Use contrast as measure of effect size glmmTMB - comparison

I'm investigating the effect of an experimental treatment with the response variable being Weight (Wt). I have 2 control treatments (A,B) & 2 experimental treatments (C,D). I'm looking to see if the effect of treatment D relative to the control treatments increases with temperature (med_Hobo), and the same for treatment C relative to treatment D. (Additional fixed effects: Atl.Pac, NS, and random effect of Site)
Contrast matrix:
WW<-glmmTMB(Wt~med_Hobo*Treatment*Atl.Pac*NS+(1|Site)+ (1|Site:Treatment),
Using emmeans and emtrends I can demonstrate that the mean contrast 1 is significant while the mean constrast 2 is not. But I'm struggling to assess any change in the contrast with Temperature. In the figure below, Treatment D (blue) clearly diverges with Temperature, how do I demonstrate this in numbers/figures? E.g. I'd expect contrasts at med_Hobo=10 to be 1 and increase to a factor of ~2 at med_Hobo=30, with a corresponding increase in c.i.
Weight predictions based on glmmTMB model
Thanks in Advance!


Algorithm suitable for a region-growing image segmentation based on the minimization of a metric

Is there a pixel-based region growing algorithm that can be employed for the extraction of features (segmentation) on an image, by adding pixels to the seed based on the minimization of a certain metric. Potentially, a pixel can be removed if the metric is not optimized when this pixel is added (i.e. possibility to backtrack and go back to the seed obtained in the previous iterations).
I'll try to explain further my objectives:
This algorithm starts from a central pixel selected as an initial seed on the image.
Afterwards, each of the 4 neighbors is explored (right, left, bottom and top neighbors) separately, to see if the metric is optimized by growing the seed in the selected direction.
A neighboring pixel might not optimize the metric immediately, even if the seed created by adding this pixel will be optimal in future iterations.
There is a possibility that a neighboring pixel is added to the seed but is removed later, if the obtained seed is not optimal.
Can anyone suggest to me an Artificial Intelligence technique (or a greedy approach) that is adequate to solve this kind of problems? Also, what would be a good criteria to judge that the addition of a pixel will optimize the metric even though this will probably happen in future iterations.
P.S: I started implementing what's explained above in Python but was stuck in the issue of determining if a path (neighboring pixel) is worth exploring or not. Right now, I try to add a neighboring pixel only if the seed produced improve (i.e. minimize) the error relatively to the metric. However, even though by adding the right or left neighbors the metric isn't optimized, one of these two paths might lead to the optimal solution in the future (as explained in the third objective).
You've basically outlined the most successful algorithm you could get with this approach. It's success will depend heavily on the metric you use to add/remove pixels, but there are a few things you can do to emulate the behavior you want.
We'll call the metric we're optimizing M where M(R) is the metric's value for a region R and a region R is some collections of pixels. I will assume that optimizing the metric will result in the largest possible value of M, but this approach can work if the goal is to minimize M as well.
This approach is going to be slightly backwards to your original outline, but it should satisfy both requirements of adding pixels that lie in non-optimal paths from the seed and removing pixels that do not contribute significantly to the optimization.
We will begin at a seed s, but instead of evaluating paths as we go we will add all pixels in the image (or maximum feature size) iteratively to our region. At each step we will determine a value of the pixel based on how much it improves the metric for the current region, M(p). This is not the same as the value of the region containing the pixel (M(R) where p is in R). Rather it would be the difference of the value of the region containing the pixel and the value of the region before the pixel was added (M(p) = M(R) - M(R') where R = R' + p). If you have the capacity to evaluate a single pixel you could simply use that instead.
The next change is to include an regularization parameter in M(R) that penalizes the score based on the number of pixels included: N(R) = M(R) - a * |R| where a is some arbitrary positive constant and |R| represents the cardinality (number of pixels) in our region. Note: if the goal is to minimize M then a should be negative. This will have the effect of penalizing the score of the region if it includes too many pixels.
Finally, after all pixels have been added to the region and N(p) has been evaluated for each pixel we iterate over the region again. This time we begin at the last pixel added and iterate backwards over our set of pixels, ending at the seed s. At each iteration determine the score of the region N(R). If the score N(R) has decreased since the last iteration then we remove the pixel p with the lowest score N(p). This should have the effect of the smallest number of pixels in the region that contribute the most to the score.
Additional Considerations
If the remaining pixels lie on non-contiguous paths after pruning you could run a secondary algorithm to add in adjoining pixels. You'll need to do testing to determine an optimal value of a such that enough pixels are kept to reconstruct the building, but it doesn't include every pixel from the image.
My Opinion (that you didn't ask for)
In general I think you would have more luck with more robust algorithms such as Convolutional Neural Networks for feature classification. They'll likely be faster and definitely more accurate than the algorithm described above.

