[91mERROR: unsatisfiable constraints:
conflicts: icu-libs-62.1-r0
satisfies: xerces-c-3.2.2-r2[so:libicuuc.so.64]
conflicts: icu-libs-64.2-r0
satisfies: .postgresql-rundeps-0[so:libicui18n.so.62]
My build has started failing after a year of no issue due to this conflict with icu-libs after it updated on alpine's community channel. The only APK repos I have added are
--repository http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main \
--repository http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community \
--repository http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing \
I would revert to 3.9 but libgeos, proj, and gdal are only available on edge, which I need for this build.
Sorry if this question is naive but there any way to have apk add both versions? I've been trying to pick apart the mdillon/postgis image that's available on dockerhub since I can't cache unofficial images but it won't build and results in the same error no matter what.
I've been upping postgres versions and no dice.
For some reason alpine decided to explicitly add the icu package version to the icu-depends-dev, instead of just saying depends on icu package.
From the git repo for icu:
That means any package you are running in your build environment
that required icu-dev to build, now in turn requires a specific version of the icu package.
The only way to get around is to remove any packages in your build environment that required icu-dev to build.
At the end of the day I am not sure why they would not just have done
The bazel build is 90gb. I just want to use the commercial solvers. Is there any way to reduce build size?
Check https://drake.mit.edu/from_source.html near "Building the Python Bindings". The section title is misleading: it works for building all of Drake, not just the Python bindings.
The docs should do a better job of showing the GUROBI settings, though.
Here's a working example:
git clone https://github.com/RobotLocomotion/drake.git
mkdir drake-build
cd drake-build
env GUROBI_HOME=/path/to/Downloads/gurobi951/linux64 \
make install
The install ends up in drake-build/install by default.
If you'd like to build Drake as an external in your existing CMakeLists project, see also drake-external-examples/drake_cmake_external.
I am using npm version 7.18.1. From what I see from the documentation the --only=development option no longer exists.
I'm creating a multi-stage Docker image. What I need to do is to create an image for the development step in which only devDependency packages are installed. On the next step, I'm going to create another image with production packages installed in it.
How do I do this without the --only=development option?
If I want to install code from a release version in Github in Docker, how can I do that taking up the least space possible in the image? Currently, I've done something like:
RUN wget https://github.com/some/repo/archive/v1.5.1.tar.gz¬
RUN tar -xvzf v1.5.1.tar.gz¬
WORKDIR /unzipped-1.5.1/¬
RUN make; make install
Issue here is the final image will have the downloaded tar, the unzipped version, and everything that gets created during make. I don't need the vast majority of this. How do I install my library in my image without keeping all of this extra data?
This is the textbook definition of the problem that the docker multi-stage build aims to solve.
The idea is to use a separate build with the dependencies and use that docker image to build the final product.
Note that this is available only in the new versions of Docker (17.05 onwards).
I'm building a python package which is mostly c++ code (think numpy)
My travis file is currently
language: cpp
- gcc
- clang
- linux
- osx
dist: trusty
script: "make pcst_fast_test && ./pcst_fast_test"
But I've also written some python tests in a file called test_pcst_fast.py. Is there some way to call those from travis as well?
It seems ambiguous as to whether travis supports multiple languages in one file, but it seems like most people pull this off despite only listing one language under the language tag.
Travis doesn't support multiple languages per job yet.
Look at categories after_success and after_script in the Travis build lifecycle docs
Also, you can add more build scripts, they will run independently, just list them like this:
- "make pcst_fast_test && ./pcst_fast_test"
- "./test_pcst_fast.py"
If there is no python installed (not sure about c builds), you can install it, check out this .travis.yml, it installs custom python interpreter as a dependency.
You can't add multiple languages, which explains the behavior you are seeing, and the node_js setting will only be recognized in a node language project.
What you can do is utilize the incorporated nvm in TravisCI.
For example, you can include
nvm install 0.10
nvm use 0.10
in your before_install section to download the latest v0.10.x release of node.
On a Travis Java build environment, you can use nvm to manage Node.js runtimes:
language: java
- oraclejdk8
- nvm install $NODE_VERSION
If your Node version is very recent, you might have to update nvm too.
To update nvm, write this in your .travis.yml:
- wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.31.0/nvm.sh -O ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
- source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
- nvm install 5 # for Node v5
- node --version
The above example shows how to first update to nvm v0.31, to then obtain Node v5.
