I have a process in an Ubuntu docker container. If it crashes, I want to restart it automatically.
What is the best way to go about it?
I checked systemd (which is the normal Linux method) but docker doesn't support it. inittab is also deprecated.
Docker offers such functionality, all you have to do is to define a restart policy for the container.
You should choose one of the available policies no,always,on-failure,unless-stopped and adjust your docker run command accordingly.
From docs:
To configure the restart policy for a container, use the --restart
flag when using the docker run command
For your case, choose one of always or on-failure.
Note: The above is valid only if the process you have mentioned is the container's entrypoint.
So, is there a point in the command "start"? like in "docker start -i albineContainer".
If I do this, I can't really do anything with the albine inside the container, I would have to do a run and create another container with the "-it" command and "sh" after (or "/bin/bash", don't remember it correctly right now).
Is that how it will go most of the times? delete and rebuilt containers and do the command "-it" if you want to do stuff in them? or would it more depend on the Dockerfile, how you define the cmd.
New to Docker in general and trying to understand the basics on how to use it. Thanks for the help.
Running docker run/exec with -it means you run the docker container and attach an interactive terminal to it.
Note that you can also run docker applications without attaching to them, and they will still run in the background.
Docker allows you to run a program (which can be bash, but does not have to be) in an isolated environment.
For example, try running the jenkins docker image: https://hub.docker.com/_/jenkins.
this will create a container, without you having attach to it, and you would still be able to use it.
You can also attach to an existing, running container by using docker exec -it [container_name] bash.
You can also use docker logs to peek at the stdout of a certain docker container, without actually attaching to its shell interactively.
You almost never use docker start. It's only possible to use it in two unusual circumstances:
If you've created a container with docker create, then docker start will run the process you named there. (But it's much more common to use docker run to do both things together.)
If you've stopped a container with docker stop, docker start will run its process again. (But typically you'll want to docker rm the container once you've stopped it.)
Your question and other comments hint at using an interactive shell in an unmodified Alpine container. Neither is a typical practice. Usually you'll take some complete application and its dependencies and package it into an image, and docker run will run that complete packaged application. Tutorials like Docker's Build and run your image go through this workflow in reasonable detail.
My general day-to-day workflow involves building and testing a program outside of Docker. Once I believe it works, then I run docker build and docker run, and docker rm the container once I'm done. I rarely run docker exec: it is a useful debugging tool but not the standard way to interact with a process. docker start isn't something I really ever run.
I want to update the resources of one container on the fly using
docker update --cpus 4 --memory 256M mycontainer
Does it restart the container or affect the execution in other ways?
According to the docs:
The docker update command dynamically updates container configuration.
Which means that you can freely update any configuration you like. But:
With the exception of the --kernel-memory option, you can specify these options on a running or a stopped container. On kernel version older than 4.6, you can only update --kernel-memory on a stopped container or on a running container with kernel memory initialized.
So, till you are not using --kernel-memory option, you can use docker update without been restarted or stopped (according to the docs).
Answering your concrete question, turns out it will not restart your container.
I am creating a docker container with Ubuntu:16.04 image using python docker package. I am passing tty as True and detach as True to the client.containers.run() function. The container starts with /sbin/init process. The container is created successfully. But the problem is, the login prompt on my host machine is replaced with the container login prompt on my host machine console. As a result, I am not able to the login on the machine on the console. SSH connection to the machine work fine.
This happens even when I run my python script after connecting SSH to the machine. I tried different options like setting tty to False, setting stdout to False, setting the environment variable TERM to xterm in the container, but nothing help.
It would be really great if someone can suggest a solution for this problem.
My script is very simple:
import docker
client = docker.from_env()
container = client.containers.run('ubuntu:16.04', '/sbin/init', privileged=True,
detach=True, tty=True, stdin_open=True, stdout=False, stderr=False,
I am not using any dockerfile.
I have been able to figure out that this problem happens when I start container in privileged mode. If I do this, the /sbin/init process launches /sbin/agetty processes which causes /dev/tty to be attached to the container. I need to figure out a way to start /sbin/init in such a way that it does not create /sbin/agetty processes.
/sbin/init in Ubuntu is a service called systemd. If you look at the linked page it does a ton of things – configures various kernel parameters, mounts filesystems, configures the network, launches getty process, .... Many of these things require changing host-global settings, and if you launch a container with --privileged you're allowing systemd to do that.
I'd give two key recommendations on this command:
Don't run systemd in Docker. If you really need a multi-process init system, supervisord is popular, but prefer single-process containers. If you know you need some init(8) (process ID 1 has some responsibilities) then tini is another popular option.
