Cytoscape - Set nodeCustomGraphicsSizeSync and nodeSizeLocked from CyREST - cytoscape

Is there a way to programatically set nodeCustomGraphicsSizeSync and nodeSizeLocked in Cytoscape with the CyRest api ?
They are usually set in the UI by the two checkboxes "Fit Custom Graphics to node" and "Lock node width and height" (see image).
I tried this, which does not work:
from import CyRestClient
cy = CyRestClient()
my_style ='custom_theme','default'))
net ='My Network', collection='My network collection')
'NODE_SIZE':200, #works
'NODE_CUSTOMGRAPHICS_POSITION_1':'N,S,c,0.00,0.00', #works
'nodeCustomGraphicsSizeSync' : 'false', # does not work
'nodeSizeLocked' : 'false' # does not work
}), net)
I think it is because these are not VisualProperties but Visual Property Dependencies
I found this mention of a related issue, but no other references (the redmine seems down):
3245 Creating a copy of a VisualStyle--VisualPropertyDependencies not copied
I'm using Cytoscape 3.7.2 and py2cytoscape.

There is a way in CyREST, but I'm not sure it's been made available through py2cytoscape. Basically, you need to update the dependencies, which is a different REST endpoint (/{name}/dependencies) and you want to use "enabled" rather than "true". You may want to see if there is an update_dependencies in py2cytoscape (I don't see one after a quick look at the docs). If not, add an issue in github:
-- scooter


TSaveDialog Options ofAllowMultiSelect doesn't work properly on a W10 system

I have an old application, untouched for a long time, built with C++ Builder 2009, that still works fine.
That is to say ..
Today I noticed some of the TSaveDialog->Options don't work as intended on my Windows 10 system. To make sure I'm not dreaming I tested the same application on an older Windows version (I tried XP) and there it worked perfectly fine as intended.
The TSaveDialog instance is setup at design time with Options: [ofHideReadOnly,ofAllowMultiSelect,ofEnableSizing]
I noticed today (on Windows 10) that ofAllowMultiSelect doesn't work anymore ?
Instead ofOverwritePrompt is (incorrectly) used !
In other words I cannot select two ore more files anymore and when I select a file that already exists I first get a 'Confirm Save As' dialog.
When I compile again on my Windows 10 system, using C++ Builder 2009, in debug mode and inspect Options, the debugger seems to (still) properly see ofHideReadOnly, ofAllowMultiSelect, ofEnableSizing, yet the problem persists. So it's not as if the values changed somehow ?
When I try at runtime:
SaveDialog->Options.Clear() ;
SaveDialog->Options << ofHideReadOnly << ofEnableSizing << ofAllowMultiSelect ;
the problem also persists !
When I remove ofAllowMultiSelect (at run time or at design time) 'Confirm Save As' is not shown anymore on an existing file (but I obviously also still can't select multiple files).
I'm flabbergasted by this to be honest ? Not sure what to do next ?
I have no option to test a more recent c++ version but I'm also having difficulties comprehending how the compiler could be responsible here.
Any guidance appreciated.
Delphi tag added because of VCL overlap between c++ Builder and Delphi
On Windows Vista and later, IF AND ONLY IF all of these conditions are met:
the global Dialogs::UseLatestCommonDialogs variable is true
and the TSaveDialog::Template property is NULL
and the TSaveDialog::OnIncludeItem, TSaveDialog::OnClose, and TSaveDialog::OnShow events have no handlers assigned
Then TSaveDialog will internally use the Win32 IFileSaveDialog interface, where the ofAllowMultiSelect option will be mapped to that dialog's FOS_ALLOWMULTISELECT option, which is NOT SUPPORTED by IFileSaveDialog, only by IFileOpenDialog, per the documentation:
Enables the user to select multiple items in the open dialog. Note that when this flag is set, the IFileOpenDialog interface must be used to retrieve those items.
If the above 3 conditions are not satisfied, then TSaveDialog will internally use the Win32 GetSaveFileName() function instead, where the ofAllowMultiSelect option will be mapped to that dialog's OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT option, which IS SUPPORTED by GetSaveFileName() 1.
That is why you are seeing behavioral differences when running your app on Windows XP vs Windows 10.
So, if you want the old TSaveDialog behavior on newer Windows versions, you need to make sure at least 1 of those 3 conditions is not satisfied. For instance, by setting UseLatestCommonDialogs=false before calling SaveDialog->Execute(), or by assigning an (empty) event handler to one of the OnIncludeItem/OnClose/OnShow events.
Or, you could simply call GetSaveFileName() directly, instead of using TSaveDialog at all.
1: However, just note that on Vista+, GetSaveFileName() is just a wrapper for IFileSaveDialog, and is provided only for backwards compatibility. So, you still might not get the exact behavior you want even if you did use GetSaveFileName() on Windows 10.
On a side note: this code does not work the way you think it does:
SaveDialog->Options << ofHideReadOnly << ofEnableSizing << ofAllowMultiSelect;
The Options property is not actually updated! In both statements, the Options property is read from, returning a temporary TOpenOptions, which you are then modifying, but not assigning back to the Options property. IOW, the code is effectively doing the following:
TOpenOptions temp1 = SaveDialog->Options;
TOpenOptions temp2 = SaveDialog->Options;
temp2 << ofHideReadOnly << ofEnableSizing << ofAllowMultiSelect;
So, to update the Options property correctly, use this instead:
SaveDialog->Options = TOpenOptions() << ofHideReadOnly << ofEnableSizing << ofAllowMultiSelect;

