In my view, I have checkboxes and some data displayed and button on each row to approve or reject requests put up.
I want to send my integer array to my action method but this cannot be done by just sending it to action query parameters and it would be like the picture below:
public int[] Ids
get { return new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }; }
set {}
public ActionResult Approval([ModelBinder(typeof(IntArrayModelBinder))] int[] ids)
return View(...);
#Html.ActionLink("Approve", "Approval", new {id = item.Ids, approvalAction = "approve"})
How do I implement the checkboxes to be checked and hover of the approve/reject actionlink will show the url with ../ids=1&ids=2&ids=3 instead of System.Int32[]?
Option 1: Send your array as a comma-separated string and then split them in your action like this :
#Html.ActionLink("Approve", "Approval", new { id = string.Join("," , Ids), approvalAction = "approve" } )
your action :
public ActionResult YourAction(string id , string approvalAction)
var ids = id.Split(',');
//rest of your action method business
Option 2:
another way to achieve your exactly url is to create your URL like this :
var baseUrl = Url.Action("YourAction", "YourController", null, Request.Url.Scheme);
var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(baseUrl);
uriBuilder.Query = string.Join("&", Ids.Select(x => "ids=" + x));
string url = uriBuilder.ToString();
url += "&approvalAction=approve"
and your action would be like this :
public ActionResult YourAction(int[] ids , string approvalAction)
function multiSelect(selectedArray, action) {
if (selectedArray[0] === undefined) {
alert("You have not selected any employee");
//example url
else {
var param = "";
var currUrl = "";
var idUrl = "";
idUrl = "ids=" + selectedArray[0];
for (var i = 1; i < selectedArray.length; ++i) {
idUrl += "&ids=" + selectedArray[i];
switch (action) {
case "Approve":
param = "approve";
case "Reject":
param = "reject";
currUrl = "approvalAction=" + param;
window.location.href = "?" + idUrl + "&" + currUrl;
$('#MultiApproveBtn').click(function () {
var selected = $('input[type=checkbox]:checked').map(function (_, el) {
return $(el).val();
var x = document.getElementById("MultiApproveBtn").value;
multiSelect(selected, x);
$('#MultiRejectBtn').click(function () {
var selected = $('input[type=checkbox]:checked').map(function (_, el) {
return $(el).val();
var x = document.getElementById("MultiRejectBtn").value;
multiSelect(selected, x);
I am sending data from view to controller using ajax , modelID , catId etc and searching data from database against these parameters, but first time load session values but after that if i change its value cant not load session values.
$("#ModelID").change(function () {
var Cat = $("#Cat").val();
var subcat = $("#CatID").val();
if (Cat != "" & subcat != "") {
type: 'post',
url: '/Inventory/CatSubCatAgainstModal',
data: {
Cat: $("#Cat").val(),
SubCat: $("#CatID").val(),
ModelID: $("#ModelID").val()
success: function (response) {
else {
alert("Please select Category Or sub category to complete this process");
return false
Here is controller code:
public ActionResult CatSubCatAgainstModal(int Cat = 0, int SubCat = 0 , int ModelID = 0)
// var dta = db.ItemsCatSubCats.Where(m => m.CatID == CatID & m.SubCatID == SubCatID).FirstOrDefault();
//Session["ItemName"] = dta.Category.Catgory + "|" + dta.SubCategory.SubCat;
Session["CatID"] = Cat;
Session["SubCat"] = SubCat;
Session["ModelID"] = ModelID;
var data = db.ItemAttributes.Where(m => m.CatID == Cat & m.SubCatID == SubCat & m.ModelID == ModelID).ToList();
int c = 0;
foreach(var itm in data){
Session["value"+c] = itm.AttributeValue;
return RedirectToAction("AttributListForValue");
I have an ajax method for a cascading drop down list, similar to country - state drop down list. It works fine on Create method, but I can't get it to work on Edit method. I get this error on Edit:
POST http://localhost/Submissions/Edit/SomeAJAXMethod 500 (Internal Server Error)
There is an extra /Edit in the path that makes it not work. It works just fine on Create. I tried to add ~/. I get these errors on Create and Edit method:
POST http://localhost/Submissions/Edit/~/SomeAJAXMethod 404 (Not Found)
I tried to add ../. I get this error on Create, works fine on Edit:
POST http://localhost/SomeAJAXMethod 404 (Not Found)
How do I make it work on both Create and Edit?
Below is my controller.
