Pull Request Statuses - Added custom properties to a status aren't getting persisted by TFS - tfs

We are operating a TFS 2018 Update 2 in our enviroment.
We are sending the example json found here to our server and it is getting accepted successfully:
"properties": {
"sampleId": 7,
"customInfo": "Custom status information",
"startedDateTime": {
"$type": "System.DateTime",
"$value": "2017-09-19T14:50:26.7410146Z"
"weight": {
"$type": "System.Double",
"$value": 1.75
"bytes": {
"$type": "System.Byte[]",
"$value": "dGhpcyBpcyBzYW1wbGUgYmFzZTY0IGVuY29kZWQgc3RyaW5n"
"globalId": {
"$type": "System.Guid",
"$value": "1e788cb9-9d3d-4dc6-ac05-822092d17f90"
"state": "succeeded",
"description": "Sample status succeeded",
"context": {
"name": "sample-status-1",
"genre": "vsts-samples"
"targetUrl": "http://fabrikam-fiber-inc.com/CI/builds/1"
But the response doesn't look like in the documentation. Instead it looks like this:
"id": 6,
"state": "succeeded",
"description": "Sample status succeeded",
"context": {
"name": "sample-status-1",
"genre": "vsts-samples"
"creationDate": "2019-12-11T16:14:05.0574648Z",
"updatedDate": "2019-12-11T16:14:05.0574648Z",
"createdBy": {
"displayName": "...",
"url": "https://.../_apis/Identities/0b85e078-130d-4cb8-a450-17c5c7efccec",
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": "https://.../_api/_common/identityImage?id=0b85e078-130d-4cb8-a450-17c5c7efccec"
"id": "0b85e078-130d-4cb8-a450-17c5c7efccec",
"uniqueName": "...",
"imageUrl": "https://.../_api/_common/identityImage?id=0b85e078-130d-4cb8-a450-17c5c7efccec"
"targetUrl": "http://fabrikam-fiber-inc.com/CI/builds/1",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "https://.../_apis/git/repositories/35fe73eb-7af1-4bba-bf04-545611fcac1d/pullRequests/58/statuses/6"
"repository": {
"href": "https://.../_apis/git/repositories/35fe73eb-7af1-4bba-bf04-545611fcac1d"
The properties are gone. What could be wrong?
Could it be a somehow completely missleading documentation?

To troubleshoot your issue, please check the following items:
Check whether the Status updated on the pull request after running the POST request.
Press F12 in your browser, and send the POST request to check the statuses to see whether you can get properties in the response body.
Check your TFS edition by going to Administration Console -- Application Tier, or checking the About on the web portal. The issue can not be reproduced in TFS 2018.2 on our side.


Microsoft Graph API: recent items - How to get onenote displayName instead of filename