Don't directly run bare Linux distribution images. Whatever software you're trying to run, it's almost assuredly not in an alpine or ubuntu image. Build a custom image that has the software you need and run that; you should set up its CMD correctly so that you can docker run the image without any manual setup.
Also remember that the ability to run any Docker command at all implies unrestricted root-level access over the host. You're seeing some of that here where a --privileged container is taking over the host's console; it's also very very easy to read and edit files like the host's /etc/shadow and /etc/sudoers. There's nothing technically wrong with the kind of script you're showing, but you need to be extremely careful with standard security concerns.
In my Dockerfile I am trying to install multiple services and want to have them all start up automatically when I launch the container.
One among the services is mysql and when I launch the container I don't see the mysql service starting up. When I try to start manually, I get the error:
Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted
FROM centos:7
RUN yum -y install mariadb mariadb-server
COPY start.sh start.sh
CMD ["/bin/bash", "start.sh"]
My start.sh file:
service mariadb start
Docker build:
docker build --tag="pbellamk/mariadb" .
Docker run:
docker run -it -d --privileged=true pbellamk/mariadb bash
I have checked the centos:systemd image and that doesn't help too. How do I launch the container with the services started using systemctl/service commands.
When you do docker run with bash as the command, the init system (e.g. SystemD) doesn’t get started (nor does your start script, since the command you pass overrides the CMD in the Dockerfile). Try to change the command you use to /sbin/init, start the container in daemon mode with -d, and then look around in a shell using docker exec -it <container id> sh.
Docker is designed around the idea of a single service/process per container. Although it definitely supports running multiple processes in a container and in no way stops you from doing that, you will run into areas eventually where multiple services in a container doesn't quite map to what Docker or external tools expect. Things like moving to scaling of services, or using Docker swarm across hosts only support the concept of one service per container.
Docker Compose allows you to compose multiple containers into a single definition, which means you can use more of the standard, prebuilt containers (httpd, mariadb) rather than building your own. Compose definitions map to Docker Swarm services fairly easily. Also look at Kubernetes and Marathon/Mesos for managing groups of containers as a service.
Process management in Docker
It's possible to run systemd in a container but it requires --privileged access to the host and the /sys/fs/cgroup volume mounted so may not be the best fit for most use cases.
The s6-overlay project provides a more docker friendly process management system using s6.
It's fairly rare you actually need ssh access into a container, but if that's a hard requirement then you are going to be stuck building your own containers and using a process manager.
You can avoid running a systemd daemon inside a docker container altogether. You can even avoid to write a special start.sh script - that is another benefit when using the docker-systemctl-replacement script.
The docker systemctl.py can parse the normal *.service files to know how to start and stop services. You can register it as the CMD of an image in which case it will look for all the systemctl-enabled services - those will be started and stopped in the correct order.
The current testsuite includes testcases for the LAMP stack including centos, so it should run fine specifically in your setup.
I found this project:
which can be used to create an image based on the stock ubuntu image but with systemd and multiuser mode.
My use case is the first one mentioned in its Readme. I use it to test the installer script of my application that is installed as a systemd service. The installer creates a systemd service then enables and starts it. I need CI tests for the installer. The test should create the installer, install the application on an ubuntu, and connect to the service from outside.
Without systemd the installer would fail, and it would be much more difficult to write the test with vagrant. So, there are valid use cases for systemd in docker.
I really enjoy the concept of having a cluster of docker machines available to execute docker services. I also like the additional features not available to singular docker containers (such as docker secret).
But I really have no need for long-standing services. My use case is to simply execute a bash script to use the docker swarm to take in an arbitrary number of finite commands, and execute each as a running docker container on the same docker image, while using the secrets loaded up with docker swarm's secrets.
Can I do this?
I do not want to have this container be "long running". I want it to run, and then exit with the output when the bash script loaded into the container is finished.
You can apply the ideas presented in "One-shot containers on Docker Swarm" from alex ellis.
You still neeeds to create a service, but with the right restart policy.
For instance, for a quick web server:
docker service create --restart-condition=none --name crawler1 -e url=http://blog.alexellis.io -d crawl_site alexellis2/href-counter
(--restart-condition, not --restart-policy, as commented by ethergeist)
So by setting a restart condition of 0, the container will be scheduled somewhere in the swarm as a (task). The container will execute and then when ready - it will exit.
If the container fails to start for a valid reason then the restart policy will mean the application code never executes. It would also be ideal if we could immediately return the exit code (if non-zero) and the accompanying log output, too.
For the last part, use his tool: alexellis/jaas.
Run your first one-shot container:
# jaas -rm -image alexellis2/cows:latest
The -rm flag removes the Swarm service that was used to run your container.
The exit code from your container will also be available, you can check it with echo $?.