db = [self getterDataBase];
[db open];
NSString *sqlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"DELETE FROM message WHERE messageId = '%#'",messageId];
BOOL status = [db executeUpdate:sqlString];
NSLog(#"Delete MessageById:%# Status:%d",messageId,status);
[db close];
I've found that when chat room calls viewDidLoad it will eventually call the method callBackGetChannelLogNew where server will sync-up data with chat room tableview and local database.
- (void)callBackGetChannelLogNew:(NSDictionary *)resultDataDic status:(enumAPI_STATUS)eAPI_STATUS {
if (isFirstTimeUpdate) {
NSString *readString=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",resultDataDic[#"read_arr"]];
if ([readString isEqualToString:#""]) {
// NSLog(#"read_arr is empty");
else {
NSArray *read_arr=resultDataDic[#"read_arr"];
// Copy read_arr
self.readArray=[read_arr mutableCopy];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0),^{
[self dealWithReadArray:read_arr];
NSArray *data = [resultDataDic objectForKey:#"msg"];
if (data.count > 0) {
apiHaveData = YES;
} else {
apiHaveData = NO;
self.loadIngView.hidden = YES;
isLoadingData = NO;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0),^{
// Reverse order of data
NSArray* reversedArray = [[data reverseObjectEnumerator] allObjects];
NSMutableArray *messageFromOtherArray = [NSMutableArray new];
NSMutableArray *messageAllArray = [NSMutableArray new];
for (int i = 0; i < reversedArray.count; i++) {
NSDictionary *_dic = reversedArray[i];
NSString *fromId = [_dic objectForKey:#"fid"];
NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[_dic objectForKey:#"say"]];
if ([ObjectManager getChatMessageKindWithString:message] == MessageTypeText) {
message = [ObjectManager decryptWithString:message];
NSString *messageId = [_dic objectForKey:#"mid"];
NSString *toId = [_dic objectForKey:#"tid"];
NSDateFormatter *_formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
_formatter.dateFormat = #"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS";
NSDate *date_t = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[[_dic objectForKey:#"t"] doubleValue]/1000.0]; //換算成日期
NSString *stringDate = [_formatter stringFromDate:date_t];
NSString *sendDate = stringDate;
NSString *lid = _dic[#"lid"];
NSMutableDictionary *myDic = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
NSString *isRead;
if (_chatRoomType == ChatRoomTypePrivate) {
if ([_dic[#"r"] intValue]) {
isRead = #"1";
myDic[#"isRead"] = isRead;
lastReadMessageId = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",messageId];
if (i == 0) {
if (lidForAPI != [_dic[#"lid"] intValue]) {
lidForAPI = [_dic[#"lid"] intValue];
} else {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
apiHaveData = NO;
self.loadIngView.hidden = YES;
isLoadingData = NO;
return ;
if (![myDic[#"fromId"] isEqualToString:[User sharedUser].account]) {
[messageFromOtherArray addObject:myDic];
if (_chatRoomType == ChatRoomTypeGroup) {
[myDic setObject:#"1" forKey:#"isGroupMessage"];
[myDic setObject:#"1" forKey:#"did_I_Read"];
[messageAllArray addObject:myDic];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self setupViewWithMessageArray:messageAllArray]; //???? Here server sync-up data with tableview
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),^{
if (_chatRoomType == ChatRoomTypePrivate) {
if (messageFromOtherArray.count > 0 && isUplaodLastRead == NO) {
isUplaodLastRead = YES;
NSDictionary *lastReadMsgDic = messageFromOtherArray.lastObject;
[self callMsgReadAPI:lastReadMsgDic];
} else {
if (messageAllArray.count > 0 && isUplaodLastRead == NO) {
isUplaodLastRead = YES;
NSDictionary *lastReadMsgDic = messageAllArray.lastObject;
[self callMsgReadAPI:lastReadMsgDic];
self.chatModel.channelTopic = _topic;
NSArray *read_arr=resultDataDic[#"read_arr"];