Linear Regression :: Normalization (Vs) Standardization

I am using Linear regression to predict data. But, I am getting totally contrasting results when I Normalize (Vs) Standardize variables.
Normalization = x -xmin/ xmax – xmin
Zero Score Standardization = x - xmean/ xstd
a) Also, when to Normalize (Vs) Standardize ?
b) How Normalization affects Linear Regression?
c) Is it okay if I don't normalize all the attributes/lables in the linear regression?
Note that the results might not necessarily be so different. You might simply need different hyperparameters for the two options to give similar results.
The ideal thing is to test what works best for your problem. If you can't afford this for some reason, most algorithms will probably benefit from standardization more so than from normalization.
See here for some examples of when one should be preferred over the other:
For example, in clustering analyses, standardization may be especially crucial in order to compare similarities between features based on certain distance measures. Another prominent example is the Principal Component Analysis, where we usually prefer standardization over Min-Max scaling, since we are interested in the components that maximize the variance (depending on the question and if the PCA computes the components via the correlation matrix instead of the covariance matrix; but more about PCA in my previous article).
However, this doesn’t mean that Min-Max scaling is not useful at all! A popular application is image processing, where pixel intensities have to be normalized to fit within a certain range (i.e., 0 to 255 for the RGB color range). Also, typical neural network algorithm require data that on a 0-1 scale.
One disadvantage of normalization over standardization is that it loses some information in the data, especially about outliers.
Also on the linked page, there is this picture:
As you can see, scaling clusters all the data very close together, which may not be what you want. It might cause algorithms such as gradient descent to take longer to converge to the same solution they would on a standardized data set, or it might even make it impossible.
"Normalizing variables" doesn't really make sense. The correct terminology is "normalizing / scaling the features". If you're going to normalize or scale one feature, you should do the same for the rest.
That makes sense because normalization and standardization do different things.
Normalization transforms your data into a range between 0 and 1
Standardization transforms your data such that the resulting distribution has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1
Normalization/standardization are designed to achieve a similar goal, which is to create features that have similar ranges to each other. We want that so we can be sure we are capturing the true information in a feature, and that we dont over weigh a particular feature just because its values are much larger than other features.
If all of your features are within a similar range of each other then theres no real need to standardize/normalize. If, however, some features naturally take on values that are much larger/smaller than others then normalization/standardization is called for
If you're going to be normalizing at least one variable/feature, I would do the same thing to all of the others as well
First question is why we need Normalisation/Standardisation?
=> We take a example of dataset where we have salary variable and age variable.
Age can take range from 0 to 90 where salary can be from 25thousand to 2.5lakh.
We compare difference for 2 person then age difference will be in range of below 100 where salary difference will in range of thousands.
So if we don't want one variable to dominate other then we use either Normalisation or Standardization. Now both age and salary will be in same scale
but when we use standardiztion or normalisation, we lose original values and it is transformed to some values. So loss of interpretation but extremely important when we want to draw inference from our data.
Normalization rescales the values into a range of [0,1]. also called min-max scaled.
Standardization rescales data to have a mean (μ) of 0 and standard deviation (σ) of 1.So it gives a normal graph.
Example below:
Another example:
In above image, you can see that our actual data(in green) is spread b/w 1 to 6, standardised data(in red) is spread around -1 to 3 whereas normalised data(in blue) is spread around 0 to 1.
Normally many algorithm required you to first standardise/normalise data before passing as parameter. Like in PCA, where we do dimension reduction by plotting our 3D data into 1D(say).Here we required standardisation.
But in Image processing, it is required to normalise pixels before processing.
But during normalisation, we lose outliers(extreme datapoints-either too low or too high) which is slight disadvantage.
So it depends on our preference what we chose but standardisation is most recommended as it gives a normal curve.
None of the mentioned transformations shall matter for linear regression as these are all affine transformations.
Found coefficients would change but explained variance will ultimately remain the same. So, from linear regression perspective, Outliers remain as outliers (leverage points).
And these transformations also will not change the distribution. Shape of the distribution remains the same.
lot of people use Normalisation and Standardisation interchangeably. The purpose remains the same is to bring features into the same scale. The approach is to subtract each value from min value or mean and divide by max value minus min value or SD respectively. The difference you can observe that when using min value u will get all value + ve and mean value u will get bot + ve and -ve values. This is also one of the factors to decide which approach to use.