Is it possible to keep my Nix packages in sync across machines not running NixOS?

I know with NixOS, you can simply copy over the configuration.nix file to sync your OS state including installed packages between machines.
Is it possible then, to do the same using Nix the package manager on a non-NixOS OS to sync only the installed packages?
Please note, that at least since 30.03.2017 (corresponding to 17.03 Nix/NixOS channel/release), as far as I understand the official, modern, supported and suggested solution is to use the so called overlays.
See the chapter titled "Overlays" in the nixpkgs manual for a nice guide on how to use the new approach.
As a short summary: you can put any number of files with .nix extension in $HOME/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/ directory. They will be processed in alphabetical order, and each one can modify the set of available Nix packages. Each of the files must be written as in the following pattern:
self: super:
boost = super.boost.override {
python = self.python3;
rr = super.callPackage ./pkgs/rr {
stdenv = self.stdenv_32bit;
The super set corresponds to the "old" set of packages (before the overlay was applied). If you want to refer to the old version of a package (as in boost above), or callPackage, you should reference it via super.
The self set corresponds to the eventual, "future" set of packages, representing the final result after all overlays are applied. (Note: don't be scared when sometimes using them might get rejected by Nix, as it would result in infinite recursion. Probably you should rather just use super in those cases instead.)
Note: with the above changes, the solution I mention below in the original answer seems "deprecated" now — I believe it should still work as of April 2017, but I have no idea for how long. It appears marked as "obsolete" in the nixpkgs repository.
Old answer, before 17.03:
Assuming you want to synchronize apps per-user (as non-NixOS Nix keeps apps visible on per-user basis, not system-wide, as far as I know), it is possible to do it declaratively. It's just not well advertised in the manual — though it seems quite popular among long-time Nixers!
You must create a text file at: $HOME/.nixpkgs/config.nix — e.g.:
$ mkdir -p ~/.nixpkgs
$ $EDITOR ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
then enter the following contents:
packageOverrides = defaultPkgs: with defaultPkgs; {
home = with pkgs; buildEnv {
name = "home";
paths = [
nethack mc pstree #...your favourite pkgs here...
Then you should be able to install all listed packages with:
$ nix-env -i home
$ nix-env -iA nixos.home # *much* faster than above
In paths you can put stuff in a similar way like in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix on NixOS. Also, home is actually a "fake package" here. You can add more custom package definitions beside it, and then include them your "paths".
(Side note: I'm hoping to write a blog post with what I learned on how exactly this works, and also showing how to extend it with more customizations. I'll try to remember to link it here if I succeed.)

