Make oval NavigationBar - ios

I want to NavigationBar with an increased height of 16-20, and an oval design at the bottom of the navigation bar, I have designed it on paint code and created a UIBezierPath, tried to add it on navigation bar but the result is not so good,
Paint code
public class StyleKit : NSObject {
//// Drawing Methods
#objc dynamic public class func drawOvalNavigationBarView(frame: CGRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 66)) {
//// General Declarations
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!
//// Color Declarations
let color = UIColor(red: 0.647, green: 0.824, blue: 0.475, alpha: 1.000)
//// Shadow Declarations
let shadow = NSShadow()
shadow.shadowColor =
shadow.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 5)
shadow.shadowBlurRadius = 5
//// Bezier Drawing
let bezierPath = UIBezierPath()
bezierPath.move(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.00000 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.00000 * frame.height))
bezierPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 1.00000 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.00000 * frame.height))
bezierPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 1.00000 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.66667 * frame.height))
bezierPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.85000 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.66667 * frame.height))
bezierPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.75000 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.90909 * frame.height), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.85000 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.66667 * frame.height), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.83500 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.90909 * frame.height))
bezierPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.25000 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.90909 * frame.height), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.72875 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.90909 * frame.height), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.27375 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.90909 * frame.height))
bezierPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.15000 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.66667 * frame.height), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.15500 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.90909 * frame.height), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.15000 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.66667 * frame.height))
bezierPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.00000 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.66667 * frame.height))
bezierPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.00000 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.00000 * frame.height))
context.setShadow(offset: shadow.shadowOffset, blur: shadow.shadowBlurRadius, color: (shadow.shadowColor as! UIColor).cgColor)
//// Generated Images
#objc dynamic public class func imageOfOvalNavigationBarView(imageSize: CGSize = CGSize(width: 200, height: 66)) -> UIImage {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(imageSize, false, 0)
StyleKit.drawOvalNavigationBarView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: imageSize.width, height: imageSize.height))
let imageOfOvalNavigationBarView = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()!
return imageOfOvalNavigationBarView


how to create a view like this shape in swift?

how to create this 2D look
How to I create this.
Thanks a lot.
Try this
class TwoDView : UIView {
public var xDiff : CGFloat = 5.0
public var yDiff : CGFloat = 5.0
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
let ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
ctx?.move(to: CGPoint(x: 0, y: rect.height - yDiff))
ctx?.addLines(between: [
CGPoint(x: rect.width - xDiff, y: rect.height - yDiff),
CGPoint(x: rect.width, y: rect.height),
CGPoint(x: xDiff, y: rect.height),
CGPoint(x: 0, y: rect.height - yDiff)
ctx?.move(to: CGPoint(x: rect.width - xDiff, y: 0))
ctx?.addLines(between: [
CGPoint(x: rect.width, y: yDiff),
CGPoint(x: rect.width, y: rect.height),
CGPoint(x: rect.width - xDiff, y: rect.height - yDiff),
CGPoint(x: rect.width - xDiff, y: 0)
UIImage(named: "Image")?.draw(in: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: rect.width - xDiff, height: rect.height - yDiff))

CAShapeLayer draws different line width for one path, Swift

i have a problem while drawing curve:
strokePath = UIBezierPath()
strokePath.move(to: CGPoint(x:curveWidth / 2.0 - headerWidth, y: headerHeight))
strokePath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 0, y: headerHeight))
strokePath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: curveRadius, y: headerHeight - curveRadius),
controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: degree, y: headerHeight),
controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: curveRadius, y: headerHeight - curveRadius))
strokePath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: curveWidth - curveRadius, y: curveRadius))
strokePath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: curveWidth, y: 0),
controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: curveWidth - curveRadius + curveRadius * 0.25, y: 0),
controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: curveWidth, y: 0))
strokePath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: self.frame.size.width, y: 0.0))
strokeLayer.path = strokePath.cgPath
strokeLayer.strokeColor = uiConfig.color.misc.tabGrayBorder.cgColor
strokeLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
strokeLayer.lineWidth = 0.5
and i have unexpectable result:
curve is bold than the line, have somebody idea why it happened and how it fixing?
sorry, its my mistake after review many lines of code i find active "Clip to bounds" property of one of my parent view