What FFT descriptors should be used as feature to implement classification or clustering algorithm?

I have some geographical trajectories sampled to analyze, and I calculated the histogram of data in spatial and temporal dimension, which yielded a time domain based feature for each spatial element. I want to perform a discrete FFT to transform the time domain based feature into frequency domain based feature (which I think maybe more robust), and then do some classification or clustering algorithms.
But I'm not sure using what descriptor as frequency domain based feature, since there are amplitude spectrum, power spectrum and phase spectrum of a signal and I've read some references but still got confused about the significance. And what distance (similarity) function should be used as measurement when performing learning algorithms on frequency domain based feature vector(Euclidean distance? Cosine distance? Gaussian function? Chi-kernel or something else?)
Hope someone give me a clue or some material that I can refer to, thanks~
Thanks to #DrKoch, I chose a spatial element with the largest L-1 norm and plotted its log power spectrum in python and it did show some prominent peaks, below is my code and the figure
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sp = np.fft.fft(signal)
freq = np.fft.fftfreq(signal.shape[-1], d = 1.) # time sloth of histogram is 1 hour
plt.plot(freq, np.log10(np.abs(sp) ** 2))
And I have several trivial questions to ask to make sure I totally understand your suggestion:
In your second suggestion, you said "ignore all these values."
Do you mean the horizontal line represent the threshold and all values below it should be assigned to value zero?
"you may search for the two, three largest peaks and use their location and probably widths as 'Features' for further classification."
I'm a little bit confused about the meaning of "location" and "width", does "location" refer to the log value of power spectrum (y-axis) and "width" refer to the frequency (x-axis)? If so, how to combine them together as a feature vector and compare two feature vector of "a similar frequency and a similar widths" ?
I replaced np.fft.fft with np.fft.rfft to calculate the positive part and plot both power spectrum and log power spectrum.
f, axarr = plt.subplot(2, sharex = True)
axarr[0].plot(freq, np.abs(sp) ** 2)
axarr[1].plot(freq, np.log10(np.abs(sp) ** 2))
Please correct me if I'm wrong:
I think I should keep the last four peaks in first figure with power = np.abs(sp) ** 2 and power[power < threshold] = 0 because the log power spectrum reduces the difference among each component. And then use the log spectrum of new power as feature vector to feed classifiers.
I also see some reference suggest applying a window function (e.g. Hamming window) before doing fft to avoid spectral leakage. My raw data is sampled every 5 ~ 15 seconds and I've applied a histogram on sampling time, is that method equivalent to apply a window function or I still need apply it on the histogram data?
Generally you should extract just a small number of "Features" out of the complete FFT spectrum.
First: Use the log power spec.
Complex numbers and Phase are useless in these circumstances, because they depend on where you start/stop your data acquisiton (among many other things)
Second: you will see a "Noise Level" e.g. most values are below a certain threshold, ignore all these values.
Third: If you are lucky, e.g. your data has some harmonic content (cycles, repetitions) you will see a few prominent Peaks.
If there are clear peaks, it is even easier to detect the noise: Everything between the peaks should be considered noise.
Now you may search for the two, three largest peaks and use their location and probably widths as "Features" for further classification.