// GET: /Submissions/Create
public ActionResult Create()
ViewBag.ActivityRejectCodeId = GetRejectCodesByActivity(0);
ViewBag.Activities = GetActivities();
ViewBag.Workstations = GetWorkstationsByActivity(0);
ViewBag.Platforms = GetPlatformsByWorkstation(0, 0);
ViewBag.Parts = GetPartsByPlatform(0, 0, 0);
ViewBag.StatusId = new SelectList(db.Status, "Id", "Name");
ViewBag.Technicians = GetTechnicians(0);
ViewBag.Shifts = GetShiftsByTechnician(0, 0);
ViewBag.WorkOrderId = new SelectList(db.WorkOrders, "Id", "WO");
return View();
// POST: /Submissions/Create
public ActionResult Create(WorkOrderSubmission workordersubmission)
var activityId = Int32.Parse(Request.Form["ActivityId"]);
var workstationId = Int32.Parse(Request.Form["WorkstationId"]);
var platformId = Int32.Parse(Request.Form["PlatformId"]);
var partId = Int32.Parse(Request.Form["PartId"]);
var techId = Int32.Parse(Request.Form["TechnicianId"]);
var shiftId = Int32.Parse(Request.Form["ShiftId"]);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// Get the PlatformStageId from the combination of (ActivityId, WorkstationId, PlatformId, PartId)
var rs = (from ps in db.PlatformStages
join wa in db.WorkstationActivities on ps.WorkstationActivityId equals wa.Id
join pp in db.PlatformParts on ps.PlatformPartId equals pp.Id
where ps.WorkstationActivity.ActivityId == activityId
&& ps.WorkstationActivity.WorkstationId == workstationId
&& ps.PlatformPart.PlatformId == platformId
&& ps.PlatformPart.PartId == partId
select new {
workordersubmission.PlatformStageId = rs.Id;
// Get TechnicianShiftId from the combination of (TechnicianId, ShiftId)
rs = (from ts in db.TechnicianShifts
where ts.TechnicianId == techId
&& ts.ShiftId == shiftId
select new
workordersubmission.TechnicianShiftId = rs.Id;
workordersubmission.SubmissionDate = DateTime.Now;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
ViewBag.ActivityRejectCodeId = new SelectList(db.ActivityRejectCodes, "Id", "RejectCodeId", workordersubmission.ActivityRejectCodeId);
ViewBag.Activities = GetActivities(activityId);
ViewBag.Workstations = GetWorkstationsByActivity(activityId, workstationId);
ViewBag.Platforms = GetPlatformsByWorkstation(activityId, workstationId, platformId);
ViewBag.Parts = GetPartsByPlatform(activityId, workstationId, platformId, partId);
ViewBag.StatusId = new SelectList(db.Status, "Id", "Name", workordersubmission.StatusId);
ViewBag.Technicians = GetTechnicians(techId);
ViewBag.Shifts = GetShiftsByTechnician(techId, shiftId);
ViewBag.WorkOrderId = new SelectList(db.WorkOrders, "Id", "WO", workordersubmission.WorkOrderId);
return View(workordersubmission);
// GET: /Submissions/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0)
WorkOrderSubmission workordersubmission = db.WorkOrderSubmissions.Find(id);
if (workordersubmission == null)
return HttpNotFound();
var platformStageId = workordersubmission.PlatformStageId;
var technicianShiftId = workordersubmission.TechnicianShiftId;
// Get ActivityId, WorkstationId, PlatformId, PartId from PlatformStageId
var rs = (from ps in db.PlatformStages
join wa in db.WorkstationActivities on ps.WorkstationActivityId equals wa.Id
join pp in db.PlatformParts on ps.PlatformPartId equals pp.Id
where ps.Id == platformStageId
select new
ActivityId = wa.ActivityId,
WorkstationId = wa.WorkstationId,
PlatformId = pp.PlatformId,
PartId = pp.PartId
ViewBag.Activities = GetActivities(rs.ActivityId);
ViewBag.Workstations = GetWorkstationsByActivity(rs.ActivityId, rs.WorkstationId);
ViewBag.Platforms = GetPlatformsByWorkstation(rs.ActivityId, rs.WorkstationId, rs.PlatformId);
ViewBag.Parts = GetPartsByPlatform(rs.ActivityId, rs.WorkstationId, rs.PlatformId, rs.PartId);
// Get TechnicianId, ShiftId from TechnicianShiftId
var rs2 = (from ts in db.TechnicianShifts
where ts.Id == technicianShiftId
select new //TechnicianShift
TechnicianId = ts.TechnicianId,
ShiftId = ts.ShiftId
ViewBag.Technicians = GetTechnicians(rs2.TechnicianId);