My goal is to display the 6 most recent items in the current users OneDrive.
Using https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/recent?top=6 gives me the correct documents.
Some of these documents are OneNote Items.
At www.office.com the OneNote Items are displayed with the Notebook's displayname.
In the API response only the filename is contained.
Testing this is Microsoft's example data here:
Example response
"#odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#Collection(driveItem)",
"#odata.nextLink": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/drive/recent?top=6&expand=section&$skiptoken=s!Njs3NGI0MzJjYS1mNmIzLTQ5YmQtOWIxMC02OTIyNjRlMTI3YTI",
"value": [
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.driveItem",
"createdDateTime": "2017-08-07T16:08:45Z",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-01-09T03:02:37Z",
"name": "Fabrikam.one",
"webUrl": "https://m365x214355-my.sharepoint.com/personal/meganb_m365x214355_onmicrosoft_com/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B0BC35248-E4E2-4759-AD85-89407BCECCFE%7D&file=Fabrikam.one&action=edit&mobileredirect=true&wdorigin=Sharepoint&DefaultItemOpen=1",
"size": 55782,
"createdBy": {
"user": {
"email": "MeganB#M365x214355.onmicrosoft.com",
"displayName": "Megan Bowen"
"lastModifiedBy": {
"user": {
"email": "",
"displayName": "System Account"
"file": {
"mimeType": "application/msonenote"
"fileSystemInfo": {
"createdDateTime": "2017-08-07T16:08:45Z",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-01-09T03:02:37Z"
"remoteItem": {
"createdDateTime": "2017-08-07T16:08:45Z",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-01-09T03:02:37Z",
"name": "Fabrikam.one",
"size": 55782,
"webDavUrl": "https://m365x214355-my.sharepoint.com/personal/meganb_m365x214355_onmicrosoft_com/Documents/Fabrikam.one",
"webUrl": "https://m365x214355-my.sharepoint.com/personal/meganb_m365x214355_onmicrosoft_com/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B0BC35248-E4E2-4759-AD85-89407BCECCFE%7D&file=Fabrikam.one&action=edit&mobileredirect=true&wdorigin=Sharepoint&DefaultItemOpen=1",
"createdBy": {
"user": {
"email": "MeganB#M365x214355.onmicrosoft.com",
"displayName": "Megan Bowen"
"file": {
"mimeType": "application/msonenote"
"fileSystemInfo": {
"createdDateTime": "2017-08-07T16:08:45Z",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2020-01-09T03:02:37Z"
"lastModifiedBy": {
"user": {
"email": "",
"displayName": "System Account"
"parentReference": {
"driveType": "business",
"driveId": "b!-RIj2DuyvEyV1T4NlOaMHk8XkS_I8MdFlUCq1BlcjgmhRfAj3-Z8RY2VpuvV_tpd",
"id": "01BYE5RZ56Y2GOVW7725BZO354PWSELRRZ"
"shared": {
"scope": "users"
"sharepointIds": {
"listId": "23f045a1-e6df-457c-8d95-a6ebd5feda5d",
"listItemId": "36",
"listItemUniqueId": "0bc35248-e4e2-4759-ad85-89407bceccfe",
"siteId": "d82312f9-b23b-4cbc-95d5-3e0d94e68c1e",
"siteUrl": "https://m365x214355-my.sharepoint.com/personal/meganb_m365x214355_onmicrosoft_com",
"webId": "2f91174f-f0c8-45c7-9540-aad4195c8e09"
Is there a way to retrieve the OneNote notebook's name from here?
The API provides a way to retrieve all notebooks like so:
However I do not see a connection between these responses.
Maybe relevant how to find OneNote Notebook object from driveItem with MS Graph? - this shows a workaround. I am curious if there is a better solution.

Not getting any webhook notification for Microsoft O365 Management APIs

I have created the below webhooks and all are enabled.:
"contentType": "Audit.AzureActiveDirectory",
"status": "enabled",
"webhook": {
"authId": "12345",
"address": "https://978b7cfb66d9.ngrok.io/callback/",
"expiration": "",
"status": "enabled"
"contentType": "Audit.General",
"status": "enabled",
"webhook": {
"authId": "12345",
"address": "https://978b7cfb66d9.ngrok.io/callback/",
"expiration": "",
"status": "enabled"
"contentType": "Audit.SharePoint",
"status": "enabled",
"webhook": {
"authId": "12345",
"address": "https://978b7cfb66d9.ngrok.io/callback/",
"expiration": "",
"status": "enabled"
I don't see any notifications coming when there are changes made in sharepoint. Anything in particular need to change?
From the access token, I do see correct app permissions:
"roles": [
I manually queried to get content and it shows empty.
Looks like the auditing for Office 365 organization is disabled.
Make sure you turn on audit log search.