Location is the x-value of the peak i.e. the 'frequency'. It says something how "fast" your cycles are in the input data.
If your cycles don't have constant frequency during the measuring intervall (or you use a window before caclculating the FFT), the peak will be broader than one bin. So this widths of the peak says something about the 'stability' of your cycles.
Based on this: Two patterns are similar if the biggest peaks of both hava a similar frequency and a similar widths, and so on.
Very intersiting to see a logarithmic power spectrum of one of your examples.
Now its clear that your input contains a single harmonic (periodic, oscillating) component with a frequency (repetition rate, cycle-duration) of about f0=0.04.
(This is relative frquency, proprtional to the your sampling frequency, the inverse of the time beetween individual measurment points)
Its is not a pute sine-wave, but some "interesting" waveform. Such waveforms produce peaks at 1*f0, 2*f0, 3*f0 and so on.
(So using an FFT for further analysis turns out to be very good idea)
At this point you should produce spectra of several measurements and see what makes a similar measurement and how differ different measurements. What are the "important" features to distinguish your mesurements? Thinks to look out for:
Absolute amplitude: Height of the prominent (leftmost, highest) peaks.
Pitch (Main cycle rate, speed of changes): this is position of first peak, distance between consecutive peaks.
Exact Waveform: Relative amplitude of the first few peaks.
If your most important feature is absoulute amplitude, you're better off with calculating the RMS (root mean square) level of our input signal.
If pitch is important, you're better off with calculationg the ACF (auto-correlation function) of your input signal.
Don't focus on the leftmost peaks, these come from the high frequency components in your input and tend to vary as much as the noise floor.
For a high quality analyis it is importnat to apply a window to the input data before applying the FFT. This reduces the infulens of the "jump" between the end of your input vector ant the beginning of your input vector, because the FFT considers the input as a single cycle.
There are several popular windows which mark different choices of an unavoidable trade-off: Precision of a single peak vs. level of sidelobes:
You chose a "rectangular window" (equivalent to no window at all, just start/stop your measurement). This gives excellent precission of your peaks which now have a width of just one sample. Your sidelobes (the small peaks left and right of your main peaks) are at -21dB, very tolerable given your input data. In your case this is an excellent choice.
A Hanning window is a single cosine wave. It makes your peaks slightly broader but reduces side-lobe levels.
The Hammimg-Window (cosine-wave, slightly raised above 0.0) produces even broader peaks, but supresses side-lobes by -42 dB. This is a good choice if you expect further weak (but important) components between your main peaks or generally if you have complicated signals like speech, music and so on.
Edit: Scaling
Correct scaling of a spectrum is a complicated thing, because the values of the FFT lines depend on may things like sampling rate, lenght of FFT, window, and even implementation details of the FFT algorithm (there exist several different accepted conventions).
After all, the FFT should show the underlying conservation of energy. The RMS of the input signal should be the same as the RMS (Energy) of the spectrum.
On the other hand: if used for classification it is enough to maintain relative amplitudes. As long as the paramaters mentioned above do not change, the result can be used for classification without further scaling.