ViewBag.Shifts = GetShiftsByTechnician(rs2.TechnicianId, rs2.ShiftId);
ViewBag.ActivityRejectCodeId = new SelectList(db.ActivityRejectCodes, "Id", "RejectCodeId", workordersubmission.ActivityRejectCodeId);
ViewBag.StatusId = new SelectList(db.Status, "Id", "Name", workordersubmission.StatusId);
ViewBag.WorkOrderId = new SelectList(db.WorkOrders, "Id", "WO", workordersubmission.WorkOrderId);
return View(workordersubmission);
// POST: /WorkorderSubmissions/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(WorkOrderSubmission workordersubmission)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
db.Entry(workordersubmission).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
ViewBag.ActivityRejectCodeId = new SelectList(db.ActivityRejectCodes, "Id", "RejectCodeId", workordersubmission.ActivityRejectCodeId);
ViewBag.PlatformStageId = new SelectList(db.PlatformStages.OrderBy(p => p.Name), "Id", "Name", workordersubmission.PlatformStageId);
ViewBag.StatusId = new SelectList(db.Status, "Id", "Name", workordersubmission.StatusId);
ViewBag.TechnicianShiftId = new SelectList(db.TechnicianShifts, "Id", "Description", workordersubmission.TechnicianShiftId);
ViewBag.WorkOrderId = new SelectList(db.WorkOrders, "Id", "WO", workordersubmission.WorkOrderId);
return View(workordersubmission);
Below is the AJAX call:
$(function () {
// Code that triggers when there is a change in Activity drop down.
$('#ActivityId').change(function () {
var activityId = $(this).val();
var url = 'GetRejectCodesByActivityJson';
// Empty the Reject Code drop down list.
// Empty the Workstation, Platform, Part drop downs.
// AJAX call that re-populate Reject Code drop down depending on the Activity selected.
type: 'POST',
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
data: { activityId: activityId },
success: function (codes) {
$('#ActivityRejectCodeId').append('<option value=""></option>');
$.each(codes, function (i) {
$('#ActivityRejectCodeId').append('<option value = "' + codes[i].Value + '">' + codes[i].Text + '</option>')
error: function (ex) {
$('#ActivityRejectCodeId').append('<option value=""></option>');
}); // END $.ajax() on GetRejectCodesByActivityJson
url = 'GetWorkstationsByActivityJson';
// AJAX call that re-populate Workstation drop down depending on the Activity selected.
type: 'POST',
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
data: { activityId: activityId },
success: function (codes) {
$('#WorkstationId').append('<option value=""></option>');
$.each(codes, function (i) {
$('#WorkstationId').append('<option value = "' + codes[i].Value + '">' + codes[i].Text + '</option>');
error: function (ex) {
$('#WorkstationId').append('<option value=""></option>');
}); // END $.ajax() on GetRejectCodesByActivityJson
}); // END $('#ActivityId').change()
// Code that triggers when there is a change in Workstation drop down.
$('#WorkstationId').change(function () {
var activityId = $('#ActivityId').val();
var workstationId = $(this).val();
var url = 'GetPlatformsByWorkstationJson';
// Empty the Platform, Part drop downs.
// AJAX call that re-populate Platform drop down depending on the Workstation selected.
type: 'POST',
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
data: { activityId: activityId, workstationId: workstationId },
success: function (codes) {
$('#PlatformId').append('<option value=""></option>');
$.each(codes, function (i) {
$('#PlatformId').append('<option value = "' + codes[i].Value + '">' + codes[i].Text + '</option>');
error: function (ex) {
$('#PlatformId').append('<option value=""></option>');
}); // END $.ajax() on GetPlatformsByWorkstationJson
}); // END $('#WorkstationId').change()
I'm trying to get data from the controller
something like this:
public IEnumerable<Custom> Search(string searchText = "")
return new[] { new Custom { Name = "a", Id = 1 }, new Custom { Name = "b", Id = 1 }, new Custom { Name = "c", Id = 3 } };
But angular gives me this
I tried add http.headers but nothing.
