Var in var = var in var + 1 - lua

I am still new to Lua and have one question about var in var.
How do I calculate this:?
As you can see:
This calculation would result in
But this does not work for me.
I guess I have to format the cars in some way.
I want to do this because I want to be able to change a var in another var when necessary.

The = operator does two things:
Evaluate the right-hand side
Assign the result to the variable on the left-hand side
To illustrate, consider this example:
A = 1 -- A is now 1
X = A + A + A -- X is now 3, and A hasn't changed
X = X + 1 -- X is now 4, and A hasn't changed
Now lets look at your original code, and write out the meaning in plain language.
A=1 -- Create a variable 'A' and assign it the value of one
X=A -- Create the variable 'X' and assign it the current value of 'A'
X=X+1 -- Change 'X' by assigning it the current value of 'X' plus one
Notice how these comments read like "instructions" to a computer, rather than math equations. Lua (and programming in general) should be interpreted as a set of instructions executed from top to bottom.
However, as Egor Skriptunoff alludes to in earlier comments, tables behave differently. See Programming in Lua - Chapter 2.5 for a more detailed explanation of how tables are different.


Other ways to call/eval dynamic strings in Lua?

I am working with a third party device which has some implementation of Lua, and communicates in BACnet. The documentation is pretty janky, not providing any sort of help for any more advanced programming ideas. It's simply, "This is how you set variables...". So, I am trying to just figure it out, and hoping you all can help.
I need to set a long list of variables to certain values. I have a userdata 'ME', with a bunch of variables named MVXX (e.g. - MV21, MV98, MV56, etc).
(This is all kind of background for BACnet.) Variables in BACnet all have 17 'priorities', i.e., every BACnet variable is actually a sort of list of 17 values, with priority 16 being the default. So, typically, if I were to say ME.MV12 = 23, that would set MV12's priority-16 to the desired value of 23.
However, I need to set priority 17. I can do this in the provided Lua implementation, by saying ME.MV12_PV[17] = 23. I can set any of the priorities I want by indexing that PV. (Corollaries - what is PV? What is the underscore? How do I get to these objects? Or are they just interpreted from Lua to some function in C on the backend?)
All this being said, I need to make that variable name dynamic, so that i can set whichever value I need to set, based on some other code. I have made several attempts.
This tells me the object(MV12_PV[17]) does not exist:
x = 12
ME["MV" .. x .. "_PV[17]"] = 23
But this works fine, setting priority 16 to 23:
x = 12
ME["MV" .. x] = 23
I was trying to attempt some sort of what I think is called an evaluation, or eval. But, this just prints out function followed by some random 8 digit number:
x = 12
test = assert(loadstring("MV" .. x .. "_PV[17] = 23"))
Any help? Apologies if I am unclear - tbh, I am so far behind the 8-ball I am pretty much grabbing at straws.
Underscores can be part of Lua identifiers (variable and function names). They are just part of the variable name (like letters are) and aren't a special Lua operator like [ and ] are.
In the expression ME.MV12_PV[17] we have ME being an object with a bunch of fields, ME.MV12_PV being an array stored in the "MV12_PV" field of that object and ME.MV12_PV[17] is the 17th slot in that array.
If you want to access fields dynamically, the thing to know is that accessing a field with dot notation in Lua is equivalent to using bracket notation and passing in the field name as a string:
-- The following are all equivalent:
local fieldname = "foo"
So in your case you might want to try doing something like this:
local n = 12
ME["MV"..n.."_PV"][17] = 23
BACnet "Commmandable" Objects (e.g. Binary Output, Analog Output, and o[tionally Binary Value, Analog Value and a handful of others) actually have 16 priorities (1-16). The "17th" you are referring to may be the "Relinquish Default", a value that is used if all 16 priorities are set to NULL or "Relinquished".
Perhaps your system will allow you to write to a BACnet Property called "Relinquish Default".

How to refactor string containing variable names into booleans?