Draw a diagonal line with side curves UIBezierPath

I want to draw diagonal line with side curves like the following
func drawCanvas1(frame: CGRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 240, height: 120)) {
//// Bezier Drawing
let bezierPath = UIBezierPath()
bezierPath.lineWidth = 1
//// Bezier 2 Drawing
let bezier2Path = UIBezierPath()
bezier2Path.move(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.5, y: frame.minY + 103.42))
bezier2Path.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 12.17, y: frame.minY + 119.5), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.5, y: frame.minY + 103.42), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.5, y: frame.minY + 119.5))
bezier2Path.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 232.03, y: frame.minY + 26.23), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 23.85, y: frame.minY + 119.5), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 232.03, y: frame.minY + 26.23))
bezier2Path.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 237.87, y: frame.minY + 0.5), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 232.03, y: frame.minY + 26.23), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 243.7, y: frame.minY + 16.58))
bezier2Path.lineWidth = 1
bezier2Path.lineCapStyle = .square
let layer1 = CAShapeLayer()
layer1.path = bezierPath.cgPath
let layer2 = CAShapeLayer()
layer2.path = bezier2Path.cgPath
As you can see in output it is filling with black color whereas I've only given stroke. I'm not really good at bezier path. can anyone help me in getting the desired effect
Maybe using addArc is easier?
func drawCanvas1(frame: CGRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 240, height: 120)) {
let rhsY:CGFloat = frame.minY + 60 // Please adjust this value depending on your need
let cornerRadius:CGFloat = 25
let angle = atan2(frame.maxY - rhsY, frame.width)
// upper left corner
let p1 = CGPoint(x: frame.minX, y: frame.minY)
// left point touching bottom left corner
let p2 = CGPoint(x: frame.minX, y: frame.maxY - cornerRadius)
let a = cornerRadius * cos(angle)
let o = cornerRadius * sin(angle)
// Center of bottom left round corner
let c1 = CGPoint(x: p2.x + a, y: p2.y - o)
let c1Start = CGFloat.pi - angle
let c1End = c1Start - (CGFloat.pi / 2)
// Center of bottom right round corner
let c2 = CGPoint(x: frame.maxX - cornerRadius, y: rhsY)
// bottom point touching bottom left corner
// let p3 = CGPoint(x: c1.x + o, y: c1.y + a)
// bottom point touching bottom right corner
let p4 = CGPoint(x: c2.x + o, y: c2.y + a)
// right point touching bottom right corner
// let p5 = CGPoint(x: frame.maxX, y: rhsY)
// upper right corner
let p6 = CGPoint(x: frame.maxX, y: frame.minY)
let path = UIBezierPath()
path.move(to: p1)
path.addLine(to: p2)
path.addArc(withCenter: c1, radius: cornerRadius, startAngle: c1Start, endAngle: c1End, clockwise: false)
path.addLine(to: p4)
path.addArc(withCenter: c2, radius: cornerRadius, startAngle: c1End, endAngle: 0, clockwise: false)
path.addLine(to: p6)
path.addLine(to: p1)
// I am guessing you are trying to use a mask to the top level image?
let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer()
maskLayer.path = path.cgPath
imageCollectionView.layer.mask = maskLayer
Unless you provide your fill color, black is used by default to fill the path. If the path is not closed, fill color tries to fill using start and end points.