My code:
var musicportal = angular.module('musicportal', []);
musicportal.controller('SearchController', ['$scope', '$http', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.answer = "awesome";
$ = function (text) {
$scope.answer = text;
$scope.pms = [];
$'/Home/Search', { searchText: text }).
success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.pms = data;
$scope.searchText = "";
You should return data as json e.g.
public ActionResult Search(string searchText = "")
return Json(new { Foo = "Hello" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
$'/Home/Search', { searchText: text }).
success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.pms = data.Foo;
Now, in your case, you have a list, so you need to convert that into JSON. You can do that in ASP.NET MVC using JsonSerializer e.g.
public ActionResult Search(string searchText = "")
string json = "";
var items = new[] { new Custom { Name = "a", Id = 1 }, new Custom { Name = "b", Id = 1 }, new Custom { Name = "c", Id = 3 } };
using (var writer = new StringWriter())
using (var jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriter(writer))
serializer.Serialize(jsonWriter, items);
json = writer.ToString();
return Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
$'/Home/Search', { searchText: text }).
success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
$scope.pms = JSON.Parse(data);
You may need to play about with this code, it's not perfect first time, but hopefully it will give you a head start.
i want to iterate over a json array of arrays from th controller i want to know how i could iterate over it
i need help: nay could help me i'm new to json and mvc
//server code
var jsonData = new
rows =
(from bathymetrie in bathymetries
select new
count = bathymetries.Count,
Id = bathymetrie.Id,
date = (bathymetrie.displayedDate != null) ?
bathymetrie.displayedDate.ToString() : ""
//client code
success: function (data) {
bathyms = "{";
for (var i = 0; i < data[1].count; i++) {
bathyms += el[i].Id + " : " + el[i].date;
if (i != data[0].count) {
bathyms += ",";
bathyms += "}";
Your data is an object with single field row, which contains an array of objects. Thus, iteration should look like this:
for (var i = 0; i < data.rows.length; i++) {
var element = data.rows[i];
// use element.Id, element.count and
Say if you have your model like this -
public class Data
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Count { get; set; }
public string Date { get; set; }
And you are returning JsonResult of Array object like this -
public ActionResult GetJson()
Data[] a = new Data[2];
a[0] = new Data() { Count = 10, Id = 1, Date = "2/19/2014" };
a[1] = new Data() { Count = 20, Id = 2, Date = "3/19/2014" };
return new JsonResult() { Data = a };
Then you can invoke this action in JQuery in the following way -
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
function submitForm() {
type: "POST",
url: "#Url.Action("GetJson")",
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
$.each(data, function (key, value) {
alert(value.Id + ' ' + value.Count + ' ' + value.Date);
failure: function (errMsg) {
<input type="button" value="Click" onclick="submitForm()" />
Please observe following code which will iterate array -
success: function (data) {
$.each(data, function (key, value) {
alert(value.Id + ' ' + value.Count + ' ' + value.Date);
Output would be N number of alerts based on N elements in array like below -
I have a list of image urls that I am trying to display. I am passing the list from the controller to the view. I know that the list is being created successfully. But when it gets to the view, javascript interprets it as "*System.Collections.Generic.List1[System.String]*`" not as the actual list. This causes the images not to be displayed.
Here is the line of code that I am using to assign the list to js variable:
var imageUrls = '#Model.PicUrls';
and the controller
public ActionResult Index()
var pics = _ctx.Image.Select(m => m).Take(10).ToList<ImageModel>();
var picUrls = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i <= pics.Count - 1; i++)
var outModel = new ViewPostViewModel
PicUrls = picUrls
return View(outModel);
I tried to return a Json object but then the page literally only displayed was the completed list.
return Json(outModel.PicUrls, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
So, the Json advice worked somewhat but it is not quite there
try it
public ActionResult Index()
var pics = _ctx.Image.Select(m => m.ImageUrl)
var picUrls = new List();
for (int i = 0; i <= pics.Count - 1; i++)
var outModel = new ViewPostViewModel
PicUrls = picUrls
return Json(outModel.PicUrls, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
because you're model value PicUrls default ToString() implementation is to return its type.
You could store PicUrls as a JSON string, then parse to javascript array in your js.
public ActionResult Index()
var pics = _ctx.Image.Select(m => m).Take(10).ToList();
var picUrls = String.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i <= pics.Count - 1; i++)
picUrls += (picUrls != String.Empty ? ", " : "") + #"""" + pics[i].ImageUrl + #"""";
var outModel = new ViewPostViewModel
PicUrls = #"[" + picUrls + "]";
return View(outModel);
In your js, use
var imageUrls = JSON.parse('#Model.PicUrls');