Difference in random forest probabilities in r - random-forest

I have built random forest model and saved the model. There are few numeric variables and few hot coded and converted as factor variables.
I have a situation where some of the records in new data are also part of the train data and the prediction probabilities are differing for the similar records.
Saved model name is Rfmod.
Used the following code run the predictions:
Pred <- predict(Rfmod, newdata, type ='prob')
The probabilities for the common records in both train and new data is not same. Any thoughts on this? I have also tried passing newdata option in predict function, but the difference is still there.


How to initialize the parameter in the cross validation method and get the final model after training and evaluating using this method?

As I learned about cross-validation algorithm, from most of the articles on the web, there are variety of cross-validation methods. Here I want to be clear about the k-fold cross-validation technique.
In the k-fold cross-validation algorithm, we can split the training set in to k not-overlapped folds.
As we split the training data in to k folds, we have to train the model in k iterations.
So, in each iteration, we train the model with (k-1) folds and validate it with the remained fold.
In each split we can calculate the desired metric(s) of our model.
At the end we can report the training error by taking the average of scores of all iterations.
But what is the final trained model?
Some points in those articles are not clear for me?
Should I initiate model's parameters in each iteration?
I ask this, because if I don’t initialize the parameter's it could save the pattern of data which I want to be unseen in the next iteration and so on…
Should I save the initial parameter of the split in which I gained the best score, as the best initial values of the parameters?
Should I retrain the model initiating it with the initial values of the parameters gained in my second question and then feed it with whole training dataset and gain the final trained model?
Alright so before answering your question I will go a bit back to explain the purpose of cross validation and model evaluation. You can read these slides or research more about statistical learning theory if you want to go deeper.
Train/test split
Suppose you have a model with defined hyperparameter (or none) and you train it on the training split. If you calculate the metrics over the test split, this will give you the risk of the model on new data. Then you know that this particular model will perform like that on unseen data.
So we have a learning process B, that takes a dataset S (here the training dataset) as well as hyperparameters h, and gives a fitted model m; then B(S, h)->m (training B on S with hp h gives a model m, with its parameters). Then we tested this model to evaluate the risk R on the test dataset.
k-fold Cross validation
When doing k-fold cross validation, you fit k models using the learning process B. Each model is fitted on a different training set, and the risk is computed on non overlapping samples.
Then, you calculate the mean risk among the folds. A common mistake is that it gives you the performance of the model, that's not true. This gives you the mean (or expected) performances of the learning process B (and hyperparams h). That means, if you train a new model using B (and hyperparams h), its expected performance will be around the calculated metrics (of course this is not always true).
For your questions
Yes you should train the model from scratch, if possible with the same initial parameters (if initialization is not random) to avoid any difference between folds. Using a warm start with the previous parameters can modify the learning process, and the fitting.
No, if initialization is random let it be, if it is fixed use the same initial parameters for all folds
For the two previous questions, if by initial parameters you meant hyperparameters, then you should keep the same for all folds, otherwise the calculated risk will be useless. If you want to try multiple hyperparameters, you have to repeat the cross validation multiple times, and then you can select the best ones based on the risk calculated.
Once you tuned your hyperparameters you can train the model on your whole training set. This will give you a model m. Before your cross validation you can keep a small test split to evaluate this final model on unseen data

Can decision tree based model predict future?