How fetch "webParts" from site pages

I am trying to fetch Pages from Sharepoint sites using graph API.
But when we make GET request with
the response consists of webParts which only have type and data.
Inside data we have an id(which same as type) and an instanceId that is unique for every webPart.
Sample webPart:
"type": "d1d91016-032f-456d-98a4-721247c305e8",
"data": {
"id": "d1d91016-032f-456d-98a4-721247c305e8",
"instanceId": "c54a74ef-86c1-44aa-9ba4-802e6841e3a7"
My goal is to fetch webPages with complete details and then backup them to a local drive in any format.
The documentation of graph API shows that the responce would consist of complete details for the webPart, but it is not so.
Documentation link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/sitepage-get?view=graph-rest-beta&tabs=http
Sample request URL:
Webpart repsonse:
"webParts": [
"type": "rte",
"data": {
"innerHTML": "<p>Take a look at the team behind delivering amazing fashion events for Contoso.</p><p>Find out how the team uses the latest technology to plan amazing fashion shows and gather customer feedback for future events.</p><p>Meet the people behind Contoso's events, learn how to plan your own event, and find the necessary resources to run highly successful fashion shows, premiers, and extravaganzas!</p>"
"type": "d1d91016-032f-456d-98a4-721247c305e8",
"data": {
"id": "d1d91016-032f-456d-98a4-721247c305e8",
"instanceId": "c54a74ef-86c1-44aa-9ba4-802e6841e3a7"
"type": "b7dd04e1-19ce-4b24-9132-b60a1c2b910d",
"data": {
"id": "b7dd04e1-19ce-4b24-9132-b60a1c2b910d",
"instanceId": "75ccfeba-ad6c-416d-a859-4a6b114e156e"
"type": "b7dd04e1-19ce-4b24-9132-b60a1c2b910d",
"data": {
"id": "b7dd04e1-19ce-4b24-9132-b60a1c2b910d",
"instanceId": "f04e02fb-45e6-4e74-9f46-0c8d90e7fb8d"
"type": "275c0095-a77e-4f6d-a2a0-6a7626911518",
"data": {
"id": "275c0095-a77e-4f6d-a2a0-6a7626911518",
"instanceId": "c1a222b0-624e-4e30-b544-d2a67e8e1112"
Expected Response format:
"webParts": [
"type": "rte",
"data": {
"innerHTML": "<p>Here are the team's upcoming events:</p>"
"type": "d1d91016-032f-456d-98a4-721247c305e8",
"data": {
"title": "Events",
"description": "Display upcoming events",
"serverProcessedContent": {
"htmlStrings": {},
"searchablePlainTexts": {
"title": ""
"imageSources": {},
"links": {
"baseUrl": "https://www.contoso.com/sites/Engineering"
"componentDependencies": {
"layoutComponentId": "8ac0c53c-e8d0-4e3e-87d0-7449eb0d4027"
"dataVersion": "1.0",
"properties": {
"selectedListId": "032e08ab-89b0-4d8f-bc10-73094233615c",
"selectedCategory": "",
"dateRangeOption": 0,
"startDate": "",
"endDate": "",
"isOnSeeAllPage": false,
"layoutId": "FilmStrip",
"dataProviderId": "Event",
"webId": "0764c419-1ecc-4126-ba32-0c25ae0fffe8",
"siteId": "6b4ffc7a-cfc2-4a76-903a-1cc3686dee23"
I want webParts in the format as per documentation.
If the instanceId is unique then there might be some reference table to match these instanceIds and fetch the detailed webParts structure.

