Lumber: Command 'lumber' not found - ruby-on-rails

I just setup a Rails Application in my Ubuntu 18 machine, and I want to connect it to Forest Admin. However, Forest Admin requires that I set up a Node Application using npm first. The node application requires the installation of Lumber CLI tool in order to install Forest Admin.
I have however installed Lumber CLI tool by running the command below:
npm install -g lumber-cli#latest -s
When I run the command below npm lumber -version in my command line terminal, I get the response:
But when I try to generate the Forest Admin using the command below:
lumber generate "my_project"...
I get the following error:
Command 'lumber' not found
I need some help. Thank you.

Here's how I solved it:
The issue is because NPM does not have the write access to the directory that will contain the package you want to install (here lumber-cli).
To solve this issue, override the default directory where your global NPM packages will be stored:
mkdir ~/.npm-global
Then, configure NPM to use this directory instead of the default one:
npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
Then, make the node executables accessible from your PATH. To do so, export the environment variable PATH by opening or creating the file ~/.profile and add this line at the end:
export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH
Finally, reload the ~/.profile file:
source ~/.profile
Try installing lumber cli again using the command below:
npm install -g lumber-cli#latest -s
It should be able to install lumber without any error, and also display the directory where lumber-cli is installed.
Reference: Prevent permission errors at installation
That's all
I hope this helps


How to install the locate command on nixos

I've searched on the nixos package manager, if there is package named locate.
Yes and several. But that's not the bash command that I am searching for.
I want to add this bash command
locate name.extention
which gave me the path of this file
The package mlocate provides a locate executable. The package plocate provides an executable named plocate which might be better. Both of these packages will require some extra setup steps to allow them to build their file location database, and I don't happen to have a link to those instructions at the moment.
nix-shell -p mlocate

pytest' is not recognized as an internal or external command, while executing through jenkins job

I am trying to run python test through jenkins. I have pytest framework.
I have also installed python 3.8 on jenkins slave machine and set path in the environment variables
I have added below path under PATH section of environment variable as below
But still I am getting below error on while running job.
Below are my windows batch command to run from Jenkins:
echo '#### Create Virtual Environment ####'
python -m venv .UIAutomation/venv
echo '#### Activate Virtual Environment ####'
echo '#### Run tests ####'
pytest -s -v --alluredir=.UIAutomation/reports ./UIAutomation/tests --env=staging --browser=chrome
Please help
More details about console error :
warning: manifest_maker: standard file '-c' not found
12:04:12 Error: pg_config executable not found.
pg_config is required to build psycopg2 from source. Please add the directory
Below is my first requirement from file
Collecting psycopg2==2.8.6 (from -r ./UIAutomation/requirements.txt
So after execution I am seeing below error at first line of console-
12:04:12 Error: pg_config executable not found.
12:04:12 pg_config is required to build psycopg2 from source. Please add the directory
From what I see, I find the batch call suspicious.
I think call launches a new console and returns to the script, if its done. So in your case, you activate your venv in another console and then use your standard python env, not the venv and there is no pytest dependency installed.
See also:
I had a similiar problem in a yaml script I wrote for Azure DevOps.
I did solve that, with creating the venv and then adding the venv path to the environment variables.

sudo luarocks command not found on centos7

I installed luarocks on centos7, then I execute 'luarocks install luacheck', there is an error:
'Error: Your user does not have write permissions in /usr/local/lib/luarocks/rocks
-- you may want to run as a privileged user or use your local tree with --local.'
So, I execute 'sudo luarocks install luacheck', but there is also an error:
'sudo luarocks command not found'.
I confirm that luarocks has installed correctly, bucause when I execte 'luarocks --version' shows:
/usr/bin/luarocks 2.4.2
As luarocks isn't installed using the native package manager its installed to /usr/local/bin. This isn't in the PATH variable available in the sudo context - you can see (and edit) the configured paths in the secure_path property in the sudoers file.
Workaround that I use it to add a symbolic link to a path included in the secure_path property: sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/luarocks /usr/bin/luarocks
You can either use
sudo /usr/bin/luarocks install luacheck
to install luacheck system-wide
luarocks --local install luacheck
to install to your user only. To use the second option, you also need to run
eval $(luarocks path --bin)
to make sure that the Lua paths are updated in your shell. To make these Lua paths permanent, you can add the above line to your shell config file (~/.bash_profile or similar).

phpcpd, You need to set up the project dependencies using composer install

I've just installed phpcpd globally via following command:
sudo composer global require 'sebastian/phpcpd=
my ~/composer/vendor/bin/ directory is in my $PATH variable too.
Now when I try to run phpcpd I get following error:
You need to set up the project dependencies using the following commands:
php composer.phar install
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
The point Sebastian didn't mention in the installation instructions is that by using Composer to globally install PHPCPD, you don't get it's dependencies installed, only the direct code. You have to go to the PHPCPD directory in the global vendor directory (i.e. the PHPCPD main folder in there, something like ...somepath/.composer/vendor/sebastian/phpcpd/) and run composer install there.
The easier way would be to just install the .phar file, but I understand this has different issues.

jhipster application files generated in wrong directory

When I try to create a jhipster application in ubuntu 13.10 with yo jhipster the generated output files are always dumped in the wrong directory.
For example I run yo jhipster in the directory /mnt/mercury/jhipster-test/alpha then the files are dumped out to /mnt/mercury. In fact if I run yo jhipster in any subdirectory of /mnt/mercury they are always dumped out to /mnt/mercury.
I'm using yo version 1.1.2 from the standard ubuntu repository
Please advise how to generate files to be output in current directory.
For the benefit of anyone else facing this problem.
I managed to get Yeoman working with the following
npm cache clean
sudo npm rm -g yo
npm cache clean
sudo npm install -g yo
My problem: Accidentally "yo generating" in the parent directory.
Solution: Delete the .yo-rc.json file in the parent directory, then running the yo generator command in the child directory.
As discussed in the comments, this is a Yeoman problem on Ubuntu 13.10:
We don't have this issue with Ubuntu 12.04
There is the same issue with other generators ("yo webapp") on Ubuntu 13.10
As a workaround, I recommend you have a look at our Docker container:
This will allow you to run the full JHipster stack, with Ubuntu 12.04, inside a container! Just use it to generate the app, then you can work directly on your host machine.
On Mac OSX Maverick with Node v0.10.26, yo v1.1.2 and generator-jhipster v0.11, the yo hipster command was generating all the sources always in the same (wrong!) directory and not using my current directory.
I fixed this problem doing the following:
rm .yo-rc.json node_modules/
npm uninstall -g karma
npm install -g karma (Note: using sudo it was not working!)
sudo npm install -g generator-jhipster
Not sure why but I've then been able to install karma and generator-jhipster again and suddenly yo hipster starting generating code again in my current directory
Could it be caused by different environment variables when launching npm with sudo?
The file .yo-rc.json is hidden, if it is not deleted, the generator will constantly take the settings from it. You must delete .yo-rc.json.