I am trying to build a model that predicts the shipping volume of each month, week, and day.
I found that the decision tree-based model works better than linear regression.
But I read some articles about machine learning and it says decision tree based model can't predict future which model didn't learn. (extrapolation issues)
So I think it means that if the data is spread between the dates that train data has, the model can predcit well, but if the date of data is out of the range, it can not.
I'd like to confirm if my understand is correct.
some posting shows prediction for datetime based data using random forest model, and it makes me confused.
Also please let me know if there is any way to overcome extrapolation issues on decision tree based model.
It depends on the data.
Decision tree predicts class value of any sample in range of [minimum of class value of training data, maximum of class value of training data]. For example, let there are five samples [(X1, Y1), (X2, Y2), ..., (X5, Y5)], and well trained tree has two decision node. The first node N1 includes (X1, Y1), (X2, Y2) and the other node N2 includes (X3, Y3), (X4, Y4), and (X5, Y5). Then the tree will predict a new sample as mean of Y1 and Y2 when the sample reaches N1, but it will predict a new sample as men of Y3, Y4, Y5 when the sample reaches N2.
With this reason, if the class value of new sample could be bigger than the maximum of class value of training data or could be smaller than the minimum of class value of training data, it is not recommend to use decision tree. Otherwise, tree-based model such as random forest shows good performance.
There can be different forms of extrapolation issues here.
As already mentioned a classical decision tree for classification can only predict values it has encountered in its training/creation process. In that sense you won't predict any previously unseen values.
This issue can be remedied if you have the classifier predict relative updates instead of absolute values. But you need to have some understanding of your data, to determine what works best for different cases.
Things are similar for a decision tree used for regression.
The next issue with "extrapolation" is that decision trees might perform badly if your training data has changing statistics over time. Again, I would propose to predict update relationships.
Otherwise, predictions based on training data from a more recent past might yield better predictions. Since individual decision trees can't be trained in an online manner, you would have to create a new decision tree every x time steps.
Going further than this I'd say you'll want to start thinking in state machines and trying to use your classifier for state predictions. But this a fairly uncharted domain of theory for decision trees from when I last checked. This will work better if you already have some for of model for your data relationships in mind.

Different scenario based queries on Imputing and Machine Learning

I am new to Data Science and learning to impute and about model training. Below are my few queries that I came across when training the datasets. Please provide answers to these.
Suppose I have a dataset with 1000 observations. Now I train the model on the complete dataset in one go. Another way I did it, I divided my dataset in 80% and 20% and trained my model first at 80% and then on 20% data. Is it same or different? Basically, if I train my already trained model on new data, what does it mean?
Imputing Related
Another question is related to imputing. Imagine I have a dataset of some ship passengers, where only first-class passengers were given cabin. There is a column that holds cabin numbers (categorical) but very few observations have these cabin numbers. Now I know this column is important so I cannot remove it and because it has many missing values, so most of the algorithms do not work. How to handle imputing of this type of column?
When imputing the validation data, do we impute with same values that were used to impute training data or the imputing values are again calculated from validation data itself?
How to impute data in the form of a string like a Ticket number (like A-123). The column is important because the 1st alphabet tells the class of passenger. Therefore, we cannot drop it.
Suppose I have a dataset with 1000 observations. Now I train the model
on the complete dataset in one go. Another way I did it, I divided my
dataset in 80% and 20% and trained my model first at 80% and then on
20% data. Is it same or different?
It's hard to say: is it good or not. Generally, if your data (splits) are taken from the same distribution - you can perform additional training. However, not all model types are good for it. I advice you to run some kind of cross-validation with 80/20 splitting and error measurement checking before additional training and after.
Basically, if I train my already
trained model on new data, what does it mean?
If you take the datasets from the same distribution: you perform additional learning what theoretically should have positive influence on your model.
Imagine I have a dataset of some ship passengers, where only first-class passengers were given cabin. There is a column that holds cabin numbers (categorical) but very few observations have these cabin numbers. Now I know this column is important so I cannot remove it and because it has many missing values, so most of the algorithms do not work. How to handle imputing of this type of column?
You need clearly understand what do you want to do by imputation. If only first-class has values, how you can perform imputation for the second- or third-class? What do you need to find? Deck? Cabin number? Do you want to find new values or impute by already existing values?
When imputing the validation data, do we impute with same values that were used to impute training data or the imputing values are again calculated from validation data itself?
Very generally, you run imputation algorithm on the whole data you have (without target column).
How to impute data in the form of a string like a Ticket number (like A-123). The column is important because the 1st alphabet tells the class of passenger. Therefore, we cannot drop it.
If you have the finite number of cases, you just need to impute values as strings. If not, perform feature engineering: try to predict letter, number, first digit of the number, len(number) and so on.

