Installing MinGW-W64 - opencv

In the installation instructions for Windows at GoCV we've the below line:
Download and run the MinGW-W64 compiler installer from
I downloaded the mentioned file, but could not find executor file, and could not find anything like x86_64-7.3.0-posix-seh-rt_v5-rev2 as mentioned in the instuctions, any help?

The installation of MinGW-w64 is simple. Either download the installer from
or the appropriate package (as a 7-zip archive) directly:
Some people (including me) experienced random connection problems with the installer at some point, so the second options might be more straightforward.


Wampserver logo is not getting green- mysqld.exe-system error is showing

while during installing it is showing that {mysqld.exe- system error}-in which it is written that THE CODE EXECUTION CANNOT PROCEED BECAUSE MSVCP120.DLL WAS NOT FOUND. REINSTALLING THE PROGRAM MAY FIX THIS PROBLEM.
The first thing the install of WAMPServer does is remind you to check that you have all the required MSVC Runtime libraries.
If you are not sure that you have evenything, go to the backup repo for WAMPServer here Checks VC++ packages installed MD5 and download the checker, run it, it will tell you what you are missing.
You can also find a full set of 32 and 64 bit runtime libraries on that site as well
All VC Redistribuable Packages (x86) (32bits) MD5
All VC Redistribuable Packages (x86_x64) (32 & 64bits) MD5
Download there, they are zip files, unzip whichever one you need and then run each of the library installs one at a time in a logical version number order starting at the oldest to the newest

RAD Studio 10.2.3 Jedi JVCL Install Problem

I've uninstalled my RAD Studio 10.2.2 and installed 10.2.3 in my Win10 development VM. Along the way I uninstalled all the previous 3rd-party libs, including the Jedi GetIt packages, and per the instructions got rid of all the old Jedi source and DCP/DCLs. I'm attempting to install them back into 10.2.3 via GetIt. The JCL libs install fine, but when I try to install JVCL, the installation batch file hangs after compiling the installer and the VM comes to its knees. I rebooted, started taskmgr and watched as the batch file ran - it appears to go into a loop creating many instances of msgfmt. I've tried removing it all again, downloading and installing the 3.8 version myself and running the install batch file by itself, same problem; then backing up to the 3.6 version that had installed OK in 10.2.2, and it does the same thing. If I edit the batch file to skip the language-setup section, the batch file completes OK, but trying to re-run the GetIt update causes it to re-download and replace that batch file. :(
The installer does compile before the languages part of the batch file is reached, so I tried running the installer directly. I assume I'm not passing it cmd line info it needs, because it compiles the 64-bit libs fine but chokes immediately on compiling the 32-bit version of JvCore250.bpl with an unspecified compile error.
Anyone else run into this? Is a solution known?
Turns out to ultimately be a pathing problem. When multiple installations of the IDE exist on a machine (e.g. my VM has or previously had D2007, XE2 and 10.1 on it), the PATH environment variable can be too long - edit the PATH in the system to remove the old/stale paths. Then make sure that the library paths in the IDE includes $(BDSLIB)\$(PLATFORM)\release or you'll get "can't find RTL" when building the packages.
For me the problem is generated from the msgfmt.exe of dxgettext.
msgfmt.exe generates multilanguage messages, for a multilanguage support of jvcl installation.
For the specific problem of msgfmt.exe try to see this: dxgettext and Windows 10
I resolved the problem opened the install.bat file in jvcl folder, and I commented (with ::) every line where the msgfmt is executed.
If you use getit I suppose you have to open the folder where jvcl is downloaded and search install.bat (I didn't use getit)
Instead I downloaded jvcl directly from github in my component folder, and I did what is written above in that folder.

Delphi XE2 can not load CnPack

I have a fresh win 10 installation with Delphi XE2.
I tried to install CnPack but there was no chance (It says couldn't find wizard):
Also registry is OK and the file is in there and the permissions are OK.
Its version is CnWizards_1.1.3.896 which is currently the latest version.
I have tried older versions as well but there was no chance.
Any idea ?
I had the same problem and I got it to resolve to do this.
I downloaded the Source file and the Installer file.
I used this version
First I open the source in Delphi and Compile, Build and Install the following components.
CnPack_DXE2.dpk. (Compile and Build)
CnWizards_DXE2.dpr (Compile and Build)
dclCnPack_DXE2.dpk (Compile, Build and Install)
Execute the Installer file.
Now, this is the secret for me.
Replaced the files (CnWizards_DXE2.dll).
In the Third Step, it creates CnWizards_DXE2.dll (CnWizards\bin). Copy this file and paste in the local installation ([program files\CnPack\CnWizards]).
I created the mini tutorial in Portuguese for this situation, if necessary I can send it for you.
Sorry, my English is not good.
Bye for now

How to install luagraph using luarocks

I'm trying to use luagraph, a binding to the graphviz library:
To install, I'm using luarocks in Mac OS X. The following command is executed in bash:
luarocks install luagraph
The output is the following:
Installing Using switching to 'build'
Error: Could not find expected file graphviz/graph.h, or
graphviz/graph.h for GRAPHVIZ -- you may have to install GRAPHVIZ in
your system and/or pass GRAPHVIZ_DIR or GRAPHVIZ_INCDIR to the
luarocks command. Example: luarocks install luagraph
I have been installed graphviz using homebrew, but I can't figure out how to pass GRAPHVIZ_DIR or GRAPHVIZ_INCDIR properly.
How can I install luagraph?
I've updated LuaGRAPH a couple of weeks ago. It now supports the newest version of Graphviz based on the cgraph library instead of the old graph library.
There is one drawback: I couldn't get luagraph to run on Windows using mingw because of some runtime library issues (compiler and dll compatibility probably). Please look at the README file for more details.
I personally never produced a rockspec for this module. This was created by someone else based on a fork of my luagraph library.
Installation without Luarocks is simple. Download from
and follow the instruction in the documentation and the README file. You need adopt a simple config file which is included by make.
Well, luaGRAPH is still the top result when searching for lua and graph. So the question is still standing.
And, unfortunately, the answer is: luagraph is OLD, the last update happened before the ubuntu 14.04 was released. And there seem to be some notable changes in the system itself, the flags the error message show do not seem to work. On top of that, graphviz is now about 20 releases newer than the luarock recommends.
There now is a bare bone alternative lua package: graphviz
It is extremely basic, and documentation in not at all informative, but at least it works.
update: Luagraph may be working again, but not through rocks. See the other answer.

opencv2.1 settings in visualc++2010

i'm using opencv2.1 with visualstudio2010
while debugging it is showing this error message:
'the program can't start because cxcore210.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this program.'
but cxcore210.dll is already present in the /bin folder
any suggestions?
You need to make sure the dll is in your system path or in the same folder as the executable. The best way is to add the OpenCV /bin folder to your PATH environment variable.
With the runtime errors you are now having that suggest you are using the OpenCV binaries compiled in Visual Studio 2008, the easiest option is to get the OpenCV 2.3.1 Win superpack distribution. It comes with binaries compiled in vs2008 and vs2010. Please see my blog because it also has instructions for configuring this distribution! :)
Also - the documentation for OpenCV 2.3 at is generally much cleaner and better than the other versions.
