Vaadin Chart: Second and Subsequent Item Does Not Show on Each X-Tick in Column Stack Chart - vaadin

Base on the resultset below, I have created a column stack chart. They have been converted to an 4-attribrute object list (called as SKUQtyMetric - all are strings except for Quantity as Integer)
When converting this to a stack chart, I could not get the second item to appear next to the first item in each of the x-ticks (X represents hour). If I am not mistaken, there should only be four DataSeries objects, each representing an outlet and then do an inner loop. Just as a side note, each outlet is designated a color even if there's more than one item (I am keeping a limit of three items to be selected for searching in database), hence there's the outletFromH code below.
The current rendering of the code (using Vaadin Charts 4) is as below:
Map<String, Set<String>> myMaps = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
for (SkuQtyMetric item : objList) {
if (!myMaps.containsKey(item.getOutletName())) {
myMaps.put(item.getOutletName(), new HashSet<String>());
String asgnColor = "#ffcccc";
for(Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> map: myMaps.entrySet()) {
DataSeries dataSeries = new DataSeries(map.getKey()+"");
PlotOptionsColumn plotOptions = new PlotOptionsColumn();
DataLabels labels = new DataLabels(true);
Style style = new Style();
style.setTextShadow("0 0 3px black");
labels.setColor(new SolidColor("white"));
for(String itemName: map.getValue()) {
System.out.println("Inside " + map.getKey() + ", value is: " + itemName);
for(SkuQtyMetric metric : objList) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> outletfromH : Constant.SYCARDA_COLOR.entrySet()) {
if (outletfromH.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(map.getKey())) {
asgnColor = outletfromH.getValue();
System.out.println("DataSeries Id: " + dataSeries.getId() + " , Item metric name is: "+metric.getItemName());
if(dataSeries.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(metric.getOutletName())) {
if(dataSeries.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(metric.getItemName())) {
DataSeriesItem dataSeriesItem = new DataSeriesItem(xFor(metric.getHourNumber()), metric.getQuantityAmt());
dataSeriesItem.setColor(new SolidColor(asgnColor));
plotOptions.setColor(new SolidColor(asgnColor));
for (int j = 0; j < ls.size(); j++) {
When rendered, I could only get this result:
That's the current chart but second item (coconut water) is missing, shown with red scribbling. What I am not sure is whether my Map class OR my list objects controlled isn't correct OR it might be that there should be eight not four DataSeries (each being a outlet and a product). If not, is there a much more efficient way to handle the code to render the chart than what I am doing right now?

It should be possible to have multiple DataSeriesItem in the same series that go in the same stack. Four series should be enough, no need to have 8.
You can do it by setting the name of the DataSeriesItem and set the XAxis type to category so that the categories are computed from the point names.
Or by setting numeric X values to the DataSeriesItem and setting the categories to the XAxis as a String[].
Having separate series makes some things easier, like tooltips, and showing/hiding data from the legend. But in theory everything can be in a single series.
In some cases you might need to be sure that data is sorted by X value, or by name if you use the name as categories otherwise some points might not show correctly, you can check if that's your case by checking the browser console for error or warnings about that.


How to get the row index of a Grid Element (Vaadin Flow)

I am using Vaadin 14 (currently rc7).
Getting the row index of a Grid with a ListDataProvider is simple. I use the code below.
final Collection<T> c = ((ListDataProvider)grid.getDataProvider()).getItems();
final List<T> list;
if (c instanceof List) {
list = (List)c;
} else {
list = new ArrayList(c);
return list.indexOf(item);
However, how to get this in the generic use case, not assuming a ListDataProvider?
Use Case
Make a specific row visible in the Grid based on some app logic, so "scroll to a row".

Knockout JS - observing a mutation in any property of an array without ko.mapping