I have a CI setup with Jenkins and Artifactory for Java. I would like also to build and deploy deb packages. For building deb packages, I might use a Maven plugin (called from Gradle), e.g., http://mojo.codehaus.org/deb-maven-plugin/.
I am now investigating Debian repository implementations. I would like to deploy a private Debian repository to host my packages (http://wiki.debian.org/HowToSetupADebianRepository).
Are there any plugin in Jenkins that would make it easier to deploy deb packages? Which debian repository implementation should I use?
Just adding my 2 cents to this post.
Internally we use Freight (https://github.com/rcrowley/freight#readme) as our Debian/Ubuntu repository.
A lot of us tend to use fpm (https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm#readme) by Jordan Sissel for creating debs for internal use.
This can be easily scripted inside your source repository like I do here:
echo "Delete ${installdir}"
rm -rf .${installdir}
echo "create base dir ${installdir}"
mkdir -p .${installdir}
wget ${REPO}/content/repositories/releases/com/stuartwarren/logit/${VERSION}/logit-${VERSION}-tomcatvalve.jar -O .${installdir}/logit-${VERSION}-tomcatvalve.jar
wget ${REPO}/content/repositories/releases/com/stuartwarren/logit/${VERSION}/logit-${VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar -O .${installdir}/logit-${VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar
wget https://raw.github.com/stuart-warren/logit/master/LICENSE -O .${installdir}/LICENCE
wget https://raw.github.com/stuart-warren/logit/master/README.md -O .${installdir}/README.md
pushd .${installdir}
ln -sf logit-${VERSION}-tomcatvalve.jar logit-tomcatvalve.jar
ln -sf logit-${VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar logit-jar-with-dependencies.jar
echo "Delete old packages"
rm ${NAME}_*_all.deb
echo "Build new package"
fpm \
-n $NAME \
--iteration ${ITERATION} \
-a all \
-m "Stuart Warren <stuart#stuartwarren.com>" \
--description "Library to extend Log4J 1.2 (plus now Logback 1.0,
Java.util.logging and Tomcat AccessLog Valve) by providing
json layouts (for logstash/greylog) and a zeromq appender" \
--url $WEBSITE \
--license 'Apache License, Version 2.0' \
--vendor 'stuartwarren.com' \
-t deb \
-s dir \
echo "Delete ${installdir}"
rm -rf .${installdir}
echo "Done!"
Obviously you could just copy in any compiled files directly rather than downloading from a server, maven repo in my case.
Then you can SCP the deb upto some 'incoming' directory on your repository server.
I am not aware of a Debian package plugin for Jenkins, and I didn't find the maven-deb-plugin suitable for my needs (see "What doesn't work" on page you linked to). Where I have a maven build job in Jenkins I add a post step shell script which increments the version in debian/changelog and runs dpkg-buildpackage -b -nc.
-nc suppresses a clean before build, which is necessary because my debian/rules file will otherwise try to run the maven targets to build jars, which Jenkins has already done. Snippet from my debian/rules:
mvn package
touch pre-built-stamp
override_dh_auto_build: pre-built-stamp
So after the maven steps in Jenkins it runs the following
touch pre-built-stamp
dpkg-buildpackage -b -nc
This part is personal preference, but I do not have Jenkins push built debs straight to my repository. Instead it saves the .deb and .changes files as build artifacts so I can use the Promoted Builds Plugin to sign the .changes file and copy it to the repository (rsync). This lets my developers download and test the deb out before approving it to be pushed to our staging repository. A second promotion can then be used to push the package to a live repository.
I chose reprepro as our repository manager. Its one major drawback is that it cannot handle more than one version of a package in a distribution at once which makes rollback more painful. Aside from this found it reliable and usable, and now use it to completely mirror the main Debian repositories as well as using it to host my private repos.
Reprepro uses inoticoming to spot new incoming packages and verifies the signature on the changes file, ensuring that only Jenkins can add new packages.
I find some of the reprepro documentation online lacking, but I recommend installing it and reading the reprepro and inoticoming man pages.
Debian Package Builder Plugin for Jenkins
Yes there is a plugin that helps with deploying Debian packages into package repositories. The Debian Package Builder Plugin has two features: a build step (which you don't seem to need) and a post-build publishing step. Your target repositories are configured in the system configuration. Just select one of them in the job configuration. The plugin uses dupload(1) "under the hood".
As a repository manager for Debian packages I recommend Aptly. It is powerful, easy to use, well-documented and actively developed.