How can I change toValue/fromValue of CABasicAnimation while the animation is on

I'm trying to change the values of toValue/fromValue of CABasicAnimation where the animation is heartBeatAnimation
let heartBeatAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "transform.scale.xy")
heartBeatAnimation.duration = 0.75
heartBeatAnimation.repeatCount = Float.infinity
heartBeatAnimation.autoreverses = true
heartBeatAnimation.fromValue = 1.0
heartBeatAnimation.toValue = 1.15
while the animation is on, where I get the current value of the transform.scale during the animation with this :
let currentValue = someView.layer.presentation()?.value(forKeyPath: "transform.scale")
heartBeatAnimation.fromValue = currentValue
heartBeatAnimation.toValue = currentValue
after I changed the values, the heartBeatAnimation won't change its toValue/fromValue till I remove animation then add once again !
Is there any way to make these changes in realtime while the animation on ?!
You can make it appear in real time by updating the model layers current scale to the presentation layers scale and then readding the animation with an update to the beginTime property so that the animation appears to never have stopped. Here is an example.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var scale : CGFloat = 1.2
var shapeLayer : CAShapeLayer!
var button : UIButton!
override func viewDidLoad() {
//add a shapelayer
shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer()
shapeLayer.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.view.bounds.width/4, height: self.view.bounds.width/4)
shapeLayer.position =
shapeLayer.path = drawStarPath(frame: shapeLayer.bounds).cgPath
let color = UIColor(red: 0.989, green: 1.000, blue: 0.000, alpha: 1.000)
shapeLayer.fillColor = color.cgColor
//button for action
button = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.view.bounds.width - 20, height: 50)) = = self.view.bounds.height - 70
button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(ViewController.pressed(sender:)), for: .touchUpInside)
button.setTitle("Animate", for: .normal)
button.setTitleColor(.blue, for: .normal)
#objc func pressed(sender:UIButton) {
var isInterupted = false
if let presentation = shapeLayer.presentation(){
if let animScale = presentation.value(forKeyPath: "transform.scale.xy"){
if let value = animScale as? CGFloat{
//set current animation spot
shapeLayer.transform = CATransform3DScale(CATransform3DIdentity, value, value, 1)
scale += 0.2
isInterupted = true
print("The current toValue is \(scale)")
button.setTitle("Animating...", for: .normal)
let heartBeatAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "transform.scale.xy")
heartBeatAnimation.duration = 0.5
let beginTimeNeeded = (1/scale) * CGFloat(heartBeatAnimation.duration)
heartBeatAnimation.repeatCount = .greatestFiniteMagnitude
heartBeatAnimation.autoreverses = true
heartBeatAnimation.fromValue = 1.0
heartBeatAnimation.toValue = scale
if isInterupted == true{
heartBeatAnimation.beginTime = CFTimeInterval(beginTimeNeeded)
heartBeatAnimation.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut)
shapeLayer.add(heartBeatAnimation, forKey: "beatAnimation")
func drawStarPath(frame: CGRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 140, height: 140)) ->UIBezierPath{
//// Star Drawing
let starPath = UIBezierPath()
starPath.move(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.50000 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.21071 * frame.height))
starPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.60202 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.35958 * frame.height))
starPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.77513 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.41061 * frame.height))
starPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.66508 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.55364 * frame.height))
starPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.67004 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.73404 * frame.height))
starPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.50000 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.67357 * frame.height))
starPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.32996 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.73404 * frame.height))
starPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.33492 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.55364 * frame.height))
starPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.22487 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.41061 * frame.height))
starPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 0.39798 * frame.width, y: frame.minY + 0.35958 * frame.height))
return starPath
I am pressing the button to add more scale to the animation.
Here is the result:

