fail2ban won't start using nextcloud.log with jail - docker

I have nextcloud installed and working fine in a docker but want to have fail2ban monitor the log files for brute force attempts. I know nextcloud has it's own baked in but it just throttles the log in attempts and I would like to all out ban them (I also have this problem with other containers as well). The docker-compose is set to create the nextcloud.log file to /mnt/nextcloud/log/nextcloud.log. I followed this guide to create the jail
Fail2ban is running on the host machine however, fail2ban fails to start with:
[447]: ERROR Failed during configuration: Have not found any log file for nextcloud jail
[447]: ERROR Async configuration of server failed
Thinking it was simply a permission issue, I chowned everything to root and tried to start again but still the service won't start. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for the help!

The docker-compose is set to create the nextcloud.log file to /mnt/nextcloud/log/nextcloud.log
Be sure this file really exists and your jail.local has correct entry logpath:
logpath = /mnt/nextcloud/log/nextcloud.log
You can also check resulting config using dump:
fail2ban-client -d | grep 'nextcloud.*logpath'
But I'm still not sure the error message you provide was throwed by fail2ban, because its error messages look different, see
It should be something like:
-have not found a log file for nextcloud log
+Have not found any log file for nextcloud jail


How do I resolve this OSError: [Erno 48] Address already in use error while working with the byob botnet on GitHub?

(I have seen other solutions to "Errno 48" issues on StackOverflow, but none have been successful yet.)
I am trying to develop a botnet using byob on github here:
I am encountering a address in use error every time I run the command sudo ./ It returns OSError: [Errno 48] Address already in use.
However when I attempt to use the ps -fA | grep python and kill the associated 502 18126 16973 0 9:16PM ttys000 0:00.00 grep python by using kill -9 181216, I get this error: kill: kill 18126 failed: no such process.
Does anyone have any idea what to do?
I am using a "MacOS M1Pro Chip OS V12.0.1 Monterey". Also the program byob is trying to run on port 5000 of IPv4 (this is a generic IP not specifically mine).
In case you try to duplicate the problem you need to install or the docker desktop app depending on os then navigate to cd <outer-dir>/byob-master/web-gui then execute sudo ./ The code will not work without access to docker, and the program needs to be ran with admin perms using the prefix sudo. The actual downloads take a while and it will prompt you to restart once. Then when you run it again, I encounter this problem...
Please let me know if someone was able to fix this. Thanks!

Why jib dockerBuild plugin fails to connect

I was trying to build the docker image for a project I'm working onto.
It's based on jhipster, after configuring the project it tells me to run the following maven command:
./mvnw -ntp -Pprod verify jib:dockerBuild
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work, it returns me this errors:
[WARNING] The credential helper (docker-credential-pass) has nothing for server URL:
[WARNING] The credential helper (docker-credential-pass) has nothing for server URL:
And finally fails with:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal (default-cli) on project booking: (null exception message): NullPointerException -> [Help 1]
Recently I worked on a google cloud project, and I edited the ~/.docker/config.json configuration file. I had to remove google's configuration entries to sort out another problem. Could that be the origin of the problem I'm facing now?
I've tried to do docker logout and docker login without success.
Some considerations
I don't know if editing manually the configuration caused the error, in fact I'm pretty sure to have deleted only google-related entries, but nothing referring to docker.* or similar.
To solve this issue, avoid to edit manually the docker configuration file. In fact I think that it should be avoided whenever possible, to avoid configuration problems of any sort.
Instead, just follow what the error message is trying to tell you: docker is not able to access those urls. Excluding network problems (which you can troubleshoot with ping for example), it should be an authentication problem.
How to fix
I've found out that running those commands fixed it:
docker login
docker login
I don't know if is just a mirror of the other first server, which the plugin tries to access after the first unsuccessful connection. You can try to loging to and re-launch the command to see if it sufficient. In case it's not, login to the second one and then it will work.
I ran jib via Gradle:
./gradlew jibDockerBuild
and got a similar error
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':jibDockerBuild'.
> Build to Docker daemon failed, perhaps you should make sure your credentials for '' are set up correctly. See for help
What ended up solving this error for me, bizarrely enough, was to log out of Docker Desktop.
I later also tried funder7's solution while logged in to Docker Desktop, and that also worked.