I have an SPSS variable containing lines like:
Every line starts with pipe, and ends with one. I need to refactor it into boolean variables as the following:
var var1 var2 var3 var4 var5
|2|4|5| 0 1 0 1 1
I have tried to do it with a loop like:
loop # = 1 to 72.
compute var# = SUBSTR(var,2#,1).
end loop.
My code won't work with 2 or more digits long numbers and also it won't place the values into their respective variables, so I've tried nest the char.substr(var,char.rindex(var,'|') + 1) into another loop with no luck because it still won't allow me to recognize the variable number.
How can I do it?
This looks like a nice job for the DO REPEAT command. However the type conversion is somewhat tricky:
DO REPEAT var#i=var1 TO var72
/i=1 TO 72.
COMPUTE var#i = CHAR.INDEX(var,CONCAT("|",LTRIM(STRING(i,F2.0)),"|"))>0).
Explanation: Let's go from the inside to the outside:
STRING(value,F2.0) converts the numeric values into a string of two digits (with a leading white space where the number consist of just one digit), e.g. 2 -> " 2".
LTRIM() removes the leading whitespaces, e.g. " 2" -> "2".
CONCAT() concatenates strings. In the above code it adds the "|" before and after the number, e.g. "2" -> "|2|"
CHAR.INDEX(stringvar,searchstring) returns the position at which the searchstring was found. It returns 0 if the searchstring wasn't found.
CHAR.INDEX(stringvar,searchstring)>0 returns a boolean value indicating if the searchstring was found or not.
It's easier to do the manipulations in Python than native SPSS syntax.
You can use SPSSINC TRANS extension for this purpose.
/* Example data*/.
data list free / TextStr (a99).
begin data.
end data.
/* defining function to achieve task */.
begin program.
def runTask(x):
numbers=map(int,filter(None,[i.strip() for i in x.lstrip('|').split("|")]))
answer=[1 if i in numbers else 0 for i in xrange(1,max(numbers)+1)]
return answer
end program.
/* Run job*/.
spssinc trans result = V1 to V30 type=0 /formula "runTask(TextStr)".

string comparison against factors in Stata

Suppose I have a factor variable with labels "a" "b" and "c" and want to see which observations have a label of "b". Stata refuses to parse
gen isb = myfactor == "b"
Sure, there is literally a "type mismatch", since my factor is encoded as an integer and so cannot be compared to the string "b". However, it wouldn't kill Stata to (i) perform the obvious parse or (ii) provide a translator function so I can write the comparison as label(myfactor) == "b". Using decode to (re)create a string variable defeats the purpose of encoding, which is to save space and make computations more efficient, right?
I hadn't really expected the comparison above to work, but I at least figured there would be a one- or two-line approach. Here is what I have found so far. There is a nice macro ("extended") function that maps the other way (from an integer to a label, seen below as local labi: label ...). Here's the solution using it:
// sample data
input str5 mystr int mynum
a 5
b 5
b 6
c 4
encode mystr, gen(myfactor)
// first, how many groups are there?
by myfactor, sort: gen ng = _n == 1
replace ng = sum(ng)
scalar ng = ng[_N]
drop ng
// now, which code corresponds to "b"?
forvalues i = 1/`=ng'{
local labi: label myfactor `i'
if "b" == "`labi'" {
scalar bcode = `i'
di bcode
The second step is what irks me, but I'm sure there's a also faster, more idiomatic way of performing the first step. Can I grab the length of the label vector, for example?
An example:
clear all
set more off
sysuse auto
gen isdom = 1 if foreign == "Domestic":`:value label foreign'
list foreign isdom in 1/60
This creates a variable called isdom and it will equal 1 if foreigns's value label is equal to "Domestic". It uses an extended macro function.
From [U] 18.3.8 Macro expressions:
Also, typing
command that makes reference to `:extended macro function'
is equivalent to
local macroname : extended macro function
command that makes reference to `macroname'
This explains one of the two : in the offered syntax. The other can be explained by
... to specify value labels directly in an expression, rather than through
the underlying numeric value ... You specify the label in double quotes
(""), followed by a colon (:), followed by the name of the value
The quote is from Stata tip 14: Using value labels in expressions, by Kenneth Higbee, The Stata Journal (2004). Freely available at
On computing the number of distinct observations, another way is:
by myfactor, sort: gen ng = _n == 1
count if ng
scalar sc_ng = r(N)
display sc_ng
But yours is fine. In fact, it is documented here:, along with more methods and comments.