[self dealMySendMessageReadedWithReadArray:read_arr AndMessageArray:messageAllArray];
[self saveMessageWithArray:messageAllArray]; //???? Here server sync-up data with local db
This lines will sync-up data from server to tableview
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self setupViewWithMessageArray:messageAllArray]; //???? Here server sync-up data with tableview
Here below is the method setupViewWithMessageArray
- (void)setupViewWithMessageArray:(NSArray *)messageAllArray {
if (!isFirstTimeUpdate) {
isFirstTimeUpdate = YES;
self.chatModel.dataSource = nil;
[self.chatTableView reloadData];
self.chatModel.dataSource = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[self addMessageWithArray:messageAllArray];
[self.chatTableView reloadData];
NSIndexPath *indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:self.chatModel.dataSource.count-1 inSection:0];
[self.chatTableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionBottom animated:NO];
} else {
[self addMessageWithArray:messageAllArray];
[self reloadTableViewWithoutMove];
self.loadIngView.hidden = YES;
isLoadingData = NO;
if (_chatRoomType == ChatRoomTypePrivate) {
if (lastReadMessageId) {
[self.chatModel setPrivateChatListAllReadFormMessageId:lastReadMessageId];
This line will sync-up data from server to local db
[self saveMessageWithArray:messageAllArray]; //???? Here server sync-up data with local db
Here below is the method saveMessageWithArray
- (void)saveMessageWithArray:(NSArray *)messageArray {
for (NSDictionary *myDic in messageArray) {
if (![[FMDBManager sharedInstance] didMessageExistWithMessageID:[myDic objectForKey:#"messageId"]]) {
[[FMDBManager sharedInstance] SaveMessage:myDic];
else {
NSString *mid=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",myDic[#"messageId"]];
NSString *isRead = myDic[#"isReaed"];
if (isRead) {
[[FMDBManager sharedInstance] UpdateisReadWithMessageID:mid];
So I think now my question is how I can update messageAllArray with arrayToDelete before server sync-up?
In my application you can import data through a tab separated values file. I don't have any challenge until I parse "locations" that have multiple items attached to them. If you scroll to the very bottom of the second method you can see how I create a relationship between items and the locations that contain them inside Core Data. The problem occurs when I parse past column 31 in a location. It doesn't attach those items to the location. So my question is this; is there a limit to columns in the NSArray that is parsed by CHCSVParser? If not, what would cause this limiting to 31 columns?
I've posted the two methods that I encounter the bug with below.
+ (void) importDatabaseTSVURL:(NSURL*)url {
// First check if there is already a database. If so, stop import.
if ([XSELLocation locations].count > 0) return;
if ([XSELItem items].count > 0) return;
if ([XSELVendor vendors].count > 0) return;
NSError *error;
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfDelimitedURL:url options:CHCSVParserOptionsSanitizesFields delimiter:'\t' error:&error];
if ([[[array firstObject] firstObject] isEqualToString:#"XSELINVENTORYTSV"]) {
for (NSArray *row in array) {
[XSELSettings parseImportDataRow:row];
+ (void) parseImportDataRow:(NSArray*)array {
// Create logic to seperate data entered next
static NSString *operation = #"none";
if ([array.firstObject isEqualToString:#"ITEMLIST"]) {
operation = #"items";
else if ([array.firstObject isEqualToString:#"LOCATIONLIST"]) {
operation = #"locations";
else if ([array.firstObject isEqualToString:#"VENDORLIST"]) {
operation = #"vendors";
else if ([array.firstObject isEqualToString:#"ENDLIST"]) { // Create database, relate objects, and clean up the data
operation = #"none";
// Parse rows to the correct array.
