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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am trying to output a my data in my COBOL file into a HTML file. What are the steps to create and write data into a file so it outputs as a valid HTML file?
Enables you to embed HTML into a COBOL CGI program for output to a Web browser via the EHTML preprocessor.
General Format
[copy "file.htm"]
(HTML statements (markup) for output to a Web browser.)
(A file containing HTML markup.)
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Closed 7 days ago.
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Is there a way to parse the .bin files for League of Legends after extracting them from the .wad.client files using Obsidian? I'm trying to read the data for Aurelion Sol's .bin file, but window's ability to parse it is pretty eye-searing.
I tried to open the aurelionsol.bin file I got from extracting his champion data using Windows Notepad, but it returned a lot of blanks, unknown symbols, and was really hard to read. I would attach the file to this post for convenience, but I don't think Stack Overflow supports that.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to write data in file at the end of every call. How can I do this in iOS? Below are the steps.
If "filename" doesn't exist create a new file
And write NSData or Data content in the file.
Next time when thread complete the work it will again call same method to write in file but if file exist it will open to write from last index in file.
I don't want to store or cache data in memory to write simultaneously.
You should take a look at the documentation of Filehandle.
Create a file handle, then seekToEndOfFile() before using write(_ data: Data).
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am newbie in Apache Jena.I store my RDF-dataset in jena tdb and I serve it in fuseki server.Until now,I am fine.The problem is that I want the output of the SPARQL query to be displayed in a html page.I can't find the way to do this.
If you have ideas,do not hesitate to share them with me!
For part of a page, you need to write a small piece of code that takes a result set and creates the HTML in the format and styling that you want.
You can add an XML stylesheet with "?stylesheet=" but that will get you a whole page.
See this example at
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to crawl an entire website. I am using Simple_html_dom for parsing but the problem is that it takes only one webpage link at a time. I want to provide only start (home page) link and it should crawl and parse all the web pages of that website automatically. Any suggestion how to do this ?
When parsing the DOM of that single page, store all links (within the same domain) in an array. Then, at the end of parsing, check if the array isn't empty. If it isn't, take the first link and do the same.
So something like (code sample written with Python-like syntax, but you can adapt it to PHP easily - mine is rusty).
referenced_links = ['your_initial_page.html']
while referenced_links: # if the array isn't empty...
referenced_links.pop(0) # remove the first item in that array
def crawl_dom(url):
# download the url, parse the DOM and append all hyperlinks to the array referenced_links
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have an 170 MB XML file in my server, and I need to get some information from that file, but I donĀ“t know how to read such a big file. I am trying with common methods, but I need to know which is the best method.
What is the most efficient way to parse big XML files?
If your issue is parsing the xml,since your XML file is so big, you should look at using a SAX parser. Here is a helpful link: