CollectionView Cell inside UITableView is not scrolling horizontally for Voice Over accessibility - ios

In my app, I have a screen where I need to support voice over accessibility. The screen has a TableView and inside that a collectionView. When voice over is ON and when I try to single or three fingers swipe, the collectionView scroll is not working. The accessibility focus is not moving to the next cell. Voice over is working fine only for visible cells in collectionView.
I tried by disabling accessibility for collectionView Cell and UITableViewCell but still, it didn't work.
I want to make it work like in the AppStore, where we will have a similar kind of design.
I am attaching screenshots of my screen and some codes.

On your country cell on awakeFromNib function or your init function depends how you initialize the cell add the line self.contentView.isUserInteractionEnabled = false after super call.

The purpose of your screen isn't really clear to me but I can suggest an interesting way to use collection views with VoiceOver:
Define a UIAccessibilityElement to be inserted as a carousel element (element of your collection view).
Set its trait to .adjustable in order to select the different elements by swiping right or left.
Adapt the label and the value according to the selected cell.
Define the collection view [accessibilityElements].
It may be tedious 😓 but that's what Apple's engineers recommend ⟹ a complete and detailed example is introduced in a WWDC session, don't hesitate to take a look at it to perfectly implement your collection view for the VoiceOver users. 👍

what you need is just to say to tableview cell that your collection is accessible doing something like this:
accessibilityElements = [collectionView]


How do I implement the below view in iOS (Objective-C or Swift)?

Basically I'm trying to implement the feature which is attached as an image. I'm trying to create generic component. Where view can have list of items and minimum that could be shown will be two and there should be a button with 3 more options and click on should expand the view and auto adjust with the container using auto layout. Can any one help me giving brief idea how do I implement this? would be really help full.
Image and Component that I'm trying to implement is as below:
You will use UITableView with 2 UICustomCell one for default view like your image and another for expand view, use NSMutableArray to save flag value that decide to use the first cell or second cell, and in UIButton action reset this array and reload your UITableView.
I hope I help you.
1) If I right understand, the flexible solution it's creating UITableViewCell and UICollectionView as one of subviews (another - UIImageView). UICollectionView has two kinds of cells:
Cell with label - item.
Show more button.
Each time when you press Show more button just can reload UICollectionView without restrictions or insert new items.
But in this case you should manually calculate tableview's height. Implement sizeThatFits in UITableViewCell.
2) Also can add UIStackView and use it for your goal but UIStackView has bad performance.
Hope it helps you!

Implementing scrollable horizontal menu

I am new to iOS and trying to implement something exactly like the scrollable bar with the various sports show here.
I want the user to be able to scroll horizontally through the various options and be able to select one. It can be very simple like the one linked, as long as it is clear what is selected.
I'm not sure where exactly to start. Should I be using a CollectionView?
You are right - UICollectionView is the best option for you. Do set the collectionView's layout to UICollectionViewFlowLayout with horizontal direction.
Setup the UIViewController to be the collectionView's data source and delegate. The selection with tapping will be available immediately provided by default UICollectionView behaviour. The collectionView's delegate will allow you to intercept the event when collection is scrolled to new item so you would be able to determine the new selected item.

How to make cell doesn't scroll along with other cell?

I am making an app that use table View Controller and static cell.
I want to make first cell don't scrolling while other can. This is a picture of what i am talking about.(Sorry for my bad English)
For example as in this picture, I want to make 9gag tab stay when scroll. If you play instragram you will see that when you scrolling the name of user will stay until you scroll into another one. However I want it to stay not changing when it encounter second cell.
Any suggestion?
Using UITableViewController would not help here. You can use these steps to get what you want:
1. Create a UIViewController.
2. Add UITableView as its subview.
3. Add another UIView as UIViewController's view's subview.
4. Using auto layout constraints, you can put UIView above UITableView
This way, you will get a sticky view at the top.
Ok, not exactly sure what you're after but i'll take a stab.
Firstly, if you want the section to remain in place until a new section of items is present, you just need have a look at sections. This is an automatic feature. You may not see it occur until you have plenty of items in the sections.
UITableView With Multiple Sections
There's plenty of stuff about it & not too hard to implement.
My other guess of what you want:
If you want it to remain static regardless of anything, perhaps you could just create a view and place it above the table view. why does it need to be a part of it if it doesn't change?

Adding subview to UICollectionView - disables scrolling

I want to add a subview to a UICollectionView in order to make a left panel that scrolls with the collectionview.
[self.collectionView addSubview:myView]
all touches become disabled and I can no longer scroll the view. I've read that adding a subview to a collectionView like this is bad practice.. is this true? Why does it disable touches from reaching the collectionView event when
userInteractionEnabled = NO
I'm trying to do this: imgur link by grabbing the frame position of the first cell in each section, and adding a dot with to myView with the same y value.
Thanks for any help!
Adding subviews using the addSubview: method to a UICollectionView is very bad practice. It can cause a lot of different problems in the normal behaviour of the CollectionView. It can obstruct the views underneath it, capture the touch events, preventing them from reaching the actual scrollView inside the CollectionView, etc. The subviews added using this method will also not scroll as the other elements in the CollectionView do.
The correct way to do what you want is to implement a new type of UICollectionViewCell for the dots, and compute their locations in the prepareForLayout and layoutAttributesForElementsInRect: methods. Basically you'll have either one or two cells in each row. Which ones will have two rows will be determined by you in the methods I've mentioned.
In fact, Apple's docs have a perfect example that's even more complex than what you're trying you achieve. You should check it out from this link.
May I know the purpose of that scroll view ? Because, if you're looking for a subview that displays only a label or image etc., You can use custom collectionview cell instead if I am not wrong... Hope it helps :) :)

Hide UITableViewCell from VoiceOver

I have a static UITableView with various cells in it. I need to hide/show some of those cells, so I've implemented heightForRowAtIndexPath and return 0 when appropriate in order to hide the right cells. This works great for sighted users, but for those who use VoiceOver those elements are still highlighted and accessible when they should not be. How can I ensure those UITableViewCells are no longer accessible when I change their height to 0?
I've tried setting the cell to not be an accessible element as well as setting the elements to be hidden but this has no effect on it. The cell has not been subclassed - it's just a UITableViewCell. I have not set anything in regards to accessibility on the cell nor the cell's contents (textLabel, detailTextLabel).
Doesn't do the trick:
self.cellToHide.isAccessibilityElement = NO;
self.cellToHide.accessibilityElementsHidden = YES;
Update Cell VoiceOver Elements By Reloading Cell(s)
After reading about a UITableView taking control over Accessibility elements and observing apps that have similar features, I figured that a TableView must update its Accessibility information upon loading or reloading a cell. I tried forcing the cell to reload after changing its Accessibility properties and that solved the problem. VoiceOver information was updated.
The following is an example of code that runs when the cell in question is tapped. Alternatively, it could run when some other event requires that VoiceOver elements are updated.
// Make changes to accessibility properties such as
cell.isAccessibilityElement = false
cell.accessibilityElementsHidden = true
// reloadRows() allows VoiceOver to update its element list for the related cell(s)
// "indexPath" is for the desired row
// reloadRows() expects an array of IndexPaths so an array of one is created inline
tableView.reloadRows(at: [indexPath], with: .automatic)
// Calling UIAccessibilityPostNotification() is not necessary to realize the VoiceOver changes in the TableViewCell
I wrestled with this problem for a while before finding a solution. In my case the TableView cells are created in code. There are no storyboards or nibs involved. However, this solution should work regardless of how the TableView was constructed.
I have custom, subclassed TableView cells with view hierarchies built in code and added as a subview of the UITableViewCell's contentView. I assumed I could modify the isAccessibilityElement and/or accessibilityElementsHidden properties of various subviews and call UIAccessibilityPostNotification() to realize the VoiceOver changes as I have done outside of TableView's. These changes were not recognized by VoiceOver, only the accessibility state the cell was in when it was loaded was recognized.
For the cell I wrestled with, the height dynamically changes to accommodate a DatePicker that is shown and hidden on cell tap. I only want the DatePicker visible to VoiceOver when it is visible on the screen. I try to avoid reloading the TableView, Sections or Rows to make dynamic changes if at all possible. If I have to reload, I try to make it as isolated as possible (reload one cell or one section not the whole TableView). In this case I did not need to reload anything to make the cell expand to reveal the DatePicker so it did not occur to me try reloading the cell for Accessibility updates.
Related Information: UIAccessibility API Reference on Apple's web site
Try adding below code after you set accessibilityElementHidden.
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, yourTableView);