if ([operation isEqualToString:#"vendors"]) {
NSLog(#"adding vendor");
XSELVendor *vendor = [XSELVendor addVendor];
vendor.vendorID = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:[[array objectAtIndex:0] integerValue]];
[XSELSettings nextVendorID]; = [array objectAtIndex:1];
vendor.contactID = [array objectAtIndex:2];
else if ([operation isEqualToString:#"items"]) {
NSLog(#"adding item");
XSELItem *item = [XSELItem addItem];
item.itemID = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:[[array objectAtIndex:0] integerValue]];
[XSELSettings nextItemID]; = [array objectAtIndex:1];
item.smallPackageName = [array objectAtIndex:2];
item.bigPackageName = [array objectAtIndex:3];
item.smallPerBig = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:[[array objectAtIndex:4] integerValue]];
item.buildTo = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:[[array objectAtIndex:5] integerValue]];
item.price = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:[[array objectAtIndex:6] integerValue]];
// Relate preferred vendor to item
for (XSELVendor *vendor in [XSELVendor vendors]) {
if ([vendor.vendorID.stringValue isEqualToString:[array objectAtIndex:7]]) {
item.preferredVendor = vendor;
else if ([operation isEqualToString:#"locations"]) {
NSLog(#"adding location");
XSELLocation *location = [XSELLocation addLocation:[array objectAtIndex:1]];
location.locationID = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:[[array objectAtIndex:0] integerValue]];
[XSELSettings nextLocationID];
location.position = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:[[array objectAtIndex:2] integerValue]];
// Relate location with items
unsigned long itemsRelatedCount = array.count - 3;
NSLog(#"\n\nitemsRelated: %lu\n\n", itemsRelatedCount);
NSMutableOrderedSet *items = [NSMutableOrderedSet orderedSet];
for (int i = 0; i < itemsRelatedCount; i++) {
NSString *itemID = [array objectAtIndex:i];
for (XSELItem *item in [XSELItem items]) {
if ([item.itemID.stringValue isEqualToString:itemID]) {
[items addObject:item];
location.items = items;
I want to test if an NSNumber attribute of a NSManageObject Subclass has been set or not. Note, that the attribute is of NSNumber / Integer16
I have tried several approaches but none worked (these below always evaluate to false):
// Note: patient.zyklus_laenge is of NSNumber (Integer16)
// does not work
id value = patient.zyklus_laenge;
if (value == [NSNull null]) {
self.zyklusLaengeTextField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", 28];
} else {
self.zyklusLaengeTextField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", patient.zyklus_laenge];
// does not work
if (!patient.zyklus_laenge) {
self.zyklusLaengeTextField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", 28];
} else {
self.zyklusLaengeTextField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", patient.zyklus_laenge];
// does not work
if ([patient.zyklus_laenge isEqual:nil]) {
self.zyklusLaengeTextField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", 28];
} else {
self.zyklusLaengeTextField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", patient.zyklus_laenge];
// does not work
if (patient.zyklus_laenge == nil) {
self.zyklusLaengeTextField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", 28];
} else {
self.zyklusLaengeTextField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", patient.zyklus_laenge];
Can anyone enlighten me and explain me why these are not working?
The solution is to set the attribute in core data as required with a default value and to test with this code:
if (!patient.zyklus_laenge) {
self.zyklusLaengeTextField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", 28];
} else {
self.zyklusLaengeTextField.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", patient.zyklus_laenge];
If you have a default value set for the attribute, it will be that default value, which is normally 0, not null.
If so, you can check the following:
if (patient.zyklus_laenge.intValue == 0)
Otherwise, this null check can be used:
if (patient.zyklus_laenge != nil)
id value = patient.zyklus_laenge;
if (value == [NSNull class])
id value = patient.zyklus_laenge;
if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]])
I am creating an iOS app using Parse database(asynchronously) to store information that will be used when populating a mapview. I have been trying to figure out what is wrong for a long time and have done plenty of research without any luck. I have, however, found the source of the issue.
In my code, I am querying the parse database in hopes of getting the information I want and then storing the information in a custom pointAnnotation class, which is of type MkPointAnnotation. Each item is stored in an array of pointAnnotations, and once all items in the database have been stored in the array, the annotations are added to MyMapView. --I have tried adding the annotations as they are created, which does not change anything.
The issue I have been having is that randomly, the query will iterate under the for(PFObject *vendor in Vendors) and reach an error, calling NSLog(#"%#", error.debugDescription); which shows (null) in the output log. The amount of objects that return null seems to change each time I run the application, and occasionally it will work as expected. After adding a do while(pointArray.count < query.countObjects), the function will iterate roughly 20-30 times and then will add the correct number of annotations, however, it is extremely inefficient.
Is this an inefficiency within Parse or is there a better way to achieve the expected results?