In my application I have to show only the top 5 items of a long list that have the highest rating. I have implemented this as follows:
The long list is an array that I have turned into an observable array with all elements as observables with ko.mapping, and the top 5 items are a computed array that depends on the long list. Whenever anything in the long list changes the computed array resorts the long list and takes the top 5 items.
My problem is that the long array with ko.mapping takes up 60MB of memory, whereas without ko.mapping it only takes 4MB. Is there a way to achieve this effect without ko.mapping the long array?
Here is a fiddle in which I have recreated the scenario with a smaller and simpler long array, but it's just for you to understand what I'm talking about.
This is the long array, for the demo I've made it 12 elements long:
this.longArray = ko.mapping.fromJS([
And this is the computed array(showing only the top 5):
this.sortedTopItems = ko.computed(function() {
return self.longArray().sort(function(a, b) {
if( < return -1;
if( > return 1;
return 0;
}).slice(0, 5);
}, this);
The change one button is to simulate the long array changing and the reset button is to reset the array to its initial state.
You sure can, but the simplest way would be to filter the data before putting into knockout. If you only ever care about the first 5. Let's assume your long array of items is called data. Note that I'm not able to test this right now, but it should give you a good idea.
const sortedTopItems = ko.observableArray([]);
// Call with new data
const update = (data) => {
data.sort((a,b) => -;
sortedTopItems(data.slice(0, 5));
This handles the case for simple data where it's not observable. If you want the actual data items (rows) to be observable then I'd do the following:
const length = 5;
// Create an empty array and initialize as the observable
const startData = new Array(length).map(a => ({}));
const sortedTopItems = ko.observableArray(startData);
// Call with new data
const update = (data) => {
data.sort((a,b) => -;
for(let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const item = sortedTopItems()[i];
ko.mapping.fromJS(data[i], item); // Updates the viewModel from data

Vaadin7 table sort label column numerically

I have vaadin table with multiple columns. One of the column is of label class
container.addContainerProperty(ID_COLUMN, Label.class, "");
and I fill it up like
referenceItem.getItemProperty(ID_COLUMN).setValue(new Label(new Integer(reference.getId()).toString()));
When I sort the table by clicking on this table, it sorts the data like
So, I tried to change the class to Integer, then it works fine, but I get the numbers with comma like
How can I have the data sorted numerically and no commas.
I was able to figure out. I used Integer as class for my column and used following
referenceTable = new Table()
protected String formatPropertyValue(final Object a_row_id, final Object a_col_id, final Property<?> a_property)
if (a_property.getType() == Integer.class && null != a_property.getValue())
DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat) DecimalFormat.getInstance(getLocale());
return df.format(a_property.getValue());
return super.formatPropertyValue(a_row_id, a_col_id, a_property);
It has been a while since i have been having fun with Vaadin Table.
There are property formatters, generators etc... stuff but in this case it might be easiest just to:
container.addContainerProperty(ID_COLUMN, String.class, "");

MVC drop down list is not picking up selected item?

