can not tap the calendar dates using appium, how to tap & inspect - appium

Every time this view is showing in appium inspector, can't tap on the calendar dates, any remedies?ppium

You can tap by coordinates and get coordinates from your AndroidElement.
public void tapElementByCoordinates(AndroidElement element) {
new TouchAction(driver).tap(PointOption.point(element.getCoordinates().onScreen().getX(),element.getCoordinates().onScreen().getY())).perform();

With below code you can tap on button simply with element.
MobileElement calendarButton= (MobileElement) driver.findElement(“button1”));
new TouchAction(driver).tap(tapOptions().withElement(element(calendarButton))).perform();


Double tap using Appium Java 2.0

I couldn't find an implementation of a double tap for Appium that was straightforward and allowed you to pass in the element locator strategy, so here goes:
public static void doubleTapElementBy(By by) {
WebElement el = getDriver().findElement(by);
MultiTouchAction multiTouch = new MultiTouchAction(getDriver());
TouchAction action0 = new TouchAction(getDriver()).tap(el).waitAction(50).tap(el);
try {
} catch (WebDriverException e) {"Unable to do second tap on element, probably because element requieres single tap on this Android version");
You can also try below approach using tap method in TouchAction class.
TouchAction taction = new TouchAction(driver);
You will need to add below static import as well:
import static io.appium.java_client.touch.TapOptions.tapOptions;
This is a workaround in pseudocode and possibly there's a more "official" way to do it, but it should do the work if no other solution is available:
{ if (lastClicked - thisTime() < 0.2) //if it was clicked very recently
{doubleTapped()} //handle it as a double tap
else{lastClicked = thisTime()} //otherwise keep the time of the tap
} //end of OnClick
} //End of Message Handler
}//End of switch
}//End of messageHandler
If you have access to ready timer functions, you can set a function to be executed 0.2s after the click has gone off:
OnClick: if (!functionWaiting) // has the timer not been set?
enableTimer(); // set a function to go off in x time
clicks = 0; //we'll tell it that there's been one click in a couple of lines
} //set it for the first click
clicks++; //if it's already clicked, it'll become 2 (double tap) otherwise it's just one
So, the idea is that when you get a tap, you check if there's been another one recently (a. by checking the relative times, b. by checking if the function is still pending) and you handle it dependingly, only note that you will have to implement a timer so your function fires a bit later so you have time to get a second tap
The style draws upon the Win32's message handling, I'm pretty sure it works there, it should work for you too.
Double tap and hold -- Use below code:
new TouchAction(driver).press(112,567).release().perform().press(112,567).perform();
Double tap -- Use below code:
new TouchAction(driver).press(112,567).release().perform().press(112,567).release().perform();

Trackwheel Click Event Issue

I am dealing with KeywordFilterField which is populated with the list of the countries. Now the problem i am facing is that when i click the particular country it should move to the next screen as I have written the pushScreen code in the trackwheelClick event after checking that _keywordFilterField is focusable or not, but this is not the case. The Menu opens when trackwheelClick event is fired, at the center of the screen, rather than moving onto the next screen.Can anybody have the idea why Menu dialog opens on the trackwheelclick event instead of going to the next screen.
See what i have done on trackwheel click event:
protected boolean trackwheelClick(int status, int time) {
if (_keywordFilterField.isFocus()) {
int index = _keywordFilterField.getSelectedIndex();
ReadableList readableList = _keywordFilterField.getResultList();
Object selectedCountry = readableList.getAt(index);
String countryName=selectedCountry.toString();
urlutf8Encoder=new URLUTF8Encoder();
String newCountry=urlutf8Encoder.encode(countryName);
pushToSearchResult(newCountry,countryName);//To Next SCreen
return true;
return false;
But it looks like:
The trackwheelClick event returns a boolean that indicates whether the event is consumed. Once an event is consumed, it stops propagating to other UI elements. If you return true, the menu will stop appearing.

Custom List Field with Custom ObjectChoiceField in blackberry?

I am a new BB developer working on android simultaneously, I am preparing a project containing list and object choice fields in both the languages.
In blackberry, I have a list of 10 elements and on each element row I need to show an arrow button on click of that button a ObjectChoiceField will pops up.
Here, it is clear that the list and obejctchoice field both are custom.
I am very confused please let me know, how this can be achieved.
Thanx in advance..!:|
// customize ListField
How to customize a ListField in BlackBerry?
To get clicked item just add below function to code
protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) {
Field field = this.getLeafFieldWithFocus();
if(field instanceof ListField){
System.out.println("navigationClick Yes Yes you clicked list item ");
ListField listField = (ListField)field;
// this will give you clicked index.
int index = listField.getSelectedIndex();
// pop up your Object choice field here...
return true;

Close Blackberry Map after use of custom menu item

I created for BlackberryMaps a own menu item with help of "MenuItem" and invoke Blackberry Maps. After using this Item the current location (MapView) should be send back to my Application. This works fine.
The problem is I found no solution for closing the app after using the menu Item. Is there a possibility to close Blackberry Maps? Or set my own App to foreground?
private static class MapMenuItem extends ApplicationMenuItem {
//creates a new MenuItem for Blackberry Maps and defines the action which should //happen after a click on the MenuItem
CustomDialog_GPS customDialogGps;
StartScreen startScreen;
MapMenuItem(StartScreen startScreen, CustomDialog_GPS customDialogGps) {
this.startScreen = startScreen;
this.customDialogGps = customDialogGps;
public String toString() {
//creates the name for the navigation Menu
String itemName = ""+_res.getString(CUSTOMDIALOG_GPS_USE_AS_NEW_LOCATION);
return itemName;
public Object run(Object context) {
//defines what should happen after a click on the menu
//get the location at which the cursor is pointing at.
MapView mv = (MapView)context;
if (mv != null) {
//opens a method inside of CustomDialogGPS which handles the latitude and longitude
//TODO pop Screen
//Screen screen = (Screen)UiApplication.getUiApplication().getActiveScreen();
else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Context is null, expected a MapView instance");
return null;
Unfortunately you can't close another app programmatically (Actually you can if you know where is menu item to close for example) but you can foreground your app UiApplication.getApplication().requestForeground(). What is probably appropriate solution for you.
Instead of passing the user to the Maps application, which is outside your app and you have no control over it, create your own screen with a MapField in it. Using your own screen and perhaps extending the MapField class to override functions if needed, allows you to go back to the previous screen once the user selects a location.

Blackberry Button not working in HorizontalFieldManager

My workFlow is like this ... I have taken Three HoriZontalManager one for holding theBackgroundImage of the button and two HoriZontalManager to hold the CustomButton and i am adding the main hfm which hold the button and the background image at top and then i have added the list in a VerticalfieldManager but i dont get the button Working the focus always remains on the list Field. Now when I click on the Button the focus always resides on the First row of the list Field so it always show me the picker which is actually i have implemented on the first row of listfield. How can i Solve it ..
Thanks in Advanced..
Please help.
I have solved This issue ... I had to check that if the focus is on the button then do my work else the list field will be invoked and it solved the issue. And it works for touchScreen simulator as well as trackpad devices.
protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) {
// if the row select do something with it
// for first row which is time
if(backCustomButton.isFocus()) {
UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new saveScreen());
}else if (saveCustomButton.isFocus()) {
Dialog.inform("Save Button on focus");
if (_list.getSelectedIndex() == 0){
// Do the ListSpecific things