PFQuery *query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:#"Vendors"];
[query orderByDescending:#"updatedAt"];
[query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *vendors, NSError *error){
NSMutableArray *pointArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
if (!error) {
// The find succeeded.
// Do something with the found objects
do {
pointArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (PFObject *vendor in vendors) {
NSDate *lastUpdated = vendor.updatedAt;
NSDate *today = [NSDate date];
NSDate *newDate = [lastUpdated dateByAddingTimeInterval:86400];
if (today <= newDate) {
PFGeoPoint *point = vendor[#"Location"];
NSString *vendor_ID = vendor[#"Vendor_ID"];
NSMutableArray *FruitList = vendor[#"Fruits"];
NSMutableArray *VeggieList = vendor[#"Veggies"];
NSMutableArray *addressArray = vendor[#"Address"];
NSString *startHr = vendor[#"Start_Time"];
NSString *endHr = vendor[#"End_Time"];
Boolean more = false;
NSString *moreString = vendor[#"And_More"];
if ([moreString isEqual: #"true"]) {
more = true;
CLLocationCoordinate2D location;
location.latitude = point.latitude;
location.longitude = point.longitude;
pointAnnotation *newAnnotation = [[pointAnnotation alloc] init];
if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:#"language"] isEqual:#"ENGLISH"]){
FindCartsLabel.text = #"Find Carts within:";
MilesTextField.text = #"Show All";
milesArray=[[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:#"Show All", #"1 Mile", #"5 Miles", #"10 Miles", #"20 Miles", nil];
AddressBar.placeholder = ENGLISH_Address;
newAnnotation.title = #"Good. To. Go. Vendor";
newAnnotation.fruits = FruitList;
newAnnotation.veggies = VeggieList;
}else if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:#"language"] isEqual:#"SPANISH"]){
FindCartsLabel.text = #"Encuentra Carros Dentro:";
newAnnotation.title = #"Good. To. Go. Vendedor";
AddressBar.placeholder = SPANISH_Address;
NSMutableArray *spanishFruitList = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for (NSString *current in FruitList) {
MilesTextField.text = #"Mostrar Todo";
milesArray=[[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:#"Mostrar Todo", #"1 Milla", #"5 Millas", #"10 Millas", #"20 Millas", nil];
if ([current isEqual:#"Apples"]) {
[spanishFruitList addObject:SPANISH_Apples];
if ([current isEqual:#"Bananas"]) {
[spanishFruitList addObject:SPANISH_Bananas];
if ([current isEqual:#"Citrus"]) {
[spanishFruitList addObject:SPANISH_Citrus];
if ([current isEqual:#"Mangos"]) {
[spanishFruitList addObject:SPANISH_Mangos];
if ([current isEqual:#"Strawberries"]) {
[spanishFruitList addObject:SPANISH_Strawberries];
if ([current isEqual:#"And More"]) {
[spanishFruitList addObject:SPANISH_More];
NSMutableArray *spanishVeggieList = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for (NSString *current in VeggieList) {
if ([current isEqual:#"Avocados"]) {
[spanishVeggieList addObject:SPANISH_Avocados];
if ([current isEqual:#"Broccoli"]) {
[spanishVeggieList addObject:SPANISH_Broccoli];
if ([current isEqual:#"Carrots"]) {
[spanishVeggieList addObject:SPANISH_Carrots];
if ([current isEqual:#"Squash"]) {
[spanishVeggieList addObject:SPANISH_Squash];
if ([current isEqual:#"Onions"]) {
[spanishVeggieList addObject:SPANISH_Onions];
if ([current isEqual:#"Tomatoes"]) {
[spanishVeggieList addObject:SPANISH_Tomatoes];
if ([current isEqual:#"And More"]) {
[spanishVeggieList addObject:SPANISH_More];
newAnnotation.fruits = spanishFruitList;
newAnnotation.veggies = spanishVeggieList;
newAnnotation.coordinate = location;
newAnnotation.vendorID = vendor_ID;
newAnnotation.startHour = startHr;
newAnnotation.endHour = endHr;
newAnnotation.loc = point;
newAnnotation.isCustomAddress = false;
//newAnnotation.subtitle = address;
__block NSString *address = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# %#, %#, %#, %#",
addressArray[0], addressArray[1],
addressArray[2], addressArray[3],
__block NSString *currAddress = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# %#\n"
"%#, %#, %#\n"
addressArray[0], addressArray[1],
addressArray[2], addressArray[3],
addressArray[4], addressArray[5]];
newAnnotation.subtitle = address;
newAnnotation.addressFormatted = currAddress;
static NSString *identifier = #"MyLocation";
MKPinAnnotationView *currentView = [[MKPinAnnotationView alloc] initWithAnnotation:newAnnotation reuseIdentifier:identifier];
[pointArray addObject:currentView];
} else {
//[self viewDidLoad];
NSLog(#"%#", error.debugDescription);
//} ];
} while (pointArray.count < query.countObjects);
if (pointArray.count == query.countObjects) {
for (MKPinAnnotationView *currentPoint in pointArray) {
[self.MyMapView addAnnotation:currentPoint.annotation];
Thanks in advance for the help. I do not really understand why this code would not complete after only one iteration.
