Which Controls do I have to choose in iOS development - ios

an iOS app page, which descirbes some item's detail
This is kind of what I want to make
This is exact what I want
Actually I am not an iOS developer.
But a member of our team lacks of knowledge of consisting of iOS app Page(Scene)
I think he usually use table view all the time. which I guess he can't handle very well.
He always struggle about height of UITableView in dynamic pages.
As you see in the picture, page has two views, which I don't know how to call it.
If round button on the right side of a woman is pressed those two views switches.
I guess it's kind of "TAB".
Is it normal that using UITableView in this kind of page. or Which is best practise?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english.

The first image can be made using a UITableView or UICollectionView(UITableView will do the job with lesser hassle). For second image, you'd wanna use a segmented control.
The third can be built using UICollectionView, however, there are plenty of third party libraries out there on github for the same and you might wanna check them out.
Last but not the least, have some faith in your developer. He seems to be a newbie if he's facing troubles with tableviews but believe me, we've all been there some day.Encourage him to ask questions on various communities. If he's curious enough, he'll be just fine after a while.


Bringing Wiki page up on IOS

I am trying to get a wiki page to display on IOS. This is the first assignment in my 8-week course and I am completely lost. I have only worked with Java, Swift is a completely new language and I cant seem to find a starting point. My professor has only showed us how to bring objects into the view controller such as segmented control bars and buttons, but has not showed us how to implement code into program to interact with the objects.
I know this is a long shot, and I have exhausted all other options (even bought an IOS 9 book) but if anyone can provide a starting amount of code for me to see and work with I would be extremely grateful. I am not asking for the whole project, I just need to be able to see an example of some starting code that I can hopefully follow and progress with.
Project Details /
Project Example Images
From reading the instructions, it seems like you'll need to have a multi-component UIPickerView (this is a basic tutorial, you can use it to get the delegate methods used to interact with the pickerView, here's a more in depth tutorial) and definitely will need to use multiple UIViewControllers in order to achieve the desired result. Add BarButton Items to the bottom of the view, and control+drag on those to connect them to additional ViewControllers which can be used to select Plant/Animal Name, and to change the textColor.
On the initial viewContoller, you'll need a WKWebView above your imageView, learn more about their implementation here (note that this shows a programmatic approach, your wkWebView will likely be connected to your code from Interface Builder using an IBOutlet).
Continue to ask questions as they arise.

How to add a contacts app like modal view (iOS)?

I'm looking for a tutorial (video or written) explaining how to create the iOS contacts app and especially the "add" modal view.
So far I made my way through to believe that the iOS contacts app would be made using static table view cells but I'm not sure if that's a) right and b) still state of the art as almost all Youtube tutorials regarding static table view cells are more than 2 or 3 years old. Is there anything I'm missing?
Disclaimer: I'm learning to code using Xcode and Swift for a few months now, having taken 3 online courses but all sample apps are rather basic apps without much design and functionality or not in that way that I'd need them for my app idea (add and edit via modal view). Please bear with me as I think as a newbie I just don't know the right search expression to find these on say Youtube.
Thanks alot!
Welcome to Stackoverflow.
So far I made my way through to believe that the iOS contacts app
would be made using static table view cells but I'm not sure if that's
a) right
Static tableView is literally for static data. I checked the add modal screen of iOS contacts app, and the data there are very dynamic. So you won't be able to use static tableView for that.
So proceed with the dynamic tableView. However it would definitely require quite a lot of work if you would jump into that quite advanced UX. Another approach for adding a data, in an easier way, is to push a new screen for adding new contact, and then pop it when done. If you really want the iOS contacts app's UX, you may search on tableView begin/end updates.
and b) still state of the art as almost all Youtube tutorials
regarding static table view cells are more than 2 or 3 years old. Is
there anything I'm missing?
Someitmes there's no problem with old tutorials. They can still help. But be aware of deprecated stuff they are trying to teach.
If you are new in swift and xcode, so i recommend to learn swift5 and SwiftUI.
we are using storyBoards but in SwiftUI every things had change.
It is new and it will grow so fast.
this is not about contact app, but you can use this toturial for your goal

How are apps with typical menu-bar-style navigation coded?

