How to create a Haar Cascade which recognizes only me? - opencv

I'm trying to make my first Haar Cascade and I'm thinking of making one which recognizes only my face. How do i do this? I'm assuming that i'll need to use my face in the positive images but then shouldn't negative images include other faces so that it's able to differentiate between them and I?
I'd really appreciate if someone could some up with an explanation of this.

SentDex has a great tutorial on Haar Cascade.
Check his official website:
Or just go to youtube and search for "SentDex Haar Cascade".


LBP Local Binary Pattern for mouth detection in front face

There is someone who can direct me to find a lbp cascade classifier for mouth detection?
I looked for but i didn't found anything. I found only haar files, i want to know if someone have a lbp classifier. Haar classifiers are so slow, decrease of 10 fps in my app using haar. Thank you guys.
Hi #Sandeep sorry i changed my S.O. profile so i haven't seen your question. Anyway yes! I managed with classifiers in last times. I can give you a good address.
I worked with haar cascade-classifiers the process is very simple but you need a lot of training data!
Basically you'll need a set of positive samples(that includes the Object that you want to scan) and a set negative samples(that NOT contains the object that you want to scan).
Supposing you want to scan potholes using opencv and an haar cascade-classifier:
you'll need a set of images of streets that contains potholes(positive samples) and a set of image of streets that NOT contains potholes(negative samples).
I leave you a link that helped me so much:
This example uses a GitHub project i here's the link:
Hope to be helpful, bye :D

Where to get background/negative sample images for haar training?

I need a collection of sample images to train a Haar-based classifier for plate detection.
I know this question has been asked already, but the source on googlecode is dead.
Where to get background sample images for haar training?
Where to get negative sample images for Haar training?
Maybe this one?
It says
Automatically exported from
I know this is quite old but for those of you who are Reading this and want to know more about how to get more negative and positive images, I suggest you check out Image Net and also This to know how to use it.
Happy Training.

can i use opencv using haar detect children faces by using adult faces as positive samples?

I'm new in haar cascade and i would like to know if it is possible to detect children faces by using adult faces as positive samples, or it will need children faces for the positive samples?
You can use adult's face HAAR without problem unless target contains some very little kids(only few days old :P ). All the basic features for kids and adults are same.
And if you are going to make your own HAAR, you can yourself add kids faces also. There shall not be any additional effort. Be sure to cover wide varieties.
PS: Also, You don't need train or make haar for yourself. You can use some-one else' haar and use them directly. OpenCV has one as an example at
You can download more sophisticated haar online. Here is a link:
I assume you have code to execute over this or you can get easily online.
Happy Coding :)

Haar training - where to obtain eyeglasses images?

I want to train a new haar-cascade for glasses as I'm not satisfied with the results I'm getting from the cascade that is included in OpenCV.
My main problem is that I'm not sure where to get eyeglasses images. I can manually search and download, but that's not practical for the amount of images I really need. I'm specifically looking for images of people wearing eyeglasses.
As this forum contain many experienced computer vision experts, I hope someone here can guide as to how to obtain images for training.
I'll also be happy to hear other approaches for detecting eyeglasses (on people).
Thanks in advance,
If you simply want images, it looks like #herhuyongtao pointed you to a good place. Then you can follow opencv's tutorial on training.
Another option is to see what others have trained:
There's a trained data set found here that might be of use, which states simply that it is "better". I'm assuming that it's supposed to be better than opencv.
I didn't immediately see any other places for trained or labeled data.

how modify haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml?

I am new in opencv and I want to work on face detection methods. I have understand that one of the best methods is by haar features. I know some functions in opencv library for detection faces and training.
can any one help me to understand how haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml is made?
and how can I modify this file?
thanks a lot for your help.
First read this:
followed by:
Start with good training data.