Machine learning: training model from test data

I was wondering if a model trains itself from the test data as well while evaluating it multiple times, leading to a over-fitting scenario. Normally we split the training data into train-test splits and I noticed some people split it into 3 sets of data - train, test and eval. eval is for final evaluation of the model. I might be wrong but my point is that if the above mentioned scenario is not true, then there is no need for an eval data set.
Need some clarification.
The best way to evaluate how well a model will perform in the 'wild' is to evaluate its performance on a data set it has not seen (i.e., been trained on) -- assuming you have the labels in a supervised learning problem.
People split their data into train/test/eval and use the training data to estimate/learn the model parameters and the test set to tune the model (e.g., by trying different hyperparameter combinations). A model is usually selected based on the hyperparameter combination that optimizes a test metric (regression - MSE, R^2, etc.; classification - AUC, accuracy, etc.). Then the selected model is usually retrained on the combined train + test data set. After retraining, the model is evaluated based on its performance on the eval data set (assuming you have some ground truth labels to evaluate your predictions). The eval metric is what you report as the generalization metric -- that is, how well your model performs on novel data.
Does this help?
Consider you have train and test datasets. Train dataset is the one in which you know the output and you train your model on train dataset and you try to predict the output of Test dataset.
Most people split train dataset into train and validation. So first you run your model on train data and evaluate it on validation set. Then again you run the model on test dataset.
Now you are wondering how this will help and of any use?
This helps you to understand your model performance on seen data(validation data) and unseen data(your test data).
Here comes bias-variance trade-off into picture.
Let's consider a binary classification example where a student's previous semester grades, Sports achievements, Extracurriculars etc are used to predict whether or not he will pass the final semester.
Let's say we have around 10000 samples (data of 10000 students).
Now we split them:
Training set - 6000 samples
Validation set - 2000 samples
Test set - 1000 samples
The training data is generally split into three (training set, validation set, and test set) for the following reasons:
1) Feature Selection: Let's assume you have trained the model using some algorithm. You calculate the training accuracy and validation accuracy. You plot the learning curves and find if the model is overfitting or underfitting and make changes (add or remove features, add more samples etc). Repeat until you have the best validation accuracy. Now test the model with the test set to get your final score.
2) Parameter Selection: When you use algorithms like KNN, And you need to find the best K value which fits the model properly. You can plot the accuracy of different K value and choose the best validation accuracy and use it for your test set. (same applies when you find n_estimators for Random forests etc)
3) Model Selection: Also you can train the model with different algorithms and choose the model which better fits the data by testing out the accuracy using validation set.
So basically the Validation set helps you evaluate your model's performance how you must fine-tune it for best accuracy.
Hope you find this helpful.

Predict different values from same inputs in a linear regressor model?

Let's suppose I have a noisy 2d data set where one person watching the data could easily draw a straight line in the data so that the mean squared error is minimized.
The model of the line has the form y = mx + b, where x is the input value, y is the predicted value of the model and m and b are trained variables to minimize the cost.
My question is that if we plug some input x1 to the model, it will always output the same number, not taking into account how sparse the data is. How can a model like this predict different values from same inputs?
Maybe this could be done taking all the errors from the model line to the points, making a distribution of them, taking an expected value of such distribution and then adding that value to y?
If the data is 2d, and it can be perfectly modeled with a straight line then there is no data-based nor statistical-based reason not to claim that the process is fully deterministic, and you should output one value.
However, if you have many more dimensions, or your fit is not perfect (error is minimised but not 0) then what you are after is either predicting distribution of values or at least confidence bounds. There are many probabilistic models that can model distribution of the outputs rather than a singe value. In particular linear regression does that, it assumes that you have a Gaussian error around your predictions, thus effectively once you obtain MSE "A" you can draw predictions from N(mx+b, A) - which, as you can easily see degenerates to deterministic model when A=0. These predictions are optimal in expectation, and they are simply your way of "simulating observations" according to the model. There are also meta methods, if you treat your predictor as a black box - you can train multiple models on subsets of data, and treat their predictions as samples to fit a distribution (again for simplicity it could be a single Gaussian).