Ideal Input In Neural Network For The Game Checkers

I'm designing a feed forward neural network learning how to play the game checkers.
For the input, the board has to be given and the output should give the probability of winning versus losing. But what is the ideal transformation of the checkers board to a row of numbers for input? There are 32 possible squares and 5 different possibilities (king or piece of white or black player and free position) on each square. If I provide an input unit for each possible value for each square, it will be 32 * 5. Another option is that:
Free Position: 0 0
Piece of white: 0 0.5 && King Piece of white: 0 1
Piece of black: 0.5 1 && King Piece of black: 1 0
In this case, the input length will be just 64, but I'm not sure which one will give a better result. Could anyone give any insight on this?
In case anyone is still interested in this topic—I suggest encoding the Checkers board with a 32 dimensional vector. I recently trained a CNN on an expert Checkers database and was able to acheive a suprisingly high level of play with no search, somewhat similar (I suspect) to the supervised learning step that Deepmind used to pretrain AlphaGo. I represented my input as an 8x4 grid, with entries in the set [-3, -1, 0, 1, 3] corresponding to an opposing king, opposing checker, empty, own checker, own king, repsectively. Thus, rather than encoding the board with a 160 dimensional vector where each dimension corresponds to a location-piece combination, the input space can be reduced to a 32-dimensional vector where each board location is represented by a unique dimension, and the piece at that location is encoded by a set of real numbers—this is done without any loss of information.
The more interesting question, at least in my mind, is which output encoding is most conducive for learning. One option is to encode it in the same way as the input. I would advise against this having found that simplifying the output encoding to a location (of the piece to move) and a direction (along which to move said piece) is much more advantageous for learning. While the reasons for this are likely more subtle, I suspect it is due to the enormous state space of checkers (something like 50^20 board possitions). Considering that the goal of our predictive model is to accept an input containing an enourmous number of possible states, and produce one ouput (i.e., move) from (at-most) 48 possibilities (12 pieces times 4 possible directions excluding jumps), a top priority in architecting a neural network should be matching the complexity of its input and output space to that of the actual game. With this in mind, I chose to encode the ouput as a 32 x 4 matrix, with each row representing a board location, and each column representing a direction. During training I simply unraveled this into a 128 dimensional, one-hot encoded vector (using argmax of softmax activations). Note that this output encoding lends itself to many invalid moves for a given board (e.g., moves off the board from edges and corners, moves to occupied locations, etc..)—we hope that the neural network can learn valid play given a large enough training set. I found that the CNN did a remarkable job at learning valid moves.
I’ve written more about this project at
I've done this sort of thing with Tic-Tac-Toe. There are several ways to represent this. One of the most common for TTT is have input and output that represent the entire size of the board. In TTT this becomes 9 x hidden x 9. Input of -1 for X, 0 for none, 1 for O. Then the input to the neural network is the current state of the board. The output is the desired move. Whatever output neuron has the highest activation is going to be the move.
Propagation training will not work too well here because you will not have a finite training set. Something like Simulated Annealing, PSO, or anything with a score function would be ideal. Pitting the networks against each other for the scoring function would be great.
This worked somewhat well for TTT. I am not sure how it would work for Checkers. Chess would likely destroy it. For Go it would likely be useless.
The problem is that the neural network will learn patters only at fixed location. For example jumping an opponent in the top-left corner would be a totally different situation than jumping someone in the bottom left corner. These would have to be learned separately.
Perhaps better is to represent the exact state of the board in position independent way. This would require some thought. For instance you might communicate what "jump" opportunities exist. What move-towards king square opportunity's exist, etc and allow the net to learn to prioritize these.
I've tried all possibilities and intuitive i can say that the most great idea is separating all possibilities for all squares. Thus, concrete:
0 0 0: free
1 0 0: white piece
0 0 1: black piece
1 1 0: white king
0 1 1: black king
It is also possible to enhance other parameters about the situation of the game like the amount of pieces under threat or amount of possibilities to jump.
Please see this thesis
Blondie24 page 46, there is description of input for neural network.

Why do we maximize variance during Principal Component Analysis?

I'm trying to read through PCA and saw that the objective was to maximize the variance. I don't quite understand why. Any explanation of other related topics would be helpful
Variance is a measure of the "variability" of the data you have. Potentially the number of components is infinite (actually, after numerization it is at most equal to the rank of the matrix, as #jazibjamil pointed out), so you want to "squeeze" the most information in each component of the finite set you build.
If, to exaggerate, you were to select a single principal component, you would want it to account for the most variability possible: hence the search for maximum variance, so that the one component collects the most "uniqueness" from the data set.
Note that PCA does not actually increase the variance of your data. Rather, it rotates the data set in such a way as to align the directions in which it is spread out the most with the principal axes. This enables you to remove those dimensions along which the data is almost flat. This decreases the dimensionality of the data while keeping the variance (or spread) among the points as close to the original as possible.
Maximizing the component vector variances is the same as maximizing the 'uniqueness' of those vectors. Thus you're vectors are as distant from each other as possible. That way if you only use the first N component vectors you're going to capture more space with highly varying vectors than with like vectors. Think about what Principal Component actually means.
Take for example a situation where you have 2 lines that are orthogonal in a 3D space. You can capture the environment much more completely with those orthogonal lines than 2 lines that are parallel (or nearly parallel). When applied to very high dimensional states using very few vectors, this becomes a much more important relationship among the vectors to maintain. In a linear algebra sense you want independent rows to be produced by PCA, otherwise some of those rows will be redundant.
See this PDF from Princeton's CS Department for a basic explanation.
max variance is basically setting these axis that occupy the maximum spread of the datapoints, why? because the direction of this axis is what really matters as it kinda explains correlations and later on we will compress/project the points along those axis to get rid of some dimensions
