Multiple dependencies error during build on iOS - ios

I'm trying to build my nativescript app on iOS.
I have brand new MacMini with fresh system and all stuff like xcode, etc.
My app builds without any warnings on android - not checked android build on Mac.
When i try to run my app on emulator i have an error saying:
Analyzing dependencies
[!] There are multiple dependencies with different sources for `Socket.IO-Client-Swift` in `Podfile`:
- Socket.IO-Client-Swift (from ``)
- Socket.IO-Client-Swift (~> 12.1.3)
'pod install' command failed.
Tried to remove one of the dependency from pod file but without any luck - it brings back during build.
What should i do?

After updating my dependencies, I also ran into an issue with Cocopods, although, not exactly the same. In my case, running pod repo update from within platforms/ios solved my problem. In short, there had been updates that my local pod spec repo wasn't aware of and it was getting "confused". I'm not sure if this will ultimately solve your specific problem, but it's fairly quick to do and, at least, won't hurt anything.
Good luck!


Xcode Cloud No such Module Cocoapods library

I have a project using a Cocoapods as dependency manager and I am trying to create an Xcode Cloud workflow for it, everything look simple to configure and I added the to run the pod install command before start building.
Based on the logs all the dependencies are downloaded but whenever it starts building I have the No such Module X error, I am not sure what i did wrong but it looks like xcode Cloud misses the step of Building targets in dependency order and it starts building the main project before building the dependencies
Did anyone face this problem and how did you fix it
Thank you for your help
I found a temporary solution by adding the pod folder to my repository, this is not what most people are willing to do but for now it is working
do you have a screenshot for how you set this up? Because the script file needs to exist in a repository named ci_scripts that is at the same level as your workspace / xcode project. You also need to be sure to mark that file as executable
then you can brew install cocoapods and run pod install on that script. cheers! just got this working this morning by following notes found here:

Flutter iOS App stuck or fails? What to Do?

What to do when the Flutter app gets stuck on launching or installing dependencies or it fails out of the blue. I have noticed this issue coming up more and more in iOS. Android has its own issues. but a basic flutter upgrade or flutter pub upgrade can cause a lot wastage in developer time as the app will refuse to Build after some of the previously mentioned actions.
Track the list of items one can do to fix the unexpected long build times and build failures
I have been working with flutter for a while and there are few things which I believe can be done to get out of a bad flutter build situation.
Problems being considered
Stuck on flutter clean.
Stuck on flutter run.
Build Failure on Flutter pub upgrade.
The below mentioned solutions were performed and it has solved the problems for me in the past and I very well understand this is not a very clear solution but it still would be worth trying as it solved the issue for me in most cases.
Listing down few of the commands or actions which helped me in solving the issues.
Note: These are mostly related to solving the issues in building on iOS
flutter upgrade.
flutter pub cache clean.
flutter pub cache repair
flutter clean.
Deleting .dart_tools
Deleting Runner.xcworkspace.
Deleting .symlinks
Deleting Pods/
pod deintegrate(inside iOS folder)
pod cache clean --all.
pod repo update
pod update
pod install
if nothing works then
update the bundle identifier.
Delete iOS folder, run flutter create app with the bundle id and copy the iOS folder to project

How to build a working existing react native app on iOS?

So I have an app that I have been working on for a far few months now. I developed it on Ubuntu and tested on my android phone and tablet. The app is setup using the basic react native library and I also added in expo later on for some little thing expo had that I needed. Let me know if you need more information about this.
The app is 'feature complete' and just needs to be play tested and released. So naturally I need to get it up and running on iOS. I am currently renting a mac that I can remote into (as I own no apple products).
It has been nearly a week now and I just cannot move past this error (see bottom) (or variations of what seem to be the same/similar errors). I can build a fresh app on this mac so everything is there to build react native apps. I have tried: Deleting pod and and running
pod install
pod deintegrate && pod install
deleting node modules and running
npm install
Initially I had an error complaining that some libraries were manually linked and this was bad so I unlinked them and now I get this error. I am opening that app using the workspace file when I run in xcode. I also get the error if running through command line i.e.
npx react-native run-ios
Using different simulators makes no difference...not sure if it is even getting that far in the build process for that to matter. I think this has something to do with the linking of RN libraries and this new auto link thing. Any thoughts? There are loads of posts with this error (or close to) that have all sorts of 'solutions', but none seem to make a difference. Overwhelmingly peoples solve this by pod install after deleting pod folder or running the pod deintegrate command. Looking at the error you can see that it prints out loads of libraries some of which I installed and others probably come with my 3rd party libraries, but some look like the core libraries and even low level looking ones that presumably RN is built on (but I honestly wouldn't know).
I was having issues before 'compiling' stuff and again I think it was to do with the linking.
Also, is there a 'react native' support service or something i.e. I pay some who knows apple and will just fix the damn thing for me
ERROR (scroll to the bottom for what is probably the important bit):
I think this has something to do with my podfile: other pod files do not look like mine.

How to verify information in Carthage.resolved?

Cocoapods embed a step in the build phase to check if the Pods folder is in sync with the versions in Podfile.lock. This blocks the developer to work with the stale versions of the Pod with the following error:
error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod
install' or update your CocoaPods installation.
Carthage has Cartfile.resolved, but how is it used to check if the Carthage Builds are fresh vs stale? Is it something that has to be manually enforced via some script?
Afaik the Carthage guides do not mention this topic at all. Usually you will be informed via failing compilation that a certain framework is not found, e.g. if you switched to a new branch where a new feature is implemented that needs framework XYZ. Then you know you have to run carthage bootstrap.
We have a script that runs so fast that you could even place it into the git hooks so it runs automatically after switching branches. The carthage part just cann the following command:
carthage bootstrap --use-ssh --use-xcframeworks --cache-builds
It makes sure carthage is up to date and it is fast since it uses cached builds. Runs fine for several years now.

Firebase Unity xCode linking errors

I am having issues trying to make a build from Unity (version 5.5.2f1) with Firebase Auth / Database imported. I am using the newest Firebase SDK of 3.0.0.
The errors I get are as follows:
I believe it has something to do with cocoaPods. The XCode project compiles with a podfile. And the errors I believe are related to missing libraries? But all the required libraries are set to iOS, and are included with the XCode project.
Unsure of what to try next. Thanks in advance to anyone able to help.
When you build and run from within unity, it tries to run the pod installation for the dependencies needed, and patches the xcode project file (not workspace).
If there is an error with this process, you should see it in the console.
Normally pods are meant to be used with the workspace file, but since unity automatically opens the xcode project the plugin tries to make it work.
Try opening the .xcodeproj instead of the workspace.
So I finally figured out my issue. I had a previous build that worked all the way through to my device. So I eventually tried opening that one again, and I ran into the same errors with an older build.
So that got me thinking.. Why would a previous build that used to work fail this time around?
I came to the conclusion that the only things that changed were possibly me updated Unity to 5.5.2f1. So I updated again to the latest release at this time which is 5.5.2p3, and ran through the same steps:
1) Build to iOS
2) Install pods in the target folder
3) Run xc workspace
And it successfully built. So it must of been something on Unity's side. If anyone ever runs into a similar situation, hopefully this will help.
P.S. I also did update to the latest release (at this time) of Unity Firebase SDK of 3.0.1. Not sure if that had anything to do with making a successful build, but wanted to put that information out there.