I’m a relatively new app developer working on a couple of individual projects. I’ve dumped at least one hundred hours into coding using Swift in Xcode, and, as embarrassing as it may be to admit, it seems I can’t fully grasp or find information pertaining to how popular apps such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Tinder implement non-linear view navigation via a menu bar at the bottom of the screen.
I’ve seen one particular app tutorial series that exemplifies how to go about making this menu bar style possible using a collection view of horizontally-placed views each equivalent to the size of the screen. I understand this gets rid of the issue of loading new views on top of existing old ones that sit in the background (my primary worry, outside of unnecessarily reloading information), but is this the typical method of implementing non-linear menu navigation in an app? I suppose a more pressing question at this point is “How can I go about making something like this using SwiftUI?”
If anyone can offer information, explanations, and/or sources, they would all be much appreciated. Thank you for your time!
So, upon receiving TylerTheCompiler’s comment on my post, I started researching the UITabView. It appears that this is used for creating exactly what I was trying to explain in the initial post. I subsequently searched for a way to implement this in SwiftUI and found the “tabbed view.” The tabbed view seems very easy to implement and is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I still wonder if popular applications have been utilizing the UITabBar rather than something else more practical that I am still unaware of. If you happen to know, please comment on this post — I would love to know, myself. As always, thank you for your time, everyone!

Basics on how to setup horizontal paging in iOS app?

I've looked for this for a while, but I can't find any good guides or resources that explain it thoroughly (not even Apple's own documentation, which seems to not have as much information as I'd expect). I want to setup a basic interface that has 6 pages horizontally. Each page will have a bunch of labels and textboxes, but the layout will be the same for each page. Eventually, I want to be able to have each page scroll down to view all the content, but I'm assuming I just need to use scrollviews as the content for each page.
Also, each page will eventually have to have separate names for each textbox (and separate from the other pages too) because I'll need all the content of the whole app to be saved out later.
But really, for now, I just need to figure out how to get paging working. I tried following one demo but when I typed in the code, Xcode wasn't recognizing one of my classes (which I know I included it). Plus, I didn't understand what was going on really, and I feel that I need to understand what I'm coding.
Also as a side note, how do I start programming for iOS 5? I updated Xcode to the latest version which said it had support for iOS 5, but I only get up to 4.3 in my project target.
You can use this project http://cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/icarousel, the only downside is it does not support cell reuse, so if you plan on having more than a 5 or so panels the app will really start to blog down.
For any future searchers that have found this thread, I was able to achieve what I wanted.
Basically, just make a scrollview the size of however many pages you want (multiply the width by how many pages you want and that will be the content width). Then just enable paging in interface builder and it will page through the view. Then you can just add content to the scrollview.
It's not hard. When I did it for some of my apps, I had a very detailed 'template view' which included primarily a tableview, but also lots of buttons and text fields and such. I was amazed at how well it all worked when put together -- no real trouble with gestures or anything. Apple's UIPageControl sample code is a good place to start.

iPad ViewController configuration for document-based app

I was wondering what would be the best configuration of view controllers and views for an app that I’ve been planning out. Conceptually, the way I would like to lay out the app is with an initial loader/browser view, likely with document thumbnails. When a user chooses to open one, a new view comes up that forms the main document-editing mode. The user can also choose to bring up a third view that contains an alternative document-editing mode.
I suppose this is very much like the way the Pages for iPad works, with first a row of document thumbnails to choose from, then the main word processing view, and accessible from a popover a third page setup view. Document browser view, and two document editing views.
Now, I can think of, and have been playing around with a few different set-ups, but in each case I can see problems that I’ll be running into later. So really, I’m looking for advice on a configuration that you think would keep things as neat and manageable as possible.
I hope this is not too open a question, and I would very much appreciate any answer.
Thank you,
I will probibly get shot in the head for making a suggeston like this, but I'll make it anyway:
In learning iOS programming, I spent a lot of time studying (as most people do - and as is taught by every tutorial on the planet) on how to use Navigation Views, and toolbars, and all the standard type views that assist in different types of navigation.
On the latest app I have been working on - I spent a lot of time and frustration trying to figure out how to best characterize what I was doing - and moreso trying to fit it into what the iOS frameworks would use to implement this stuff. Then (of course) I got stuck trying get things to do what they weren't supposed to - like when a navigation view wouldn't let me use the "back" button to jump out of the navigation herirarchy I'd set-up, etc.
In short - when I stopped worrying about the specifics of what all these different types of views and controllers were - and how they interacted and how I was supposed to do it - and started worrying about how I wanted my application to work - and working from a basis of generic views, custom toolbars, etc - the whole think made a whole lot more sense.
In my case, I liked the look-and-feel of the Mapquest app - and they way it dealt with toolbars that your could open and close from the top and bottom of the screen - which had buttons - which could switch to other views etc. So I started using "generic" views to implement this functionality - and the whole entire thing clicked together.
So in-short:
1 . I'd decide how you want it to look and what you want it to do
Use a third-party app as your inspiration, if needed
Decide when/where/if some of the "standard" practices apply - and use them where/when they do.
Have fun!