Atlassian Connect Express: Credentials rejected at connect-ace.atlassian.net

I'm evaluating atlassian-connect-express and just created an app
boilerplate with "atlassian-connect new", and then deployed it via ngrok
to my Jira dev account.
That works fine, but when I try to use the file "credentials.json" with
my account data, the plug starts with the error message:
Failed to register with host https‍://michael%40...:[My
password]#connect-ace.atlassian.net (401)
Add-on not registered; no compatible hosts detected
I get a similar message when I go to the url connect-ace.atlassian.net
Here my atlassian-connect.json
"key": "my-add-on",
"name": "Ping Pong",
"description": "My very first add-on",
"vendor": {
"name": "Angry Nerds",
"url": "https://www.atlassian.com/angrynerds"
"baseUrl": "https://xxxxxxx.ngrok.io",
"links": {
"self": "https://xxxxxxxx.ngrok.io/atlassian-connect.json",
"homepage": "https://xxxxxxx.ngrok.io/atlassian-connect.json"
"authentication": {
"type": "jwt"
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "/installed"
"scopes": [
"modules": {
"generalPages": [
"key": "hello-world-page-jira",
"location": "system.top.navigation.bar",
"name": {
"value": "Hello World"
"url": "/hello-world",
"conditions": [{
"condition": "user_is_logged_in"
"key": "hello-world-page-confluence",
"location": "system.header/left",
"name": {
"value": "Hello World"
"url": "/hello-world",
"conditions": [{
"condition": "user_is_logged_in"
and my credatials.json
"hosts": {
"connect-ace.atlassian.net": {
"product": "jira",
"username": "michael#---",
"password": "---password---"
How can I get my dev account working with connect-ace?
Two things to check:
1 - Check the if the credentials.json has correct values. host url should start with https://. Password is the api token generated from here.
"hosts": {
"https://<your atlassian site name>.atlassian.net": {
"product": "jira",
"username": "<jira user name>",
"password": "<Token created from https://id.atlassian.com/manage/api-tokens>"
2- Enable development mode at Settings -> Apps -> Manage Apps -> Settings. (This is required if the app is not published in marketplace)
This error is a default from atlas-connect
Print error image
In atlasssian-connect.json
replace this :
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "/installed"
for this:
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "installed"
Have you tried spawning your own cloud instance and testing it there? If not yet, try creating one here. Once successfully registered, in your credentials.json, change "connect-ace" with your baseUrl/sitename and with the right credentials, it should automatically install it for you.

Youtube API - limit without developer key

For a client of ours, we use the Youtube API v2 to fetch the newest video with a specific tag. We fetched the response of the URL without a developer key. Up until a few days ago, this worked perfectly. Suddenly, we got no results back. Instead of getting an error, we just got 0 results.
After a bit of puzzling, we found out that this is because we probably went over a limit of requests. This is a conclusion based on the fact that when we went to the same URL with a mobile device on 3G as a laptop connected with WiFi, we got results.
My question is this:
Is it possible to get an error in our request if we went over a limit?
What exactly is the limit when not using a developer key?
Is there a premium account available to fetch a much bigger amount of requests?
Thanks in advance!
When we request the URL https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/AEGON/uploads?category=2012Q4&alt=json, we get the following response in JSON:
(I removed some links because of reputation on Stack Overflow)
"version": "1.0",
"encoding": "UTF-8",
"feed": {
"xmlns": "",
"xmlns$openSearch": "",
"id": {
"$t": ""
"updated": {
"$t": "2013-03-12T08:35:47.226Z"
"category": [{
"scheme": "",
"term": ""
"title": {
"$t": "Uploads by AEGON",
"type": "text"
"logo": {
"$t": ""
"link": [{
"rel": "related",
"type": "application/atom+xml",
"href": ""
"rel": "alternate",
"type": "text/html",
"href": ""
"rel": "",
"type": "application/atom+xml",
"href": ""
"rel": "",
"type": "application/atom+xml",
"href": ""
"rel": "self",
"type": "application/atom+xml",
"href": "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/AEGON /uploads?alt=json&start-index=1&max-results=25&category=%7Bhttp://gdata.youtube.com/schemas/2007/keywords.cat%7D2012Q4"
"author": [{
"name": {
"$t": "AEGON"
"uri": {
"$t": ""
"generator": {
"$t": "YouTube data API",
"version": "2.1",
"uri": ""
"openSearch$totalResults": {
"$t": 0
"openSearch$startIndex": {
"$t": 1
"openSearch$itemsPerPage": {
"$t": 25
Answer for your questions,
you'll receive an HTTP response with a code of 403 and a response
body that includes
for excessive request.
There is no such limit, you need to stop the request for 10 to 15 min. after receiving error.
No idea for this.
Reference: http://apiblog.youtube.com/2010/02/best-practices-for-avoiding-quota.html
According to youtube documentation, you will receive an error message letting you know that you exceeded the quota.
Check Operation limits