Docker-compose throwing error

Hello guys I'm trying to get my vagrant up but the docker keeps on throwing an error which is given below :
Can't find a suitable configuration file in this directory or any parent. Are you in the right directory
The file is present at the root of my project. It was all working well but it just started to throw an error. Can somebody tell me what is it that I have done due to which I'm getting this error
well, I had this error but it was due to vagrant. If you are running vagrant then first of all enter into your vagrant machine using :
vagrant ssh command
and try to find the file over there. If you don't have it over there then this is the problem. That file is not being loaded over here because of which you are getting this error.
My error was coming because vagrant was not mounting the nfs partition because of which the whole project was not loading in the vagrant machine and after that, the docker command was being run. Since the project was not being loaded docker command was not able to find the required file.
If this is your problem try to mount your nfs partition first.
docker-compose -f rootoftheprojectpath/docker-compose.yml up -d
Check read permissions, typos, etc. Also check that your file is not empty

Foward my ssh key from my Windows10 to my docker container

After reading this thread, I am not able to 100% foward my key, I'm blocked at step where I should run "ssh-add".
Here is a part of my docker-compose.yml:
build: ./docker/engine/
- "./:/var/www/docker:rw"
- "./docker/engine/php.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/custom.ini:ro"
- $SSH_AUTH_SOCK:/tmp/agent.sock
- SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/agent.sock
On my container, I can see without problem the file "/tmp/agent.sock" and the ENV var "SSH_AUTH_SOCK" when I print them with printenv.
After that I start ssh-agent with:
`eval `ssh-agent -s`
Then I add the ssh-key:
But if I print the last error (echo $?), I get 1.
From doc: Exit status is 0 on success, 1 if the specified command fails, and 2
if ssh-add is unable to contact the authentication agent.
I tried so much thing, I have no other ideas, I have visited all the possible links on google (damn).
If you have a solution (or path to one), you will be my hero!
Same here,
No issue on linux while sharing ~/.ssh via volume, on windows tho it's another story. I managed to have my keys in the /.ssh folder in the container, but docker consider they are too opened (chmod > 600) so it's impossible to composer install or stuff like that. I don't know if this could be related to the way linux read NTFS Permission or something like that.
Either way, it's not working and I tried a lots of permission change
Edit: I've post this in Github, we might get some help from there :

Postgres Server error -> PGError: could not connect to server

I get the error below when trying to start my rails app on the localhost:
PGError (could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
From what I have read it sounds like this is most likely a problem in connecting to the Postgres server, and may indicate that it is not started?
It all started when I was attempting my first (yay noobs!) merge using git. There was a conflict (having to do with the Rubymine workspace.xml file), and I started to open up a conflict resolution program. It then seemed that there was really no need to track workspace.xml at all and so I quit from the resolution program, intending to run "git rm --cached" on the file. I think in quitting the program something went foul, and I ended up restarting, before untracking the file, and then completing the merge. Further evidence that something was gummed up is that my terminal shell didn't open up correctly until I restarted the machine.
Now, as far as I can tell, everything in the merge went fine (there were trivial differences in the two branches anyway), but for the life of me I can't seem to get rid of this PGError. If it is as simple as starting the server, then I'd love help on how to do that.
(other context: OSx, rails 3, posgresql83 installed via macports, pg gem).
EDIT - I have been trying to start up the server, but am not succeeding. e.g., I tried:
pg_ctl start -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql83/defaultdb
This seems to be the right path for the data (it finds the postgresql.conf file) but the response I get is "cannot execute binary file."
Try sudo port load postgresql83-server - this should work with the latest 8.3 port from macports.
If this doesn't work, try sudo port selfupdate; sudo port upgrade outdated and then try again.
Note - this may take absolutely ages.
and may indicate that it is not started?
Yes, sounds like the server is not running on your local machine.
See the description of this error in the PostgreSQL manual:
To start the server, try something along the following lines (adjust for pgsql version # and logfile):
sudo su postgres -c '/opt/local/lib/postgresql84/bin/pg_ctl -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql8/defaultdb -l /opt/local/var/log/postgresql84/postgres.log start'
To stop the server,
sudo su postgres -c '/opt/local/lib/postgresql84/bin/pg_ctl -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql84/defaultdb stop'