How to define a variable in Lua and how to call it in other Lua script in Cocos2d-x

How to define a variable(constant) in Lua and how to call it in other Lua script in Cocos2d-x?
In my way:
local r = require("src/Square")
local constant= r:getConstant()
function Square:getConstant()
return 10
Are there any other more elegant way? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
You can make it a global variable:
constant = r:getConstant()
but the variable will not be constant. Lua does not know the concept of immutable/readonly/const variables.
There are tricks to use a Lua table's metatable to prevent the value from changing, though that requires the value to be in the table, and you can't prevent the table from being changed (ie set to nil or its metatable replaced).
Simply using a function that returns a constant value is the easier way to ensure const-ness of the value.
What I've also done in the past is to use a notation that marks constant values, for instance:
_constant = 10
local _localConstant = 11
The _ prefix denotes the variable as a constant. Alternatively an ALL-CAPS style analogue to #define macros works well if these are known constants in C/C++ or commonly known frameworks (ie DBL_EPSILON or M_PI_2). It is just a reminder for the programmer(s).
Lastly, there's the "const" table which is a global table defining some supposed-to-be constant values:
const = {thisIsTen = 10, thatIsEleven = 11}
Using the table makes it clear those are constants:
result = 100 * const.thisIsTen
If you're looking for a const(constant) value that's read-only and can not be changed, you'll need to make a function for it (Which you already have). You also have to know that lua gets returns of basic types (number, boolean, nil, string) by value not by reference (Only if you return them by creation).
Here's the replacement for your function:
Square = {}
Square.__index = Square
local _const = 10
function Square:GetConst()
local const = _const
return const
-- Test function
function Square:MoveUp()
_const = _const + 2
return Square
local sr = Require("src/Square")
print(sr:GetConst()) -- 10
local plus = sr:GetConst() + 4
print(sr:GetConst(), plus) -- 10 14
print(sr:GetConst()) -- 12
Also take a note that the Square can be changed into a local function(Recommended), so in that case there won't be any troubles with next times creation of object.

What's the difference between table.insert(t, i) and t[#t+1] = i?

In Lua, there seem to be two ways of appending an element to an array:
table.insert(t, i)
t[#t+1] = i
Which should I use, and why?
Which to use is a matter of preference and circumstance: as the # length operator was introduced in version 5.1, t[#t+1] = i will not work in Lua 5.0, whereas table.insert has been present since 5.0 and will work in both. On the other hand, t[#t+1] = i uses exclusively language-level operators, wheras table.insert involves a function (which has a slight amount of overhead to look up and call and depends on the table module in the environment).
In the second edition of Programming in Lua (an update of the Lua 5.0-oriented first edition), Roberto Ierusalimschy (the designer of Lua) states that he prefers t[#t+1] = i, as it's more visible.
Also, depending on your use case, the answer may be "neither". See the manual entry on the behavior of the length operator:
If the array has "holes" (that is, nil values between other non-nil values), then #t can be any of the indices that directly precedes a nil value (that is, it may consider any such nil value as the end of the array).
As such, if you're dealing with an array with holes, using either one (table.insert uses the length operator) may "append" your value to a lower index in the array than you want. How you define the size of your array in this scenario is up to you, and, again, depends on preference and circumstance: you can use table.maxn (disappearing in 5.2 but trivial to write), you can keep an n field in the table and update it when necessary, you can wrap the table in a metatable, or you could use another solution that better fits your situation (in a loop, a local tsize in the scope immediately outside the loop will often suffice).
The following is slightly on the amusing side but possibly with a grain of aesthetics. Even though there are obvious reasons that mytable:operation() is not supplied like mystring:operation(), one can easily roll one's own variant, and get a third notation if desired.
Table = {}
Table.__index = table
local t = {}
setmetatable(t, Table)
return t
mytable =
for _, s in ipairs(mytable) do
insert can insert arbitrarily (as its name states), it only defaults to #t + 1, where as t[#t + 1] = i will always append to the (end of the) table. see section 5.5 in the lua manual.
'#' operator only use indexed key table.
t = {1, 2 ,3 ,4, 5, x=1, y=2}
at above code
print(#t) --> print 5 not 7
'#' operator whenever not using.
If you want to '#' operator, then check it to table elements type.
Insert function can using any type use.But element count to work slow than '#'