My model contains an array of zip code items (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>).
It also contains an array of selected zip codes (string[]).
In my HTML page, I want to render each selected zip code as a drop down with all the zip code options. My first attempt did not work:
#foreach (var zip in Model.ZipCodes) {
Html.DropDownList( "ZipCodes", Model.ZipCodeOptions )
I realized that although that would produce drop downs with the right "name" attribute, it wouldn't know which element of ZipCodes holds the value for that particular box, and might just default to the first one.
My second attempt is what really surprised me. I explicitly set the proper SelectListItem's Selected property to true, and it still rendered a control with nothing selected:
#foreach (var zip in Model.ZipCodes) {
Html.DropDownList( "ZipCodes", Model.ZipCodeOptions.Select( x => (x.Value == zip) ? new SelectListItem() { Value = x.Value, Text = x.Text, Selected = true } : x ) )
There, it's returning a new IEnumerable<SelectListitem> that contains all the original items, unless it's the selected item, in which case that element is a new SelectListItem with it's Selected property set to true. That property is not honored at all in the final output.
My last attempt was to try to use an explicit index on the string element I wanted to use as the value:
#{int zipCodeIndex = 0;}
#foreach (var zip in Model.ZipCodes) {
Html.DropDownList( "ZipCodes[" + (zipCodeIndex++) + "]", Model.ZipCodeOptions )
That doesn't work either, and probably because the name is no longer "ZipCodes", but "ZipCodes[x]". I also received some kind of read-only-collection error at first and had to change the type of the ZipCodes property from string[] to List<string>.
In a forth attempt, I tried the following:
#for (int zipCodeIndex = 0; zipCodeIndex < Model.ZipCodes.Count; zipCodeIndex++)
var zip = Model.ZipCodes[zipCodeIndex];
Html.DropDownListFor( x => x.ZipCodes[zipCodeIndex], Model.ZipCodeOptions )
That produces controls with id like "ZipCodes_1_" and names like "ZipCodes[1]", but does not select the right values. If I explicitly set the Selected property of the right item, then this works:
#for (int zipCodeIndex = 0; zipCodeIndex < Model.ZipCodes.Count; zipCodeIndex++)
var zip = Model.ZipCodes[zipCodeIndex];
Html.DropDownListFor( x => x.ZipCodes[zipCodeIndex], Model.ZipCodeOptions.Select( x => (x.Value == zip) ? new SelectListItem() { Value = x.Value, Text = x.Text, Selected = true } : x ) )
However, the problem with that approach is that if I add a new drop downs in JavaScript and give them all the name "ZipCodes", then those completely override all the explicitly indexed ones, which never make it to the server. It doesn't seem to like mixing the plain "ZipCodes" name with explicit array elements "ZipCodes[1]", even though they map to the same variable when either is used exclusively.
In the U.I., user's can click a button to add a new drop down and pick another zip code. They're all named ZipCodes, so they all get posted to the ZipCodes array. When rendering the fields in the loop above, I expect it to read the value of the property at the given index, but that doesn't work. I've even tried remapping the SelectListItems so that the proper option's "Selected" property is true, but it still renders the control with nothing selected. What is going wrong?
The reason you first 2 snippets do not work is that ZipCodes is a property in your model, and its the value of your property which determines what is selected (not setting the selected value in the SelectList constructor which is ignored). Since the value of ZipCodes is an array of values, not a single value that matches one of the option values, a match is not found and therefore the first option is selected (because something has to be). Note that internally, the helper method generates a new IEnumerable<SelectListItem> based on the one you provided, and sets the selected attribute based on the model value.
The reason you 3rd and 4th snippets do not work, is due to a known limitation of using the DropDownListFor() method, and to make it work, you need to use an EditorTemplate and pass the SelectList to the template using AdditionalViewData, or construct a new SelectList in each iteration of the loop (as per your last attempt). Note that all it needs to be is
for(int i = 0; i < Model.ZipCodes.Length; i++)
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.ZipCodes[i],
new SelectList(Model.ZipCodeOptions, "Value", "Text", Model.ZipCodes[i]))
If you want to use just a common name (without indexers) for each <select> element using the DropDownList() method, then it needs to be a name which does not match a model property, for example
foreach(var item in Model.ZipCodes)
new SelectList(Model.ZipCodeOptions, "Value", "Text", item))
and then add an additional parameter string[] SelectedZipCodes in you POST method to bind the values.
Alternatively, use the for loop and DropDownListFor() method as above, but include a hidden input for the indexer which allows non-zero based, non consecutive collection items to be submitted to the controller and modify you script to add new items using the technique shown in this answer
Note an example of using the EditorTemplate with AdditionalViewData is shown in this answer

Advanced ASP.NET WebGrid - Dynamic Columns and Rows

I'm trying to create a WebGrid which has to be very dynamic. The columns are defined in a list, which I've done like so:
List<WebGridColumn> columns = new List<WebGridColumn>();
foreach (var column in Model.Columns)
columns.Add(new WebGridColumn() { ColumnName = column.Name, Header = column.Name });
columns: columns)
All well and good, but the problem I have is with the rows. I'll try and explain...
For this question let's say we have two columns for Name and Address.
I have a collection of row objects, lets say SearchResult objects. A SearchResult contains a Dictionary of any number of attributes, such as Name, Address, Phone, Height, Bra Size, or anything (think of the EAV pattern). I need to access the attributes based on Column Name.
I figured I could do this using format, but I can't seem to figure it out. I want something like this:
columns.Add(new WebGridColumn() { ColumnName = column.Name, Header =
column.Header, Format = #<text>#item.Attributes[column.Name]</text> });
This sort of works but despite creating the format for the separate columns, the rows get populated with only the last column's format. i.e.:
Name Address
1 Main Street 1 Main Street
45 Paradise Av 45 Paradise Av
I think it should work if you leave out the "ColumnName" (superfluous anyway), and also make the dynamic expression a bit more explicit:
new WebGridColumn() {
Header = column.Header,
Format = (item) => #Html.Raw("<text>" + #item.Attributes[column.Name] + "</text>")
This issue is related to reference variables. You need to have the Format property in terms of the other properties of the WebGridColumn. This is how I would do it:
List<WebGridColumn> columns = new List<WebGridColumn>();
foreach (var column in Model.Columns)
var col = new WebGridColumn();
col.Header = column.Name;
col.Format = (item) => #Html.Raw("<text>" + #item.Attributes[col.Header] + "</text>");