erlang connecting to tinkerpop via REST

In the Tinkerpop or Titan documentation, all operations are based on a sample graph. How to creat a new empty graph to work on?
I am programming in erlang connecting to Tinkergraph, planned to use Titan later in production. There is no erlang driver for both so I am connecting by REST. It is easy to read from graph, but if I want to read from user's input then write into the graph, for example, to create a person named teddy:
screenshot 1
I got those errors. What is the correct way?
Thank you.
Update: For following situation:
23> Newperson=terry.
24> Newperson.
If I want to add this terry, below two will not work. What's the correct way to do it?
screenshot 2
TitanGraph titanGraph =; will open a titan graph without the sample data.
If you have already commited the sample data to your keyspace then you can just change the keyspace defined in your config file.
For example if you are using a cassandra backend you would change storage.cassandra.keyspace=xxxxxx .
You can also clear any keyspace using TitanCleanup.clear(graph);
As for the error you are seeing. It looks like you are trying to label your vertex incorrectly. I posted the following and it worked:
"gremlin" : "g.addV(label, x).property(y,z)",
"bindings" :
"x" : "person",
"y" : "name",
"z" : "Teddy"
A final note, when you start using Titan 1.0.0 make sure you checkout this section of the tinkerpop docs. Especially make sure to change the channel in the gremlin-server.yaml config to:
Answer to my own question: construct a Body by lists:concat() or ++, then post

Conditional OCR rotation on the image or Page in KOFAX

We have two source of inputs to create a Batch first is Folder Import and second is Email import.
I need to add condition where if the source of image is Email it should not allow to rotate the image and like wise if source if Folder import it should rotate the image.
I have added a script for this in KTM.
It is showing proper message of the source of image but it is not stopping the rotation of the image.
Below check the below script for reference.
Public Function setRotationRule(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim FullPath As String
Dim PathArry() As String
Dim xfolder As CscXFolder
Set xfolder = pXDoc.ParentFolder
While Not xfolder.IsRootFolder
Set xfolder = xfolder.ParentFolder
'Added for KTM script testing
FullPath= "F:\Emailmport\dilipnikam#gmail.com_09-01-2014_10-02-37\dfdsg.pdf"'
If xfolder.XValues.ItemExists("AC_FIELD_OriginalFileName") Then
FullPath= xfolder.XValues.ItemByName("AC_FIELD_OriginalFileName").Value
End If
PathArry() = Split(FullPath,"\")
If Not PathArry(1) = "EmailImport" Then
For i = 0 To pXDoc.CDoc.Pages.Count - 1
pXDoc.CDoc.Pages(i).Rotation = Csc_RT_NoRotation
Next i
End If
End Function
The KTM Scripting Help has a misleading topic named "Dynamically Suppress Orientation Detection for Full Page OCR" where it shows setting Csc_RT_NoRotation from the Document_AfterClassifyXDoc event.
The reason I think this is misleading is because rotation may already have occurred before that event and thus setting the property has no effect. This can happen if layout classification has run, or if OCR has run (which can be triggered by content classification, or if any project-level locators need OCR). The sample in that topic does suggest that it is only for use when classifiers are not used, but it could be explained better.
The code you've shown would be best called from the event Document_BeforeProcessXDoc. This will run before the entire classify phase (including project-level locators), ensuring that rotation could not have already occurred.
Of course, also make sure this isn't because of a typo or anything else preventing the code from actually executing, as mentioned in the comments.

listing other than windows images from amazon using fog

I have been using fog for one of my project,i have used describe_images with filter parameters, but now i am getting only the windows images, so is there any way to get the other AMIs with changing the parameter(platform)?. lets an example 'platform => linux' something like that
spec_images = #conn.describe_images('Owner' => 'amazon','platform' => 'windows')
my_images = spec_images.body["imagesSet"]
# List image ID, architecture and location
for key in 0...my_images.length
print my_images[key]["imageId"], "\t" , my_images[key]["architecture"] , "\t\t" ,
my_images[key]["imageLocation"], "\n";
According to the API documentation for the DescribeInstances call...
Use windows if you have Windows based instances; otherwise, leave
So "windows" is the only valid value for that filter, presently, and according to the AWS developer forums, there isn't currently a way to filter for non-Windows instances:
It appears there is no way currently to filter for linux instances
using ec2-describe-instances. This is expected behavior and no easy
workaround at this time. We will be updating our documentation to
reflect this. I apologize for the inconvenience.