Detect touch on transformed shapelayer

I am having trouble detecting touch on shape layers that have been transformed.
Touch is ignoring the transformation and detecting the layer in the wrong position.
Steps to reproduce:
I create a custom view where I override the draw: method to create a number of paths on shapes layers.
The shape layers are transformed to a new position and size in the view.
When I try to detect if a shape layer has been touched, the detection is in the wrong location.
Looking at the screenshot below, the red shape layer is what is drawn in the view.
The outlined shape is the original untransformed shape (this is not drawn in the view).
When I touch the red shape layer, nothing is detected.
If touch the screen where the original shape would be without any transformations, the shape layer is detected!
This means the shape layer is being detected on a blank part of the screen.
Code to reproduce:
class CustomView: UIView {
let bezierPaths: [UIBezierPath] = MyShapes.headShape()
override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {
//draw each bezierPath onto its own shape layer
for bezierPath in bezierPaths {
let shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer()
shapeLayer.fillColor =
shapeLayer.strokeColor =
shapeLayer.lineWidth = 1
shapeLayer.path = bezierPath.cgPath
//transform shape to new size and position in view
let scale = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1.5, y: 1.5)
let transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 100, y: 100)
let affineTransform = scale.concatenating(transform)
//add the shape layer to the view
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch in touches {
let touchLocation = touch.location(in: self)
for sublayer in self.layer.sublayers! {
if let shapeLayer = sublayer as? CAShapeLayer {
if shapeLayer.path!.contains(touchLocation) {
print("touched the shape layer")
class MyShapes {
static func headShape() -> [UIBezierPath] {
var paths = [UIBezierPath]()
let frame: CGRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 285, height: 508)
//create shape and add to array
let head_FrontPath = UIBezierPath()
head_FrontPath.move(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 164.47, y: frame.minY + 34.31))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 165.1, y: frame.minY + 28.52), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 164.76, y: frame.minY + 32.42), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 165, y: frame.minY + 30.44))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 161.97, y: frame.minY + 12.86), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 165.42, y: frame.minY + 22.25), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 163.22, y: frame.minY + 15.36))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 149.75, y: frame.minY + 0.95), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 160.72, y: frame.minY + 10.35), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 155.7, y: frame.minY + 3.15))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 142.5, y: frame.minY + 0.1), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 146.73, y: frame.minY - 0.16), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 144.37, y: frame.minY + 0.1))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 135.25, y: frame.minY + 0.95), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 140.63, y: frame.minY + 0.1), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 138.28, y: frame.minY - 0.16))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 123.03, y: frame.minY + 12.86), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 129.3, y: frame.minY + 3.15), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 124.29, y: frame.minY + 10.35))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 119.9, y: frame.minY + 28.52), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 121.78, y: frame.minY + 15.36), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 119.59, y: frame.minY + 22.25))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 120.6, y: frame.minY + 34.76), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 120, y: frame.minY + 30.59), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 120.28, y: frame.minY + 32.73))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 117.33, y: frame.minY + 37.38), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 119.21, y: frame.minY + 35.05), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 116.96, y: frame.minY + 36.32))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 122.02, y: frame.minY + 48.93), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 117.83, y: frame.minY + 38.83), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 120.95, y: frame.minY + 50.57))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 122.31, y: frame.minY + 47.94), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 122.15, y: frame.minY + 48.73), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 122.25, y: frame.minY + 48.39))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 124.28, y: frame.minY + 58.91), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 122.66, y: frame.minY + 51.97), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 123.39, y: frame.minY + 57.57))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 134.31, y: frame.minY + 64.55), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 125.54, y: frame.minY + 60.79), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 132.74, y: frame.minY + 64.24))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 142.23, y: frame.minY + 66.38), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 135.73, y: frame.minY + 64.83), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 140.24, y: frame.minY + 66.14))
head_FrontPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 142.23, y: frame.minY + 66.43))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 142.5, y: frame.minY + 66.4), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 142.3, y: frame.minY + 66.43), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 142.41, y: frame.minY + 66.41))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 142.77, y: frame.minY + 66.43), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 142.58, y: frame.minY + 66.41), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 142.7, y: frame.minY + 66.43))
head_FrontPath.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 142.77, y: frame.minY + 66.38))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 150.69, y: frame.minY + 64.55), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 144.75, y: frame.minY + 66.14), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 149.27, y: frame.minY + 64.83))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 160.71, y: frame.minY + 58.91), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 152.26, y: frame.minY + 64.23), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 159.46, y: frame.minY + 60.79))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 162.71, y: frame.minY + 47.63), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 161.63, y: frame.minY + 57.54), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 162.37, y: frame.minY + 51.68))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 162.97, y: frame.minY + 48.46), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 162.77, y: frame.minY + 48), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 162.86, y: frame.minY + 48.29))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 167.67, y: frame.minY + 36.91), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 164.05, y: frame.minY + 50.1), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 167.16, y: frame.minY + 38.36))
head_FrontPath.addCurve(to: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 164.47, y: frame.minY + 34.31), controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 168.03, y: frame.minY + 35.87), controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: frame.minX + 165.87, y: frame.minY + 34.63))
//create a number of other shapes
//return array of shapes
return paths
How can I detect the transformed shape in the correct position on the screen using touch?
You have to apply the inverted affine transform of your layer to your touchLocation before testing it:
let touchLocation = touch.location(in: self).applying(affineTransform.inverted())