The NSLog(#"%#", error.debugDescription); doesn't look like it's in the right place. It's in an else block that is associated with the if (today <= newDate) which is inside a block of code that is only executed if error is null which is why it says null in the log (when what it really means is "today > newDate"). – Anna
NSDictionary *tokenData = [[responseDict objectForKey:#"data"] objectForKey:#"multipass"];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSString *card = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#-%#",
[[UserAccount sharedInstance] cardNumber],
[tokenData objectForKey:#"CardPhoneToken"]]; //<-- problem
I've been fighting with this line of code since yesterday.I'm geting a JSON feed from the server nad My problem is that one time out of ten tokenData returns with 0 instead of a Dictionary and I can't figure out why. When it returns as 0 it is also treated as a boolean by the compiler (can't figure out why either) and i'm getting the error -[NSCFBoolean objectForKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x81aa20
I've tried doing something like this
NSLog(#"This is going to crash");
} But when tokenData returns 0 the if isn't getting called.
esponseDict JSON I'm getting :
{ code = 200; data = {
multipass = {
CardPhoneBarcodeToken = 562431;
CardPhoneToken = 23221;
errorMessage = "";
operationResult = 0;
This is how it looks right before it crashes: { code = 200; data = { multipass = 0; }; }
Update: I've managed to take action if tokenData is not NSDictionary now I'm facing another problem with the else section. How can I reload the tokenData if it's not a NSDictionary ? I tried calling *tokenData = [[responseDict objectForKey:#"data"] objectForKey:#"multipass"]; inside the else but I'm keep getting tokenData = 0
I would check if tokenData is a NSDictionary before parsing it.
NSDictionary *tokenData = [[responseDict objectForKey:#"data"] objectForKey:#"multipass"];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSString *cardPhoneToken = #"";
if( [tokenData isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]] ){
retryCount = 0;
cardPhoneToken = [tokenData objectForKey:#"CardPhoneToken"];
} else {
NSLog(#"failed to load data, retrying...");
if( retryCount < 5 ){
[self loadData];
} else {
NSLog(#"failed after 5 retries");
NSString *card = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#-%#",
[[UserAccount sharedInstance] cardNumber],
Sounds familiar. :)
Change the block to:
NSString *card;
if ([tokenData isKindOfClass [NSDictionary class]) {
card = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#-%#",
[[UserAccount sharedInstance] cardNumber],
[tokenData objectForKey:#"CardPhoneToken"]]; // <<-- No Problem anymore
} else {
// deal with the situation. Probably do:
card = [NSString stringWithFormat:"%#-no phone number given", [UserAccount sharedInstance] cardNumber]];
id cardPhoneToken;
if ([tokenData]) {
cardPhoneToken = [tokenData objectForKey:#"CardPhoneToken"];
} else {
cardPhoneToken = #"no Phone Token"; // Or what ever you think is appropriate
NSString *card = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#-%#",
[[UserAccount sharedInstance] cardNumber],
cardPhoneToken]; // <<-- No Problem anymore